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Posts posted by Uhkretor

  1. 3 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Man I would just love to have that in the game.

    It existed... on U7.

    ... But then again, when the only thing separating the player from getting the mission reward by extracting was a single objective, ignoring all those masses (and the consequent resource and credit drops and tons of affinity) for that single purpose was already a standard...


    Their new upcoming "star chart modes" pale in comparison to that difficulty setting.


    Edit: Oh, and base mission rewards were also affected by it. The higher the difficulty, the better was the reward.

  2. 1 minute ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on! They had a system like that and removed it? Why? Well obviously you cant answer why cos you dont work at DE, but still... why?

    Higher mob density is one of the things I want most, especially when playing solo.

    They also had full spawns working too with it so you could, technically, spawn 5x the amount of the full spawn and get paid for your time because of it...

  3. 7 hours ago, lair360 said:

    The Shedu is underpowered!


    7 hours ago, lair360 said:


    7 hours ago, lair360 said:

    The Shedu is an 'endgame' weapon

    ... Only you to think that there's actually "endgame" in Warframe...

    7 hours ago, lair360 said:

    its not even enough to kill a group of lv80 - 100 enemies. Even at lv130... its just trash...

    We all know already that you're unable to properly mod a weapon that's effective against 3 different factions at the same time. Your build link already showed that to us all.

    Come back after you've fixed the mistakes on your build and only then we'll make an effort to believe you.

  4. 15 hours ago, (PS4)Captain_Bonecold said:

    Saryn is a beautiful flower. Mesa is an independent female bounty hunter. Octavia is all about music. These Ladies are power allies and deadly enemies. These Ladies are attached to a theme. Please learn them.

    ... We all wish you would do the same with Nidus. No point on saying stuff like ^ that ^ when you yourself don't know how to work with Nidus....

    • Like 1
  5. 13 hours ago, ECACA said:

    Umm. you still dont get it..

    I did. But let me point something out first...

    18 hours ago, ECACA said:

    Found the problem...so far..

    If you found the problem, report it as a bug.


    We, the players, can't do a thing about this.

  6. 3 hours ago, T-Shark69 said:

    Let his stupid threads die please.

    ... Oh, so its not his first attempt at being stupid?

    Its his natural thing while acting like a 29 year old kid that never saw the end of his puberty?


    Ok, glad to know. I'm out and letting him spit at the ceiling, waiting for it to dry faster than concrete.

  7. On 2020-04-13 at 7:20 AM, ECACA said:

    20 min on survival?

    On 2020-04-13 at 7:20 AM, ECACA said:

    So What gives for the loss of Oxy??

    ... See, you have this thing called LIFE SUPPORT that keep draining itself.



    is this "Please fix leaky ships" Part II?

  8. ... Someone needs to understand what Nidus is actually about...



    Let me put it like this...


    ... My inventory only has things that excel at a given specific roles. I don't keep things that are basically the same but with a different smell.

    To that point... Nidus stayed in my Inventory. Inaros did not...

    • Like 17
  9. 39 minutes ago, Plopinator said:

    I invite you to suffer.

    That... doesn't happen with me.


    Different hearing sensitivity, maybe? If that's the case, I wouldn't be able to hear ants taking a stroll whenever they're present.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Lilacsilver020 said:

    Was this item duplication, or just being weird?

    Its someone showing you how stupid they are... One of the prerequisites in life is to be able to read. The others are to be able to write and to know how to count and calculate.

    What that player did was to simply show you how stupid he/she actually is, plain and simple.

  11. 6 hours ago, StaticBreeze said:

    Something unrelated to railjack, but something to make the game more solo friendly in general would be open lobby for derelict. Not per say keyless of course just for solo players to be able to have people join in for better mutagen sample farming. I've been playing this game for years but haven't had clan members to farm with as I'm not as openly social. Not trying to be a bleeding heart but it's hard to get any of the resource solo even with monthly boosters and hardly anyone recruits for it anymore.

    I'm sorry to say, but the game is too much solo friendly already...


    And the lack of clan members to farm Mutagen Samples with? Yeah, that's not the socialization part fault, either yours or the game. Its your clan members' fault entirely because they don't want to help you farm it.

    I've been in that situation countless times with it, I decided to simply let everyone live with the consequences after the Sample farming was complete... And I'm doing the exact same thing whenever "farming" is involved, and its working well so far.

  12. 7 minutes ago, DreisterDino said:

    Regarding the Meta, everything in Warframe has a Meta,

    Everything and everyone has a Meta.


    ... I have a Meta that basically involves in making everyone trying to use it be as useless as a dirt everywhere AND with everyone else, just to prove themselves that "Meta" in Warframe is as irrelevant as their attempts at kicking Reality in nuts. This is why its MY Meta, and I'm proud of it.


    But its ok, a simple "system suggestion" thread evolved into an ePeen comparison with no valid reason for it. Do you know what that means? It means that it needs to be reviewed and have a lot more thought placed into it.

  13. 3 hours ago, senmurai said:

    It is my opinion that Baruuk look awful:

    - posture / stature / body format

    - armor / skin / helmet / etc

    For me all the above look very unpleasant.

    Simple solution:

    • Don't use it.


    Your taste vs the taste of others.

    • Like 7
  14. 18 hours ago, Tacrob said:

    Do you find that you do solo runs more often than squads?

    I do solo runs because I hate Squad missions by nature, also for the reasons I pointed out previously on my post.

    However, when a member of my Clan requires help I'm glad to lend a hand even though I hate being in a squad. Its a sacrifice I choose to make in order to help a player less experienced than me.

    There is another reason I solo too, which is explained next.

    18 hours ago, Tacrob said:

    Do experienced players in general tend towards solo matches?

    Its mostly separated in several parts...:

    • Some experienced players engage in Solo matches only to get a moment of peace from all the "chaotic" environment that comes from dealing with other people, especially when other players tend to be very... vocal... on VoIP about certain things or just that one thing that no one else cares about other than the same man/woman that's being quite... vocal.
    • Some other experienced players also run Solo matches as a change of pace from squads.


    And then there are experienced players that do what I do:

    • Solo runs just because we can, and value the benefits that come with it over the so-called "companionship" gained from squads.
    • Our builds are focused on Solo performance. Most of them do follow, in part, the same build schematic used for squads. I, however, specialized my build in such a way that no one else can use it at all and, thanks to the experience I gained since childhood, I'm worth in raw skills alone pretty much as a team of 8 players. This, apparently, is valid for my Warframe build as well as my weaponry build.
    • Solo runs also provide knowledge that you can't gain on squad runs, which will help you understand properly about what you have, what you're using and how it affects the environment surrounding you.
    • Some people tend to run Solo because they can't speedrun faster than the rest of the squad whenever they're in a squad, so they speedrun Solo so that they can feel non-suicidal about themselves... Don't know, probably a measure of self-preservation.


    But in the end, its a matter of choice. There are players that mistakenly run solo and then rush as if they're in a squad because that's what they're led to believe that its the proper way, and then blame Solo runs for the lack of <whatever>, when the real reason is that, from the people they ran with, no one actually explained the benefits of running Solo because none of them actually tried running solo or to understand its appeal and benefits.

    • Like 1
  15. 7 minutes ago, Krilexis said:

    does Cy indicates something?

    ... Cy has nothing to do with the Index though...


    But its what --Brandt-- said, each time the enemy team scores, you lose 10 secs per point delivered. If they deliver enough for a +1 bonus, its also a "bonus 10 sec" window that you lose.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 minute ago, Salbeira said:

    Well we all are happy for any new feature to the game but just throwing it out there without giving it context or consideration like it feels to be right now (a "Just give them +50 Levels so the veterans shut up") things might backfire. ("We waited 5 years for THIS?")


    ... Perhaps the old Difficulty settings that the game had shouldn't have been removed, in the first place, as it gave increased rewards for higher difficulty settings...


    ... Oh well, better get preemptively used to the new modes. I know I'm going to enjoy them anyway.

  17. On 2020-05-08 at 5:51 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

    The Players Helping Players sub-forum has remained one of our most beneficial to Tenno, and translating it to an in-game Chat channel was a very logical next step.

    I kind of get the point, but I'm already seeing the trolls waiting in line to get to work ingame rather than on the forum.


    ... I would rather have Clans included in the mix by having some kind of "academy" in order to teach those new players. I don't even care about incentives for the Clans, as the only "incentive" I need is not having new players getting ruined by youtard guides... And a proper individual Lab Access privilege for ALL Clan Ranks, I'm tired of juggling member ranks around to keep them from accessing the Lab that they haven't earned it yet.

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