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Posts posted by Chaosyn

  1. Lol....I bought the mod pack because I had nothing left to spend that plat on.... I'm on a fixed income so I hadn't planned on seeing anymore of it....for a while,at least.  For now I have 3 frame slots and no other frames or frame BP's. I'm loving my Excal,and the only other frames I like are not within my grasp yet...So 3 slots is fine for now. Hmm...Maybe I should forget resetting,and focus on what I DO have.....


    Well,question answered but advice always welcome....being a newb and all....

  2. Just had a derp moment....I only,just now, realized I can go back to Saturn now,finally...(grouped of course...)since I am R20 and won't get instagibbed...lol

    I do like my Braton. I like the Paris too though (will keep both). Haven't had much luck getting past the first few planets as far as groups go, but I'm aware that only certain places are farmed...

    Not sure about joining a clan.....I'd need one that's ok with my odd playing hours,and my low level.....and my lack of talking much in game.....

    (I concentrate on killing and drops rather than trying to talk)

  3. Only rank 20,but I've been wondering if I should since I:

    Potatoed my Mk1Braton and then sold it for a Braton (now potatoed)

    Potatoed my Skana (First upgrade,looking at it now seems a waste)

    Upgraded my Excalibur (Instead of getting a new frame)


    I currently have the following BP's:

    Rhino helm


    Dual Heat Swords



    Just looking for advice or pointers as to why or why not.




  4. Oh I am having fun,despite the things I don't quite understand or items I don't have.

    So far:

    Excalibur :rank 15

    Braton: r5 (just replaced MK1)



    Rhino Helm BP

    Dual Heat Sword BP

    Vauban BP

    and a lot of various mats

    I always carry at least 4 Ciphers,and have 2 rifle ammo boxes I haven't quite needed to use yet

  5. Ah, I misread what you were saying. Oh well...I'll just concentrate on my Dual Heat Swords then....

    Thanks for the wiki link...bookmarked :D

    Probably shouldn't have sold my Ember Systems BP....

    Oh well,there will be others...I hope.

  6. I could use all the help I can get....Especially since I will have to rely on BP's for new stuff...

    (can't spend money for Plat....fixed income and all...way too expensive)

    I get yelled at a lot in game....because apparently wanting to actually pick things up is bad....I don't have a lot of stuff,unlike the people I so often get grouped with that seem to have a thousand times more than I do...

    Sure,some missions I don't mind rushing....mostly assassinations...and sabotage....get to the boss drops, get the machines destroyed...fine.

    but I DO need mods and mats... I am stuck right now trying to get my dual heat swords and trying to make Vauban (the only BP for a frame I have)

    I only have Mercury,Venus,Saturn,Earth,and one outer planet (forgot the name) open to me....and every time I try to make progress, I end up alone or get stuck (wall running seems to never work for me....sucks having to forefeit when it's forced on me).

    I don't know, Like I said, I love this game, just having some difficulty.

  7. Only have 7 or so hours in. Still finding it hard since I'm on my own.

    Can't say I enjoy going solo,since I tend to die,even on Mercury....lol.

    Can't say I enjoy grouping since most times everyone is rushing to the end,and drops can be hard to see.

    I DO like this game....a lot.

    Mods seem sparse,Blueprints take a LOT of farming (don't mind but certain things I just can't find)

    The daily rewards could use tweaking (got Vauban BP's 3x in a row)

    Crafting times seem a bit much....

    Leveling seems to be a bit slow (not weapons and frames,I haven't even hit Silver Initiate and it seems to take forever to get the last 2400 I need to get there)

    So yeah....new player,a bit confused on some things,and somewhat lost....lol

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