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Posts posted by MayssonFairbanks

  1. 33 minutes ago, Doomsknight said:

    We all know Shadow Step was OP so DE removed it and I'm fine with that,


    I respectfully disagree. Shadow Step was only OP in relation with the other Trees, and I disagree with the total removal of it. There were tons of ways to balance Shadow Step without completely removing it. Not to mention this ability made Naramon FUN for a lot of players. FUN is the reason why people play this damn good game.

    Overall I totally agree with you tho, Naramon is rotten and Void Stalker is broken. 

    I do happen to have big issues with Naramon as I explained in previous topics. But my biggest complaint is indeed about void stalker. It's been 2 or 3 weeks and nothing has been done, there has been no attempt at fixing it.

    This "thing" has so many problems Idk where to begin. For people who don't use Naramon, Void Stalker:

    1. Requires going into Operator mode, then going into void mode -> Very clunky especially at high level & in a laggy environment

    2. Requires staying into Void mode for 5 seconds -> During 5 seconds the player is totally removed from the gameplay, 5 seconds of zero dps and zero support save for a couple of void dashes

    3. Requires staying in void mode for 5 UNINTERRUPTED seconds -> If the player leaves void mode and re-enters, the buff resets to 0%.

    4. Requires very careful execution when going back into Warframe -> depending on button presses and latency the buff sometimes simply vanishes upon re-entering the warframe

    5. Additional 4 energy/s drain during Void Mode -> restricts movement during Void Mode, cannot really use Void Dash

    6. Decay component which immediately applies -> Essentially this means that the player CANNOT maintain the 50% buff for a more than a fraction of a second. that alone spells BROKEN.

    7. Decay component which immediately applies -> In order to minimize decay the player has to position themselves relative to enemies BEFORE going back into warframe, which means that ig the player oftentimes spends more than 5 seconds in the void.

    8. Decay duration (20s) too fast part I -> By the time the player re-enters his Warframe, the buff decays by between 3 and 10% depending on latency.

    9. Decay duration (20s) too fast part II -> 20 seconds does not leave any room for the player to make void stalker effective. There is absolutely no way that the player can fully make use of this buff.

    As OP explained, realistically let's say you want to re-apply the buff every time it decays under 20%: It means that every 15 seconds, you are going to have to go back into Operator, then into Void mode for 5 seconds. Imagine doing that every 15 seconds. I too have no interest in walking around in void mode for one third of my play time.

    This ability is broken beyond belief and I beg DE, for the love of all that is holy, to take a look at it, maybe try and at least fix something. I still find myself somewhat amused when it procs (ie it's a fun way to clear out rooms after rezzing someone as Operator) but 5 or 6 seconds later I get reminded of why this buff sucks.

    At the moment from a playstyle perspective, Void Stalker and in fact the whole tree looks EXTREMELY SITUATIONAL. I'm a casual player but Who knows? Void Stalker might become useful when fighting a lvl 1000 Heavy Gunner, in combination with Executing dash as well as Surging dash (which is locked behind executing dash for some reason). Other than that I just can't think of a situation where one would regularly go out of their way in order to exploit the full potential of these abilities. Making use of Naramon requires a lot of setup and execution and ends up being a waste of time. Most of those nodes are just too clunky, too slow, and too UP (underpowered), especially compared to Naramon 1.0 which was objectively more fun despite that arbitrary cooldown.

  2. I too have given up on kubros and kavats, for their inability to pick up loot (even the chesa kubrow does a poor job), as well as their poor A.I. but that's another story.

    A global increase of the pick up radius would be a great improvement, actually as Tizod said, this is a simple matter of Quality of Life. There is absolutely no skill and no fun in having to run around like a headless chicken in order to pick up items. Especially in a game with so much aoe, so many enemies, and such huge levels. Having to manually pick up loot in Baldur's gate or Fallout is fine because there are some tactical aspects to it. Warframe is not Baldur's Gate or Fallout. 

    edit: can't believe I'm actualling seeing people with 2000 posts literally trolling the topic. How long have these people been involved in these forums? No wonder this game is in such a state lol.

  3. This is unfortunate as you said, unlike the rest of the game, the whole Operator progression is a real grind. Ive been playing for about 300 hours and I have never felt the need to specifically grind for something, except for the Vauban Prime Oxium (which is not even a grind, just regular farming). Everything else more or less came naturally by simply playing the game, progressing through the solar system, doing Alerts, Invasions, and Fissures. Even the focus 1.0 seemed relatively fair, the costs were reasonable for the most part, and the some of the nodes were actually worth the investment.

    And as you said focus 2.0 as well as Quill grinding are the only ways to make Operators viable and engaging from a gameplay pov which is not good for those of us who don't have 78 million focus points in the bank, and those of use who don't have 6 greater lenses for each school, those of us who can't even reach the daily cap in the first place, for multiple reasons (personally I don't have an Equinox, and I'm not thrilled about having to practically cheese the game in order to get a decent amount of focus). 

    According to my calculations I will have all way-bound passives unlocked by 2021. Hopefully I'll still be alive by then.

    Also I'm still waiting for void stalker fix... DE, I understand you're a busy bunch of people, so if you don't have the time to do it, just send me the script and I'll fix it for you.


  4. So when DR is ON, the game tries not to render some objects unless the player is looking at them.

    It can result in some object pop in but usually it only lasts micro seconds and does not have any impact on gameplay.

    Unfortunately it seems to break the Zephyr mini-game, the obstacles do not appear on screen until it's too late.

    ( DR was on, set on USER, set at 80% )

    my laptop specs:

    Model: X751LJ

    CPU: i3 5005U @ 2.00Ghz

    Display: Intel HD Graphics 5500

    Render: nivida geforce 920M

    Ram: 8192MB 

    Directx version: directx 12

  5. Two observations:

    1. the focus grind seems to be designed for hardcore gamers. 

    2. the focus grind is the only way to make the Operator remotely fun / interesting / useful. 

    Judging by the amount of grind and the setup required to hit the daily cap, it is obvious that DE wants the operator / focus parts of the game to be reserved for hardcore gamers. This is somewhat detrimental to the rest of the playerbase, aka the majority of warframe players.

  6. 1. More cosmetics in general. Attachments, syandanas, helmets, weapon skins, etc. 

    Warframe is such a vast universe that from a visual design standpoint the possibilities are endless. A few months ago, I swear I saw a player who totally looked like an armored knight from the dark ages, with the viking helmet and all that S#&$ and he was wielding a huge sword (you know which one). Best part: he did not look out of place at all, in fact he is still to this day one of the most badass mofos Ive encountered.

    I am 100% sure that you've got a lot of passionate artists who would love to create tons and tons of cosmetics of all kinds. Even if some of those turn out somewhat generic, bring it on! It's not an issue because these are easy to produce (any 3D artist can make 10 syandanas a day if they really wanted to), and also there are always players who will find them fitting and end up buying them.

    2. More equality. There are Frames out there with lots of cosmetics, such as Ash, he's got a Prime version, as well as tons of helmets etc. Meanwhile, frames like Nezha have next to nothing.

    3. Better Operator customization!!!! From their face to their body, to their accessories and clothing, we need more options!!!

    4. Banshee Prime's Future Sneakers:

    Banshee Prime's costume looks awesome, especially her futuristic-looking shoes wich sport a great design as well as cool neon lights. Now I was wondering why is she the only warframe with such awesome looking sneakers? Please make these shoes or a similar style available as cosmetics. I'd love to equip those on nezha for instance, and I believe my Operator would absolutely love to get a pair of those too.


    P.S: make it regular cosmetics available in the regular store, do not make them exclusive to Steam.

  7. Disclaimer: there is a lot of criticism here, but this is from a casual player who loves Warframe, and this is meant to help DE improve the game.

    Ive had some time to play with Naramon so here are my thoughts on each node:

    Main Tree:

    • Affinity Spike: There's an issue which is common to all schools and all abilities: I'm at rank 2 right now, which means +20% affinity. This is fine and dandy, but there is no way to tell what the next rank is going to give me. Will I get 25%, will it be a 30% Who knows? Also, no way to tell how many points do I have to invest in order to max it out. 1 million, 2 millions? Speaking of which, I wonder whether this is good design; having to spend a ton of focus points in order to get a few more focus points. Also, does this ability even work with focus gain in other trees?


    • Power Spike (combo counter): aside from the affinity spike this is the only interesting ability in this tree. The only one which is actually useful and seems to work as intended. Thank God it's only 3 ranks.


    • Void Stalker (crit buff): Maxing this ability is the only way to not make it suck. At max rank it becomes somewhat noticeable but it's too unreliable due to bugs*, too short (20 seconds at max rank), it instantly resets to 0% as soon as the player re-enters the void, and to make things worse it decays way too fast. This ability is not worth developing a playstyle around, too convoluted, too much hassle and not rewarding enough. It's nothing more than a cute cherry on top of Void Dash. This ability in combination with void mode & void dash might be somewhat useful at the highest level of end-game, who knows. But for a regular player in a regular mission, it's not worth the trouble. 

    *This is the alleged bug: when transitioning from Operator void mode back into Warframe, half the time, the buff simply disappears, or resets to 0% somehow. This maybe be tied to latency, anyway it represents a HUGE waste of time and a huge loss of DPS: the whole process takes up at least 6 or 7 seconds, so that's 6 or 7 seconds of doing absolutely nothing, with no buff at all as a reward. 

    In short, Void Stalker's issues:
    -awfully short duration, 
    -awful and punishing decay component, 
    -general annoyance and clunkyness of the activation process, 
    -slow and fragile nature of Operator gameplay, which breaks the pacing

    ↑ these are some of the reasons why I don't prioritize or maximize this ability at all. It's nice getting a small crit buff after knocking down a group of enemies but it is certainly not worth going out of my way to make use of it, especially when it doesnt work half the time.


    • Void Hunter (X-Ray mode): I'm not going to waste my time investing in this. Unless it allows me to see enemies through the Plains foliage (jk this thing seems useless no matter what). Maybe make it similar to zenurik energizing dash but with crit instead of energy.


    • Disarm / Disorient blast: these two are rng by nature, also they seem situational at best, not that interesting tbh. Not to mention they are also tied to a void ability, and the necessity of going into operator mode. In reality, one swing of my sword is more effective than ten disorienting void blasts.


    • Executing Dash: seems like a sidegrade at best because there are already tons of ways to dispatch individual enemies. As with the disarm / confuse nodes, this one might become useful at very high level, maybe it is useful to 0.4% of the playerbase, who knows.


    • There's another talent called Surging Dash, but the description is so vague... "Creates a wave while dashing, increasing the damage in the area around the operator." 

    Increase what damage? Are you talking about void dash damage? 
    Or is that a Void Beam damage increase? 
    Or maybe a melee damage increase? 
    Or may it be some kind of Ability Strength buff?
    Maybe all it does is increase damage done to the environment itself, aka crates and sabotage targets ? 
    Also, what kind of area are we talking about here, in terms of radius? 
    And what kind of durations can we reasonably presume?

    It's all a mystery, I bet even DE doesn't know either. Bottom line, I didn't even bother taking another look at this one, because I refuse to spend hundreds of thousands of points (= HOURS of dedicated grinding, or DAYS of regular play) just to figure out whether this node actually sucks or not.

    Way-bound nodes: 

    • Running speed: I was stupid enough to put points into this thing, unfortunately the buff is too low and the difference is too negligible. 


    • Void dash speed: Void dash is pretty fast in and of itself, and I really can't come up with any scenario where I would need Void dash to be even faster. This node is useless imo.


    Conclusions & other issues:

    So after playing around with this tree I was shocked to realize that the best ability in Naramon tree is in fact not a Naramon ability: it is baseline Void Dash. 

    This thing doesn't cost any Focus point, it always works, and it's a great cc. Naramon is supposed to compliment Operators and warframes but in reality it fails to do so, and the only thing the Naramon school actually taught me is that Void Dash is a cool cc ability. This tree is so uninteresting that I found myself using Void Dash not for these lame buffs, but mainly for its movement and crowd control (which are both baseline btw). Actually this is not true: I don't even need VD's mobility or cc, my mobility is fine, and my melee dps is high enough that I can one or three shot 90% of the enemies I encounter. In fact the only reason I use Void Dash is because I enjoy propelling enemies into the air or into bottomless pits and this has nothing to do with Naramon. 

    Long story short, aside from Affinity Spike and Power Spike, investing in Naramon seems like a bad idea because it doesn't make a big enough difference during gameplay.

    -Other issues related to Naramon off the top of my head:

    Survivability: The way DE gutted the whole Naramon tree means we lost an absurd amount of survivability and got nothing to make up for it.

    Cost: the focus costs are insanely high and prohibitive. 

    Gameplay: Using the active abilities (especially Void Stalker) in an optimal way requires good execution and good timing, and it reminds me of fighting games' special moves or combinations. Unfortunately it is extremely dependent on latency. With good latency, the whole process feels smooth and seamless. With bad latency, proper execution is impossible, especially with the void stalker bug which makes the process a nightmare from an execution perspective.



    - Improve tooltips (more information on node ranks)

    - (!) Fix the Void Stalker bug which instantly resets the buff to 0% (!) Number one priority and should have been done yesterday. This is an easy fix which requires very little modification.

    - Rework the arbitrary limitations on void stalker. This ability is already cumbersome enough to fully activate, because the player needs to stay in the void for full 5 seconds which severly restricts the player from doing anything except for limited movement. We don't need more arbitrary conditions on top of it so I suggest reworking either the 20s limit, or the decay component, one of those has to go

    - Make Naramon as a whole more stealth oriented. There are some abilities in other school which clearly belong to Naramon, such as:

        -Unairu's Void Shadow (Void Mode will now render allies within range invisible) -> Obviously a rework of a former Naramon ability called Cloaking Aura
        -Madurai's Void Radiance (Consumes energy on leaving Void Mode to blind enemies within range for a time) -> essentially makes the player invisible 
        -Madurai's Void Strike (On leaving Void Mode, the next attack deals additional damage for every second spent cloaked) ->  HOW is this not Naramon?

    - Rework those underwhelming talents such as Disorienting blast

    - Lower the focus requirements of all nodes, and make way-bound passives easier to unbind

    -  (not meant to be taken literally) Bring everything in line with the new Naramon, don't hesitate to entirely gut any weapon or any combination of gear & abilities that is deemed too powerful by some arbitrary process: 

    First order is to get rid of Warframes who make the game trivial. You absolutely have to remove their abilities and replace them with nothing. I'm talking about Frost here and his cousin Frost Prime. All I know about this frame is that he can make snowglobes appear, but this lack of knowledge doesn't prevent me from concluding that this ability is utterly broken and is the definition of Cheese. Its potency and its duration are completely imbalanced and it's not fair for Grineeer and Corpus and Infested.

    Also you absolutely need to entirely remove Hydroid's pudddle thing; absolutely and grossly overpowered. It grants too much protection and survivability, this ability literally breaks the game and kills the fun, come on now. This ability is so overpowering that everytime I see a Hydroid in the squad, I just abort the mission. 

    In any case there is no doubt in my mind that this game will undoubtedly become infinitely more fun as soon as you delete those two overpowered abilities. 

    Also you have no other choice but to completely remove parkour 2.0 bullet jumps, double jumps, as well as all those crazy wall jumping stuff. Not only this is totally OP because it totally breaks the level design, but it breaks any sense of reality as well. There is nothing authentic about this system; a magical space ninja CANNOT latch himself to a wall for such a long period of time, that's just too overpowered. This power fantasy thing does not seem to work, and at the moment players are using gear and abilities in order to get more powerful, and they don't like it. All these people who choose to play Frost and Hydroid because they enjoy it are obviously not enjoying themselves, they don't think it's fun. Therefore the only way to make the game more fun and challenging is to nerf everything to the ground, starting with those two.

    Anyway I'll send you a list of overpowered things so that you can remove them all, and throw them into the garbage bin (just like you did with Naramon's invisibility). Doing so would only make logical sense. And please remind me to send you some suggestions for some really interesting and balanced weapons that I'd like to see in the game, such as the Twin Peashooter, and the BB Gun Prime. 

    My point is that DE should lighten up and go easy on the nerfs, and maybe try to Make Naramon Great Again, reinstate glorious Shadow Step but this time, make it more balanced with other trees.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this, have a nice day.


    Baseline Void mode and Void Dash are quite fun to use, and I reckon Operator might be very enjoyable with all way-bound unlocked. However this is an unrealistic goal for regular players, and Naramon doesn't offer interesting or powerful upgrades to those abilities. Most of Naramon is objectively underwhelming considering the time and effort required. The combo counter is nice, and the crit buff is a cute gimmick when it works, but overall Naramon fails to compliment Operator as well as the warframe gameplay in any meaningful or game-changing way. As a casual player I would not recommend investing in this tree, at the moment. 

  8. Not only the amount of grind is depressing, but the rewards are even more discouraging and for those two reasons I feel like I will never have Zamps or Aws, and I will never unbind those Operator passives. Heck I will never max out any focus tree.

    My issue with focus and Operator is the following;

    DE said they wanted to make Operator fun and interesting, and engaging. But they didn't, instead they decided to rely on the player to do all the work. If you think about it, we are basically doing DE's job. We are the ones who have to put time and effort in order to make a system actually worth playing. 

    Operators won't be fun because DE made them fun; they will be fun because I invested tons of time and effort. 
    I am the one who will have to spend time and effort, to GRIND just to FIX this broken character. 
    I am the one who has to play for hours upon hours just to increase a couple of baseline stats and make Operator not suck. 

    DE aknowledged that Operator gameplay was not good, but they did NOT fix the issues; all they did was give the players a way to fix operator issues on their own, by way of tedious grind. Saddest part is that they destroyed most trees in the process.

    This reasoning does not make me want to play Operator at all, in fact it makes me want to ignore both the focus & operator parts of this game. Thankfully I enjoy the other parts of the game but still, I wish Focus as well as Operators were more fun & less tedious work.


    -lower or modify the requirements; between the focus costs, the daily cap, the various lenses, not to mention the whole "chase that yellow orb" gameplay, there are too many restrictions.

    -make focus trees more interesting. The new Naramon sucks, the crit buff is buggy, most of these other abilities are underwhelming and clunky to use especially in a high latency environment, the way-bound passives are very underwhelming as well, and those void blast talents are sidegrades at best. To any casual player this is simply not worth the investment. Also the way DE gutted the whole Naramon tree means we lost an absurd amount of survivability. EVEN WORSE: if we happen to use Shadow Stalker (the crit buff), then we lose even more survivability, because it consumes additional void energy per second; which means less void mode time, and less void dashing compared to no SS at all. Some would argue that more crit equals more suvivability but then why even leave the warframe and go into operator mode in the first place.

    I could go on and on about Naramon, but my point is not only DE put a daily cap, but they also require a TON of points in order to unlock abilites which are so-so at best. Make up your mind: either remove the daily cap, or lower the focus costs, or buff these trees and make them worth the time and effort.

  9. lvl 30-40 bounty (capture the new grineer commander), last stage.

    I captured the target but then nothing happened.

    The objective was stuck on "locate the capture target" so I had to abort the mission.

    Fix that S#&$ please I beg you


  10. Imho rivens are a fun thing to chase after when you have nothing to do in the game, and I appreciate the fact that sorties as well as rivens are entirely optionnal, not doing them, or having access to them doesn't prevent the player from accessing or doing anything else in the game.  Also I appreciate the disposition mechanic, it's a nice incentive to try out new weapons. As for riven availability, I can't say because Ive got 3 rivens (Hek, Ignis, Nikana) and never did any sortie. Got two from quests and bought one one the trade channel, because truth is, the best way to get the rivens you actually want is to buy them for plat, which is not a bad thing, because as I said, it's optionnal, not to mention it drives the economy.

  11. On 10/16/2017 at 6:57 PM, NightBlitz said:

    no. they specifically made sure to remove shadow step because its grossly overpowered.

    You, as well as those nameless people who upvoted you, as well as DE designers, are a bunch of extremists. Oh, this thing is very powerful, therefore it is grossly overpowered, therefore it must be removed entirely from the game. Let's not even try to balance it, just delete it.

    Also that "overpowered" argument doesn't hold water: firstly, this game is co-op pve, and is not hard by any means, one can beat everything the game has to offer without touching focus or min/maxing gear. Yes, shadow step made this game easy, but here's the thing: by its very nature (free to play model, coop & pve gameplay, power fantasy setting) it was already easy to begin with, this is why those "grossly overpowered" arguments don't make sense, do you understand? In other words, players can do everything in this game without having to use shadow step, it was not mandatory by any means and it certainly did not give such an unfair advantage that it could be defined as a requirement. Something cannot be OP in that context. 

    Secondly there are tons of things which are as good if not better than merely being able to turn invisible, there is stuff in this game which could actually be defined as "broken", but why doesn't DE do something about those? I suspect that the main reason why DE removed shadow step is because they could not find a way make it fit in the operator gameplay since it shared some redundancy with void mode. It actually makes sense cause focus is all about operators now, warframes be damned.

    Before PoE I was actually enjoying farming focus, because I wanted to max out naramon and try and get the most out of these abilities both passive and the active ones, I also was looking forward to trying out other trees but now, I'm not interested anymore in the focus system so I'll just ignore it. I'll never make the mistake of buying lenses again, what a tool lol.

  12. So I guess I'm the only one having issues with that broken excuse for an ability aka void stalker? So I guess most people are having fun doing that little void dance every 15 seconds, and I guess these same people are fine with such an half-assed and unrewarding tree? Will DE do something about it? or should I ask them for a refund because focus sucks and all my lenses are now useless? Anyway.... I'm a bit triggered by that stupid red text throwing stupid jokes around as if everything was fine, as if the game wasn't broken in many aspects.

  13. The combo meter passive is good unfortunately to me it is the only useful ability.

    Ive invested some points in the speed buff for operator, he now runs 22% faster, which is barely noticeable, yay.

    I'm currently in the process of investing into Void Stalker, hoping that this thing might actually work properly at max rank.

    Currently I have to wait in the void for 5 seconds, I cannot do anything but walk around and maybe dash once or twice before I run out of void energy. So after 5 seconds, I get a 40% crit buff. I press 5 again in order to go back to the warframe.

    1. Is it bugged? if I press buttons too quickly, or if I start pressing buttons such as ATTACK as soon as I have control of the warframe, the buff simply disappears. I have to wait for like half a second, make sure I still have the buff, and then I can start killing stuff. (ive tried it with both the Shift and CTRL void mode)

    2. The buff only lasts for 15 (!) seconds, AND to make matters even worse, the buff decays over time. By the time I re-enter the frame, and start killing stuff, Ive already lost like 5%, and god forbid there is no enemy around cause I'm losing 5% crit every 2 seconds. And it keeps decaying until it becomes basically useless: let's say that without the buff, my weapon always does yellow crits. with +40% it does orange crits, but when the buffs decays to +20%, it's not high enough to allow my weapon to do orange crit anymore. So even with the buff at half strength, my weapon still does yellow crits as if there was no buff at all. So in reality the only way to make this buff worthwhile is to refresh it every 7 seconds or so?????? I have to stay in the void for 5 seconds in order to get a 7 second buff?????????????????????????

    3. These abilities cost A TON of focus points, but most of them are so underwhelming that they don't seem even worth the time and effort. (unlike the old tree which had some fun gimmicks such as confusion, and the ability to make allies invisible)

  14. Hi there some feedback on Nezha's 2, Blazing Chakram based on relatively low playtime, divided in 3 parts, healing, damage, and gameplay. Then a bit later some general feedback.


    Blazing Chakram "Hurl a flaming ring that burns enemies and causes them to emit a healing blast on death. Reactivate to instantly travel to the ring's location."

    Healing component:

    a lot of issues with this part of the ability, I could make a list but all these issues kinda mesh together in such a way that you'd need to experience the whole thing in order to really understand what it is all about. So here's story time:

    I'm in a squad, and there's a lot of activity, the game is very busy, there are infested everywhere and I realize my buddy is about to die. Needless to say, there is a high probability that this dude is not even aware of the fact that Nezha can heal... 

    Anyway, it just so happens that Charkram's heal effect has a very short range, so the first thing I have to do is try to get close to that dude (let's call him Mike). Now here are the conditions:

    -Hope Mike is near an enemy, and not running away
    -Make sure I am not too close to the enemy (because the chakram doesn't work at point blank)

    Now here is the tricky part: throwing the chakram

    -make sure nothing stands in your way, not even allies
    -Make sure there is a large enough space around you so that the chakram goes off in a straight trajectory
    -Hope the enemy does not move, or die before the chakram reaches him

    Now if by chance you manage to hit an enemy, things actually get tricky:

    -Hope the blast effect did not send the enemy flying away
    -Hope the chakram actually did set the enemy on fire
    -Hope Mike is still near the enemy when it dies.

    In my experience, the best thing to do is to get close to low hp allies, walk right into the chaos along with them and spam this thing, until you see your allies's health go back up. Basically pressing 2 is equivalent to crossing your fingers and hoping the stars literally align. It requires good coordination and execution from yourself, but also requires allies, enemies, as well as the environment itself to be in sync, in perfect harmony with each other in order to get the most out of this ability. Blazing Chakram's healing component is hard to use, for all intents and purposes very mana intensive and extremely frustrating, compared to most other healing abilities in the game.

    I swear I sometimes try my best in order to heal Mike. This dude has 10hp left, he's running and jumping around like a headless chicken, and I have to forgo everything else, and start chasing Mike around, throwing my chakram at potential targets, and praying the stars align. Sometimes I feel like I'm wasting literally minutes as well as my whole mana pool simply trying to do one simple thing, but the game just won't let me. This ability is too unreliable and makes me feel powerless. However when things go right, it's a very cool ability, and it is satisfying to use especially when the healing goes off (I love the SFX).


    Damage component:

    I appreciate the synergy with Firewalker, but after playing with other frames, I suggest a buff to damage, one way or another. I was levelling up a freshly bought Gara (she was rank 12 at the time of the incident) and was messing around with her 1st ability called Shattered Lash. I was hitting lvl 40 grineers for 20k. Hit ten of them with the horizontal move, that's 200k instant damage for 25 mana, at rank 12 mind you.

    Now you're going to say that this is not really comparable because Nezha is a lot about control and less about damage, and I agree with you but for the sake of it, shall we compare in terms of damage, Gara's 1 compared to Nezha's abilities: 

    -Firewalker: does some DoT damage but it's only a DoT, it's not instant damage. And if you play with Pyroclastic Flow you'll realize that doing 200k of damage requires a lot of time, A LOT OF MANA, as well as optimized conditions and constant involvment. Costs 25 mana + 5 / second.

    -Chakram: does what, 4362.5 heat damage with maxed strength and energy conversion? (not 20000), and damage diminishes with distance. Firewalker is a prerequisite so total cost is 50 mana, not counting Firewalker's energy drain (5/s)

    -Divine Spears; well this is an aoe cc spell, but it hits for 4k with maximized ability strength and Energy Conversion. not to mention there is a cast delay of 2 seconds as well as a deactivation animation of 1 second. Costs 100 mana

    So where is my instant 200k damage? Joking aside, in my opinion Blazing Chakram requires a damage buff. At least please make it worth the mana cost, the casting time, as well as the execution. At the moment Id rather sprint or slide into a group of enemies and slash them all, this is much quicker, easier, much more damaging and does not cost energy.



    Just play with it for ten minutes, and see how fun it is, but how random it is. Its flight time as well as its overall movement makes it very difficult to use it to its fullest. 

    Sometimes it will come back one second after you throw it. 
    Sometimes you won't see it for 4, 5 seconds at a time. 
    Sometimes you try to teleport to it but it does not work: pressing the button does nothing. 
    Sometimes you end up being teleported 50 meters in the air, or 100 meters below the map, or in a corridor far away from the action
    Sometimes the heat proc does not seem to be properly applied.

    The only time you can rely on it is if:

    -you're in a large unobstructed room 
    -you're aiming straight at a group of enemies, right in front of you, preferably no more than 20 meters away, 
    -you teleport as soon as possible, before the chakram starts bouncing and flying away, basically before it even hits the enemies.

    Also, because of its randomness, and because of its speed, as well as the busy nature of the game, its position is difficult to track even with the minimap indicator, which becomes buried among tons of red triangles and white rectangles.


    1. Cannot throw the chakram at point blank 

    2. Cannot throw the Chakram if there is a teammmate in the vicinity. God forbid a teammate is fighting the same enemies you were targeting, or walks in front of you while you're throwing the chakram; you just lost 25 energy.

    3. Inconsistent and unpredictable behavior

    4. Its healing component needs a range buff

    5. Its damage needs scaling

    Overall the Charkram is a fun ability and it is extremely versatile, but its shortcomings render it extremely situational and extremely dependent on a lot of factors which are outside of player's control unless there is constant communication and coordination between squadmates (not going to happen in pubs).



    More Nezha-specific issues, but nothing important:

    • casting times seem a bit on the high side, also there is a lack of one-handed abilities
    • Warding Halo cannot be deactivated or recast, it requires players to actually fall into a bottomless pit in order to be get rid of the buff and be able to cast it again.



    A couple of unrelated general feedback (I did not feel the need to create individual threads for these specific issues, either DE read these forums in which case they will see this, or they don't)

    • Sprint speed.

    Issue: Some warframes have such low sprint multipliers that the difference between normal running and sprinting is barely noticeable. 
    Suggestion: improve sprint speed across the board by at least 15 or 20%


    • Aerial Attack: also known as a "Jump Attack".

    Issue: Idk if this happens to other players too, but after performing an aerial attack, there is a short delay during which the player cannot attack. Player can only attack after about 1 second. In some situations this breaks the flow of melee and makes the player vulnerable, since he's just standing there, spamming F and wondering why are enemies not dying.
    Suggestion: Unless it is somehow working as intended, best course of action is to remove the inactivity delay.


    • Naramon's Void Stalker.

    Issue: it seems to be broken, Captain:

    1. First, I'm currently rank 2/3 and I have to stop playing for 5 seconds every 30 seconds, that's 10 seconds every minute, that's 10 minutes every hour???? No way, sorry guys I'm not good at math, these numbers must be off? In any case,  Sitting invisible without the ability to do anything (if you leave and reenter the void, do anything other than move, then the buff resets to 0%... oh and this ability consumes additional void energy per second, so you can't void dash around, and you cannot jump either because you're in void mode) is mindboggling in the context of Warframe and obviously broken.
    2. This buff is impossible to maintain for more than half a second. This decay mechanic has no reason to be, and is extremely annoying. I get 30% crit, then 5 seconds later it's only a 20% crit. 5 seconds later it's only a 15% crit, and so on. 
    3. The icon is buggy, sometimes i can see two of them, only one being real. Also it sometimes freezes and stays on the screen despite the actual buff not being active anymore:



    1. Untie it from Void mode, tie it to something else.
    2. Give us the whole buff for the entire duration, or keep the decay but increase the duration of the buff. In fact, you should scratch this whole gimmicky semi-passive buffs system you got going. Make VS a passive, and tie it to tenno affinity (get X% crit per Tenno in a X meter radius), or tie it to number of enemies around (X% crit per enemy in a X meter radius), or heck, here is something totally out of the blue: tie it to the combo counter. Anyway, make the crit or the decay relative to something relevant and dynamic; tying it to a boring void mode or to an arbitrary 30s duration turned out to be a bad idea imo.
    3. please fix the UI.


    ps. I love the game

    pps. When's Nezha Prime

  15. 3 hours ago, ragingdeamon said:

    You can play most of the game just fine without ever using transference.

    You're right, all of this is optional, and players could avoid using those if they chose to do so. I for one enjoy this game because it allows me to play at my own pace, and make my own fun. It allows players to play with any frame, any weapon they want, if they choose so. Tons of ways to enjoy the game, and to have fun. What characterizes this game besides its awesome combat and movement, is the feeling of freedom. There are few requirements and few restrictions in this game (except for a couple of arbitrary stuff, such as weapons being locked behind MR but that's another topic).

    In Warframe, players can choose to play the game any way they want, thanks to the various matchmaking options, many games modes, endless combination of gear & mods, team synergies; the game offers a lot of diversity when it comes to playstyles.

    People can choose to play as a tanky war machine dual wielding machine guns that shoot explosive bullets, and wreck mobs in solo endless survival.

    Or they can choose to play a stealthy interdimensional being wearing a top hat, equipped with a freaking BFG which through walls and makes enemies attack each other, and do alerts all day.

    Or they can play as a deadly silent warrior who's part of some shady group of assassins, and whose only goal is to further the interests of his clan by playing the meta and hunting bosses in sorties.

    Or they can play as a trigger-happy crazy dude able to set people on fire with sheer willpower, and equipped with a semi-auto rocket launcher, doing nothing but conclave.

    Or they can choose to play as a pacifist ninja wielding nothing but a HUGE heroic-fantasy sword, and do nothing but spy / sabotage missions. 

    Who knows what players are up to, possibilites are endless because this game is what players make of it. Unfortunately DE felt there was a need to outright destroy some of these optional playstyles that a lot of people found extremely fun, for no good reason if you think about it. Instead of keeping these features in the game, and expanding upon them, they simply decided to nerf them to the ground or remove them entirely. There are some people out there who would prefer having more options instead of less.

  16. I too was fine with Focus 1.0, in fact I kind of liked the idea of a dude sitting in his futuristic chair, remotely piloting warframes from the safety of his spaceship, and occasionnally bursting with psychic powers. I actually made way more sense than what we have now: a 15 year old kid who roams plains at night.

    Focus 2.0 and Operator "warrior mode" or whatever it's called, both these features have certainly some potential, but clearly needs A LOT of work.

    Compared to the rest of the game, operators feel so limited and so weak. like playing an unranked warframe without any mods nor abilities. Tbf at the moment, comparing warframes with operators is like comparing Warframe with Destiny. By pressing 5 players can instantly go from cool, fast-paced badassery, to slow, methodical, squishy, sluggish crap. At least in Destiny players actually have some sense of power, which is not the case with Operators.

    PS: I heard that if players are willing to invest about 2 years as well as 7 billions Focus points then Operator can become somewhat good at killing one single monster (eidolons). C/D ?

  17. 21 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    The only way to properly balance Shadowstep was to add a cooldown (like 30s), change the action required to trigger it (say, use a Finisher attack and kill as opposed to get it on every single hit) AND make it dispelable by the usual suspects.

    It was OP because you could be invisible, therefore untargetable, forever so long as you kept hitting enemies, and it was not dispelable like the other invisibilities.

    Interesting suggestions, speaking of which I was thinking about ways to balance it without even touching it, such as making disruptor aura actually disrupt invsibility, or give some kind of x-ray goggles to heavy units grinner & corpus so that they could spot players as if they were not invisible... That would have added a layer of involvment and awareness. Anyway, if anyting its one issue was its complete immunity to dispels.


    1 hour ago, nickelshark said:

    I am personally glad shadow step is six feet under. It was most certainly op. Giving any frame the ability to be invisible the entire mission? How can that not be op. I can't personally speak as to what it was like to use excal with shadow step as I avoided it like the plague.

    How can you say it was OP, and that you're glad it's gone? If you didn't even use it then how did its existence affect you in any way shape or form. Unlike some other abilities & powers in this game, this one didn't even harm or ruin the squad experience in any way that I'm aware of. If there is a dude in your squad who turns invisible and kills monsters with his axe, is that harmful in any way?

    Also  all these OP talks make we wonder whether there is some kind of competitive side of Warframe that I'm not aware of? Is this a hardcore pvp game, or is it a free-to-play casual pve game? You did the right thing though, instead of relying on invisibility and then *@##$ing about it, you came to realize that this was an optional playstyle, that it was not necessary in any way in order to beat the game or to have fun, and that you had the choice to simply ignore it. 

  18. 59 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

    I got to rename my Galatine Prime 

    About this feature; is it client-side or server-side?

    From my limited playtime (Ive done about 30 missions since PoE release, mostly alerts and invasions) Ive never seen another player with a custom weapon name. Also idk if it's a bug or what, but on the bottom left corner of the UI, as well as on the Mission summary screen, sometimes the custom name does not display, instead it reverts to its original name.

    Those two elements made me wonder whether this is client side and whether other players can actually see the weapons' custom names

  19. Hello there I tried the dynamic resolution feature, and it works great, however I experienced a couple of low impact display bugs


    1. As you can see the head gets reflected in a weird translucent way, the position of this reflecting rotates along with camera movement. Also happens when there is a smoke effect in the background (Ive tried it in the smoky corner inside our landing craft):








    2. Display bug due to collision between both characters:

    First two are WITH Dynamic resolution turned on:








    WITHOUT Dynamic resolution, collision happens normally:




    My settings are 1280 x 800, VSync ON, Dynamic resolution set at 80%, everything is on LOW, or turned OFF:








     My computer is an ASUS laptop model X751LJ

    OS: Windows 10

    CPU: i3-5005U 2 Ghz (4 CPUs)

    RAM: 8192 MB

    Display: Intel HD Graphics 5500

    Render: NVIDIA GeForce 920M


  20. 14 minutes ago, Djego27 said:

    Why people don't test stuff in the game before they complain on the forums?

    The ability is now called energized dash, press 5, press CTRL, press space, press 5 again and you have the same energy regeneration for 30s(rise and repeat). It was even buffed that now the hole team can get the buff by just passing through the zone you create.

    Being able to buff the squad is a very welcome change, plus it encourages more team work. I wish more players were aware of this. However, having to go throught such cumbersome and convoluted hoops, every 30 seconds, just to refresh a single ability, is going to get old very fast but we'll see how the system evolves. The Operator/focus has a lot of potential but still needs a lot of work.

  21. 1 hour ago, WhiteMarker said:

    Why would we totally nerf an ability, so we have to use one specific Focus-School? Why not leave the ability as it is. So we can use whatever School we want.

    The exact same thing can be said about Naramon and invisibility. If anything, none of these schools were required in order to beat the game, They gave us options, they gave the player access to different optional playstyles. Completely removing invisibility and destroying the Naramon tree was not a reasonable decision. DE could at least have tried to balance it.

    Again, Naramon was not "OP", such an opinion is quite shortsighted; I fail to see in what way does a person turning invisible for a few seconds could qualify as "OP". This does not hold water in a game where there are TON of stuff that can be deemed even more "OP" than merely being able to turn invisible. There are combinations in this game which are unstoppable, which allow the player to "cheese" the entire game. Yet these never get touched or nerfed?

    One of the first things I did when I started playing this game was buy Ivara so that I could bypass the entire Spy gameplay. By ya'll logic this is completely broken and should be removed from the game. Also I got myself a nice punchthrough mod which allowed me to literally shoot enemies through walls. If that's not broken, then I don't know what is.

    "OP", you say, maybe we can ask that 40 year old dad who always plays solo 1 hour per day, who was having a blast doing coop runs with his son, maybe we should ask him whether Naramon was 'OP' and whether he wanted DE to balance it  completely remove it.

    On a more serious tone, Naramon was not inherently powerful right off the bat. It required A LOT of time and effort in order to actually get to that power level, be able to unlock and max these abilities, Players got to these power levels because they worked for it. It is only logical that their characters would become more powerful. I'm saying "powerful" as opposed to OP, because If something is SUPPOSED to be powerful, then it is not by definition Overpowered.

    "it is powerful therefore it is overpowered." This is flawed. You can't really say that a 10 forma Tigris Prime with Primed Mods and a godly Riven is OP, can you?

    In any case, what if that Naramon was actually OP? Let's say Naramon players realized that wow, this thing is actually good and gives me lots of survivability. But they were not enjoying it, they thought it was too powerful. Well, they had some options, they could either:

    A. disable the ability by clicking on its icon in the tree.

    B. use another focus school.

    C. Play content that's actually challenging.

    Some of these players did exactly that, some realized that Naramon was not fun for them, so they switched to another school. Whatever they did, these people easily found a way to make it work, without any input from DE, and without any impact on the rest of the game or even online experience. They did not feel the need to go on the forums, complain about it and go out of their way to ruin the fun of other players.


    1 hour ago, Nakrast said:

    Look, my Excalibur melts lv 145 bombards with few hits, so i'm 100% sure, he doesn't need any damage increase.

    Well in my opinion, if you do that kind of damage that means you know what you're doing, and you've played a lot, you've invested a lot of time and effort, so I say Kudos to you Sir, you're a badass and deservedly so. I've yet to meet lvl 145 bombards and I don't want to, these things must be a nightmare. Watch out though, there are some people out there who would think that what you're describing is borderline broken and should be removed from the game.

  22. 3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ALG Minuscule36 said:

    That's the point. They made a Time AND grind wall with focus.

    They set a cap, a low one, so that you're forced to keep signing in day after day to continue focus farming.

    It's like any foundry item that has 12 or more hours of build time.

    In this case they need to lower the focus cost of these abilites. According to current numbers anyone other than the worst hardcore players will literally have to play for years in order to fill up these trees and make their operator remotely fun to play and decent at combat.

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