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Posts posted by Kaiser_Suoh

  1. 5 minutes ago, Ninjacalypse said:

    I'm sorry, I was under the impression you were looking for solutions. If you have trouble finding relic parties in recruitment chat, then I believe that joining a decent sized, active and organized clan is a solution. However, I didn't realize that this was a thinly veiled, "DE just wants our money!" rant and that you just wanted to complain. My bad.

    A solution can be "no more new relics"

  2. 5 minutes ago, Ninja22678 said:

    But now you may actually have a chance at getting a vaulted prime, that's my point. Not concerning matchmaking, finding a squad, or whatever, just you simply have a chance at actually getting vaulted primes so no, you might not have to pay for it. You could buy the old relics for cheaper if you wanted a rare part, passed them on to your friends and had a radiant share together or an intact, depending on what you wanted to get.

    This statement by the OP makes it sound like he thinks that old primes SHOULD be obtainable by relics easily. Which in that case, why have the primes vaulteed anyways. My point was directed at this statement because no, they're not forcing you to buy the part. You now have an actualy chance at farming them. Before, you had absolutely no chance at farming for anything vaulted. Yet now that you have the chance, more people complain...

    No dude... no

    Im claiming because i wanted to farm a relic, but waited in recruit chat like 30 mins and nobody join to my "specific prime part in a old relic" farm party

  3. There are so many different relics in the game, old relics and new relics.

    This days is so hard to find a "exclusive relic" party, farming for old prime parts

    Forcing players to "buy" the part because is so hard (intended?), really so hard, to find a "old relic" farm party.

    People only farm new or relics where are "popular prime parts".

    This is a problem, confused players in recruit chat looking for relics who nobody will have or use.

    That will be worst if DE release more new relics in the game. PLS NO.

    Find a solution for the "i cant find a party to farm an old relic in recruit chat" pls


    For example.


              "LF [Lith K1 relic] radshare 1/4"

                      5 min later

              "LF [Lith K1 relic] radshare FAST"

                      5 min later

              "LF [Lith K1 relic] radshare PLS!!!"


    5 min later... in TRADE CHAT:

              "WTB *Lith K1 prime part* send me prices"


    EDIT: People who think that "play with friends" or "play with clan" is the answer for all the problems in the ´king universe in 3...2...1

    EDIT2: I write about  a problem with finding party for old relics... relics defenders say "now we have better chance to get prime parts".

    I write abou a problem with double farm... relics defenders say "now we have better chance to get prime parts"

    I write about a problem with more new relics in the game... relics defenders say "now we have better chance to get prime parts"


    Also, im still looking for a "Lith K1 party" btw

    EDIT3: Is a real problem guys, guys... guys? im alone here?

    EDIT4: Im forced to "buy" the prime part of the old relic because i cant find a party?

    EDIT5: Day 666, still looking for Lith K1 party.

  4. Yeah "DOUBLE FARM".

    I know man, but that "change" to relic system is made to be "friendly" for new players only.

    No reason to play endless missions more than 20 waves/mins, veterans will know.

    Veterans who love hardcore endless missions (with key system) are just a minority, 12 yo kids are the whole market now and DE change the game that was 18+ hardcore gamers INTO 12 yo kids with money (that is why kids in the game)

    Remember when you felt like Rambo before, a soldier without name, manly man in the past.

    Play the "second dream" and forget that "past"

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