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Posts posted by Cowhawk

  1. So, part of the basic premise involves a military that not only disregards the civilian population, but actually actively tries to kill civilians, just because...


    Somehow, I feel like it's trying to be an anti-war game, or about how civilians are affected by war, but the premise of civilians being indescriminately targeted by the "military" is off-putting because it says to me that this is the developers' sole view of war - that it is directly aimed at civilians. Idk, I just feel like there are more realistic, common ways of portraying the effect war has on civilians.


    I agree there are other ways to portray the effect on civis, but this is one that ONLY watches the civilians, and all the soldiers runing around is more of a backstory, 


    The military dont just shoot at you, there are some who trade with you, and generally try and help, but then there are other who will actively hunt you, 


    seriously man, just have a little play of it, it's a seriously good game :) 

  2. A very different game from what i'm used to playing, and considering the idea of the game seems pretty basic, the actual game itself is surprising fleshed out. 


    Little back story, some sort of war has broken out, the military are basically shooting anyone within this city, presuming even civilians are supporting the opposing side, so the civilians avoid going out during the day to as to avoid the military...so instead during the day you will fix up your house, build new equipment and such to basically make it more tolerable for your survivors. Night-falls, and you must choose sleeping arrangements, who is to stay awake and keep watch, who will go out and scavenge, and where this scavenger will go. 


    You play as a group of civilians, all with their own personal talents, a good chef, moves quietly, and able to carry more stuff etc...but you have no part in this war, you must simply survive it. It's a very risky concept with today's market primarily being dominated by FPS games,, but this just works so well.. 


    Something that completely caught me off guard was how dark this game actually gets, without going into detail, your survivors, if not properly taken care of eventually become so emotionally demoralised that they can actually kill themselves. . I know, insane that someone has put this into a game, and yet it could't feel more in place


    Back to the scavenging, it's intense, especially early game when you're unarmed...and you're trying to decipher whether other people inside building are friendly or not, and if they arn't, well it certainly gets your heart going trying to get out before you either get shot or bludgeoned to death. xD


    Either way, i couldn't recommend this game any more, 


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