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Posts posted by MrTitan123

  1. Let’s see...the jackal seems to be the torso. There’s a crewman helmet for a kneecap. Possibly raptor parts for the head(?). A moa foot down there...Not sure what else there is, unless I’m forgetting something.

  2. Harrow? Needing a rework? Hah! I laugh at thee! As a Harrow main, I can say he is perfect as is. He’s incredibly powerful with a diverse range of roles that you can play. The gimmick with him is you have to PAY ATTENTION.

    I don’t even have a forma on my build, and everything is fine.

    Constant healing, CC, invulnerability, and 200+ energy on headshot kill are no laughing matter. Check your playstyle before throwing around rework ideas.

    • Like 3
  3. The starting frames are really good. Like, REALLY good. They’re solid throughout the entirety of your play time, and can take you to the end of the game (wherever that may be). Mag excels at crowd control, Volt is a versatile frame with multiple different applications, and Excalibur is easy and strong enough for anyone of any experience level to use.

    Which brings me to today’s discussion. Excalibur.

    Recently, I noticed that he falls off a bit later in the game with two of his abilities: Slash Dash and Radial Javelin. Let me give you the rundown on their functions.

    Slash Dash makes Excalibur lunge forward, dealing damage and knocking down enemies. It has a bit of homing if you aim at enemies, so that’s nice. It has synergy with exalted blade, so whenever that’s active, slash dash sends out an energy wave from EB on hit. Good synergy, but not really that potent.

    Radial Javelin sends out spears of energy to stab into a target, dealing hefty damage with a maximum of 12 targets. It does not synergize with anything, making it automatically the weakest of his abilities due to armor scaling.

    The overlying problem: Abilities do not scale and/or scale well.

    My solution is pretty straightforward. 


    Make Slash Dash and Radial Javelin scale from Exalted Blade’s mods.


    It’s not too overpowered, but it would give you some use for his other abilities. The abilities would have higher damage and inflict status effects that are native to exalted blade. Hell, if you make the abilities deal stealth multipliers, it could also synergize with Radial Blind. Bam! More synergy! More options!

    Since Excalibur relies on his Exalted Blade for his main ability damage output, making his other abilities scale off of that means that his entire kit will go as far as his Exalted Blade does. It won’t go forever, but in my opinion, it’s a bit better than what we have now.

    Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Excalibur. He got me through the majority of the game, and still holds a special place in my heart. He’s in a decent spot now, but he could be just a teensy bit better.

    Let me know what you guys think of this idea.

    • Like 3
  4. You're not doing anything wrong. You probably just don't have a solid build yet. besides, each frame is geared toward different things. of course mesa is gonna clear rooms in seconds, because that's just what she does. Rhino takes bullets to the face because he can be invincible. Don't judge yourself by the stats you get at the end of the match. they don't impact peerformance.

    Instead, think of it like this: Am i shoooting things? are they dying?
    If the answer to both questions is yes, then you're fine.

    If the answer to the first one is yes, but the second is no, then focus on gathering and upgrading mods to improve your damage output. Warframe is about damage numbers, so the bigger the better. Hope this helps.

  5. I've helped 3 relatively new players gain their bearings and guided them through farming and modding processes.

    Give a man a build, and he'll mod once. Teach a man to mod, and he'll have builds forever.

    I would like the sacrfice collection if anyone can spare the platinum. only thing I wanted, really. IGN is the same as here. PC platform.

  6. Excalibur

    Class: Mid-weight


    Neutral special: Exalted Blade - Excalibur swings his sword and sends a wave of energy forward that deals a low amount of damage. Can be chained up to three times. Both energy wave and sword deal damage.

    Side special: Slash Dash - Excalibur surges forward in a dash with a swing of his sword. Deals the most damage at the very end of the attack. This attack is useful for sideways recovery. Can only be used once before being put into a ‘helpless’ state.

    Up special: Bullet Jump - Excalibur launches himself into the air, dealing low damage to anyone in his path. Launch angle can be adjusted at the beginning.

    Down special: Radial Blind - Excalibur guards with his sword for a brief moment. If an enemy’s attack hits, Excalibur unleashes a blinding flash that stuns enemies directly adjacent to him. 

    Final Smash: Radial Javelin - All enemy fighters are dealt a large amount of damage and are sent flying.

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