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Posts posted by Nmotsch987

  1. On 2019-01-27 at 10:59 PM, Agentcheese said:

    Well your solution would work for the Corpus over at the temple of profit. (The anoying flame buggers I mentioned.) But it wouldn't work on the orb mother.

    The only orb mother that you can currently kill is the orange one. The blue one however is completely immune to everything. So you just have to wait for it to slowly walk by since you can't do anything to it.

    You are right, I forgot about Exploiter when I wrote my comment. The best you can do there is to just wait for it to walk away, but it moves slowly.

  2. https://streamable.com/0fobx

    Please excuse any framerate drops, my laptop has trouble running both OBS and the game at the same time and I forgot to lower graphical settings first. Also, I forgot to test what would happen if I tried to melee; I'm not sure if Diwata would be used or not.

  3. The issue is still present as of the time of me posting this, in update 22.4.10. In addition, Razorwing Blitz increases the fire rate of the archgun. For anyone who comes across this, here's a short video showing the issue: https://streamable.com/0fobx (Please excuse any framerate drops; my laptop has issues running the game and OBS at the same time, and I neglected to turn down graphical settings before recording.)

  4. Also, sometimes tricks will register as "copykavat" even though you did a different trick prior, sometimes tricks won't register if you do them too quickly, and sometimes the multiplier won't increase even though it recognized a successful trick. In addition, I don't have any concrete proof for this, but the mod Mag Locks doesn't feel like it works properly anymore. I feel like the grind magnetism used to be more noticeable, with it almost having a nice sort of suction towards a rail or edge. All of these issues arose in the hotfix 24.1.2 (the patchnotes regarding the change said "Fixed an issue with the 'Grindy' K-drive trick gathering point when not actually grinding."). That was on November 29th, and ever since then, these issues have been present. Finally, I'm not exactly sure when this last issue began occurring, but sometimes, landing a trick wrong will kill you, even in situations where I'm *almost* sure I used to be able to barely have enough time to land the trick properly.

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  5. On 2019-01-16 at 11:42 PM, .Genix. said:

    The objective is long term, not what you consider to be a "right now" thing, newbies will have k-drives long before they ever get ahold of an archwing and will have earned their standing passively, I'm in no rush to get from bounty stage to bounty stage myself and I own everything from ventkids.

    Getting an archwing launcher is not hard. It has no prerequisites to research it, and the cost is low enough that you can easily start researching it even if you're in a clan by yourself, once you have a Tenno Lab up and running (and that's assuming they don't just join a clan that already has it researched). I agree that newbies will end up getting a K-Drive first, but it's not like it'll be that much longer until they get an archwing launcher. It wouldn't be hard to obtain one before even getting to the point of finishing The War Within, if one so chose to do so.

  6. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nY9jFUq

    I'm not sure what exactly triggers the glitch. It might be something related to reloading around the same time you do certain parkour maneuvers. I haven't found it to be incredibly uncommon. I know that this bug has existed for at least a few months, if not longer. It's not really a big deal as it doesn't affect the performance of the weapon at all, but I thought I may as well share it.

    If this might be related to a weird interaction with my hardware or drivers or something, let me know; I can share more information related to that if needed.

  7. I was messing around in The Pearl, grinding for Vent Kids rep, when I noticed some enemies nearby. I went to kill them and noticed that one of them was a traitor to the Corpus! I didn't think to start recording until after I had killed a group of enemies, but I got footage of it standing around peacefully, footage of me being able to mark it as an ally (which also shows that the crosshair turned blue when pointed at the hyena), and I got footage of it attacking more corpus that had spawned in later. I'm too lazy to cut down the video at all, sorry, so skip to about 2 minutes in if you want to see it attacking other Corpus. I also closed the game and got logs right after this happened, so if any DE employees would like to see them, I'd be happy to send them to you.

    Video: https://streamable.com/rqry2

    PC Specs: Lenovo Legion Y520 laptop with Intel i5 7300HQ, Nvidia 1050Ti 4GB, 16GB of RAM, running on the (as of now) latest Win10 update (just updated today), on the latest (as of right now) Warframe version. If more info is needed, I'd be happy to provide it.

    EDIT: To clarify, I was using Chroma Prime, a Smeeta Kavat, and no weapons that were dealing radiation damage (not that rad procs would last forever or make the enemies invulnerable to my gunfire). I was also playing solo. This wasn't a case of a teammate Nyx mind controlling the Hyena.

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  8. I don't have any images or footage of this happening because I obviously wasn't expecting it to happen, but basically, I was trying to capture the Transit Depot as a camp, and while clearing out Corpus enemies, I somehow got stuck in the floor and could only move very slowly. If there's anyone I can provide my logs to, I'd be happy to do so if they would provide any more useful information.

  9. What GPU are you using? You could try using a program called HWInfo64, opening its Sensors menu, and looking at GPU VRAM usage to see if the problem is running out of video RAM. If you don't have enough VRAM your system will attempt to use normal RAM in its place, which may cause issues. I wouldn't think it would come close to needing 8GB so I feel like my suggestion isn't correct, but it's worth checking nonetheless.

  10. What frame(s) are you trying to use it on? Not all will see the same benefit. Remember that it isn't a 90% damage reduction off the bat; it's 90% of a single damage type per projectile (so if you're shot with a bullet that does 40 puncture damage and 60 slash damage, you'll be resistant to the slash damage but not to the puncture component of the damage) and that it takes time to build the resistances up, so you won't get as much benefit on squishy frames. You need to take a significant amount of non-reduced damage in a short frame of time for Adaptation to begin to work, so some frames will be dead before they see any benefit.

  11. On 2018-12-07 at 12:24 PM, Void_Owl said:

    All I did today was one Lv.5 bounty and one lv.1 bounty, how can I be at max cap?

    Warframe's daily reset is at midnight GMT, no matter where in the world you are. To use my own time zone as an example, that means that it resets every day at 7:00PM. If I play a bunch of bounties from 8:00PM to 11:00PM, and then I go to do bounties at 4:00PM the next day, I'm still running on the same daily cap. If it helps you remember, the reset timer for the daily cap is also the same time as the daily timer for the daily login reward, as well as Simaris' daily Synthesis target (although it's separate from the reset timer for sorties and syndicate alerts).

  12. As for the grind magnetism thing, I can't say with total certainty if it doesn't work, but I can say that after not using a K-Drive for a little while then going back to trying to hit the daily standing cap every day, it *feels* like it doesn't work. As for the Grindy thing, it started a few hotfixes ago, and the issue still persists. It isn't always registered as a trick. The point combo counter issues are the real pains, though. I regularly get the "copykavat" label, even when I do totally different tricks in a row, and sometimes, even when I don't get the "copykavat" label for a trick, the combo counter still doesn't increase. It makes trying to increase Vent Kids standing very frustrating, and I haven't even bothered ever since these issues started. If any devs want me to, I can do some K-drive stuff and then provide logs (assuming that whatever I do in-game is going to be saved to the logs), or I can record the issues occurring if that would help.

    (I wasn't sure if this was better suited for here or for the Fortuna-specific forums, since K-Drives aren't exclusive to Orb Vallis. If I should move it, let me know.)

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