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Posts posted by WupwupTCR

  1. In short this is because of the drop rate nerf, yes. Try the Infested Defense, the wave rewards in my experience have a decent chance of dropping the elemental mods.

    Edit: Io and Callisto on Jupiter at popular hotspots for Infested Defense, try there.

  2. Just to add something here:

    Loki Invis Crits do NOT benefit from Critdamage Mods. Only "normal" Crits. Funny enough Loki can do normal crits in invis which results in rather sick damage (1000+ with Dual Heat Swords) but thats rare due to the low base Critchance

    I'm just going to assume this is something that has changed with 7.7. All through U7 my own Loki has benefitted from Crit Damage mods, but since 7.5 I stopped using him since I got two new Frames to play with, so this might be something to put into consideration. Also, by normal crits he means the yellow ones. Red Crits are "super crits" (I don't know the damage multiplier, but it's essentially like Multishot in the sense that after the "base" of 100% Melee crits from Invis applied, the base crit leftover from the melee weapon is now the chance to do a red crit).

  3. haha, nope.

    You do realize that if you're the only one who makes it to Extraction you are the only one getting the end rewards right? They others don't get the credits and I believe they don't get the full EXP they would have gotten compared to making it there. Don't be a jerk to your squadmates, and if you're gonna rush at least have the decency to kill things on the way and wait for your team before starting the countdown.

  4. Main: Paris

    Mods: Serration(14), Piercing hit(9), Fast Hands(6), Ammo Drum(6), Split Chamber (14),

    Speed Trigger(5)

    Bar Slot (5/6/6): Cold(9), Electrical(11), Fire(11)

    Secondary: AFuris

    Mods: Gunslinger(8), Hornet Strike(14), No Return(7), Trick Mag(7), Slip Magazine(9), Cold(9)

    Bar Slot (6/6): Electrical(11), Fire(11)

    Melee: Dual Heat Swords

    Mods: Fury(9), Pressure Point(9), Sundering Strike(6)

    Bar Slot (5/6/6): Cold(9), Electrical(11), Fire(11)

    Updated my mod setup i've theorycrafted so far:

    Warframe Mods: Flow(7), Vitality(6), Redirection(8), Streamline(7)

    Scratch Slots(4/7/4/3): Smokescreen(7), Bladestorm(13), Teleport(8), Shuriken(5)

    V Slots(6/8): Focus(11), Reach(6)

    Text wall text wall text wall abort abort abort

    Not bad, it's quite solid. But in my experience, Smokescreen's duration isn't long enough to warrant maxing it out and using Continuity since Continuity only affects Smokescreen and nothing else (2/5/7 duration, 9 at max with max Continuity). I personally have intentionally left Smokescreen at 1 and use it as a stunning skill (2 seconds "cooldown" for stuns, pretty nice IMO) to revive a bud or get some distance. I'm also not running any Shield/HP mods, but I do okay but this just comes to a matter of preference and/or (gasp!) player skill. Reach benefits Teleport and BladeStorm, but the thing is Teleport's range is insane and oyu'll never. Ever. Need Teleport past 1 in a realistic combat scenario (My Lv2 + 37.5% Reach (rank 4) will teleport me the entire map across an Infested Defense (excluding the "indoor" rooms; just the farthest you could get from the outer areas). Blade Storm's range is a variable depending on the enemies. This means that once you do the first intitial teleport to an enemy, your range is now based on that enemy location, so on so forth, so you don't really need Reach so long as enemies aren't spaced too far apart. Focus is good. It affects both Shuriken and Blade Storm. Shuriken is.. one summa*@##$ to aim. I'm sorry, Shuriken. I love you. But when there is no funky screen shake going on and I am standing still and use you from close-mid range to hit a wall and you veer off to the side, below, or top and out of 5 shots only 1 was dead center in the crosshairs.. you are going to be one terrible ability to use. And by veering off, I mean take the radius of your crosshair. It can and will go farther out from that radius, it's not reliable.

    Onto your weapons/playstyle, you should know that Shuriken is not a silent ability, you can and will alert enemies by firing one off, or at least have a very great chance of doing so. If you're going Stealth then Fast Hands/Speed Trigger shouldn't mean anything to you (not to mention it's still in debate if the two actually affect charged shots; I know it does the uncharged ones), and one-shot kills are everything. Take those out and put in Elemental mods for damage. Likewise with Ammo Drum, replace with a damage mod. Split Chamber is debateable, some people are saying that Multishot isn't accumulative (ie 60% MS doesn't work as 60-120 (+1 bullet)-180-240 (+1 bullet)) anymore and is based off of chance so that might not be the best way to use it. Furthermore, there is very very little chance you'll be oneshotting a heavy unit even with the help of Multishot so it would be best to sneak around that unit and just pump more damage for everything else. Max out out literally every damage mod and others can come later, is what I'm saying. If you want the extra ammo from Ammo Drum, use a Sniper Ammo box. Not worth the points.

    For your Afuris, likewise with what I said with your Paris you don't need the extra ammo and clip size; those points are better saved for damage (but the extra mag could be a choice after you max out damage). And with the clip size, at max Slip Magazine will only be 60+15 bullets. For 9 Energy. Uhhhm. No. Please don't. Gunslinger is fine, if your machine can handle it (FPS = Rate of Fire on Automatic weapons). I would strongly recommend Barrel Diffusion at at least 100%, but with the 7.7 hotfix all automatic weapons will consume extra ammo from Multishot, so this might not be the wisest choice right now. Everything else looks fine, just know this: Elemental mods is what makes weapons absolute monsters. Use and abuse them.

    The DHS (Dual Heat Swords) are charge damage based, and your setup looks like you want to spam melee attacks.. which is, in a nutshell, not preferable. Why? Because the DHS are charge damage specced. Meaning their base damage sucks for what they can do, and their Fire Rate is the slowest out of the technically-one-handed weapons, leaving much to be desired. Also, Melee Damage doesn't compare to Charge Damage in general right now. At a max of +48% Melee damage compared to +150% Charge Damage is a huge difference, and in conjunction with Reflex Coil and Fury (Charge Speed and Fire Rate/Swing Speed) will outdo Melee Damage in every respect. Even accounting Crits which don't even work properly right now (it's based on the multiplicative from the base rate; (Base Weapon Crit; example 10%) x (Mod Crit Rate; 30% at max) = 13.3% total Crit chance. Not worth it unless you're a Loki who can abuse the long Invis duration for 100% Crits, then you can slap a Organ Shatter on it). Overall, I suggest to take out Pressure Point and replace it with Killing Blow (Charge damage), take out Elec damage and replace with Reflex Coil (Reflex coil and Fury don't need to be capped, just as fast as you're comfortable with), so you end up with: Charge Damage, Charge Speed, Fire Rate (Swing Speed), Fire Damage, Ice Damage, AP Damage, dump the rest into Elec Damage or Critical Damage if you have a Loki sitting around. You can use an Ash for Melee Crits but you won't get nearly as much out of it (possible of 9 seconds vs 13 seconds of 100% Melee Crits).

    tl;dr No, if you even bothered to post something like this I expect you to bother with at least skimming through this post. I swear, I have an idea of what I'm talking about.

  5. 2nd.

    If u have some Problems with your friends list or anything else, or you have some questions.

    Please visit the Players helping Players Part of this Forum, DONT ask all your questions in the Chat.

    Its not that we dont want to help, but every day new Players join the Regional chat and ask questions like:"How do i choose my Pistol?" or "How do i start a Mission".

    Its annoying.... F***ing annying!


    Please use the "Search" function before you ask anything in this Forum.

    Maybe another Person already asked the same thing.

    You'll find answers much faster that way.


    If u want to know where which materials drop, which stats/abilities enemies have or anything else like that, visit the Warframe-wikia - http://warframe.wiki...i/WARFRAME_Wiki

    I am Nobsi and im pretty bad in writing Forum Posts (especially in english). Thank you very much.

    You forgot:

    - Use the damned search function on the forum before making the same topic that other 500 newbies did.

    - Use the warframe wikia if you want to read about stats or where and what drops: http://warframe.wiki...i/WARFRAME_Wiki

    - Play more than an hour/a day before saying that the game is stupid/too restricting or before making stupid suggestions.

    I love you both. So. So. Very. Much. I practically live in PhP when I visit the forums and these happen way too often. Assuming either of you have seen my posts just because. And occasionally go on answer-questions sprees on Region. It's kind of.. I hate everyone just a little bit now. Little bit.

    Adding on:

    -Don't expect other more experienced players to hold your hand, try to learn from them.

    -Please try to help yourself before actually asking a question in general, this includes

    -Checking out the Wiki, experimenting with your own weapons (sick of "wat best weapon????")

    -Abilities; how a Warframe plays (also sick of "rhino vs frost which better?" or "best stealth suit????").

    -Arguably most importantly, if you're going to give a fellow newbie some advice, please for the love of all that is great and glorious make sure your information is actually correct; your opinion =/= fact.

    -Please look at the sticky to fusing mods. and it's not even that hard to figure out that fusing together a mod makes the other disappear holy balls

    Not all of those are really relevent, but these are just things I've noticed.. a little bit too often.

  6. Assuming you did some searching around and found no satisfactory answers: no. Zorens have been nerfed to the ground and using Smokescreen has never been a very good source of crit damage.

    If you want to do lots of damage that comes from crits, you should be going the Loki-Invis route simply because a max of 8-9 seconds vs 12-3 seconds (Max Smokescreen & Continuity vs Max Invis & Continuity) is a much larger difference than you might think, and Loki is the only one who can even make Crit Damage (all across weapon types, but guns cannot be saved; explanation later) worthwhile. But the thing is, it has to be done with a Charge-specced weapon. Simply put, anything and everything Melee that revolves around just straight-up Melee Damage won't cut it in U7 compared to Charge Damage. You can't stack Melee Damage anymore which is where the things actually shined in U6: the ability to stack outside of the weapon, and since the max for Pressure Point (Melee Damage) is only 48% that's.. pretty low. Really, low, actually. If it was bumped up to maybe 75% or even 100% then it would be much, much more viable. But now? No. Crit Chance is also bugged/doesn't work as it should, since as of U7 it works as this: (Melee Weapon Crit: 10%) x (Mod Crit Rate: 30% (max)) = 13.3% Total crit chance. That is definitely not worth the energy, but Crit DAMAGE is still perfectly fine since.. it's still damage (but only on a Loki or to an infinitesmal degree, Ash, to take advantage of 100% Melee Crits during Invis/Smokescreen).

    But to actually answer your questions... no, they were never that OP. Stacking and passive weapon upgrades were; not the base weapon (which is what all stats for guns and Melee are across the board).

  7. Thoughts from people who have used both? I intend to use it for long range comboed with Rhino (Gorgon/Scindo) and Ash (Hek/Zoren).

    How similar is the Kraken's burst damage pattern to the Sicarus since it only fires 2 shots?

    First shot is 100% accurate, second depends on Fire Rate as the recoil drives it directly up.

    Does the second shot and higher rate of fire make up for the damage discrepancy compared to the Lex?

    Yes and no. Explanation later.

    Is the Lex's high base crit chance high enough to merit stacking crit mods to blow the Kraken out of the water (hehe)?

    No because Crit Chance is bugged/doesn't work properly at the moment. It's works as this: based off the multiplicative from the base. Meaning: (Crit Chance of Gun: 10%) x (Mod Increment 30% (max)) = 13.3% total Crit. Definitely not worth the time

    I don't have a Kraken yet, but I'd rather not waste the materials and credits to craft a weapon I'm going to hate (looking at you, Paris). Hopefully the last comment won't earn me too many flames since we're discussing the LEX and KRAKEN

    flame flame flame flame flame [insert picture of bonfire]

    Replies in bold.

    I'll just do a quick rundown based off of my experience with both, unsupercharged.

    Lex vs Kraken

    +"Consistent" shots; basically more accurate because you don't have the gimmick of pulling down the second shot on the Kraken for a DUBBEL HEADSHOT

    +Higher Base damage (not including both shots off Kraken to be similar damage, otherwise the Kraken wins)

    +Reload speed

    +Ammo consumption

    **+Better sound

    **+Looks not super strange

    +Better suited towards burst damage

    +Oneshot things all day, super good burst

    *My personal opinion, this means almost nothing in actual performance. I say almost because I care. Personally. Yes.

    Kraken vs Lex

    +Better potential for damage(?; I haven't done real testing)

    +Clip size (+1 shot, not much)

    +Fire Rate

    +More forgiving towards missing (Fire Rate compensates, the recoil may drive the aim just high enough to shoot something if the first missed)

    +Benefits from Multishot more (4 bullets vs 2)

    +Super good DEEPS

    I generally like the Lex more, but I feel like the Kraken will generally deal more damage since it technically does more per shot (90 base compared to 70). The Kraken is arguably the best pistol there is, rivaled by the Akboltos because Akboltos (I uh. Don't really want to explain further; I'm sure you've heard things about it). I just like the Lex because it's not gimmicky if you enjoy min/maxing (irony) since you can just line up a solid shot and not worry about pulling down your mouse, and I like the satisfaction I get from oneshotting something. Both are solid choices, I feel. Just whatever you prefer in the end. Oh, and one other thing that doesn't really matter. I don't get bothered when I shoot with the Lex opposed to the Kraken when the second bullet doesn't kill something; the first already did and I feel like I wasted a shot.

  8. ...Warrior increases the reach that the Wyrm will start attacking things, but it also increases the damage too. How much? Iuno. Is it noticeable? Iuno. Is it worthwhile to upgrade for the damage itself? lolno

    Guardian will recover your shields as so: Rank 0 50%, Rank 1 60%, so on so forth to up Rank 5 (max) at 100%. Regen doesn't seem to work properly at all right now, unless it has to be maxed and then and only then your Sentinel will RISE FROM THE DEAD once. I don't know, hosting, soloing, all of that, my Sentinel refuses to revive and I don't want to waste the time on an iffy skill to upgrade it to max and find out. Radial Stun on upgrade will increase the range of effectiveness (AoE, minimum range to activate, stun rate(?)). Not really worth upgrading, as from what I've seen it only really shines when you're trying to revive a buddy and your Wyrm will take some fire off some nearby dude shooting at you. Along those lines.

    To add on what I said about Regen, it just might not happen properly because all their skills use Power. Yes, they have power too. From what I've seen, a 150 Base. This is speculative, wait for official information but this seems.. kind of accurate so far. I haven't done serious testing, just really general testing.

    Leveling Ghost will increase the effective range when Shade will cloak you. I don't know the exact numbers, but let's say Lv0 will have Shade cloak you when you're about 1 meter away, Lv1 2 meters away, and so on so forth. Revenge on the other hand is the same, your Sentinel will attack from a farther range and will deal more damage (because Sentinels are famed for doing damage. That was sarcasm, please don't take that seriously).

  9. Multishot for pistol is % chance based too, same as with the rifle.

    I still disagree with you doing my own personal testing with the semi-autos and full auto pistols, but in any case if MS doesn't work as I said then this is more than likely a bug that's happened with the devs trying to make it so players with lower FPS don't lose out on high Fire Rates and affected how MS behaves. Ever since joining in U5 (CBT) and through U6 (still CBT plus OBT weekend) MS has functioned as previously stated. So, sorry if my information is outdated. This is the same case with Critical Chance across the board; it's not working as it should (it's multiplicative off the base when it should be additive off the base).

  10. If uh. Logic and reasoning means anything to you, your computer has to render more things at once since all the older tilesets are closed in and pretty linear. The outdoorsy ones are a LOT bigger and your computer has to work harder to render these things.

    Turn down your resolution if you can, that's the biggest FPS eater for any game. Everything else minus AA and shadows won't eat it quite as much.

    Personally, I get around 20ish outdoors with Med-Low settings at 1280x768. Playable. Indoors with the same tileset it's back around high 40s mid 50s. Not that unusual.

  11. If this was during solo, then I don't know what to tell you because 7.7 and 7.7.1 brought many a glitch to Multishot in an attempt to fix lower Fire Rates with low FPS.

    If this was in a lobby and you weren't the host, then you don't see as many numbers but the damage sbould be still accounted for. You should probably repost this in Bugs & Glitches and report this if this does concern you that much.

  12. It's a guarantee. Try this to see:

    1. Equip a 10% multishot mod on your long gun

    2. Join any mission

    3. Shoot at a wall 9 times, see 1 bullet hole each time

    4. Shoot a tenth time, see 2 bullet holes

    5. I'm right, you're wrong

    Haha, is that how you tested it? Shooting at a wall and looking at bullet holes?

    1. Equipped a 50% multishot mod on my Latron.

    2. Entered M-Prime solo.

    3. Find an enemy.

    4. Shoot the enemy 6 times with no multishot.

    5. Proceed to multishot the next two shots.

    6. No multishot.

    7. Multishot.

    8. 10 rounds and only 3 multishots.

    9. I'm right, you're wrong.


    You're both mostly right. Since I feel it might be necessary at this point, I've played in the CBT and can assure you that Multishot does work like Caliber is saying, but ever since one of the Hotfixes during U7 Multishot stopped working as it should for RIFLES. It still works as Caliber says for every other weapon, ie Shotgun pellets (Strun and Boar have 10, Hek has 7) do have a +X% of pellets fired and it is accumulative (ie Hek with 30% MS will shoot 9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-10 and repeat).

    Just for reference, I suggest both of you to do some proper testing on multiple tests in the future before you start telling like newbies (at least on the forums judging from post count and join date alone) the wrong information. If I came off as snarky, sorry. I'm cynical.

    EDIT: Confirm as of 7.7 automatic weapons will consume more ammo on Multishot proc, forgot to put that in.

  13. I'm just going to toss out information here.

    -All weapon BPs sell for 2.5k credits

    -All Warframe BPs sell for 3.5k credits

    -BPs dropped by bosses look like Affinity orbs

    -killing a boss with a Melee will extremely likely send the loot flying; shoot them for the finishing blow but not with a weapon that can pin bodies

    -Rifles suck compared to literally every other weapon type, including Melee in many forms

    -Why? Mods are terrible, stats are terrible (In comparison to everything else, I'm not saying the mods themselves are bad. Some are, but still)

    -Clip size for everything is worthless. So is Ammo Max, but it has it's uses. Better use the Energy you have on something to directly improve damage.

    -Spamming Tolsoj is best credit farmer to date. Farming Warframe BPs is extremely unreliable, if you don't suck (in general and at speedrunning) you can get in, kill the boss, grab the BP and quit out and restart in 2-3 minutes.

    -"Best" Melee weapons are ones that specialize in Charge Damage. Melee damage sucks because of three reasons

    -Crit CHANCE is multiplicative off the base, meaning (Weapon Crit 5%) x (Mod Crit rate 30% at max) = 6.5% total crit

    -Melee Damage only goes up to +48%. This is pretty bad compared to Iuno, +150% Charge Damage (coupled with or without Charge Speed totally outshines Melee Damage)

    -Melee Damage doesn't scale with Charge Damage

    -Fire Rate on Melee = Swing Speed

    -Warframe Wiki is amazing but take things with grains of the salts

    -Save your Platinum for slots; literally everything else comes with time. Don't waste it on Catalysts/Reactors unless you know it's your go-to ENDGAME weapon or frame.

  14. I wholeheartedly agree with Garuda. I was going to suggest the Heat Sword and do my usual length-ish post but then.. he covered it and more.

    Something to keep in mind when dealing with crits: right now they're multiplicative based off the base rate of the weapon. Meaning (Base Weapon Crit Rate: 5%) x (Mod Crit Rate 30% maxed). That amounts to a grand total of 6.5% Crit rate. Suuuper worth the energy cost/slot. I suggest you hang onto that notion for crit until this is fixed (It's supposed to be additive from the base). Unless you're a Loki and to a much much much lesser degree Ash to get those 100% Melee crits while Invisible. As a result of this, Crit damage really only benefits Loki's or Ash's.

    Edit to include new reply by OP:

    Dual Skana is also a charge damage based weapon; the dual swords (DHS and DSkana) are both similar but the DHS are a direct upgrade from the Dual Skana. Slow attack speed, decent charge damage, etc. The Heat Sword by itself is the fastest attacking sword to date also with a longer reach. When it comes to Melee weapons, Fire Rate can be accurate translated to Swing Speed.

    For what you want, I think this would be the order of desirability: Heat Sword>Cronus>Skana.

  15. There technically is no best Frame for the bow, and this applies to all guns and most Melee's. But characters that have a teleport are Loki and Ash. With Loki you can set down a Decoy and then Switch Teleport for a sort of psuedo-teleport, whereas Ash will teleport to an enemy in front of them and also has a long range attack, but the aiming is god awful on it.

    In the future, use the search function or look around before posting a topic. This has been addressed many times over.

  16. What else changed that wasn't mentioned in the thread thus far:

    -10-20% Lesser EXP yields at reward/bonus screen

    -MS seem to be the cause of eating more ammo on Automatic weapons. Semi-auto seem to be unaffected

    -Pod/Prisoner HP not scaled to match enemies buff in power (approx 1.5x to 4x in damage depending on the enemy; oneshotting Chargers exist)

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