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Posts posted by ArchwingPrime

  1. *Altair looked in his orbiter before turning on the scanner and came up with the brilliant idea to see if he could contact others from his scanner using a distress signal before looking at his Warframe with a smile as he turned it on by using his transference and spoke * Hello? Is anyone out there, can you hear me? If any Tenno are listening to this broadcast, I'm stuck near Mercury and my orbiter is out of energy to travel. The only thing working is the scanner. My name is Altair. Please respond soon. I don't know how long my life support systems will last. *It was safe to say Altair was faking being near Mercury and was actually in the asteroid belt hoping for someone to rescue him before he died *

  2. Name: Altair

    Age: 18

    Race: Tenno

    Appearance: Altair is 6 ft 2 with spiky blonde hair who wears a long black cloak and only carries a high tech sword in case he can't go into battle with his Warframe that he likes to call Pendragon. His eyes are an emerald green while his pants are black also and his skin is somewhat of a tanned white.

    Personality: Altair can be a little hotheaded at times if the situation is dire, but is actually very calm and collective while willing to protect anybody he considers an ally and a close friend.


    Warframe: Excalibur

    Given name: Pendragon

    Starting weapons: Nikana Prime, Opticor, Furis

    Sentinel: Dethcube

    Sentinel weapon: Dethcube rifle

    Appearance of Altair's Excalibur: Altair's Excalibur is identified as being black and red in terms of color while emmiting a red energy when he channels. His helmet is identified as the Pendragon helmet


    Slash dash: Excalibur briefly unsheathes the exalted blade and dashes towards the enemy to slash them

    Radial Blind: Excalibur slams energy into the ground damaging enemies around him and stunning them.

    Exalted Blade: Carries a special type of slash damage and ignores armor while activated and costs 25 energy to activate but has a very long range while costing 1 energy per second of activation

    (I forgot his 3rd ability)


    Landing craft: Xiphos

    Colors: Red and Black

  3. I hope I'm not barging in on anything, but I am highly interested in joining. I have had extensive RP experience but am new to Warframe roleplaying. I was wondering if I could use a Tenno that has a...well to put it lightly, an "Asura" Warframe. If you need a picture of what the Warframe would look like in my opinion without his 4th ability activity, he basically looks like Asura from Asura's Wrath but with more metallic skin in terms of his Warframe, but the Tenno operating him looks a little wild


  4. Ok. I'm so sorry for wasting your time. I made an RP focused on the war still continuing and the enemy getting stronger thus forcing long forgotten Tenno and Warframes to awaken and fight 

  5. The Tenno have sought to restore peace to the galaxy for many years, but the enemy grows ever stronger, now is the time to awaken long forgotten pasts and unleash their true power. *Zarathos woke up inside his cryopod before proceeding to transference as he went into his Asura warframe and listened to the soothing voice of Lotus but it still could not quell his rage as he woke up and punched open the pod before he yelled in sheer fury and alerted the Orokin of his presence before they surrounded him and he clenched his fists* Get out of my way!!!! *Zarathos then charged straight through the Orokin sentients while leaving them behind in a small burst of a red tornado as he focused on trying to find a way out before he clenched his teeth and saw himself staring down Alad V before breathing heavily* Ah, Tenno. I'm so glad you're awake. It's such a shame about what happened to your precious friend after what I did. Perhaps I should have done a better job of evolving you. *Asura then rushed at Alad V before grabbing him and punching his face before rushing straight to the outside of the tower as he flew off in his formerly abandoned Scimitar just thinking to himself* This war isn't over. I must find the others before it is too late...

  6. (This will allow me to express how I think my Asura warframe idea would work but also give a great story. Harrow inspired this idea because of what happened to him.)

    Here are the rules.

    1. At least be able to respond with 4-6 lines. Maybe more. 

    2. Do not bully each other.

    3. No godmodding.

    4. No metagaming.

    5.No powerplaying.

    6. Have fun and please be somewhat active unless you notify me.

    Here is your character sheet:

    Name of character:




    Name of Warframe(If a Tenno):

    Appearance of your warframe(If a Tenno):




  7. Apparently after I got done trading my 2nd spare ignis wraith, I now cannot get out of the sitting position in my orbiter. Even when I jump, I can't get out o


  8. So apparently, I'm trying to 100% Kuva Fortress in terms of the nodes and I was doing pretty well throughout the mission using my Excalibur wielding Nikana Prime, Latron, Furis, and Dethcube. I successfully finished up the 1st terminal defense and right as I got to the second terminal or finished the 2nd terminal, an enemy blew me up, I died, so I revived, and tried to pick up the mass. Come to find out, the mass somehow disappeared once I revived after the explosion as if it didn't exist anymore


  9. So, I recently played Asura's Wrath and actually figured out something quite literally revolutionary to do about an Asura warframe after discussing a great balance. Here is the idea around him after going through constructive criticism.


    Base Unranked stats if the warframe is made: 110 HP, 90 shield, and 150 armor


    (New concept if the idea is good enough because the lore behind Asura will give good reason) Synergy bonus:An extra 200 HP, shield, armor along with 20% ability strength only when in the same squad as a Valkyr or Valkyr Prime.

    Passive: 50% less stagger and 25% more damage with fist weapons


    Lore: Enraged by the cruelty of the Orokin and the suffering he endured at the hands of them alongside Valkyr, the manifestation of pure wrath and anger seeks out all who stand against the Tenno and wishes to destroy them.


    1st ability- Enraged captivity

    -Asura utilizes his two hands to hold down enemies and stun them for 5 seconds.

    2nd ability- Berserker Vortex

    -Asura charges through the enemy thus demoralizing them and reducing their damage for 3 seconds


    3rd ability- Earthbreaker

    -Asura grabs a target within a certain radius and deals large damage based on the strength of his fist weapon through a punch to the head


    4th ability: Mantra Buster

    -Asura unleashes his true wrath and brings out four extra arms while firing a beam of energy from his first two while while being able to deliver strong but quick melee attacks at the cost of more energy. The element of the damage can be changed depending on the color of the energy of the Asura warframe


    (I don't necessarily have a design because I don't have jack for art skill, but I assume DE would possible make him look like a mechanical being with weird markings on his skin and some muscles while still putting additional armor as a detail for the arms)

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