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Posts posted by SSC-47


    Change it; 

    For A, I'd ask for player made emblems. A simple colour changeable graphic on top of another,both chosen from a pool of colourable images, would do (like halo). More complex options (ever tried making an emblem in Cod;black ops? Sadly it was the best part of the game) would be very welcome. We could choose from basic shapes,  tenno symbols, grineer and corpus icons, the vast amount of event badges we have, syndicate images, sigils, Helmets from all characters... and so on and so forth. (or we could just have custom images, that would work. 


    People have been asking for this for a while now, don't know whether or not DE will implement it though.

  2. I remember when I was new I'd basically just find a squad of other people about my level and run a planet with them. I think it would be great to encourages this kind of thing rather than sending someone whose gear is much better to come tearing through.

    I usually beef up my frame's health and shields bring a powerful secondary and keep everything else basic. That way if we run into trouble I can protect them, and if not than I don't make them feel wimpy or underpowered.

  3. Implying that there was a Proto-Nyx in Dark Sector xD.


    Nemesis was something completely different.

    If you're arguing that there is no way to make the skin fit Nyx than I understand what you're saying; however, the Nemesis was the inspiration for Nyx just as Hayden's suit was the the inspiration for Excalibur so lore wise I don't see the problem.

  4. only if it makes you go fist's and feet only combat because we dont wanna glitch guns and start shooting around the relay massacreing the innocent

    Speak for yourself...

  5. i saw a martial arts warframe before and liked the idea. I'd still like to see a heavy fist and foot focus. So far the only two real 'melee' themed frames are ash and valkyre. i'd like to see another heavy hitter pop up, perhaps a melee version of rhino? and to those snarky ones who are about to say 'rhino is melee' yo uknow what i mean >< martial arts versoin of rhino basically.

    That's what Ankyros and Kogake are for. :P

  6. I would love to see a fist-focused warframe, but unlike other people I definitely see potential of it being created and still be original when comparing it to ash or valkyr. The thing about the current warframes that are related to melee play is that they are more for just a unique damage ability rather than utilizing the fun and the risk that playing melee has. For instance, Ash/Valkyr's ultimate abilities do involve melee, but they really just have the same effect as other ultimate abilities where everything around you is instantly dead. There should be a warframe that really expands and supports melee-gameplay, but still has that risk factor involved. Think of like a Loki, except you punch people for a living.


    This idea has certain potential, but work on the creativity of the abilities. Maybe give them a jump, or some on-hit melee effect. The whirlwind kick idea is a nice start.

    If you want risk use Excalibur.

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