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Posts posted by ArchwingPrime

  1. 6 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

    Svytoj slammed down onto the floor. After several seconds, he slowly sat up, and began to rise to his feet. He looked around the reactor room, trying to get a grasp on what was going on around him.
    "{Hey, kid, How are things on the bridge?}" Svytoj asked over the COMMs.

    The elytron swiftly rolled away from the incoming cannon fire, the vibrant red light of the fomorian's lazer sizzling over part of the shields, barely kept from punching through. Chegar sent another volley of missiles into the swarm, the vents on his archwing pluming with exhaust; with any luck, most of the missiles aimed at him would be thrown off course.
    "{Come on... Almost there...}" Chegar muttered to himself, his words bleeding over the COMMs.
    He leveled his grattler at the fomorians main gun, unloading several rounds at the massive warship.

    Altair continued to fire the Velocitus at the rear of the ship repeatedly while smirking. “You wanted a battle, Hek? We’re giving you a war. Nobody messes with the Tenno!” He continued to fire at the ship’s rear with fully charged shots as he kept flying every direction just in case something tried to shoot him before sounding the comm to his fellow Tenno “Think you guys can offer some cover fire while trying to finish off Hek’s ugly mug?”

  2. 1 hour ago, souldrive11 said:

    (did he? because you certainly didn't say that in your last 5 posts, including your most previous one. I'm telling you again, make your oc's actions clear and easy to interpret. I shouldn't have to ask you every time to clarify what your oc(s) is doing. If you're going to have Altair attempt to fly behind the ship, type that out in your post. Give a play by play of what your oc is doing. Don't assume the DM or other players know what's going on with your ocs unless you make it clear, because if you do it's very difficult to come up with replies.)


    Ok. I’m sorry if I’m such a screw up. I haven’t played Warframe in a long time plus I’m used to loose roleplaying. I guess it’d be better if I just dropped out. I’m just gonna keep screwing up anyway because I’m an idiot who doesn’t know how to roleplay correctly on the Warframe forums despite trying to get people to join mine 

  3. 7 hours ago, souldrive11 said:

    (the question was directed at escort actually, since his earlier post had him slinging out missiles and rockets)

    (and what blind spot exactly? did Altair fly to the other side of the ship and try to shoot through the *entire* ship to hit the cannon? did he close in to point blank range? (which doesn't seem safe considering the cannon just fired a laser capable of cutting battleships in half at Cheg's landing crafts, to say nothing of the damage radiating out even if it doesn't score a direct hit). Cheg only took down one shield generator, so core's not exposed yet and shields are still mostly up. And did you forget the swarms of ogmas and dargyns raining slugs and missiles down on Altair and co. alongside the ~20kg slugs the smaller galleons are spewing out at them?)

    (Gotta make sure the post works much as possible before posting. Have to make sure that you can answer the 6 'w's and 1 'h' when you post for this RP. Again, details and flow are required.)

    (He did actually fly to the other side of the ship and start blasting the ship’s cannon after realizing he was at risk of being blasted by the cannon from the front even though he did get one shot off at the cannon from the front.)

  4. 7 minutes ago, souldrive11 said:

    The Stanchion class freighter comes to a stop as sudden as it's start. Amidst the flashing red lights and floating weapons, a gloved hand strains up into the air before pressing down on a hard light screen. Simultaneously, all the airlocks and hanger doors power up and begin the process of clamping shut. atmospheric shields coming back online. 

    As a set of blast doors further down from the reactor room clasp shut, the artificial gravity comes back online, sending Svytoj racing towards the metal floor.

    Entire squadrons are enveloped in fire and brimstone, the missiles and warheads (it *is* an Elytron, right?) ripping large holes into their lines as the crafts are quickly reduced to molten slag. Still, more are coming out from the galleons hanger to replace them and then some. With the Corpus broken and all fighter resistence mopped up, the entirety of the fleet is now focusing on the two Tenno and their crippled craft still floating in the middle of the asteroid space.

    The barrage from the last remaining freighter before it jumped hits the cannon square on, the glow fading ever so slightly. Despite the damage though, the cannon continues to prime, it`s target now shifting to the only remaing targets left. With precision aim, the antiship laser fires straight on at the two archwings and the crafts behind them. On the outer edges of the fleet, wreckage from the asteroid field is closing in fast, shrapnel of all sorts already raining down on their hulls. Despite the closing curtain, the galleons continue their barrage, more than one just a few kilometers away from scoring a direct hit on the crafts with accuracy closing with every successive shot.

    Fight or flight, whatever the Tenno choose needs to be done and quick before they are drowned in a sea of slugs and cloned flesh.

    Altair flew quickly at the cannon while engaging evasive maneuvers and aimed the Velocitus straight at the cannon before firing. “COME ON!” (Yes, it is an Elytron I am using.) He continued to blast at the cannon from its blind spot and smirked. “You want more, Hek? I can do this all day!”

  5. 16 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

    "{OH SHUT THE F@CK UP! YOU SPINELESS, GUTLESS, $&*^LESS, WITLESS EXCUSE OF A COUNSELOR!}" Chegars voice blared of over the Grineers COMMs as yet another warhead screeched towards the fomorian, set on a collision course with the ships main gun. The mounted guns on the side of the corpus ship were now squarely pointed at the fomorian's Main cannon. In a wave of blue plasma, every turret along the side of the corpus ship opened fire.
    Chegar continued on his course, weaving around the gun fire, and unleashing a torrent of rockets and missiles into the squadron.

    Svytoj quickly honed in on the floating techs, zeroing in on them with his stolen scisco, and squeezing the trigger as the

    cross-hairs hovered over their heads.

    "What?! Sh!t..." Svytoj sputter, quickly Hailing Chegar. "{Yo, CHEG! the ships gonna make a jump!}"
    "{What! NOW?!}"

    "{yeah! COMMS may go down for a while, I'll try to keep you in the loop over the somati-}"

    "{ .̀..͏.͜ -̡-- .͘-́.. ̷.-̶..̕ ̴-.̛-̨-̀ ̸/ ̧.̴.. .̶.̶.. ͟..͘ ͜- / ͞- ...͘.͘ .͞- -̢ ͏/ .̛--̀ .- ..́.̴ /͡ ͢-́-.-̕ ͢..- ҉.. -.-. -̷.- }" Static filled Chegars COMM system as the ship made the jump.
    "Dammit, Svy. Leaving the kid to deal with the mess again..."

    "{Altair, The Corpus ship just took off. Your call: Fall back or knock Hek down a peg?}" Chegar said, Still fighting the vast quantities of grineer that had just been thrown at him.

    Altair stayed aloft in the air using his Elytron but stayed calm. “He needs to get back here and save us. I’ll try and see about doing some damage to the Grineer until he gets back for extraction” Altair then started flying around using his Velocitus carefully to start shooting down Grineer ships trying to catch him before aiming at Hek’s ship and blasted it. “Come and get me, you ugly mug.”

  6. (Sorry about messing everyone up. I better stay on the ship waiting for it to get close enough and I’m sorry if I’m rusty on some weapon names. Haven’t played Warframe in a few months or so. I will make a remastered post soon on my next post to set things right correctly)

  7. On 11/18/2017 at 5:19 AM, EscortAlpha said:

    Svytoj followed behind, looking over the various consoles in search of a weapons terminal. The woman would notice the orange and Green sparks scattering over the consoles, soaking in as much data as they could.
    "What's your plan here, Kiddo?" Svytoj asked, finally getting a visual on the Fomorian in the distance.

    "HOLY SH!T!!" Chegar blurted, watching as the Fomorian ripped open the obelisk like a tin can. The Fomorian charge rocketed passed the retrofitted ship.
    "Okay...Okay okay okay, we need to get in range of that ship; try to knock it off line so we can get Svytoj off that ship." Chegar said, Recalling another one of his ships; a Scimitar. "You still have that archwing I gave you?"

    “You realize that this is gonna take some serious strength and destruction to get to there. I think I have a backup plan.” Altair then heard from that comm and then flashed back through memories and felt extremely angry. “Vay Hekk....Chegar, stay out of my way. I’m going to get Svytoj. Vay Hekk is trying to get us and the Corpus. If I see him at any time, I’m taking the son of a b!tch myself.” He then equipped his old Elytron before firing it up and flew off with the best weapons he had. “LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE, YOU BASTARD!!!!” Altair flew faster with the afterburners and attempted to try and knock it off line.

  8. 11 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

    "Easy, EASY, Tiger..." Chegar replied, bracing as Altair latched onto him. "We've still gotta Frost to bring home." He said, Giving Altair a pat on the shoulder.

    Svytoj carefully inspected the impact site where the woman had been shot.
    "How're you holding up?" he asked, Small green and orange sparks drifting around him. The various holes in his armor and flesh began to slowly mend.

    “Right.” Altair then nodded before letting go and looked around carefully. “Hopefully Svytoj is doing alright.”

  9. On 11/14/2017 at 6:06 PM, EscortAlpha said:

    Svytoj watched as the prova dropped from it's wielders hand, embedding itself into the floor on landing.
    "HA!" Svytoj blurted. He wiped some of the blood and tissued from his helmet. "LIKE I SAID. I'VE SEE HARDER DAX THAN YOU." He lifted his helmet, spitting a large black glob of coagulated dark fluid, some of the mass splattering the embedded weapon.
    Svytoj moved onto one knee, looking over the woman next to him. "Alright, Kiddo. Let's see how you've fared." He said, turning on the synth scanner rigged up to his helmet.

    "We'll see if we can get you unscrambled. But first, let's get our guy off that ship." Chegar said, eye still glued to the ship outside.
    "{We've gained control of the bridge}" Svytoj's voice came over the COMM.
    "{You have?!}" Chegar responded, whipping around to look at Altair; behind the Vauban's silhouette, Chegar was obviously shocked.

    Altair was breathing heavily with a smile as he carefully walked to Chegar and quickly hugged him while shedding tears. “Thank you so much, Chegar. I’m happy that you’re volunteering to help with my memories.”

  10. On 11/12/2017 at 11:01 PM, EscortAlpha said:

    "Anything else you remember? Maybe logs from where your ship took off from? Something from the old war?" Chegar asked, eyes still fixed on the convoy

    In a blue blur, the figure's foot slammed down on the Captain's hands and the waframe below them, the bone beneath the gloves would more than likely be shattered. This thing must have ejected himself from the Frost before he hit the ground. The figure flipped, slamming his foot into the Captains head, forcing him back.
    The now damaged warframe slowly rose, reconverging with the figure as the two meshed back together, the head and helmet of the warframe popping back into place with the figure slipping back.
    ((I really don't know if you left it in his back or not, so feel free to crop this next line out.))
    Slowly, Svytoj pulled the baton from his back, letting the electricity crackle over his pilfered prova.

    No. I don’t remember anything else. I didn’t even log anything even I keep getting faint glimpses of our home. It looked like a huge ship from the inside. Nothing else comes to mind really. They picked away my mind too much 

  11. 9 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

    "We... while we're waiting, might as well talk." Chegar said, Fiddling with his PDA. "How long were you adrift out here?"

    It’s kinda hard to say. It could have hours, days, weeks, months, or even years. I’d most likely say a few days calculating being held captive for a while while dormant, escaping once woken up, and drifting around in my xiphos trying to contact help 

  12. On 11/4/2017 at 5:13 AM, EscortAlpha said:

    The ship was still Idling ahead of the convoy. Chegar gave the two a nod, his attention quickly returning to the ships ahead of him.

    Even as the damaged Frost was sent hurling towards the entrance, it managed to let out a round from is pillaged plasmor, striking the captain in the chest before smacking into the wall with a metallic crunch.
    Another shot rang out, the sound of a scisco. The blue figure looked squarely at the Captain, the round slamming through the hip joint. It's optics glowing as is stared down the Corpus Captain.
    The Frost slowly began to pop the armatures under its armor back into place, the shatter silhouette of its helmet looking on.

    Altair slowly got back up and smiled as Ezio held him “Thanks, Ezio. That’s very much appreciated.” Ezio nodded as the two watched Chegar pilot the craft carefully 

  13. 2 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

    <JUST THOUGHT I'D GIVE YOU THE OPTION.>  the figure replied, another line of text crawling over her HUD. meanwhile, the Frosts regenerative aura was still working to repair the the damage done by her previous encounter with the crew.
    With a single hand, the figure redirected the head of the hammer off to the side, letting it slam into the ground near his feet.
    "Not this time." He said, placing one foot on the hammer, and raising the scisco to the crewman's head. He pulled the trigger once, twice, thrice, sending the rounds straight through the targets head.
    The Frost was simply looking at the captain. It kicked one of the plasmor's up to it's hands, holstering the pistol Svytoj readied it for the next assault.

    "Duly noted." Chegar said, finally making it to the head of the convoy, making sure to stay out of sensor range. Slowly, he managed to move the ship into the path of the convoy. He let the landing craft drift, waiting for the lead ship to arrive, hoping that the debris shell around him would hide their nature.
    "and now we wait." Chegar reduced the power in the ship, leaving just enough for Ezio and the life support.

    Ezio smiled as Altair finally woke up and stood up while looking around. “Dammit, my head.” 

    Ezio calmly looked at Altair and tried to hold him close, “It’s alright. You’re  better now. We’re waiting it out for the ship to arrive.”

  14. 2 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

    "That's fine. I just need to get this ship ahead of the convoy." Chegar said, trying to balance speed and stealth in his bid to get a ahead of the lead ship. "I just hope this shell is enough..."

    <IF YOU'RE SO KEEN TO STAY UNDETECTED, JUST USE THE FROST. IT'S BUILD FOR IT.>   A line of text crawled over the woman's HUD, obviously coming from the blue figure.
    The Blue figure lobbed one of its' confiscated pistols to the Frost, both proceeding to shoot one of the remaining crewmen each. The one by the Figure took one in the chest. the other by the Frost took one through the jaw, exiting just shy of the spinal column.

    Ezio nodded to Chegar as he continued to help Altair. “If you require any assistance, simply utter the words, “Unity of the Creed” He then smiled while looking away 

  15. 1 hour ago, EscortAlpha said:

    Chegar had begun piloting the ship towards the front of the convoy, still keeping out of sensor range.
    "I'll have my mantis on stand by. Let's just hope this outer shell is enough."

    The blue figure ducked, letting the two prova graze over his chest and face as he leveled the two pistols at the Crewmen's shoulders. he pulled the triggers, sending rounds into the sockets of the men's shoulders.
    Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the woman move. But he didn't acknowledge it, trying not to draw attention to her.

    The Frost leapt from the globe as it finally shatter. It flung itself over the makeshift cover, slamming into another one of the crewmen, and driving the twin spikes of ice into their helmet, penetrating all the way through to the back.

    “It should be enough, Chegar. Just be careful. Ezio will help if you get into any tight scrapes.”

    Ezio manifested into a hooded physical form and kneeled over Altair’s body. “Happy to assist you, Chegar. The young operator will be resting for now. He’s been through a lot.”

  16. 19 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

    Several round slammed into the Frosts chest, leaving burns with spots of dark fluid dripping through. Before the other rounds could hit, a large icy globe exploded outward from it, engulfing the Frost and the woman. As the Warframe's shields recharged, The Frost's fists became covered in Icy spikes, obviously readying for the coming melee.

    With barely 2 seconds warning, the sound of two Scisco's firing rang out. A pale blue figure was now standing behind two of the guards, having relived the two of their side arms, and fired them into the back of their knees.

    Chegar moved outside the ship, waiting to intercept each new bit of space debris. One by one, Chegar attached the debris to the ship; welding, tethering, and affixing the various stone and metal to the hull. He looked over towards the Convoy, making sure not to let the landing craft stray too far from it.

    Altair eventually finished moving the debris and carefully flew back in before unequipping the archwing and also got out of the Rhino warframe before collapsing onto the ground from fatigue. “Been such a long time since I inhabited a frame other than Rhino. Just give me a moment to recover or you could fly this thing.”

  17. 19 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

    "Just borrow mine." Chegar said, pointing over the armory. "I'll keep up with the repair: those shields need some serious patching." He said, making his way towards the shield generators.
    He looked at his PDA, watching as the badge flashed across the display.
    "Oh...Now how did Svytoj miss that?" Chegar said calmly, an coy smile crossing his face.

    As each key fell into his hands, Svytoj quickly undid the restraining bolts, flexing his limbs as he made a mad dash through the vents, blinking quickly to his Frosts position. He couldn't see the woman, or his warframe, but he could hear them.

    As the vent closed, Svytoj blinked into the vent his Frost was in. He watched though the eyes of his warframe as the woman disappeared into the room, pressing towards the end of the vent.

    "You're gonna need more guns, boys..." The voice echoing from the hulking metal suit as it entered the Bridge. The Frost loomed over the woman: what ever damage was there, the Waframe's regenerative aura was working hard to negate it.
    The blast door closed behind the Warfame as orange and green sparks hovered around it, the air rippling as the suits ambient cold pulsed in the ships atmosphere.

    Altair nodded before linking up to the Rhino Warframe before equipping the Elytron and smirked. “Alright, lets get going.” He then ran out and activated the Elytron before flying around to each individual piece of the debris and started pushing them onto the ship before contacting Chegar. “Remember to weld on each piece as I attach them.”

  18. 5 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

    In a flash of orange, the two keys vanished from the Frost's hand.
    "Don't worry. I'm not letting them out of my sight." Svytoj said, now clasping onto them as they appeared in his own hand in another orange flash, the sound of them jingling in his grasp clear over the link. His Frost quickly followed, still managing to keep pace with the woman.

    Chegar chuckled a bit. "You really think I'd go running around the solar system without having other 'frames in reserve?" He asked calmly. "Aside from rigging up a Loki, I think we should start collecting some of this debris; try to make a shell just big enough to hide whatever we're riding in."

    Chegar kept scrubbing for intel, taking a deeper dive into syndicate files.
    Come-on, there's gotta be something...

    “Good idea. I need to load up my Elytron so I can push the debris onto the ship and start welding it together. It’s gonna take some strength, which is what a frame like Rhino has. I just gotta rig one up and we’ll be good to go. “ Altair smiled before waving and went down to the foundry to try and start crafting the Rhino.

  19. On 10/16/2017 at 11:41 PM, EscortAlpha said:

    "At the time it was either 'stage accident' or let them find trace void energy in the ice on that ship." Svytoj said, placing one of his hands on the wires near him as his warframe continued to crawl. "I personally blame the normal corpus 'form over function' marketing plan they usually go by."
    If the woman looked again, she would see that the tip of the bolt was missing, being replaced by a metallic scab created by the Frost's regenerative aura: The bolt wasn't in the Waframe, but rather in the being that had exited it.
    With his hand over the wires, Svytoj began to 'read' the data flowing through them, listening and watching the audio and video data that may be there.
    "As for taking out the patrols, I may be able to assist: Freezing them over without causing lasting damage wouldn't be to hard. The only issue may be how discrete we can do it." Svytoj said "It's not too loud, but there's still a chance the temperature change could tips one off." He paused for a moment. "At this point, it's your mission. You think turning that room into a cooler is the better bet?"

    "Maybe." Chegar said calmly. "I'm still concerned how quickly they saw through the ships void mask." The Vauban tapped his foot as he thought.
    "Svytoj said he got in when he hitch-hiked on one of their ships. We don't have the luxury of a corpus ship, but disguising one of ours as space debris may give us an edge. so long as void mask echos don't give the ship away again."

    "Well, Chegar. Perhaps we should try that disguise method. The question is how to do it. There's only one kind of Warframe that excels at disguising and stealth and we don't have a Loki on our side" Altair sighed at the thought in dissatisfaction before looking around. 

  20. 3 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

    Svytoj mentally bookmarked the path to the security office, His frost still following behind the woman.
    "If I, or any other Tenno, was after you, you'd know." Svytoj replied. "My main goal was surveillance. Blew up in my face, quite literally, when I was trying to clear evidence of my arrival. " Svytoj sounded bitter at the last part. "got shot from the vent system like it was a goddamn spud-gun..."
    Svytoj, still back were he had been left, continued looking for data conduits where he sat: He hoped he wouldn't have to send his Warframe to the security office.

    Chegar was still piloting his Vauban, Arms folded behind his back as He watched the convoy from afar. His eyes fixed on the lead ship.
    "Don't worry. You're ship is coming along fine." he said calmly. "Right now, we need to be brainstorming ways of getting aboard. Preferably before they know we're coming." Chegar looked over at Altair. "Thoughts?"

    Perhaps with the right modifications, we could implement cloaking technology to sneak through the defenses undetected. It would take time for the upgrades though 

  21. On 10/9/2017 at 11:22 PM, EscortAlpha said:

    "he's been in tougher scrapes..." Chegar said, giving Altair and his warframe a once over as he checked for injuries and other physical damage. "We'll just need to be patient. When we have the opportunity, We'll go get 'em."
    Chegar went quiet for a moment; Most likely Svytoj was talking to him again over his somatic link. After a while, he seemed to snap back to reality.
    "We may have been bought a little more time." he said, finishing up his medical assessment. "once the ships been repaired, we can get back to trying to get inside."
    Chegar then moved over to one of the computer terminals, and began sifting through queries, obviously looking for something or someone.

    "Chegar, I need you too look into something." Svytoj asked silently over the somatic link, pulling part of his warframe from his arm, some being left behind as it was pinned to his flesh.
    "What do you need?"
    "I want you to do some research on someone..."He continued, an image of the woman that rescued him flooding over Chegar's vision.
    "You got free?"
    "Had some help. You think you can dig something up?" Svytoj asked, flexing his fingers as the detached armature of his Frost flexed in turn.
    "I'll try."
    "Thanks." Svytoj replied. To the figure sitting next to him, it would seem as if he had just got a bit quiet.
    with that, Svytoj removed the rest of his warframe, laying it down on the ground gently before sitting back down, and closing his eyes.
    A few seconds later, the warframe jerked, sat up, and moved to where the figure was sitting.
    " we҉ll̶.̧..̴ so ̡fa̛r t̕híş is̡ go̢i̸ng wel͠l.̧ Ju҉st d̡oǹ'͠t ͏a̸sk m͠e ̢t̴o ͏wri̵té an̶y̢t͡hin̵g͏ d͝ow͟n.̨ Or͘ ̕a̛n̡yt̢hiǹg͡ ̷e͠l͞s̛ę u̡si͏n͟g fine ͘ḿóto͝r ̡sk҉ìl̢ls̀ fo͝r͝ ͘tha̧t m̧a̡tter͡. " The Frost said, it's voice a tinny echo of the man that had been inside it. There were several holes in it where the bolts had held it to the blue figure now sitting in the small corridor. Those soon closed as the regenerative aura kicked in.

    "I guess so. For now, I better get comfortable and hope the repairs go smoothly" Altair then looked around and sighed before looking at his Excalibur and smiled. 

  22. 4 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

    Chegar watched as the foundry on his ship spun up: besides the various parts needed to repair Altair's damaged Xiphos, a Soma, Twin Grakatas, and a Redeemer had been queued for construction. He moved from his ship to the damage Xiphos, a swarm of sentinels floating behind him, splintering off to work on the various parts of the ship. He went to check on Altair's condition; hopefully he'd picked out some supplies the felt comfortable using.

    Svytoj continued to scan the bolts, trying to get a profile of how much space was being taken up by a each bolt. "well... if push comes to shove, I may be able to pilot this thing remotely. won't have as much finesse, but I may be able to squeeze a bit more power out of it. at least in theory. "

    He looked up at the ceiling, shaking his head slightly as the scan continued.
    À r͜o̢ćket͞.͢.͟.͟ I͜ ́u͝seḑ ̀a r̡ock̡et̛ to try͜ ̛to c͝over ͞u͠p̕ ìce..͞.͟  He thought with a disgruntled sigh.

    Altair looked very shaken up and probably injured from what happened to his Xiphos as he walked around. "Damn defenses. I hope Svytoj is alright and we successfully rescued him. I would hate to imagine if those things got to him. It'd be a nightmare dealing with something similar to an infested golem, let alone a Warframe that's been infested unlike Nidus 

  23. 16 minutes ago, souldrive11 said:

    Up above the Frost's helmet, shuffling and scraping could be noticed just on the edge of hearing. Dust particles waft down and hit Svytoj's eyes(?) before going silent. Finally, the closest metal plate that makes up part of the ceiling lifts and slides ever so slightly. From the corner, a small wire lowers down and behind Svytoj's helmet, keeping out of sight of the cameras. Once it's in range, it snakes slightly back up before jamming itself into the frame's neck, his radio crackling to life.

    "Don't look, that'll raise suspicion. You still *alive* in there?"

    The Xiphos is in a bad way, after trying to drive face first into the alert convoy. The cockpit has a giant hole through the front, the round missing the Excalibur in the seat by just centimeters. The entire right wing's been ripped off by a sublight slug, and several gashes big enough for a juggernaut to waltz through lie all through the hull. The interior has multiple punctures from shrapnel and items not tied down ripping through the hallway.

    More importantly, the left room down the ramp has been smashed in severely (I'm hoping you know which room I'm talking about), and an antiship missile engulfed an engine earlier, leaving one side without thrust. The ship can still be salvaged, but gravity and power, and most important of all life support are definite causes for concern.


    (You mean that room where that creature removes a helminth cyst is? Damn it. I was planning to use that for Svytoj.) "Goddamn it. I can't believe we got ourselves into this mess, Chegar? You got any ideas how we are going to make it through this and get an extraction team to get us and the ship? " Altair looked around somewhat panicked and sighed  before trying to contact Svytoj. "Can you hear us? I don't think we're gonna get to you at this rate. Your position is too well defended with all this security." He then looked to Chegar. "If we still got the Elytron, now's the time to use it and clear a path for rescue."

  24. 7 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

    "Pull this thing behind some of the debris!" Chegar yelled, still working to patch the ship.

    what in gods name is going on on that ship? Chegar thought to himself, still reeling from what he felt through the link.

    As quickly as it began, it ended. The large creature was ripped apart by void energy as the Warframe inside tumbled to the ground. The bio-metal began to heal as the Void surged over it, But the 'frame, and the man inside it lay still.

    Altair nodded as he looked and pulled the ship behind some of the debris and sighed. "Hopefully we can get your friend, Chegar. I don't want to leave him behind."

  25. 1 hour ago, souldrive11 said:

    Nope, sorry: DM's call. For the purposes of plot right now, neither Altair nor Chegar is going to make it to Svytoj right now. (I thought my post made that clear :x. All paths are blocked to the convoy by weapons fire right now) I suggest you reconsider changing your post to something else, or I will bring the proverbial hammer down on your ocs. Just bear with it until Svytoj and the plot moves along.

    Not to mention the fact that your Xiphos now has several massive holes shot through it in my previous post. Not going to mention that either? 

    Alright. Sorry about that 

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