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Everything posted by LexTempest

  1. please fix that sirocco glitch i can't swing my melee even when i have it equipped unless i press E and i hate that because i'm so used to using my fire input for my melee and its hard to swap on the fly while i play normal and then go to duviri it just feels wrong and like i said before i absolutely hate it more than even the lack of RJ content and the RJ glitches
  2. i completely agree but he should have his own abilities instead of just copies
  3. please fix the glitch where i can't melee with left click (whenever i left click with my melee equiped in duviri it shoots the sirocco using the sfx for the power attack and not using ammo forcing me to use E to light attack with melee and it just REALLY #*!%in bugs me)
  4. I KNOW RIGHT it makes the game feel horrid for me and is jarring to be reminded that i have to use a different input that i didn't even choose
  5. honestly i would love it if the drifter "melee with fire input" bug that came with the last hotfix would get fixed it REALLY bugs me and is a bit jarring having to be constantly reminded of the fact that i can't left click to melee anymore
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