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Posts posted by Transmorphic_Wyvern

  1. Nullifiers are rather weak tbh. Granted their bubbles need tweaking, but they're easy to deal with. also, you probably should be using your secondary for them with a sniper/bow/single-shot weapon

  2. It's funny how that since the start of this event people are only now complaining that the relays are identical....Wasn't an issue until now...

    Or if it WAS an issue it was one people stayed quiet about.


    People wanted longer events. What we got is the equivalent of emptying full clips into a wall until January.

    Artificial event length by strengthening enemies to the point of absurdity...It's a lame tactic.

    The sad thing is we will fail...because there's no reason NOT to.

    All I need is ONE run on EACH ship. They SEVERELY drain my resources to make keys (seriously? Cryotic?)

    Now I have to not only farm isotopes but I'm forced to do excavations which SUCK HARD.

    50k creds for 1mil points? Not even close to worth wasting more keys.


    I actually LIKE Archwing missions,and I DO like the Fomorian missions,but the WAY they're implemented is BS.

    And the video message we got at the beginning? Well sheeeiiit....Why are we fighting these things from JUST the outside?

    Why tease us with a video of fighting them with AW AND then going inside like a regular mission if that isn't what is happening?


    I COULD go on but I'll just end rant here..

    because pants

  3. Will the skana syndicate mod be allowed onto the skana prime? And speaking of the sword syndicate mods, the mods for the Mire, the Skana, and the Jaw sword are currently bugged and do not work at all. Are we going to see any fixes to these mods in the near future? I would love to be able to use my Mire and Skana (Prime) to their fullest extent.

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