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Posts posted by MrDeVil_909

  1. 8 hours ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

    I read the original post twice, and I STILL have no idea what message they are trying to convey.


    OP's got no chill. For some reason this is important to share.



    I normally ignore players like the OP, but I think I'm going to start telling them to chill now.

  2. 12 hours ago, MealeaYing said:

    That second part got me thinking (usually this is bad) so I went back to Earth and did an excavation mission. You are not only right, I was stunned. I stood there and laid waste to hundreds of Grineer with little effort while MR1 people ran around collecting a lot of good (I hope) stuff... I think I see what you mean, actually I know I do.

    Fun isn't it? :)

    Also to something else you said, 'leeching' is usually considered a bad thing, but in this game it's such a fundamental part of the design with how XP sharing works it isn't really a pejorative. There's a reason it's acceptable to take unranked gear into missions on Sedna, and high level players offer taxis. It's all part of the dynamics. It's something to get used to as a newer player because it's quite unusual, but generally it doesn't cause resentment in 'veteran' players.

    I've found the other players generally just focus on what they are doing and don't want to be slowed down, but if something goes wrong on your side, like getting lost on the way to extraction, and it happens, just tell people in chat and they will usually calm down.

    @Omnimorph You make some good points, but I don't think the game really needs any new systems to encourage newer and older players mixing. Older players just need to take it on themselves to sherpa newer players and encourage them. We all benefit from more players, so we need to keep people around by making the environment as positive as possible. It's something that's generally quite good in Warframe, but if more people make an effort it will be even better.

  3. " Warframe is most fun at tutorial and Vor's prize quest. The only pure fun in this game is actually the first few hours, you still haven't had sunk cost fallacy and if you also didn't catch any anchoring effects from some stupid overrated reviews you could consider it the true fun of Warframe.  "

    " Very well said. It's a slot machine system that keeps you doing the same thing over and over again coz the reward you may get is pure RNG. "

    Some people seem to have a strange relationship with this game. As I said in another thread only a couple of hours ago, I enjoy the moment to moment gameplay. The running, the movement, strafing a bunch of mobs while I'm aim-gliding and watching them fall apart, that's the fun. The fact that I've spent the better part of an hour grinding for credits at Heiracon is incidental to the enjoyment I've had while doing it.

    If the game's flow ever gets old and I find I'm just grinding for specific goals for their own sake, then I'm out.

  4. 27 minutes ago, theblob5 said:

    You don't get Nitain through farming but through alerts. There are usually 3 to 4 Nitain alerts per day. Check the alert section of http://deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html to see when a Nitain alert is up.


    Or use the app. If I'm free to play and an Nitain alert pops I jump on to do it quickly. Been doing that for 3 months and only needed Nitain once so far, so when the time comes and I do need it I have a stockpile.

    Farming is boring, definitely. But I love the moment to moment gameplay in this game. I've been solo farming the first extractor at Hieracon for credits a couple of times a night. In itself a pretty boring exercise, but I love parkouring through the map to get it done as quickly as possible, because the movement is such a delight.

    With zero sarcasm, if the OP, or anyone else isn't enjoying the gameplay enough to mitigate the grind, then it's probably time for a break.

  5. Your post in a bit confusing, did you buy the BPs for all the parts and the Archwing itself? Have you built the parts? Don't look under Ready To Build, look under Archwing in the foundry in case you're missing materials.

    That's pretty much all I can think of.

  6. While the Titania cheese method looks pretty hilarious, I really think you need to do the test legitimately. The tests help you develop your player skills. I'm not saying 'Git Gud.' but take this as a learning opportunity.

    I did it using Soma Prime, because the 200 round mag meant no reloading and I didn't need to worry about conserving ammo. Just point and walk the dog. Hit enough of the orbs early and you can completely ignore them at the end and rush to the finish.

    It took me a good few practice runs to get right. I would do a few practices then go do something else, then come back for a few tries for about a week. It took me so long to do the test I qualified for MR12 immediately, but I was a better player by the end.

  7. 3 hours ago, Nebula.Soloist said:

    Hmmmmm is it possible to completely change your starter weapon to another category of stater weapons again? Like right now i have  the bow and kunais i was wondering if i can change the two weapons to the starter rifle and pistols....


    You will need to buy them from the market.

  8. This community is weird. People will find anything to whine about, and they'll find a group of people to support their whining.


    warframe.market now operates like probably thousands of already existing directory services with promoted listings and it is far more user friendly that what came before.

  9. With warframe.market out there I'm not sure item flipping is a good way to make plat, unless you manage to pick stuff up really cheap. Your time is IMO better served by farming relics and putting the parts up for sale.

    For example, Trinity is available for as low as 45. You paid a fair price, but it won't go up by much unless you hold onto it for a long time and supply gets short. Saryn is as low as 57, but hustling for 7 plat doesn't strike me as worthwhile. Nekros is worth 80, so you were straight up robbed.

  10. 7 hours ago, Altre said:

    I've always appreciated the lack of direction. It has always felt like there isn't really much that you can't learn from experimenting. I'm a vet, but even when I was new, it never bothered me because if I really wanted to know, there was the wiki, which turned me on to Mogamu and Rob.

    I have friends that have a hard time with it and others that dont, but the ones that do feel like it's by design and it's just not a game for them. I like open world survival games that make you use critical thinking and while this is far from that genre, it's still interesting to see it in a coop fast paced game like this.

    The community is always here, though. You can always ask! I love helping new people! Don't be afraid to ask. There's no humility, nothing to hurt pride, no insult to be made. Just ask. :D

    It may be my favourite thing about the game. The industry is filled with highly directed experiences and that's cool, but I like something you need to uncover it feels weirdly special. And I'm not generally an elitist, I love helping newer players, but I do feel like they need to put in some work.

    I don't blame people who don't feel the same, but demanding that WF fits a different standard is IMO poor form.

  11. As soon as you start a level with a target in it Simaris will tell you. If he doesn't tell you there's a target abort and start again. They're also usually not hard to find if they're actually in the mission. You just need to get within probably 100 metres and they will be tagged automatically.

    If RNGesus isn't looking after you and you aren't getting spawns, go do something else for a while and come back.

    Also, welcome to Warframe. Grinding for something for 2 hours is pretty standard. 


  12. I sympathise with your suffering. I was a new player not very long ago and I had issues with the same missions, although without the host migration bug.

    I had one on a defence mission where the host left and the spawns didn't leave the spawn points. The remaining player and I spent like 15 minuted running around the map shooting infested in their barrels. The drops had been pretty good so we couldn't just abandon the mission. It was both horrible and hilarious.

    Having said this, warframe is a very specific type of game. One that rewards research outside of the game. You can blunder your way quite far, but there are so many systems that change so often that it's difficult to effectively produce a tutorial.

    I personally enjoy this. Every now and then I jump back into Eve or a moba, these also need you to research. In Eve if you don't know what you're doing other players will straight up murder and rob you (in game ofc) and won't apologise. And in a moba if you're dead weight your team has no hope.

    Not everyone likes this sort of thing. If you don't that's fine, the game may not be for you. If you work at it you'll find the game very rewarding.

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