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Posts posted by Qmiras

  1. 1 minute ago, DrakeWurrum said:

    Let me put an example to you, with WoW.

    You jump into WoW, you've got your character, starting at level 1. As you play the game you level up. Do quests. Get loot rewards from those quests which make you stronger. As you level up you gain new abilities, powers, etc etc. You keep questing, experiencing the story of each area, zone, continent. You will also encounter dungeons - instanced areas with their own stories, full of enemies to fight, and loot to gather.

    You eventually hit max level. This has gotten to be easier and easier over the years. What do you do from there? Now that you can't level, how do you move forward in the game?

    Well, you could just keep questing. Do all the quests. You could try to hunt down the best gear you can find to be as powerful as possible. Maybe hunt down those rare monsters. Maybe you'll do all the dungeons. Maybe you hunt down the rare spawns and the world bosses.

    But what then? What if you do all of that? Been to every zone, beat every dungeon, explored all that lore.

    That's where Warframe is.

    See, in WoW, the next step is raiding. Just like dungeons. But bigger. With badder enemies. Better loot. And it actually requires a group of players to work together as a team, or else you'll just have a bad time. It changes the game you've been playing completely. Not even dungeons compare to just how different the game plays when you're raiding.

    Blizzard has teams specifically in place to pump out more raids on a regular basis. They're the main features regular players look forward to, and always come with a major update to the game. They're the main feature of every expansion to the game, and the regular players are always looking forward to what the next one will hold - what lore it brings, what loot it drops, what strategies will be needed to beat the bosses. This brings people together into guilds, where they all work together to lift each other up and make the group as a whole more successful.

    Ironically... though it is called endgame, it's a cycle that never ends, because more raid content always comes, leading us to move forward in the game.

    Warframe lacks that. It doesn't have to be raiding, obviously. It doesn't have to increase player power.

    I would love to have content that actually requires group cohesion. Eidolons and Orb Mothers came close, but... they fall short. And new boss fights of that caliber are churned out at a tedious "when the devs feel like it" pace, rather than as a regular expected thing from the next major update. Sorties came close... but just ended up being a chain of high level missions that vets like me solo.

    I'd love to have enemies to actually throw my Tenno might against without feeling like I'm just stomping ants. I'd love a freaking PURPOSE to all these maxed out, heavily-formaed weapons and frames, fitted with rare mods and arcanes of all sorts. I'd love to be forced to change everything about my build, because new content suddenly calls for me to play a different way. I'd love to KNOW that more content of the same caliber is on its way in mere months, instead of wondering if the devs will be too obsessed over yet another new project of ambitious ideas.

    Empyean may be what I'm looking for. Unsure. They claim to make it possible to solo, so... maybe not.

    But even raiding gets the same treatment. I raided 5 years in WoW that's how I don't take Warframe as grind, I did loremaster before cataclysm and I've done my 25 daily quest even with fever just to not get left behind on raid night...I've done server first and I've been in guild that couldnt kill a single boss on the patch that came out...you know what I did in both cases? The same, next week reset I was at the stone at raid time and it didn't matter...just because there a last boss it doesn't complete the game, and the same goes the other way...if you don't kill the last boss nothing is lost...

    Oh and you know what you are going to do when Warframe gets endgame, you are going to run it to your heart content but at the end you are going to keep playing it because it's fun for you not because it's the last

  2. 6 hours ago, (NSW)CthulhuAzathoth said:

    I know this is a very subjective topic. I want to get some feedback for Nyx, because it is being un-valuted, and its feedback on the net  is binary. I never unlock Nyx in the game because all of the negative feedback people has on her.

    To me one of its biggest weakness is she is a  "jack of all trade". Her 1 is basically Reveant 1, but Rev 2 can make the process automated. Her 2 is Ivar  2, but using Ivar I can control any weapon. Nyx 3 is a slightly beef up version of Nekro 2 (which I never use). Her 4 is interesting, but a lot of other frame has better and easier to use AOE. At the end, her kit is a mix bag of weaker version of the "original" skill and I don't see any synergy between skill.

    Is my assessment on Nyx wrong?

    Nyx is THE original...she's really good when you need pure control. But her 1 and 2 have really good dps potencial.

  3. 1 hour ago, (PS4)ErydisTheLucario said:

    Are there any mods or ways to lower the zoom on this gun, or is this something I need to get used to?

    It has really good accuracy you don't really need to aim down...same with veldt, grinlok

  4. 48 minutes ago, (NSW)Chackan said:

    Ok, I am getting CRAZY with this mission! Want to go to Neptune but I just can't find those darn Caches on the only Sabotage mission in Uranus 

    Is there any thing I can do to make this easier? Seriously, I'm going insane!

    Do the 3 Caches ALWAYS spawn on the mission? Do more than 3 caches spawn? Less?


    If it doesn't say Uranus only try Earth's node....I think is called Cervantes? It's pretty easy to find them there

  5. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    Don’t be confused.  I’m talking about the art direction and cinematics for the bed scene.  Ballas himself is a great edition.

    Oh, but it was a way of transmitting the limited control it had on the whole situation...same with not being able to speak...I enjoyed it. 

    The only questionable cinematic in my opinion lore-wise is the showing of t&a of lotus in the scene when she's carrying the operator. Nice to look at but completely uncalled-for...more fan service than anything else.

    And yes I like women but the moment was not that


  6. 2 minutes ago, DrakeWurrum said:

    That's not what endgame is. It's not specifically dungeons with boss fights in a theme park, but "endgame for me" isn't really a thing. Endgame is what keeps the players playing the game even when they've "done everything" (i.e. "beat the game"). Many MMORPGs do this with some form of raiding, but there's other ways it could be done (most devs are just too lazy/afraid to think outside the box). Warframe doesn't have that. Warframe doesn't have any content specifically tailored to keeping you interested in playing the game day after day. Have every frame, weapon, companion, etc? Have every mod? Welp, nothing left for you to do.

    Just because you've come up with something to keep yourself busy in the game (fashionframe, constantly farming eidolons, sorties), doesn't mean that's endgame.

    I'm not saying that it necessarily needs endgame... but Warframe doesn't have it.

    Warframe is pure casual grind with no pressure to do any of it.

    Then if it keeps you busy then why do you need this endgame you speak of?

    Maybe you are not playing for entertainment, what you are describing is a routine...and while it can be time consuming it's not for everyone.

    I put myself as a weird example as I only play pub or solo, but when I don't have anything that I find fun to do, I close the game. Who knows tomorrow endgame might be doing relics runs for one forma bp.

    And I don't agree with your point of DE doing nothing as carrot on a stick...Warframe has plenty of updates and extras that modify the way you play...I could make a point of mentioning every frame has its own way of playing the game. Yes, the same missions, same content with different point of view can be entertaining too. Just look at the amount of wukong players that you find now that probably never used it before the rework.

    But yes I agree that endgame is not needed but would be a great addition if it's handled in a way to satisfy several gameplay styles, no more sniper one shot meta because that narrows the gameplay, it doesn't expand it.

  7. On 2019-07-10 at 4:00 PM, BloodKitten said:

    from the devstream, it seemed to be like any other consumable, its not infinite.

    please consider to make the becon an infinite item like arcwing launcher, since otherwise, its going to be hard to use squad link when you have to just hope someone might need help at the same time.

    I like the idea of helping out, but it's going to be a nightmare to sync with somebody when you have wrong time zone as I do...

  8. 1 minute ago, Tinklzs said:

    I don't think that's how that works....

    I'm sure someone entertains themselves by doing eidolons, arbitrations, ESO, or orb fights. But I wouldn't consider those endgame, to me they feel a bit off for endgame, no scaling rewards, because of enemy scaling/and overall balance it doesn't feel right.

    I think those aforementioned things could be brought to end-game level with some tweaks (scaling rewards, better enemy balance, etc) but DE currently has no incentive to do that. 

    Entertainment and engame relation is relative....I entertain myself doing just the sortie, that's endgame for me?

    Some other player might have it's own way of entertainment.

    Endgame as individual concept is something you do when you have completed or participated in everything else that you like. Eidolons might be for some and fashion may be for others.

    General endgame would be a culmination of story arc maybe a boss fight? Could be a cinematic quest?

    This is not a mmorpg that you know exactly that endgame is the final boss... warframe is not that linear

  9. 2 hours ago, Sunzshock said:

    Warframe seems to be moving more and more toward a run and gun horde shooter game, with little room for those who prefer stealth and a slightly more tactical approach.  Cover is a nonfactor because there are loads of enemies that approach from all directions.   In endgame content, a lot of frames are simply too fragile to be practical against the hordes, as even if you lockdown one direction with abilities, there are enemies that approach from another.  Or, if you use a 360 degree lockdown ability, there's an instant spawn of new enemies that are not on lockdown.  

    I enjoy Spy missions the best, and I particularly enjoy sneaking up on an enemy and landing a finisher.   Unfortunately, the rewards from the Spy missions do not match up with other mission types.  You can't get an Axi relic from any Spy mission in the game.   Also, even if you get a Spy mission as a void fissure mission, the flavor of the Spy mission is ruined by the nonstop fissure spawns, who enter already on alert.  

    So I am forced to run a lot of mission types that I don't particularly enjoy in order to access most of the loot rewards this game offers.   There simply isn't enough diversity in mission types that don't involve nonstop running or nonstop trigger pulling.   Run and gun is fun some of the time, but I would really like some viable options.  Fewer enemies, more precision shooting necessary, and not have to constantly spin around nonstop trigger pulling.  

    The Devs seem to be trying their darndest to encourage other guns besides the Ignis, Arca Plasmor, or Catchmoon, with constant nerfs of those rivens, but those weapons are overwhelmingly popular because there's just a nonstop stream of enemies coming and not a lot of time to aim.  This problem is compounded in a group, where in an extermination mission, if you are not the lead guy, you might end the mission with very few kills and very little usefulness.   So it's pretty much a race to the end, and usually it's a guy with one of those weapons, or a melee spin to win guy just spamming blind attacks the whole way. 

    Please Devs, create another mission type for those of us that still enjoy precision shooting.  We already have tons of missions for those that enjoy run and gun.

    We already have low gravity instances, why not a high gravity that won't let you run or jump least of all bullet jump...gameplay would slowdown so enemy respawn should be tweaked appropriately

  10. 3 hours ago, rand0mname said:


    Edit: I remember a very interesting fan concept of a frame that could turn into an infested animal, was stealthy and could climb walls and ceilings. Art looked similar to a Kubrow Prime armor/fur pattern from Wukong access. I really liked it. But while cool, it was not practical. In addition to reasons already mentioned by GearsMatrix301 and TheDivinity, Warframe is not exactly a game that encourages “stalking a pray” gameplay. And Ivara exists.

    What else an animal frame can offer? Speed? Warframes are already inhumanly fast. Enhanced senses? Maaaybe, but again, Warframes can do this too. Every advantage animals have over humans? Frames can do it or there is a tool for it. And frames have hands.

    Hostile environmental conditions? Frames are pretty resilient. There is no gravity too high to get on all 4 like Elkor from Mass Effect. Sword-skin is as good as armor.

    Animal frame will need a new class of weapons or they will be limited to teeth, claws and mods similar to what pets have. With a new “stance”.

    So, a lot of work for one frame and it will not be better then a human frame.

    IDK. Why not expand on something already in game? Operators could possess Golden Maw. Why not possess a Charger? But, there must be a reason for it. And a question of what an animal can do what a frame can not arises again.

    Something like a druid class for Warframe? A tank/dps/healer frame depending on stance like khora's furry buddy...but of course more active.

    Stealth kavat, big tanky kubrow and a ferocious Pobber as dps

    I used to play druid in WoW and I love the versatility.

  11. 7 hours ago, Kingdom_key599 said:

    To be frank, items like umbral forma shouldn't be locked behind just one thing to begin with, instead the smart thing to do would be to put umbral forma elsewhere along side it being in NW, rather then it just being locked behind NW. Yeah to most people NW is extremely easy to do... however what pushes people away from NW (Myself included here) is the really crappy missions that involve us using 3 normal forma on our items and/or gilding modular items.

    Most of us have this stuff already gilded and not to mention the 3 forma thing is still a reward. So when we get the forma its really just a waste of space when we have to use said 3 forma for 1 singular mission in NW.

    and just like how someone mentioned before we don't want the item for free what would be the point, what we want is to actually put work into it but to put in that actual work elsewhere in a game mode that we actually enjoy, generally putting the umbral forma in like ESO or Arbitrations really isn't a bad start to be honest. The main issue with this however is the drop rate if were gonna be real here.

    Thinking that we want the rewards for free is rather ignorant if im gonna be real here.

    Ok, rewards not free I got that.

    But Getting 3 forma on takes 3 days, maybe 4 if you need a day for farming....the sortie one takes 3 days too no one is getting hot about it.


  12. 54 minutes ago, (PS4)reddragonhrcro said:

    NW is tedious and boring, 

    For you...is tedious and boring for you...if you want that reward you'll swim through S#&$ to get it...or you just won't.

    All you are pointing out is that you want the rewards but not the hassle of actual work to get it...yes, doing content that you don't enjoy is taken as work.

    There's no power on this universe that will make me play chroma/sniper so I won't be getting arcanes...and that's a good thing because it makes free game time to do the things that I do enjoy.

  13. Umbra formas are completely optional on every build on every frame so....I used the first one on my nidus because I just got the tennogen skin and was using it at the moment, probably will use the next one on wukong p since it's the one I'm playing right now...or who knows

  14. On 2019-07-08 at 2:37 AM, TheGodofWiFi said:

    Nightwave should not be the only way we can earn Umbra Forma in-game DE. For those of us who might not have as much time as others and actually miss a lot of the Nightwave challenges as a result, it's just painful to try and catch up when you've already missed a good chunk of points. The twenty six levels of grind we have to go through in the first place is bad enough. And then when Nightwave is over we have to wait more for the next season to come out.

    Maybe make it an exclusive drop to the Lua Tileset, which would make sense lore-wise. Specifcally the Lua Spy drop table? Or put it in the market to buy for plat?

    Rewards gated behind content you don't like....

    why do you feels like you deserve that reward? I friking hate eidolons and all the meta that comes with them...I don't go asking for arcanes on the content that I like...I like arbitrations but I barely do them because I don't have time...I don't go asking for vitrus in other content...

    Why do YOU deserve rewards for a content you don't play?

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