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Posts posted by MrTitan123

  1. As I echo everyone thus far: Tap/Hold toggle. It'd be more universally in line with other abilities of similar nature. That and it would be easier to program. Reduced effectiveness is a small price to pay for more consistent use.

  2. The subject is pretty self explanatory, but I'd like to ask anyone else experiencing this: Is the Portcull syandana opening/expanding outward for you? I get the impression from the promotional material that it was supposed to have some kind of animation, but I've yet to see it. I thought I might have been misled, but just now (as of posting) I briefly saw a glimpse in-mission during extraction of the blocky cape opening. So the animation IS in game, but I have no idea how it's triggered. I really like the syandana, but I feel like I'm not getting my plat's worth. Anyone here able to help?

  3. Grendel: The great and terrible eater of worlds. He's the unholy combination of terrifying, ridiculous, and...strangely effective. Though, he's not the best frame out there as he has some minor problems with scaling. He scales well, just not at the level of godly. I'm perfectly fine with Grendel as is, but consider this post not as a complaint, but more of a 'wishlist' of improvements to his kit. I'll be giving my reasons for them as well to prevent confusion.

    1. Feast is very energy consuming. At base, it takes 1.5 energy per second to keep an enemy in your belly, and adds another 1.5 per additional enemy you suck up. Thus, it can be difficult for Grendel to keep his lunch, so to speak. If you lose all your energy, Grendel will barf out every enemy that was in his gut. Unless you're using rage or hunter adrenaline (As you probably should), it will be very difficult to keep a steady energy supply. Not to mention that keeping enemies in your gut is key to keeping certain targets out of the fight, like Eximus, nullifiers, or noxes in particular.
    Solution 1: Remove energy drain, but limit enemy cap  to 20.
    Solution 2: Reduce energy drain from 1.5 to 1 per enemy.
    If you remove the energy drain, but limit enemy caps, it prevents Grendel from overfeeding. It will in turn give his expulsion part of Feast more use, as it can expel enemies that have their armor stripped, and make use of its innate toxin effect. (I also think it should do a giant gas proc in front of him for burps but that isn't important. Toilet humor ha ha ha.) You can always kill enemies with Pulverize to prevent your enemy cap from hitting max by simply killing them with jumps. In addition, having no energy drain would allow Grendel to more consistently use his gluttony passive for increased armor. As for Solution 2, It would simply be a quality of life change to make keeping enemies easier, but still keeping the enjoyment of sucking up the entire map.

    2-A. Visibility and functionality of Nourish. Nourish is a great ability for buffing your team and healing yourself. The first problem with it lies with how visible your available buffs are. If you want to use a buff, you must cycle through them to highlight the one you want to use. If you don't have the correct enemy for the buff, it won't show that buff. Here's the problem: Sometimes you forget what you ate for breakfast. You end up wasting a few seconds and casts trying to cycle the buff you want.
    Solution: Have a cycle wheel similar to Ivara, Vauban, or Khora along with buff icons with highlights to indicate what is available at first glance.
    I don't think any explanation is needed other than "It would look a lot better and be easier to see what I have ready".

    2-B. Nourish's healing value??? Nourish is capable of healing you, but the value of which it heals you seems to have a mind of its own. Sometimes it'll only heal for 50 health, other times 200 per cast. No one seems to have any idea how to calculate this. I don't know, the community doesn't know, the wiki doesn't know, hell, I don't think DE knows either.
    Solution: Let's normalize the healing value. For the first enemy in line for Nourish, Grendel takes 10% of that enemies health and heals himself for that value, not applying armor damage reduction, as it just takes their health.
    WHY: In theory, this should have a different effect depending on how high enemy level is. On low levels, it should only heal him a bit, since he probably doesn't need it considering how tanky he is by default and when paired with his armor passive. On high levels, it should nearly fully heal Grendel because of how high enemy health can get. He'll need it too, since enemies that high can put out a lot of damage at once.

    3. Regurgitate feels underused. The only reasons I would consider using this is either for chucking enemies out of the open map and into the skybox, killing low level trash, or memes. It doesn't feel like the deadly projectile vomit it was designed to be.
    Solution: Have the damage of Regurgitate scale with the CURRENT health of the enemy you spit out, and deal a guaranteed toxin proc to whatever it hits.
    WHY: If you deal scaling damage to enemies with the baddies stored in your gut, Grendel will have a more direct method of killing, as well as a way to deal with unwanted enemies in his belly. Your recently acquired prey goes from "useless meat sacks" to "live ammunition". Any enemy that doesn't instantly die to the body vomited at their face will slowly be poisoned to death from the toxin proc they're hit with. I chose toxin because it is consistent with the damage types in the rest of his kit, and uses similar damage calculations to slash procs. Scaling damage is key to longterm relevance, so adding that alongside a way to bypass armor in a fair way is a great improvement.


    This was posted here as suggested on original topic thread

    • Like 1
  4. Grendel: The great and terrible eater of worlds. He's the unholy combination of terrifying, ridiculous, and...strangely effective. Though, he's not the best frame out there as he has some minor problems with scaling. He scales well, just not at the level of godly. I'm perfectly fine with Grendel as is, but consider this post not as a complaint, but more of a 'wishlist' of improvements to his kit. I'll be giving my reasons for them as well to prevent confusion.

    1. Feast is very energy consuming. At base, it takes 1.5 energy per second to keep an enemy in your belly, and adds another 1.5 per additional enemy you suck up. Thus, it can be difficult for Grendel to keep his lunch, so to speak. If you lose all your energy, Grendel will barf out every enemy that was in his gut. Unless you're using rage or hunter adrenaline (As you probably should), it will be very difficult to keep a steady energy supply. Not to mention that keeping enemies in your gut is key to keeping certain targets out of the fight, like Eximus, nullifiers, or noxes in particular.
    Solution 1: Remove energy drain, but limit enemy cap  to 20.
    Solution 2: Reduce energy drain from 1.5 to 1 per enemy.
    If you remove the energy drain, but limit enemy caps, it prevents Grendel from overfeeding. It will in turn give his expulsion part of Feast more use, as it can expel enemies that have their armor stripped, and make use of its innate toxin effect. (I also think it should do a giant gas proc in front of him for burps but that isn't important. Toilet humor ha ha ha.) You can always kill enemies with Pulverize to prevent your enemy cap from hitting max by simply killing them with jumps. In addition, having no energy drain would allow Grendel to more consistently use his gluttony passive for increased armor. As for Solution 2, It would simply be a quality of life change to make keeping enemies easier, but still keeping the enjoyment of sucking up the entire map.

    2-A. Visibility and functionality of Nourish. Nourish is a great ability for buffing your team and healing yourself. The first problem with it lies with how visible your available buffs are. If you want to use a buff, you must cycle through them to highlight the one you want to use. If you don't have the correct enemy for the buff, it won't show that buff. Here's the problem: Sometimes you forget what you ate for breakfast. You end up wasting a few seconds and casts trying to cycle the buff you want.
    Solution: Have a cycle wheel similar to Ivara, Vauban, or Khora along with buff icons with highlights to indicate what is available at first glance.
    I don't think any explanation is needed other than "It would look a lot better and be easier to see what I have ready".

    2-B. Nourish's healing value??? Nourish is capable of healing you, but the value of which it heals you seems to have a mind of its own. Sometimes it'll only heal for 50 health, other times 200 per cast. No one seems to have any idea how to calculate this. I don't know, the community doesn't know, the wiki doesn't know, hell, I don't think DE knows either.
    Solution: Let's normalize the healing value. For the first enemy in line for Nourish, Grendel takes 10% of that enemies health and heals himself for that value, not applying armor damage reduction, as it just takes their health.
    WHY: In theory, this should have a different effect depending on how high enemy level is. On low levels, it should only heal him a bit, since he probably doesn't need it considering how tanky he is by default and when paired with his armor passive. On high levels, it should nearly fully heal Grendel because of how high enemy health can get. He'll need it too, since enemies that high can put out a lot of damage at once.

    3. Regurgitate feels underused. The only reasons I would consider using this is either for chucking enemies out of the open map and into the skybox, killing low level trash, or memes. It doesn't feel like the deadly projectile vomit it was designed to be.
    Solution: Have the damage of Regurgitate scale with the CURRENT health of the enemy you spit out, and deal a guaranteed toxin proc to whatever it hits.
    WHY: If you deal scaling damage to enemies with the baddies stored in your gut, Grendel will have a more direct method of killing, as well as a way to deal with unwanted enemies in his belly. Your recently acquired prey goes from "useless meat sacks" to "live ammunition". Any enemy that doesn't instantly die to the body vomited at their face will slowly be poisoned to death from the toxin proc they're hit with. I chose toxin because it is consistent with the damage types in the rest of his kit, and uses similar damage calculations to slash procs. Scaling damage is key to longterm relevance, so adding that alongside a way to bypass armor in a fair way is a great improvement.

    That's about all I have to say. If you have anything to add, post it down below. I do so hope DE sees this and implements something like this in the coming hotfixes.

  5. Hot garbage? Garbage? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Holy S#&$ you’re wrong. Slap on an efficiency build, Rage, Healing flame, and you can shrug off level 90’s and above if you manage her immolation well. Max immolation when venting fire blast strips 100% armor instantly, and procs heat to add bonus power strength for Inferno to nuke everything.

    And no, Ember’s new kit is not about pure damage like it was before. This version of her is meant to reward proper immolation management with damage reduction, increasingly powerful fire damage, and meteor nukes against unarmored enemies.

    Before you criticize something, be sure to try it first, dude.

  6. Me and a buddy tossed this idea for the cgi trailer around and I decided to post it here. So here it is.

    You play as the ethereal operator in a dreamlike state, wandering up towards the abandoned orokin temple pursued by Grineer. When the dormant warframes are found, time slows to a halt and you are given a choice.

    As the operator, you have a choice of three offerings. An offering to swordsmanship (Excalibur), an offering to the elements (Volt), or an offering to technology (Mag). Depending on which offering you give, you can see what the warframe does and how it functions via an interactable flashback to the old war. Excalibur going up against a small Grineer camp, Volt going against a crowd of Dax, and Mag against yet more Grineer. Once each flashback is complete, you can finalize your choice and awaken a warframe. You fight your way out of the temple and find your orbiter and loyal cephalon, who have been dormant for centuries.

    Wakey wakey, Tenno. Wake up and smell the ashes.

  7. Answer a newbie’s question to the best of your ability. One day it’ll be them passing on that knowledge.

    It’s a general rule of thumb to have some idea of what your team is. Be sure to look at it and ask specific members to coordinate if needed. 

    Be mindful of reviving yourself. Yes, I see you bleeding out. I’m getting to you.

    If you have a Nidus or Harrow on your team, or any other frame that requires getting their own kills to activate their team abilities, let them get kills. They’re typically happier by doing so and a lot more cooperative and less desperate for resources. A happy Nidus is an effective one.

    If two or more people are going to extraction or have chosen ‘No relic’, then you should go as well.

    If a player needs help on a quest, help them out if you can. They’ll thank you later.

    Never invest in the riven market. That’s a dark hole you don’t want to dive into.


    And that about wraps it up on my end.

    • Like 6
  8. 1 hour ago, Loza03 said:

    This is actually good design. Gauss rewards the player for actively playing and properly managing resources.

    The standard for this game - being able to access abilities that enable near unlimited tankiness (or other powers) without consequences or restrictions - is the actual bad design as it basically rewards lack of engagement with the systems.

    Gauss is actually designed for playing the game and is being criticised for it.

    While I appreciate your opinion, I’m going to have to refute that. Gauss’ abilities do require active play, but the reward for such is less than you put in. Take kinetic plating for example. To make use of the ability and gain energy, you need to take damage. To take damage, you need to stand still and get hit. If you stand still, your boost goes down while the ability is active. If the boost goes down, you lose damage resist. If you lose damage resist, you die.


    As for redline, No. Just no. It’s not worth trying to use it. The attack speed buff is insignificant at worst and outclassed at best. Hell, the maximum reload bonus is 48% on an average build. That’s just the Quickdraw mod. It’s literally just putting on Quickdraw. 


    Let’s talk about the cost of these abilities. They have a DUAL COST. They both have an energy drain, AND a constant drain on the boost meter unaffected by mods or efficiency. If you’re going to spend resources to use buffs or passive things, don’t you think you should be able to keep them up or sustain them? Well guess what, Redline resets the buffs upon the ability duration expiring. Guess I need to start it back up again and run around like a maniac instead of helping my team with someone who could do Gauss’ job infinitely better.


    Look, the point here is that Gauss is fun, but ultimately doesn’t have a clear position on a team when there are clearly better options that are much more fun.

  9. 12 hours ago, Uhkretor said:

    ... I'm going to get Gauss on purpose just to test if all of these "bad things" actually hold true...

    I have him. Can confirm. Bunch of other issues regarding sustaining his speed gauge. The effectiveness of his kinetic plating and redline revolve around a high boost gauge, but both of those abilities simultaneously drain it. Don’t even get me started on the ‘armor strip’ he’s capable of. For one, you have to be in redline to do that. Second, it costs 2 uses of thermal sunder to remove a tiny bit of armor. I could just shoot someone with corrosive for free.


    All in all, Gauss is fun because of speed, but DE put too much effort into theme and not enough functionality. PAAAABLO! WE GOT ANOTHER FRAME FOR YA TO FIX!

  10. 3 hours ago, LOD07 said:

    I am working on the list right now that I have provided earlier in this post. However there are wishes that I want to draw as well. So yeah sure wisp will get her Phoenix skin

    Nice. Take your time with whatever you do next. You’re doin’ good, lad.

  11. Hello tenno! Me and a buddy just finished making an RP discord server for this lovely game, and we're proud to finally put out a link to it! We don't have a set story yet, but we have a bunch of free rooms for people to use. You can use canon characters or your own! It's as free-form as you get! We plan on expanding the server as it grows, so come on in! We'd love to have you! Note: There is a five minute wait period before you can do anything on the server. If you cannot immediately do anything, do not panic.


  12. 3 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

    *looks into crystal ball*

    After the first two Orbs. Nef shows up in his capital ship and shields the last Orb mother. DE uses the new cross mission mechanic to force railjack players to attack nefs ship to take out the shield generators for special parts A and frame B. Orb team continues fight for new parts B and frame A.

    Basically a raid where two teams must be queued but never see each other. And you have to do both sides to eventually get everything you need.

    Ey yo, can we get some torches and pitchforks on this man here?

    • Like 2
  13. 14 hours ago, Tellakey said:

    Care to source that? I don't recall the Lotus, but current Natah 2.0, who is arguably under the influence of whatever Ballas did to her, stating similar things, but not Lotus of old. 

    The ropalolyst fight when she’s monologuing and giving her life’s story.

  14. According to Lotus herself, she was brainwashed or reprogrammed to care for us like a robo-nanny. When that was undone by Ballas, she returned to her old self, Natah. It only makes sense that while she is now a full sentient again, she still holds some sentimental value towards us, most likely a lingering fragment of her ‘conditioning’. If she gets over that and comes after us, yeah, I’d gladly put a few bullets in her. 

    However, if there is a way to save her, I would prefer that.

    • Like 3
  15. Fifty hours already? Nice work so far! We of the PC player base welcome a new player regardless of console! Welcome to the family, little dreamer. Keep doing what you’re doing. Tennocon just ended today, and a whole bunch of reveals were dropped. A new game mode is coming very, very soon, so stay tuned on that.


    Big things are coming. I hope you’ll stick around to see ‘em.

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