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Posts posted by HypoTherm

  1. Over the years the amount of information on the alerts has been increased, most notably for worldstate (duviri, world cycles) and nightwave. This is on its own is not a bad thing.

    However the amount of text contained within event alerts has not been balanced out to reduce the the amount of event text that is displayed - it often reads like the crawl text at the start of a Star Wars movie.

    The suggestion here is to remove reward text that has already been completed. I've created a sample image to show the amount of reduction available.

    There may also be other gains that could be made, but this seems like an obvious place to start.

    Thanks for reading!



    Original reddit post that prompted this feedeback (I'm not the original author):

    And something that I didn't know had been made by the community (it gave me a chuckle): the Alertalyst: https://starwarsintrocreator.kassellabs.io/#!/BLhEANG2okAkSuAuVsuk

    • Like 2
  2. 4 minutes ago, Sean said:

    These new currencies don't bode well for the future.


    Not quite sure what you mean here. The unvaulted relics will be earned by playing the game or by purchasing a currency with real money.

    This is no different to the current way of earning prime frames when they are unvaulted (play the game or buy them outright to contribute to the developers).

    • Like 8
  3. Quote

    Sorties and Arbitrations now allow Mastery Rank 30+ players that have put at least 1 Forma into their Warframe to bypass the "Rank 30 Warframe" requirement.

    Most welcome, thank you. This would also be a good addition to the Elite Sanctuary Onslaught experience.

    "Go further, I require more efficiency. The specimens no longer interest me, it’s you I study."

    • Like 4
  4. Ended up stuck in the parazon auto-breach animation at the completion of a railjack mission. It carried over into the next mission, so had to abort. The mission was in the Veil, at Gian Point.


    Approximate steps to reproduce:

    1) Complete the mission by killing all targets (Gian Point is fighters and crewships only)

    2) Board a crewship

    3) Start hacking the shielded reactor (start parazon autohack animation)

    4) The crewship "auto-vanishes" at the end of mission cleanup, and before the autohack has completed.

    5) Reappear in space in the archwing, but still in the parazon animation (no access to skills or teleport) - bug

    6) Next mission is started by another tenno, pulled through on mission timeout

    7) Spawn in railjack, still in parazon animation, and no access to skills. The hand of my warframe is still animating the parazon autohack.


    Would expect that the animation status for the warframe/archwing would be reset when the crewship is auto-vanished during the end-of-mission cleanup.



  5. 1 hour ago, F0KK3R said:

    for example:
    before the merger, the wreckage capacity = 28/30
    after the merger, the wreckage capacity still = 28/30

    shouldn't there be a decrease, since the unrepaired component no longer exists?!?!

    for example
    before the merger, the wreckage capacity = 28/30
    after the merger, wreckage capacity should be = 27/30

    Try leaving the screen and returning to see if it has updated correctly (it should do, otherwise you'll end up unable to pick up components).

  6.  Two suggestions rolled into one, but both are to do with the main menu 🙂


    A menu item that takes you directly to the Railjack configuration screen!

    Currently you have to go to the Dojo, then fast travel to the Railjack docks, then interact with the console to get to the screen that you need. That's a lot of steps to gain access to a screen for valence transfer, wreckage management, and managing all of the railjack configuration.

    Collapsing all of that into one menu item would be much appreciated!


    A regrouping of existing menu items

    Separating what you are from what you own, this would update the second and third menu items in the following way:

    1) EQUIPMENT loses the ARSENAL and ABILITIES sub-menu. A new RAILJACK configuration item could be added here.

    2) A new menu item WARFRAME is added, with ARSENAL, ABILITIES, OPERATOR

    3) Remove OPERATOR from the top level.


    Yes, the operator item is made available after a quest unlock (iirc - its been a long time), however you'll be going into Warframe frequently enough to notice it 🙂

    Other items might be moved across (e.g. spectre might be under warframe instead of equipment), with the aim of balancing up the menu items a bit more.




  7. The secondary stat of Flux Capacity will take a while to upgrade to the upper limit of 100 for this Vidar reactor.

    For this item estimate this is around 15 valence transfers, based on 10% of the item stat. This is due to the large range of values (30-100) on Flux Capacity, and the rolled stat being at the bottom of the range.

    It would be much cheaper to wait for a good roll on the secondary stat and then upgrade on the Avionics Capacity as it has a tighter range (90-100).


    Edit: have just picked up a second VIDAR Mk III with a better flux roll, and realised that the best stat is chosen as the base (Flux +32 and +56 gives +61). So you only need a few good secondary rolls to drop.



    • Like 2
  8. For the summary panel on the right of the screen:

    • Some stats for the pilot weapon appear under the gunnery weapon (damage type/total).
    • The gunnery weapon stats start under the primary weapon heading, and do not show the damage type/total.
    • The primary weapon stats are completely missing.

    Individual panels (shown when hovering over a single weapon) appear to contain the correct weapon stats, but all are called "Primary", and not using Pilot or Gunnery titles.



  9. Feature request: disable mods in builds instead of removing them if they exceed capacity

    Inspired by the recent mainline updates to railjack that disabled mods instead of removing them.

    Leveling up a mod with endo can lead to broken builds on other warframes/weapons that share the mod. The current behaviour is to remove the mod from something that is not visible in the UI, and reported instead via a popup dialog box (sometimes several).

    While this might have been more manageable with only a few warframes and a few mods, the increase in numbers (and ubiquty of a several mods) have made this more challenging to manage. Particularly in the low-to-mid range MR where you have enough endo to level up your mods, as well as the forma to do so.

    The feature request
    To have the means to toggle the enabled state of a mod. Also to mark the mod as disabled, instead of removing it, should it exceed the capacity of the warframe/weapon (see use cases below). A mod can then be enabled/disabled (by the player) once the capacity is available to do so.

    For consideration: marking warframes/weapons and build configuration tabs so it is clear that there is a disabled mod in that build. This helps find other builds that need tweaking later.

    Specifically not requested: automatically re-enabling the mod once the capacity becomes available - I would submit that this should be a player choice.

    Use cases

    1) Adding a mod that exceeds the capacity of the warframe/weapon sets it to disabled by default.
    2) Player has levelled a mod with endo, other warframes/weapons sharing this mod are unable to support the new level. Disable the mod on those warframes/weapons instead of removing it. At most have one popup that reports other builds have changed.
    3) Remembering the build after using a forma. Disable mod(s) instead of removing them (mitigated somewhat by MR27, but painful at lower MR). The player can then tweak the build further by changing which mods are disabled.
    4) Creating a build that is your final intended usage, but needs levelling and forma to make viable (a medium term goal that is set at the start of the journey, not at the end)

    Example screenshot:


    Thanks for listening!

  10. Came here to report the same problem.

    The Omni tool defaults to the first empty slot. If the first empty slot has a key binding (e.g. Num 7 on PC) then you can reliably bind to the omni tool. This is a workaround - it prevents you from adding other items to the wheel if you have later slots filled.

    TL;DR: Set an empty slot in the gear wheel. This will be the key binding that you want to use.

  11. Used the parazon on a popup terminal (found on a Lua spy mission) and, after completing the hack, was dragged into the ground when the terminal hid itself again. The parazon only had the Intruder mod.

    /unstuck got me out ok.

    The image was an F6 capture with meta data.


  12. While playing through a PoE bounty that required a key to drop, using mach rush against the key holder managed to knock the key over 400m on the map.

    The key appears to inherit the momentum of the carrier when they are killed.

    Approximate steps to reproduce:

    1) Start PoE bounty that includes a key holder stage (e.g. data theft, with a datamass)

    2) Knock over the keyholder with a kinetic shockwave (Gauss Mach Rush stopped by hitting something, creating the ragdoll on the key holder)

    3) Immediately kill the key holder before it leaves weapon range (a long range melee works well here)

    4) Go and retrieve the key from where ever it landed 😜


    Expected: the key drops to a safe location, near the kill and within the bounty zone.

  13. Xini interception was started and several nodes captured as part of the first round (3 players on map). The host then migrated and two further players joined the game.

    After the migration the enemies refused to leave their spawn rooms during the interception phase (percentage ticking up to 100). The doors appeared to be closed, blocking their progress. They only left the room once the "clear remaining enemies" phase was started.

    This cycle repeated. It was a very quiet interception mission for 4 rounds.



  14. More of an oddity in the way fast travel works, and not game breaking. I haven't seen this on any other console in the orbiter.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1) While in the orbiter: select Equipment menu, then void relic refinement

    2) Escape out of void relic menu, note that you were moved to the void relic console

    3) Without moving select Equipment menu, then void relic refinement again.

    4) Animation for entering the void relic menu starts, but does not complete [issue]


    Moving away from the console allows the fast travel menu to "reset", and the issue can be reproduced as per 1-4 above.

    The console is also accessible directly by using X at all times (use item on PC), and is not affected by the steps to reproduce.

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