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Posts posted by JPADJOSH2602

  1. They're still investigating it. Rebecca said it should at least be done by Monday but at this current time they're not at work so it might be a few more hours.

  2. 2 hours ago, (PS4)Cargan2016 said:

    how about people actually looking at the forum before posting there have been like 1500 pages on 10 threads over this and answer been same on every one.  opening a new thread isnt going to change the answer or get you it any faster.  there where 1/4-1/2 mill people in the stream it caused the system to implode when everyone tried to claim at once so now they got to sift threw everything to figure out who got it before server went boom and who still needs it.

    It seems no one reads twitter either. Rebecca and the official Warframe account posted about it.

  3. There is a very low chance of it happening at this current moment, especially with Sony with their controversy going on at this current moment with the Switch version of Fortnite.

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