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Posts posted by AceViper

  1. 3 hours ago, DrivaMain said:

    I am afraid this will probably not happen. Just like the auction house, making getting "tradeable" commodities too "convenient" will wreak havoc on the in-game economy. You can say goodbye to selling prime junks if that happens.

    That didn't stop anyone from creating a specific external website for trading, but a match making has to be in-game, for the fact of region difference and the increase in variety and number of relics. For relics out of rotation and for every time they come back more are added. For time management sake, as being stuck in chat 20 minutes when the game should be a fast pace one, this does not make sense. For the sake of everyone who just wants to play more comfortably.

    There still will be the fact you have to find the relics, get the traces, run the mission and then have the chance at the drop, so saying that selling will disappear is wrong and unrealistic because there will be tenno who don't have the relics, time or luck who will need to buy,  So if no one talks nothing will change.

    2 hours ago, Merrcenary said:

    use chat filters

    1 hour ago, Hobie-wan said:

    Indeed, Filter for the 1 or more relics you're looking to unlock. You can do "lith p1" if you want, but if it's the current prime stuff then just p1 is usually good enough if you can remember it's lith in case someone posts that they're trying to gather for a meso p1 or something. You can also make the chat window bigger by dragging the little 3 dots in the upper or lower right corners.

    True, but that only deals with 1/3 of the problem, while the other 2/3 are the real problem. Also this is an archaic solution that has never change, so why should we settle for something like this when we could easily have something much better. This is nothing new in any game so why not have it here when relics are a essential part of the game and not just a chat and filters.

    • Like 2

    I just came back after a while and i am trying to find groups for specific relics that, at the moment, are not very popular this makes me have to spam and stare at a fast scrolling recruiting chat to find a party or members, ending up missing someone who actually is looking for the same relic.

    Either because someone just posted and waits for someone to invite them, when there are actually other missing a member or someone missed your advertisement and it takes forever to get a group going. This leads to a group of 3 that are all posting for the same group and just increasing the speed at witch the chat goes. While restricting the chat is just a stop gap, it is not a solution.

    Also the different relics having the same reward is a common occurrence and even though someone is looking for the same part and you are, if you don't have the relic they post you wont get invited and unless you know and look at every relic and know the rewards its going to be very annoying and unpractical.

    This is going to get EVEN more unmanageable as the number of frames and weapons increase, this needs a change NOW!


    We already have it, its the basic mission queue that we always had from the start, it just need to be implemented to relics with extra steps.

    When you go to the void fissures, press the relic you want and ADD a button to Focus a specific reward by pressing "Focus". This will lump you with with anyone doing a relic with that reward you focused, open the lobby while the rewards becomes highlighted so you know what you chose, after this it will make the "Equip For Mission" change to "Launch Mission" so you can start anytime as any normal mission leaving the open slot for anyone with that relic to join until the objective is complete witch locks the lobby.

    Ignore forma here.

    So a Tenno with a Lith P1 relic Radiant would be grouped with someone with a Lith H8 relic Intact as they both have the same reward you are trying to get, even though one is common and another is uncommon. You use what you have.

    Otherwise press "Equip for mission" as its now without focusing anything and you join a random group, this for those wanting to just get a quick ducat.



    Please tell me if there are any flaws in this idea and what could be better, sorry for the ms paint doodles it helps get the idea, so lets get this to DE and make it happen.

    Thank you.

    • Like 3
  3. Seeing this is getting to the end and it seems there is not a single reply from DE accounting the horrible way they are doing this i will just refresh everyone.


    In this other post DE_Steve stated "The real crisis for us has been how to score an event for clans while avoiding weeks-long grind for individuals, all while avoiding schemes that destroy our stats server."

    -"...avoiding weeks-long grind for individuals..."

    This on a 3 week event, now my I remind everyone that kill leaderboards have been there for almost a year and I in example have given this game many hours with over 1 mil kills. Only to get rewarded by a silver emblem? Just because i am ranked 26 and not over 10? So DE is implying that the effort is the same as some other person with way less then half those kills and time poured in this game.

    So i came here to say this:

    DE, they don't care for coop, they are telling you by doing this that you should just kill for your own benefit, that you shouldn't care to revive your teammates, care for the objectives, help the squad with a frame that does other things then killing or event let other enjoy the game by letting them kill and have a share of Fun, anything as long you get kills.

    DE, you want people to get in a mission and press 4 repeatedly until they end it? If that your way of thinking, good job you are going in the wrong way.

    DE, you gave people a 15 day dead line to improve your own standing on the board, a insignificant amount of time compared to the time I have and most other people had spent on this game and even more insignificant compared to the time leaderboards have been out. This is not something you can change with only 15 day window, this should had been informed to players a long time ago still leaving the scoring method in fault.

    DE, people have petitioned for a change, from a ranking to a KILL COUNT as for a fair representation of the players worth and dedication to the game or is it that doing over 350k kills on the game is not enough? Making a player Ranked on 1001 and bellow have to be deemed worthless?

    DE. Reconsider your way of doing things, heed the community cry's and listen to them.

    People that join this game can most of the time see its potential, as I did, for a nice game but Developers keep making bad judgments on this situation and others ruining it for the players.

    I once loved this game, but now i forgot how long i have felt revolted by how some things are so badly executed.

  4. Then the tokens would be rare as hell, then there would be a large requirement. Like a new awesome item, but you need 5000 tokens. After seeing the ungodly high cost for the new Clan tech, I wouldn't be suprised.

     They wouldn't need to be rare but obtained through specific mission like assassination or void and a quantity according the difficulty. Encouraging high level mission, benefiting those hi level player while still allowing new player to have a shot at them without being carried like some one said already. Clan tech could stay the same as there is already a very hi resource demand research cost.


    They would have to do it in a way that buying Void key packs wont become obsolete.

     Void missions could give more tokens or a "void token" then other missions so it would keep the value of void keys or even make them worth more in some cases.


    Yeah, at the rate they are adding new Primes it is just too much of a grind for too little benefit. Most primes are a MINOR upgrade (other than arguably the Paris Prime, and obviously the Latron Prime), and they are nearly impossible to get right now. Statistically speaking, it should take a few hundred void runs just to get all the parts for some of them. That doesn't include the runs to get the void keys or the other materials like Orokin Cells.


    Primes are already a bad system as is, too. It takes so long to get them that you'll have another weapon or frame fully loaded before you finish the Prime. Then, if you have a potato in your basic weapon, you basically just wasted it. I've held off getting a Latron since I started playing this game because the Prime version is so much better, but I still haven't finished it.

     This would put a end to the luck factor make everyone have the same odds of getting the items desired as for costs they would need to be balanced accounting the rarity but not more impossible to get.


    The only problem with token system is that it would give DE excuse to place 50 tokens per Helmet,Chassis,Systems BP. And bosses would drop only 1 token per run.

     In which case everyone would have the same odds of getting it and it would not favor the luck, so that you wouldn't go "hey i have done 100 runs on Vor and can't find seer bp.""hey i did 3 runs and i got all pieces" kind of situation, which is clearly unfair. But this is just about the situation that drops are very unbalanced and keep breaking on every item added then the numbers that each piece will or must cost, as that is something to be discussed in case this system is used.


    There was talk of a token system in a couple livestreams back when the first void droprate fiasco was in full swing.  I believe it was said that it was something the devs would consider looking into but were unsure of.  Well, if the post-U10 backlash is any indication, I have a feeling we might see them looking into it a bit more closely in the near future.


    But yeah, +1 to a token system or a token/drop hybrid system.

     I am hoping so to, but do not forget that this system will remove luck and possibly increase the grind wall if not implemented correctly. Also a hybrid system could be so food for thought.


    This is a great idea, and absolutely removes the dilution/bloat problem happening with the drop tables.

    Mods/ammo/materials can still stay the same, but putting out tokens to acquire "rare" blueprints like prime weapon parts, Warframe parts, and the like would be a great step in the right direction.

    • Void tokens could be used to acquire prime parts/blueprints with different amounts required for each piece. Forma and Potatoes might also be available from this though expensive.
    • Derelict tokens could be used to acquire bulk crafting materials like mutagen samples and golem navs.
    • Boss tokens could be used to acquire items that normally drop from them. Vor tokens could be used to get Seer, Hek Tokens could be used to get Trinity Parts, ect...

     Indeed if this system were to be placed in action I thing various types of token would be the most logic approach.


    I like this idea. DE should reward grinders, not people who bribe the RNG to give them the most impossible loots within their first few runs lol.

     Like DE said already in the past, if you don't want to farm you can buy it with platinum this would also aply for void keys so it would benefit those that buy while still allowing those that grind to get the items as this is a free to play game.


    Advantage of this would be that low level missions would have some purpose. Low level players could get those tokens (though at slower rate) and have a shot at the rewards. They would no longer be dependable on random high level people willing to carry them through higher level missions, hell newbies could even group together.

    Again this isn't about numbers yet but that is part of the idea behind it.
  5. Due to recent events regarding the droprate problems, how the current system is always under constant review, and getting broken whenever new content is introduced, I would like to recommend implementing an overhauled, token based void reward system instead of the current RNG based system. The idea first emerged around the time void keys were introduced, and was later referred by DE_Steve during one of the livestream.

    This system would:

    - replace luck in the current system with a certain, clear and attainable goals.

    - allow players to get what they wanted with a bit of effort(read: not grind, gameplay.)

    - Exchange tokens acquired by players over void exploration and runs for items they want from the token shop.

    The way players would get tokens could depend on either:

    - how much the players explored the void - vaults, side rooms, etc.,

    - end level rewards like it was with events scaled by mission level.

    The items token cost(acquisition rate) would be predetermined, set, reflect and depend on:

    - Their original place in the rng based droptables as to this so we for once stop.

  6. On a similar map where you do your tutorial, i would like to see a pod being defended by some warframes on one side while being rushed and shot by a horde of corrupted enemies.



    The pod would be on the ground and on the far end of the room where you start the tutorial, while all ranged enemies would be running to sides or cover, fusion moas and ancients would be rushing the pod directly.

    Have rhino, vauban, trinity and frost, frost in front with rhino by its side, trinity and vauban behind each on one side of the pod.

    Have all posing the start of a skill,snow globe for frost, some teslas on the ground while vauban tosses another, trinity possing a skill or shoting and rhino using roar.

    The camara would go around behind the tenno and corrupted.

    That would be my submission for the login.

    PS: something like the 3e trailer but with corrupted and with lots more to seem like a desperate situation.

  7. With frost everything is possible. Tell that retard who told u that frost is useless play t3 defense without a frost

    well, i did a t3 defense with a vauban and no frost and i can tell you vauban has more versatility then frost.

    You know frost puts a double and then has to fight to keep everything out and sometime is not enough to keep so many out while a vauban given both know how to play can bastile them from enough distance to keep them from even shooting at the pod.

    I am not saying in anyway saying frost is useless, just saying its possible.

    On to this tread, my experience with defence have been so far good becouse i the one defending or have some one trust worthy doing it, excepting when people ignore the fact there is a vauban and/or frost defending the pod and go spawn kill making other at the pod lose xp scattering all loot and making me and other run around gathering the scattered stuff, which really grinds my gears.

  8. First point i agree but you can also do it though the configure button but point taken as i was about to post a idea for a kind of preset. Something like preset1, preset2 and so on.

    Second point also agree getting to last page and dragging all mods out takes little time if you know what you are doing and are fast about it, but as you said takes more then it should.

    Third point being the reapplication of those mods, which in my case would take something like

    t = (0.5*188) + (0.5*188) + (0.5*6) (+ 0) and i am being a hardcore player here and saying i have everything i need right there. t=3.183(3), which means i can't change modes while in a party as countdown is 60 seconds.

    That's the time i take to do a raid mission so point taken.

    Forth point, about number of items, i usually have everything modded and ready but in case of a special case that i need a specific wep. or warframe to do a specific type of mission it takes me forever to change, more then 5 minutes sometimes.


    -Use the in configuration mods button for access to the already applied mod, no point there for you xD

    -A preset button would be much appreciated, a remove all button also in need, a new way of displaying the mods in the configuration tab as just for rifle as more then 1500 all in a row is a wast of time to look though all them so change it to ranked display with the number of mods available


    Ammo Drum; (polarity)

    Type; Rank-X

    (description) 45 duplicates

    -Cross share is something they will not implement as it would render many mods useless one you have one maxed out.

    In conclusion this BETA game still needs its tweaks and turns, evolving everyday and getting better at it no doubt.

    New UI is with no doubt better then the old and hope they give ears to the community and do something about the mods.

    Overall agree with you, nice post and for once made me realize how long i take to upgrade something.

    PS: ATM i can't even click any of the buttons that say "mods" and my over 9000 mod collection breaks my game for over 5/10 seconds, disconnects me from any party, its a pain to look and for the worst if i pass a page that is out of the screen with the mod i need it need to do it all over again...

  9. I TOTALLY agree that they SHOULD do something about that, i have been playing this since closed beta and this is getting a bigger problem by the day.

    I have over 9000 mods and this is no joke, if you think passing 3 pages is bad imagine having to pass 10 instead for a single mod.

    True i could sell them but i want duplicates to fuse the same mod and for whatever reason people wanna keep them it doesn't matter.

    So the idea i would recommend would have it like you showed but in a row from highest fusion mod to lowest in alphabetic order, while displaying the quantity of that specific mod in a corner.

    ALSO this is getting to the point that my beast computer is having trouble loading so many mods and disconnecting me from my party every time i load it.

    In other topic the load time is probably caused by sorting all mods in recent tab and the shear quantity, so to ease it up a bit delete recent mod window or simply make it a temporary local thing (showing people the mod they got today/last game session) would be very acceptable in my opinion.


    Also loading the mods from DE server would be much faster then going 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; ... 9156-x;(my actual mod count) takes way more time and resources then going something like 1-rank 0 a; 2-rank 1 a; 3-rank 2 a; 4-rank 0 b; ... +-775-rank 10 x;(+-775 are all the actual number of ranks for each mod and aura in-game) double that number accounting for the rank and mod type to be loaded from the server it will never exceed 1550 mods and auras unless more are added(and this is only for some one with all the mods and with at least one of each rank[most unlikely]).

    Theoretically making the mod window load faster and reducing the strain on the poor hamster, as going from over 9000 packages of information loaded from DE servers it would be less then 1550 packages

    Ultimately making search for the players faster and easier.

    Every one is happy.

    Thanks for reading.

  10. So i was going in a defense mission in Saturn Helene, got in jumped to a crate and everything went back all of the sudden.

    MOTHER OF GOD I AM BLIND! i though but after investigating a little more i noticed i was moving in game and i could ear myself shooting and slashing, also true to the fellow tenno that was in-game.

    From what he said he had completed his 5º wave and had already chose to claim and exit, on that moment i joined and this happens.

    here is a screen shot of the conversation, nothing much to see as everything was black.


    Thanks for you help hope this gets fixed.

    P.S.: Sorry Mauserisch for crashing your game -_-.

  11. So i was about the spend some money in the game, when i realized i was still missing cash.

    From the last time i checked it was cheaper.

    So i searched around to see if the prices had changes or it was always this price and i simply didn't pay attention, in this case it was good to pay attention.

    So here are the profs:

    Value of packages when marked in USD (image is from closed beta but its the same as from this post date 07/06/2013):


    Value of the packages in Euros:


    It at some point changed to euros in some forum update, so i went to do the math and:


    For the disciple there is a difference in 2€ but when you start talking about grand master package to 37€, which is still money.

    Also asked a friend that still has it in USD and he confirms that the prices above are right.

    So what i would like to know is what is the deal with this?

  12. A Challenger appeared! Will he be wordy of Defense Wave Challenge!?

    I will watching. Also have a couple question here:

    1# - Will there be infested home worlds or tile sets and if we can have a sneak peek at those?

    2# - Will there be more infested units and what are the concept art for them?

    3# - Are there going to be visual changes in some weapons? Ex: Bronco as it is a rather ugly hand canon and for a 2 shot weapon it doesn't look like it, it looks more like a machine gun from the 80's movies where it would shot forever with its 100 bullet mag.

    4# - Were there any art that came short of coming in game and why? Also could we have also a sneak peek at those?


    Thanks and keep up the good work.

  13. 4:49 PM hits and the Patch Notes Post and Update 7.11.0 went live.

    4:54 PM hits, the first “HOLY RHINO NERF” appears. I think, it’s only been 5 minutes, there is no way they could have loaded the game, played several levels, and produced feedback.

    I don't play rhino but i have a friend that does and he love him, his probably sad his rhino got a nerf but i don't know what are his thoughts on it, but from what i can tell is that is definitely possible to load the game download the patch, open the game and play a high level mission, get completely stomped by a level 55 grineer and fail becouse... lets say you don't have revives and are playing solo. He rages because he has a level 0 iron skin that offers close to no protection.

    Well but that's just me speculating. On other words i support the high risk high reward gameplay =).

    (says the trigger happy guy =P)

    PS: thumbs up for post number 5 from Namacyst.

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