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Posts posted by Archkronos

  1. Here is a little hunch I have about the general reaction of the community.

    Most of us (if not all) are upset, because it feels as though everything we've done in the past I don't know how much time you've played, has become close to completely pointless. It has been brought to our attention multiple times now, however, that we need to keep in mind this is a beta. Your reactions, however, are not absurd or stupid, in fact, they're perfectly rational and normal. It's almost as if you've been gathering gold all your life, and all of a sudden, the government announces that they have found infinite gold (just as an analogy to not sound conjured or stupid), thus rendering your gold to have close to no value. Except that it's not exactly like this, since we can earn it back.

    On the bright side, you can now "focus" your mods to a certain aspect of the weapon. No longer will you be stacking random elemental mods in your weapon, you can now have purely fire (and ice for the slow) for the infested, purely armor piercing for the grineer, and purely electric for the corpus. You can now make maximum attack speed for your cronus/dual zoren. This opens up space for us to further specialize our weapons, instead of having a complete amalgram for a gun.

    As for the health and shields portion, I have yet to obtain any mods that boost shields, armor, or health, but hey, it sure as hell makes the game more fun.... well at least for me. Haha.

  2. This is because 2^32 is 4 billion+ (the exact number indicated there). Most games have an preset template/infrastructure that puts 2^32 as a cap. In fact, if it were possible to get - exp in warframe, if you got - exp, you would immediately get there.

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