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Posts posted by geninrising

  1. does anybody know how clan stats for this event are calculated? i see my clan only has 36 minutes on the leaderboard but i know most of us have gotten more than 20mins individually.

    clan leaderboards is an average amongst total clan members

    so inactives hurt your overall time same for ppls that get 20 min then leave soo if you go 10 hrs you can still fail at the leaderboard rankings

  2. when you gonna fix thix lags,i love the game,but,there are 2-3 sec lags,sometimes this game is unplayable,yeah dont tell me is beta cous you take money from people....for half finished product.so this part sukks big time...

    this lag comes from your connection and hosts. When playing with friends with  me or them as host...no lag. Also find people in YOUR REGION that will cut lag dramatically. Play with people in YOUR country, that will also cut lag.


    Lag from Saryn's spores is a different story lol

  3. Is this going to become a permanent game mode after the event? Also, could the mod fusion slots be lowered so it doesn't take 14 slots? That's a bit much for 22 bonus on pickups. Especially considering most orbs are energy, so 22 hp pickups won't be very useful unless you are going toe to toe with toxics. Really enjoying the event, though. It makes for some great farming.

    this is slated to become a permanent game mode during update 10. However I hope they remove the oxygen requirement and let us just kill tons of enemies and handle this in a last man standing style.

  4. Coach there really isn't the 'best place' to get the Latron Prime Receiver , the only place you can get it is the void and its a random drop like any other , its like that one Warframe drop from a boss you never get so easily , its just luck and chance of getting it really. 

    actually if you look at the statistical percentage of drops in void missions the previous poster was correct. So please go visit the wiki and check the precentages. All percentages come from the games actual files that were picked apart by data miners.


  5. Saryn is probably one of the most tanky frames in the game, with amazing burst damage thanks to Miasma. I get the feeling you haven't actually used it because you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

    yeppers saryn has 100 armor, most tanky female frame not counting abilities. Ember gets highest marks including abilities. Ember is in fact even more tanky than rhino with overheat maxed.

  6. I hope this event Badge goes on the left shoulder, I already have Badges on my right shoulder + Sentinel!


    Also:Will Strun Wraith have its own slot like Snipetron Vandal does?

    Left shoulder is for event badges right shoulder is for clan badeges..Warframes left and right rspectively not your left and right

  7. why are there new events EVERY WEEKEND this is getting a bit much. and I feel punished if I miss out on something that ends up being ultra viable.(here's looking at you lethal torrent and Snipe ton vandal) really. DE lay off this, I love the updates but I work weekends and farming 100 stupid captives for a mod that is almost required makes me Dislike playing. 

    don't get me wrong here I love the grind. but put some of these events with easier rewards during the week. not everyone has the weekends off. 

    I still see that im missing the Sniper ammo mutation for the event last month and I feel like I was punished because I couldn't hit the quota for all the mods. this is not a job, don't make it feel like one.  

    Man just get in a solid group and you can complete ANY of these evenys in approx 3 hrs play time. Regardless of whether you work or not on weekends it is a guarantee you have 3 hrs in 3 days to get this done. As a note I have completed every event since the spy drone event in under 3 hrs. I f you are having trouble completing the requirements for the events then think about your playstyle and who you run with as that is the source of your problem with these events.

  8. Tried, after i did the first jump to the other side, I quickly did this combo to there and the door wont open. This made me think I will have to stand on the pod (the pod where I took the image for OP.) to open this room.

    that door does not open if it's the room I'm thinking about..huge room with openings in the floor that reset you. have to wall run to get across and drawbridge in the middle that extends to let you get across mid. box directly in front of the door.

  9. tbh with all the orokin catalysts that have been coming up as alerts plat is a less serious issue lately. However in order to get the most out of your frames, weapons, and sentinels platinum is a must due to the fact that with a catalyst/reactor it doubles the ammount of mods you can install in them. Now for the truly harsh fact. In order to have lots of frames and weapons at your disposal platinum is NECESSARY because you cannot get weapon slots or frame slots any other way. Now unless you have already attained a high mastery rank it may be beneficial to you to start a new account so that you can use the starting plat to ensure you buy reactors with it so that you at least have 2 frames that can be made op. If you should do this I recommend using Loki as your starter frame as he is the only one that is really viable later in game due to his massive utility and ability to solo just about everything(his melee damage increase while invis is MASSIVELY usefull as it ensures melee is OP untill waaaay later in game)

  10. I thought it was going to be a knockdown resistance AND knockdown recover mod.


    You know, cuz we've been lacking those.

    I hope not. Just because that is soooo boring.



    i want a projectile speed mod 

    please let it be a projectile speed mod 

    unfortunately it won't be otherwise we would see 3 variants rifle/pistol/shotgun


    It will be flow+streamline, streamline+focus or focus+flow

    this would be truly op^^

  11. Unfortunately at this time there is no way to lower your clans tier. The only way to combat the inactivity is to have a warlord Kick inactive players or, get all the bps for resources and weapons and bail to start your own clan. Post a 7 day or less kick rule in the daily clan message and recruit often as you will be kicking often. Eventually you should be able to acquire enough active players to keep yourself occupied.

    As for the barracks system it does not affect your clan tier this is by number of clansmen. Previously your clan tier was determined by the size of the Hall you had built and some clans tiered up accidentally. Those poor sob's are still stuck in higher level tiers with no possible way to correct this.

    edited for typos..grrr tired


    It was posted as a skin first but then got fixed.


    there has been no edit to DEMegans post so no it was not people just assumed, and you know what they say about assuming.

    PrickleyPete cleared this up due to all the people claiming it was a skin before any actual info had been released to stop all the flaming. Gosh sorry i was the first one to actually READ the dmn forum post without making assumptions. The reason I created this post is because I am angry about all the assumptions people make in these forums CONSTANTLY. When drops get messed up: DE is doing this on purpose. When a glitch occurs that is unforseen: DE doesn't care about fixing things. When a frame gets changed: DE does not know what they are doing, this is soo wrong. Well understand this. EVERY SINGLE TIME you people state these things YOU are wrong. To those that provide actual constructive feedback <3           To those that just flame and complain or assume they know what is going on when they do not in fact work for DE please uninstall warframe as this community has no need for ignorance.

    Edit: TY tsubasakuroi for linking the post of PrickleyPete I was having a problem figuring out how to link the post itself and by the time i figured it out you had posted here, again ty

  13. Please try playing an END GAME run on a defense mission with enemies over level 200. I know this argument is invalid for most players as they do not go this far with their defense runs, however at present this is the only challenge we LONG TERM players have. At those levels the enemies MUST be M Primed in it's current iteration otherwise they are impossible to defeat even with 30'd polarized fully modded weapons. And M prime explosions at that point do not even kill runners, chargers or leapers. the problem lies with people who like to get all the kills in early waves of defense. Also please remember this is a dmn coop game therefore, enjoy the fact that that skinny chick can help you nuke those bastards. Revel in it's OPness as it only allows you to make progress faster and to top it all off when she M Primes you get exp for your frame and all equipped weapons simultaneously where she only gets frame exp ^^

  14. Cool beans--I just hope this event isn't as "grind" oreintated as those previous. Players like to achieve the highest rank / band / score on these events; however, due to real-life work / study / family commitments, creating goals which can require up to 10-13 hours of play time may be a little excessive.

    Please actually play with other people. None of the previous events took more than 3 hrs to complete all necessary objectives to acquire all rewards except rank trophies. Sometimes it is NECESSARY that you play this COOP game with others. The only individuals that took over 3 hrs are people that were trying to loan wolf it. Therefore the timesink was their fault not DE's.

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