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Posts posted by longboarder120

  1. the super charged ability would be any of your abilities you have your guy but u use all your energy on that 1 ability by holding down the button and u get a more powerful and longer lasting ability at the cost of all you energy. i dont think increased rang on some ability should be add because it mite be to OP anyway this is just an idea i had floating around 


    every one no need to hate so much on my post its just an idea 

  2. when ever i have tons of enemy's in front of me or a small amount of guy in front of me i have problems activating blade storm and iv died plenty of times try to activate it. im using a xbox controller and it has nothing to do with any lag im shore because iv done is solo, co-op bla bla bla im guessing it cant activate because there is to many guys to pick from to just lock on 1 guy or to little guys to activate. when it donsnt work it say u dont have nuf energy or u dont have that ability and/or that target is invalid so hopefully its get fix in the next up date

  3. If you go to controls and go to customize keybindings you can assign toggle sprint to a button

    list of key bindings


    Move Up

    Move Left

    Move Down

    Move Right

    Fire Weapon

    Aim Weapon


    Toggle Crouch

    Hold to Crouch





    Switch Weapon

    Item Popup


    Power A

    Power B

    Power C

    Power D

    Next Power

    Previous Power

    Use Selected Power

    Place Marker

    Reverse Camera

    Spectate Next Player

    Spectate Prev Player

    Show Player LIst

    Push to Talk

    i dont know about you but i shore dont see what your talkin about and it seems you dont seem to see what im talkin about

    also dont just post some thing like that with out even checkin to see if you right

  4. i dont know how the devs play warframe or every one else dose but when you play warframe with an xbox 360 controller for about 1-4 hours straight and your sprinting half of the time and your thumb gets pretty sore thats why toggling sprint is so good like on borderlands 2 plz add it in the customize game settings under cotrols as a check box like the invert X/Y axis


  5. Well, there were many posts made about this already..

    They're on the right side, on the main forum page..

    You can't update, because they're working on something, so you just have to wait, like us all :)

    im not mad and i dont care if i have to wait i can just play my xbox and i just posted it because i wanted to and did know that other people posted the same thing
  6. it checks for updates../ new content fo like 5 min then it trys to download updates for 5min and it fails every time and it says

    Update Failed!

    Some conten updates could not be downloaded form our severs.

    The update will be restarted shortly...

  7. First off, the DPS isn't just based on numbers. Also how the weapon acts.

    If you can correctly aim, you can get 2 head shots per burst with the Kraken. If not, you get a body shot and a head shot. Now with double headshots, that's 100 damage to any enemy except for Corpus. Most people will eventually get AP mods though so that is worthless. No other weapon compares to 100 damage per 2 shots aside from lex, but that is much slower.

    TL:DR; If you can correctly aim, the kraken is the most effective pistol.

    Also - The Viper might be good as well. Crafting that currently.

    dude i know for a fact you can get a head shot on a corpus, iv used the lato and its way better then the kraken now
  8. LATO's DPS is 160.8 and the Kraken's is 126 so i guess every one should stick with your defalt pistol

    dps=damage X rate of fire for other guns

    BOLTO 170

    AKBOLTO 342.5

    VIPER 307.2

    SICARUS 91

    LEX 77

    FRUIS 186.2

    AKFRUIS 373.8

    BRONCO 525

    now these mite not be accurate beacause of human error/ enemy type/vital areas/armor/lag/fps

    as easy way to base the default damage is off of the engineer from the corpus when shoting at the chest because there is no armor

  9. No they said we could use our old mods to fuse with the new system. that is what we have. Plus we all have to start finding mods not fusion core, you probably have a ton of those. We all need to find the new mods. And you don't need to start with basic mod skill or abilitiies if you have Fusion Core. Also if you have more than one frame you can use the abilities from your unused frame to enhance the mods and abilities for you currently used frame.

    dude i know and i never said any thing about No they said we could use our old mods to fuse with the new system
  10. ill try to not use your language, but really dude you are hopeless

    try to read slowly :"new system"

    that mean it dont work the same way than the old system and if you try to go fight without trying to learn how the system work

    you ll feel pretty much screwed

    The point is that your frame need to be seted up before thinkin fighting higher ennemies

    ill try to not say that yu are really $&*&*#(%&, but it's hard...

    dude i know how the new system work ok its very easy to know how to lvl up ur mods with the fusion things my point is that why do i have to start with the basic mods/skill with no good from the start they said they would trade in our mods for the cards but it looks like about 1% they meant......... it still seems that on the internet some people of a community of awesome games like warframe can still be douchebags....exemple above
  11. ok i so happy and excited about the new update but when i get in the game i find that out of the 300+ mods that i had. 98% are fusion thingys WTF like no joke i have 6 pages of mods now and i only have 7 of those cards and the rest are fusions WTF i cant even get past a misson solo fighting lvl 5 guys WTF my weapons are so weak it takes me for ever to kill a guy it toke 4 clips of a lvl 30 kraken to kill a lvl 20 guy just 1 guy wtf they need to redo the exchanging mods for those cards and fusions pronto cuz it gona take me and alot of other player to get their weapons and warframes back ta being kickass

  12. Most of these ideas have already been suggested by other people. Most of them I say no to.

    Grenades = no, unless we get a launcher.

    Changing loadout while on a mission = no. How is a Tenno gonna change his equipment when he's/she's on an enemy ship? Materialize it out of thin air?

    Emblems = NO. CoD and Halo are NOT the influences on this game.

    If you're just going to end up suggesting a lot of things from CoD and Halo, I say NO NO NO.

    I'm not going to extend this post any further, because I detest your ideas.

    dude how do you get to the ship when you go do a mission you get to it on your own ship wich you keep your other weapons on really you would say some thin like that befor even thinkin sorry but i have to call stupid on that one.

    also how the f em i to know that Most of these ideas have already been suggested by other people really really omg.

    emblems why the f not. im not tryin to make this into a cod game cuz then id just go play cod and halo im just sayin that more customization is better and i didnt have to use cod and halo as an example there are planty of other games that have emblems aswell other then just cod and halo i just used them because they are well known and why do ya gota ta be so stuck up ya soab not every one think like you probably like 1% or 2% thats it open your mind to make this game better not only for the people who already play it but for new players and you dont chose what gose into the game and i bet youd be mad if these ideas got in the game because you seem not to like them and unlike you the DEV are open to ideas like this just like most people and if you havnt noticed game are allowing you to customize your characters more every time. Destiny for example a new game thats gona come out with planty of customization and i guess youll detest the game if any of the ideas you hate are put in the game too and your as one minded as racist its people like you who disgust me.

    and you cant have a grenade launcher becuase it would be OP think about it you have plenty of ammo like 80 or 150 and it has to do like 100+ dam other whys it wouldnt be much over a launcher now would it also with a FR of 3-5 min to max as a default kinda OP dont ya think thats why just grenades are not OP cuz youd have like just 4 or 6 mabey an upgraded count. like the grineer have some why cant the tenno have any and if you think like that you couldnt even get in jury duty just sayin and they want ideas not put downs

  13. id like to say that not every thing is in theme with warframe but they can be special/funny things that could be added (im not sayin that mods are bad i like them but i wish they had a more visual effects then the blue things thick in out of your weapon ya know what i mean) mods could be attachments like in a update and the attachments you see them on your gun other then just some blue crystal like a scope for more zoom or a laser for more accuracy or the elemental effects that you see on the borderlands 2 guns and see a trace behind the bullet of what ever elemental effects are added

    also i dont like the rhinos shoulders they should look a litter pointy like his helmet and mabey a little point on his elbows here is a pic of what i think the rhinos shoulders should kind of look like http://i.imgur.com/b0aV8XJ.png its a lego armor i know but still some thin like that would make him look more badass for more players i think

    EMBLEMS oh ya like halo and cod and have it on are warframes it could also replace the plane old emblem that is next to you rank bar you know the grey one and i didnt have to use cod and halo as an example there are planty of other games that have emblems aswell other then just cod and halo i just used them because they are well known so think about what you write like

    HadronVictorioso i dont need a cod/halo hater sayin im tryin to make this like cod/halo

    menu color change i know i like my menus customizable and im talkin bout all the menus like arsenal, contacts market foundry ect how about you id make mine red and your hub in game too and the solar system floor color

    weapon color change thats a big one for me i like to make my gun badass

    and change the color of you shield when its recharging too

    and the platinum icon could look better i cant even tell what it is

    other like the scindo wich was the dagger axe reskins furax can be boxing gloves, fragor reskin thors hammer, Light saber look weapon reskins like the bo can be a double edge light saber and reskins for 1 handed swords to be some thin like a light saber i know we have the gram but still u have to agree that light sabers are badass even if you dont want then to add a skin like that, Another reskin for 1 handed could be a or they could add a futuristic scimitar wich would be much better

    new enemy types if ther adding land levels wich i herd they are that could mean creatures oh how awesome would that be and are the warframes space suits to cuz i dont know they do cover the whole body but when you brake the space windows it hurts you so if they are space suits and its just the sucktion that hurting them then that could bring more possibilitys

    holiday specials/specials Limited time only like weapons and skins for weapons and for the new pets that are being add skins for the pets like frosty the snow man and santa and a leprechaun and a bunny or colorfull egg with chicken legs stickin out and claptrap get a license to do that or a space core from valve like in skyrim i dont know if its gona be a blueprint or a ? alert or platinum buy i dont have much platinum left so i hope they make it 1$ like the vandal so every one can get it ok now i have some ideas about some holiday specials 1# a boltor reskin that shot candy canes 2# the bolto/akbolto could be candy canes 3# the boar reskin of a frosty the snow man and the head would be on the circle that in the middle of the gun that shots snow balls

    and or a skin maker for players to make skins for there guns but i think it would cost you some credits like you can draw some S#&$ on it not like you should draw S#&$ on it but you know what i mean

    and i think the color for are warframes are goodnuf but if they are addin some color packs add them the more the better

    and some other veriation of skins for the warfames like the excalibur and excalibur prime same warframe with a different decals of the warframe wich i think would be cool a unique one for each warframe im not saying ther sould be a prime for every warframe but if they are making that finish it

    and you know how the warframes can only have 30 skill points out of 45 well i have an idea that they are probably gona add even higher lvl enemies the should add a prestige thing to the warfame kind of like cod i know bla bla bla cod fan bot bla bla bla im not im a halo fan boy lol any ways prestige thing to the warfame were when you lvl up to 30 you can prestige and have to level all up again but you level up to 31 and every time you prestige its 1 more lvl like this 31,32,33,34,35 ect so its balance only for the players who put the time and effort to lvl up like

    556 times wich is like 5 millon xp so its gona take a whyll its probably a little nerfed or mabey alot for some people but the should be a way to get all skill point and mabey get a little more incentive like every time you prestige you get some platinum too dont know how much would be fair but have some mabey or some sort of prestige or extra skill point earning cuz i want to max out my skill trees

    ther can be lobby like the level that every one on borderlands 2 use wich is sanctuary even thoe its not a lobby players use it like a interactive lobby you got a bank travling station and market ect wich would be badass have in a lobby like that in warframe awesome and mabey a place to gamble it all away against other players or npc's or to win it all and that lobby could be like a temple/hall mabey kind of like the jedi hall place in starwar and you could meet some old or not tenno warframe masters to that you could talk to and learn a bit about the story

    and can we have grenades too and add mabey a lvl to it to like the weapons

    ( Crominix772 idea cant belive i didnt think of it like damn i was talkin about halo and cod lol whats wrong with me lol i just (added some stuff

    (also a loadout like halo 4 or black ops 2 the main shooter have would be awesome because i like to change loadout alot when im playin (halo 4 sparten ops so that would be great when change in between enemy types offen

    ill add more if i think of any cuz this is alot so ya sorry if ther is spelling mistakes but i dont care mabey ill fix it mabey i wont and if any thing else is wrong 30min of ideas i had some stuff probably is not finished cuz i forgot about it but ill look at it later i hate type in lol so bor in check back in a week and ill probably have all my ideas down or mabey not you just have to wait ill update it when ever i think of a good idea that i dont want to forget and if you say a good idea that i like ill add it to my post and say it was your idea id like to see some of my ideas in the finished V of warframe

  14. They've already said there is no planned wipe. Until we hear otherwise, I don't see the value in speculation.

    thank god not really but ya no what i mean any ways good i like keepin my progress wich will only make me play more and if they dont add a reset button for the people who want that wtf they can just sell all their stuff and wast all their credits not the platinum thated be stupid
  15. Sounds like you want to turn this into 3rd person CoD in a halo setting with a bunch of colorful aesthetics and comedy. But the ability to add custom designs to your frame sounds pretty nice.

    No bueno.

    Although, that "prestige" systems sounds good.

    Name it something else though so it doesn't seem like a ripoff of cod.

    And instead of getting to levels 31 -> 32, keep the max 30, but you would gain 2 points on the max level.

    Ex; "Prestige 0" you get to level 30, you have 30 skill points. "Prestige 1" You get to level 30 again, but then you get 2 points on your last level. "Prestige 2" you get to level 30 (yet again) and then you get 3 points on your last level.

    na dude im just give my ideas about what id like in the game this is nt even close to try to make it into what ever you were talkin bout
  16. Haha. That is one long @$$ sentence.

    Also, maybe this should be in one of the "Improving Warframe" forums.

    All joking aside, I'll hit on a couple of the ideas you had.

    I like the suggestion about doing away with the mod spheres on weapons. I would rather have attachments or some visual upgrage to my weapons. I would love to have a loadout screen for my weapons. A loadout screen that has slots where I can place different attachments on the weapon and see how the stats change. But that is just me.

    As far as a prestige system goes (eg the cod system), I am not sure if that is a good way to keep people playing in this game. Prestige systems are just an end game progression ladder that is used to keep people playing. While it works for some shooters, I don't think it will work here. I think people are wanting more story driven content, more meaningful advancement than releveling a character again and again for a different looking badge. But who knows, they (DE) might be able to incorporate something like the prestige system and make it work.

    I'm gonna just come out and say it. No novelty items like boxing gloves, Frosty the Snowman, or leprechauns. I didn't like it when they had hearts all over the place for Valentine's Day. I don't think they have a place in warframe. Again, that's just my opinion. Take it with a grain of sand.

    Anyway, thanks for the post. It gives me ideas as to what I would like to see in the game.

    Haha. That is one long @$$ sentence.

    Also, maybe this should be in one of the "Improving Warframe" forums.

    All joking aside, I'll hit on a couple of the ideas you had.

    I like the suggestion about doing away with the mod spheres on weapons. I would rather have attachments or some visual upgrage to my weapons. I would love to have a loadout screen for my weapons. A loadout screen that has slots where I can place different attachments on the weapon and see how the stats change. But that is just me.

    As far as a prestige system goes (eg the cod system), I am not sure if that is a good way to keep people playing in this game. Prestige systems are just an end game progression ladder that is used to keep people playing. While it works for some shooters, I don't think it will work here. I think people are wanting more story driven content, more meaningful advancement than releveling a character again and again for a different looking badge. But who knows, they (DE) might be able to incorporate something like the prestige system and make it work.

    I'm gonna just come out and say it. No novelty items like boxing gloves, Frosty the Snowman, or leprechauns. I didn't like it when they had hearts all over the place for Valentine's Day. I don't think they have a place in warframe. Again, that's just my opinion. Take it with a grain of sand.

    Anyway, thanks for the post. It gives me ideas as to what I would like to see in the game.

    great idea about the loadouts im gona take it and add it to my post lol but an awesome sentence.
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