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Everything posted by AceViper

  1. That didn't stop anyone from creating a specific external website for trading, but a match making has to be in-game, for the fact of region difference and the increase in variety and number of relics. For relics out of rotation and for every time they come back more are added. For time management sake, as being stuck in chat 20 minutes when the game should be a fast pace one, this does not make sense. For the sake of everyone who just wants to play more comfortably. There still will be the fact you have to find the relics, get the traces, run the mission and then have the chance at the drop, so saying that selling will disappear is wrong and unrealistic because there will be tenno who don't have the relics, time or luck who will need to buy, So if no one talks nothing will change. True, but that only deals with 1/3 of the problem, while the other 2/3 are the real problem. Also this is an archaic solution that has never change, so why should we settle for something like this when we could easily have something much better. This is nothing new in any game so why not have it here when relics are a essential part of the game and not just a chat and filters.
  2. PROBLEM: I just came back after a while and i am trying to find groups for specific relics that, at the moment, are not very popular this makes me have to spam and stare at a fast scrolling recruiting chat to find a party or members, ending up missing someone who actually is looking for the same relic. Either because someone just posted and waits for someone to invite them, when there are actually other missing a member or someone missed your advertisement and it takes forever to get a group going. This leads to a group of 3 that are all posting for the same group and just increasing the speed at witch the chat goes. While restricting the chat is just a stop gap, it is not a solution. Also the different relics having the same reward is a common occurrence and even though someone is looking for the same part and you are, if you don't have the relic they post you wont get invited and unless you know and look at every relic and know the rewards its going to be very annoying and unpractical. This is going to get EVEN more unmanageable as the number of frames and weapons increase, this needs a change NOW! SOLUTION: We already have it, its the basic mission queue that we always had from the start, it just need to be implemented to relics with extra steps. When you go to the void fissures, press the relic you want and ADD a button to Focus a specific reward by pressing "Focus". This will lump you with with anyone doing a relic with that reward you focused, open the lobby while the rewards becomes highlighted so you know what you chose, after this it will make the "Equip For Mission" change to "Launch Mission" so you can start anytime as any normal mission leaving the open slot for anyone with that relic to join until the objective is complete witch locks the lobby. Ignore forma here. So a Tenno with a Lith P1 relic Radiant would be grouped with someone with a Lith H8 relic Intact as they both have the same reward you are trying to get, even though one is common and another is uncommon. You use what you have. Otherwise press "Equip for mission" as its now without focusing anything and you join a random group, this for those wanting to just get a quick ducat. Please tell me if there are any flaws in this idea and what could be better, sorry for the ms paint doodles it helps get the idea, so lets get this to DE and make it happen. Thank you.
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