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Posts posted by TDefton

  1. 1 minute ago, lsafal said:

    Yes something is wrong with earlier soundcloud entries. When i try to edit the post i can see the space is still occupied but it is still blank white. I hope people are following the topic and aware of this :/


    Yup! Just realized this! I'm making a youtube video for it anyway.


    4 hours ago, EmptyDevil said:

    It doesn't necessarily say anything that hasn't been said on the forums or thread already. It would have been better if you were using Operator mode, especially at the beginning. You were ranting about being unable to fight level 10 enemies with the Operator, but you were using the Warframe the entire time during that.

    It would be better to type your thoughts out, as it would be quicker to go through it.

    Very detailed. Personally, i think DE should keep the feeling of Operators and Warframes different. What do i mean by that? The leveling system should take a little longer than the standard Warframe ranking, where Warframes gain a fixed stat amount per level. Operators shouldn't have base shields or base armor, without some kind of gear. They shouldn't be capable of double jumps or wall clings either. The old version of wallruns might be ok, but only for a set duration, like 5 seconds.

    Still debating if i want to include my Focus ideas, i still have a lot to type out, but some of them overlap with yours and another poster.

    This thread is not about infinite progression, there are caps that prevent them from being better than Warframes. The incorporation of the mystery choices affecting stats would be a bad idea. We know nothing about it and we don't know how readily we'll be able to change it.

    Losing max health on your Warframe when your Operator dies, is not progression, it's a penalty.


    THats because this is part two. The first video I tried surviving for as long as possible in my tenno. This was after that challenge.

  3. 3 hours ago, Trentiel said:

    I was just formulating a similar thought with a friend of mine.

    He was talking about how it's aggravating that the 5th ability button is difficult to use. It's much more important to have the emergency Transference ability as tap, and the TWW Transference mode for hold.

    I agree and disagreed with him. It IS aggravating, but I think we need only need 1 operator form, post TWW.

    -Post Second Dream: Use the sloppy "jump out, spam all our focus powers at once" while on a short timer.
    -Post The War Within: Let us walk out and control our powers in a more refined way. But give us access to a set of abilities correlated to our focus path.

    The question I have about our TWW transference, is how vulnerable do we need to be? One possible solution.

    -When we're in our Warframe, charge the Transference meter.

    -When we're out of our frames as Tenno, drain the Transference meter.

    -While we have this Transference power, we would be invulnerable and have unlimited juice to go invisible, dash, fire beams, plus cast whatever Focus path abilities we have unlocked.

    -Once the Transference power is fully drained, instead of immediately going back to our Warframe, we become vulnerable and need to rely on a quick recharge bar for our abilities. Like we have now.

    -This way you can still have the Tenno form be an emergency "oh S&@#" button, with a slight cool down.

    -Post TWW: Change the Transference energy bar to only drain the amount you use. So you can use it quickly and efficiently to preserve it. But the more power you have charged, the more abilities you have access to. So you still have to wait for a full charge to get access to your passives, or whatever.

    How does this sound?


    This is exactly the kind of stuff I'm talking about. I hope DE does something exactly like this!


    So as of right now the operator and the focus system feel separated. They feel like they don't really connect with each other post War Within. I think that Should be changed with a major update.

    The operators right now, are pretty bad for combat. They die almost INSTANTLY and it is very annoying and basically impractical to use in any high-level mission. At all. You literally die with a single bullet.

    I feel that there should be a leveling system with the tenno that is tied into focus. Instead of it being thousands of points that you must spend, maybe you receive a point for leveling up your focus and that can be used on the school you have equipped and are leveling at the time. Each school should stay the same in regards to what the learning is based on, but the tree should be modified to fit with the operator getting out for combat.

    Also with each level, your tenno becomes stronger (ie. More armor, more heath, health regeneration, more energy capacity, more energy regeneration, etc.) which would allow players to have something constant to level and could possibly be something that could bring veteran players something to consistently do.

    I don't believe points should be given with every level although. there should be breaks in between where instead of getting a focus point you get one of the buffs I described above.


    I show how weak the tenno are in combat in this video and give some more personal thoughts (I begin giving suggestions at 8:50). I'll update this forum with more ideas as they come to me: 


  5. 2 hours ago, Mystra4 said:

    I noticed that this happens in my missions as well.  I was doing a Relic Survival, and after relics were chosen and the game went to continue, it froze up.  The freeze was nearly non-existant after the first interval, but it increased in length each time, to where everyone was being downed in the time between when the enemies started moving and the point where we could tell what was going on.  (Except me, because Defy) 


    At 5th interval it was SO BAD that everyone lost connection, along with an entire Akstiletto Prime set (sans BP) and their mind.


    If you saw the video, I was actually frozen all together. like I was not able to do anything and there was not a single enemy spawning or any music playing or anything :/

  6. This is a rather quick issue to report. When you finish your quick melee animation, your hand finished in the default position and then the weapon teleports to your custom position. It feels kind broken and unsmooth. The ending animation should match the holster position in my opinion.

    Just a thought :)

  7. 8 hours ago, Cortanis said:

    Yes and no. It reflect a percentage and it really does a terrible job of even that. It also doesn't apply to aoe damage.... those dirty bombards. >.>

    What I'm talking about is as acting as a real damage sponge. Case in point with the grenades, parking your shield so that you are putting you between the objective and the grenade. On reflection, you're useing your additional energy not only to reflect the damage, but to also to boost that damage. So instead of reflecting 50% or less of the damage you'd instead be reflecting something like 120% of the damage. This would of course come at a higher energy drain than the norm, but you get the idea.


    I like that idea alot! DE Hear our prayers XD

  8. 1 minute ago, rapt0rman said:

    The suggestion I alway throw out when this topic pops up: having blocking built directly into portions of the stance combos, so even when you're locked into combo animations you'd still be protected at times. Certain stances could be more offensive then defensive (final harbinger) or maybe just the RMB combo for all sword n' board stances could be dedicated to a blocking combo.


    That would be really cool! I like that idea!

  9. 3 minutes ago, Cortanis said:

    Another option that could be used would be energy drain at the expense of blocking, but the blocked damage is instead reflected back onto the attackers. That could actually have real end game use if worked properly. Like, going into blocking so that you could body block that unholy grenade that can one shot your party or pod. Use the weapon to mitigate the damage and do work at the same time. And for the love of god, they need to up the range that the weapon class has to it. >.> S&A literally has no excuse as the sword is made out of fire with no real definition to the exact blade measurements.


    That blocking mechanic is already in for all weapons, but I do not believe it reflects grenades. And You're right about the range! I had a thought once of a whip and a shield. kind of like  thisb0658209871fd8e717fa18790ba75d53.jpg

    apologies for the massive picture haha

  10. 2 minutes ago, Cortanis said:

    Even if that was the case, I still wouldn't use it. The reason is pretty simple and kind of sad. Evasion really kind of kicks the blocking part between the legs and especially so since parkor 2.0 hit. The shield doesn't offer anything currently. Maybe in the case of S&A if the shield part actually was able to be deployed in a similar way to Volt's shield and you could actually use it as cover, THEN that might be useful. As it stands currently, you have to be fully using only the melee to even make use of the shield for the most part. That is a huge problem not only with the S&S combo, but also with stances as well. Something really needs to be done about the mechanics of both before something real can be done with them.

    The other big thing that is a front and center issue with the weapon type is that their is all of two of them. Of the two, S&A is really kind of tanked in stats as you're boxed in to using fire damage and can't use more than two mods to actually raise the base damage enough to be useful. A&B isn't much better as it lacks range, lacks a whole lot of damage, and the stances can just be annoying to get in the first place. They really just need to put out another real S&S weapon combo that's actually competitive with the end game quality of melee's out there.


    An overall rework is needed. No doubt. I would love to see this weapon type become more widely used and not just something that sits there in my inventory.

  11. The sword and shield weapon category could be a very useful and practical weapon choice for the tenno. But Almost no one uses them. Why? I feel as though it is the mechanics, of the weapon that could turn a players eye to using it more often.

    When I first heard that a sword and shield was coming to Warframe, I immediately thought of using the shield for protection. Once the weapon(s) came out, unfortunately, there was only damage mitigation like every other weapon. This brings me to my point.

    I believe the sword and shield should remove all damage for a certain amount of damage, filling a counter until the cap damage is reached.

        - Similar to stamina, this counter refills over a certain amount of time.

        - If the shield is still being held and you run out of stamina, it reverts to damage mitigation. (Either this or breaks the user's block entirely)

        - If the user stops blocking the counter begins to refill. If the user continues to block and the user not being attacked, the counter refills at a slower pace.

        - Every Sword and shield should vary in the amount of damage absorption capacity, but it should make up for it in another category (ie. Damage, Crit, Status, etc.)


    If anyone reads this and has more Ideas, please share! I would love to hear them and I'm sure DE would too!


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