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Posts posted by Lannen

  1. The weird catch with this riven seems to be that just blowing up the Dargyn and killing the pilot in one go doesn't count, what it wants is for the Dargyn to explode and the pilot be ejected and THEN killed. The method I use to pop these rivens is pretty simple, take Ember out there, pop the Dargyn (or preferably more than one with a good spread weapon like the Arca Plasmor or an Ignis/Amprex if they fly low enough) and then immediately hit World on Fire. That'll roast them mid-air and not require secondarily aiming at the falling pilots and messing up. 

    Alternatively, as has been suggested, Mesa can do something similar by ejecting the pilots and hitting Peacemaker to aimbot them out of the air. The problem I run into personally with that method is that is can take some wind-up and if the pilots eject low enough they can touch down before Peacemaker actually kicks in and does its thing. World on Fire on the other hand pretty much instantly nukes them when the button is pressed. But either method should do nicely, whichever you're more comfortable with. 

  2. Well the old Cetus bug is rearing its ugly head in Fortuna now. Vendor timer reads about 4 hours until reset, doesn't count down at all, and as of reset time it's still stuck and whenever I talk to any vendor in Fortuna and try to buy their items it just says "this vendor's wares have been updated" and will not allow me to see their stuff or buy their special items. For the daily specials from mining/ventkids/kitguns/etc it's not that big of a deal, but I also can not buy any bonds which is seriously hindering progression seeing as advancement with SU has been so intrinsically tied to these stupid things. 

    I've tried the old return to orbiter, log out and in, verify cache, head into Orb Vallis and back to Fortuna, none of them fix the vendors. 

  3. Sorry about your wife dude, I hope everything works out well for you. Now I'm going to feel like a bit of a jerk critiquing you, but I promise it's all to be helpful and I wish you and your family the best.


    You should definitely be running a different aura for that particular setup. Steel Charge as you already know is quite bad on Mesa but also your final build has 4 extra capacity points...which is the extra bonus Steel Charge would provide, so why not drop it to a much much better aura and not need to change anything else? Beyond that though, let's look at the rest of the build. 

    - You should drop Redirection for sure, Mesa's shields are bad as it is and if you instead buff up her power strength (although you technically already have enough) and duration to make her Shatter Shield better you will not need the extra shields because your damage reduction will be fantastic. 

    - You don't seem to be aware of the relationship of duration to channel abilities. Things like Peacemaker and most other channel abilities use less energy per second by increasing your efficiency obviously but they ALSO use less energy based on your duration. With a 13% duration you're basically negating a majority of your own efficiency by causing negative energy usage on her Peacemaker, and as the video shows your energy drains extremely quick in Peacemaker. Not to mention, your Shooting Gallery and Shatter Shield buffs are beyond essential for Mesa and duration is a must for those so overall you need to send a lot more love to your duration. 

    - Range is ok on Mesa, but really only just ok...I personally ignore it completely on my Mesa and never notice the difference. It really only helps with the targeting circle of Peacemaker but I don't have issues making that do what I want it to anyway so I would recommend staying away from it.

    - Get an Exilus, it's just a must. You could use it for more power strength and thus more damage OR the superb Mesa's Waltz augment for Peacemaker letting her walk and roll around while channeling. 


    Your regulators also need a little love

    - Creeping Bullseye is unnecessary, as is Concussion Rounds

    - If you're running Pistol Gambit you need to pair it with Target Cracker, it's just a flat out massive damage boost. 

    - Decide if you want more status or more raw damage and fill the rest of your slots with elementals of your choosing. 


    I don't know if I touched on everything, it's early and I was just trying to offer some quick pointers, but here are my builds for reference:

    Mesa and Regulators - I do also run a status setup on the Regulators using 60/60 mods but generally I just run raw damage because stuff dies so fast I don't need the extra procs. 

  4. I think you're confusing viable with "the best". Not every frame can ever be "the best", or "top tier", or "OP", or whatever other label you use to try and show they should be picked over other options. That much can not ever happen because true balance is impossible particularly in a game where different frames fill different group roles. However, every frame absolutely can and SHOULD be viable. Rhino and Nezha were one of your examples; yes Nezha is like a discount Rhino in that they both make themselves temporarily invulnerable, and yes Rhino is definitely better in that way, but Nezha is faster, can trail damage behind him as he goes, can short-range teleport, can use his protection on team mates, etc. He's still very much viable, and more changes could be made to Nezha to make him just as viable in all of the content Rhino can do just not in the exact way that Rhino is. He won't be a better brick wall than Rhino, but he should be able to handle all of the same content in his own way. It's not a zero sum game, if one is good that does not then mean the other can never be. 

    I personally think that every frame that is seen as lacking in power, not capable of holding up at later tiers of gameplay, or not at the very least viable to use in some content should get some attention to address what is keeping them from being usable in specific instances. Again, every frame doesn't need to be the best choice for everything, that is not possible as I said and there will always be best choices for each type of mission, but no frame should feel so weak in some regard that they just become useless in certain mission types. It is definitely possible to make tweaks to each frame so that they can handle any mission thrown at them with a little bit of effort, even if they aren't the most optimal choice it shouldn't mean they are just bad and people who love those frames then can't use them. 

  5. 43 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

    Yeah "stream banter" is one thing, but that was just rude, if anyone in my team did that to another team member presenting it would be an informal warning.

    I think some people don't realize how demotiviating low-key bullying about like that (about the content of their actual work) can be.

    Glad I'm not the only one who was legitimately irked by all of that. I agree that playful teasing is to be expected and it's fine, but that genuinely seemed like bullying and Rebb did not look amused after the first few comments. I also agree that if that were my workplace and a few people started berating somebody else on the team for wanting to bring up information they thought might be appreciated, it would not end well for those few. 

    Pro tip: if the person you're "just joking" with doesn't feel like it's a joke, then you need to stop because you're actually just harassing them at that point. 

  6. Well the first 2 weapons I suggest to people are usually the Guandao and the Lesion. Both are polearms with different focuses (crit and status respectively) that can easily carry you through all content in the game when built properly. 

    For a primary Tiberon Prime is hard to not like, it's got a fire mode for everybody , it deals tons of damage with the right setup, and it looks outstanding. Shotguns unfortunately are king in Warframe, so not many rifles really stand up to a well built Corinth, Arca Plasmor, or Tigris. But there are still a lot of solid options, they just don't have quite the punch of a shotgun. Tenora, Prisma Gorgon, and even Soma Prime and Braton Prime come to mind for assault style rifles. If you like single-fire rifles the Latron series is decent, unfortunately not great, but suitable for most content. The Veldt kind of falls into the same category as the Latrons, decently strong, single-fire, mid to long range engagement, falls off earlier than other rifles and shotguns. If you like snipers, any of them can perform, you'll need to find the one that fits your style.

    For a secondary definitely look into the Akstiletto Prime, Akbolto Prime, Pyrana Prime, Euphona Prime, Arca Scisco, I could just go on and on there are so many fun and good secondaries. 

  7. Just keep in mind that NONE of the acolyte mods are essential for doing things in this game. Some are nice and useful and wouldn't hurt to have, but they are in no way mandatory. If you're not having fun, then stop participating and go back to doing what is fun for you. It's much more important that you're having fun and not feeling burnt out.

  8. In my opinion, there is absolutely no match for a keyboard/mouse in terms of accuracy, rapid correction, and precise timing and positioning. Ignoring the fact that the latest updates for controllers on PC have apparently really messed with the already pretty poor controller support. Also as Omega pointed out, if your mouse and/or keyboard are just poorly functioning overall then it's better to just replace those as it will have an effect in game and out. Also, a quality gaming mouse and keyboard is actually not that expensive these days, probably even less than an Xbox 360 controller surprisingly. Just check out some place like Amazon and you can probably find something decent for a good price.

  9. 3 hours ago, More-L said:

    Except shooting your guns like crazy while bullet jumping all over the place is the complete opposite of 'inconspicuous' and doing all that will still not cause the Juggernaut to spawn, it is specifically linked to killing enemies therefore taking the statement 'Lay-low and it should go away' as 'Lay down your weapons and it should go away' is how the actual game mechanic works, hence my argument.

    I would have to agree that your argument is incorrect though. The phrase is to lie low, and as the mechanic for summoning a juggernaut is killing infested then clearly when the Lotus means is to stop killing them and "lie low" until the threat moves on. Why on Earth (or Eris) would she say "lay low" meaning to put weapons down when I can find absolutely no references to that ever being an accepted turn of phrase? If she said to lay down your weapons then that would mean just that, it would also be insane as we are still surrounded by threats and literally laying down our weapons would just be silly. It is, as it is used, a grammatical error in the strictest sense BUT NachoZissou is right that it is often said as "lay low" and thus has slowly become an accepted variation. 

    The thing with language is that it's fluid, if something is used often enough and widely enough it can become accepted even where once it was wrong. Literary scholars and lexicographers actually often describe dictionaries and other collections of "correct" word usage/spelling/diction/etc as being descriptive and not prescriptive, meaning basically they provide information less concerned with the etymology and absolute proper usage of words and more concerned with describing how words and phrases are actually commonly used and understood. Telling people the latin root of every word is fine for educational purposes, but it's far more informative to tell them how the word is used not where it came from.

    This link from Merriam Webster explains that, "A word gets into a dictionary when it is used by many people who all agree that it means the same thing." So where we all accept that the word "Cat" describes a small furry household mammal that's fun to cuddle with and likes knocking stuff off of counters, most modern English language dictionaries will also list "Cat" as a term for a jazz music specialist, or even a woman prone to "catty" remarks toward others. Language is almost a living thing, it's always evolving and changing as time progresses and we begin using words in new ways or even pronouncing them in new ways. Have you ever referred to something as being, "butt naked"? Well the original phrase was "buck naked", but over time enough people mispronounced or misunderstood the phrase and began using it in its new form and now it is listed as a perfectly viable - and often more widely accepted - variation of the phrase.

    This is the problem people have with so-called "grammar nazis", too often they are people who learn all of the history and "proper" information about words and then proceed to tell people how wrong they are for using colloquialisms and adaptive definitions without themselves understanding that the very nature of language is to change and shape itself to how it needs to be used at any given time.

    (Also apologies for droning on, but I'm married to a librarian so...)

  10. In Options under Controls -> Customize Key Bindings there is an option for "Switch Gun" which when tapped switches between primary and secondary, and there is an "Equip Melee" which just changes to melee. There is also "Switch WEAPON" which when tapped will swap between primary and secondary and when held will equip your melee. I personally find Switch Weapon to be the most useful because it puts everything on one button, but the other two options work fine too.

  11. While the lie low argument is correct and I have noted it before myself, the pronunciation of route as "rowt" is a completely accepted pronunciation of the word dating back to the 18th century. It lost popularity in places that speak "British English" where the word is pronounced "root", but in North America "rowt" retained its popularity and is thus an accepted way to say the word. 


    EDIT: Similarly, router being pronounced as "rowter" is an accepted pronunciation in "American English", whereas again overseas it would be pronounced "rooter".

  12. 26 minutes ago, DuhItzLink said:

    I mean when hes already found, and you join the missions afterwards, not during the undiscovered phase.

    also in my experience the acolyte won't spawn if they already left the node. I've done a mission where i had to wait 15 mins before checking genesis bot, only to see it has moved on.

    Even once the node they are on is discovered, the spawn is not on a timer you still have to find the room they are hiding in in that tileset. It could spawn in the second room you enter, or the very last tucked away corner of the map you walked past 3 times and didn't realize was there. Being found initially just lights up the node for everybody, then they need to be found again IN that node by each team that goes in. 

    And as Gnarls said, if you queue for the node while it still says the acolyte is active there, it doesn't matter if they then move on, you can still find them in that tileset somewhere unless you abort the mission.

  13. I agree the models are a little cheap just because they are rips of real frames, but I almost think that adds a certain layer to it, like why do they look like those frames? Are these actual repurposed frames? Do they have operators somewhere? We still don't have precise answers on what Stalker is (some answers and some strong theories but little in black and white [red?]), the Acolytes just add more to the mystery. 

    Also, from a more real world perspective I doubt DE wants to spend the time crafting 6 new models AND matching noggles for some enemies that appear at best a few days a year and die so quickly you're not spending much time seeing their model anyway. What they should do instead is make a universal cosmetic that lets us put the stalker helmet on our frames so we can make our own squad of Acolytes...that I could get behind.

  14. Although you didn't specifically ask for further delving into the mod I feel it should ALSO be noted, in addition to Inspector's helpful notes about armor, that you can still be one-shotted with Quick Thinking. If you take a large enough hit that it would deplete your remaining health AND all of your energy after armor has been applied, then you will just go down but will not lose all of your energy. So while it does make your energy sort of function like an auxiliary health bar, if you take a massive shot it won't just screw you and drain all of your resources in one swoop. 

  15. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)bumperwilliam said:

    - still waiting for this problem to be fixed -

    What is the problem? Have you reported it, submitted correspondence to support, searched through the forums or the Googles to find assistance? You're not offering much for anybody to go on here, and if by "waiting for this problem to be fixed" you literally mean you've sought no assistance while just silently waiting to see if what could be a problem only you are experiencing somehow gets fixed, then you need to offer up some details so you can actually get help. 

  16. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

    That's not a bad thing. I've run into situations more than once with a player in my party unable to continue farming because they ran outta junk relics while I'm hosting sessions to help them get certain parts. 

    Yeah I've only ever run out of Axi relics in the past ooohhh 9 months or so, but I also make sure to not run endless Axi unless I'm with clanmates and know how long we'll go, but mostly I only do things like Cap/Sabo/Mob Def so I can just one-shot my relics until they're gone and don't end up in a Def or Surv and unable to continue.

  17. Yeah I ignored relics for a while when I was coming up through the ranks, then ended up at MR24 with over 600 relics and I'm still working through them to this day. Seems like every time I open 2 or 3, I ended up earning 4 or 5...I'm getting nowhere, but I always have something to open!

  18. This is unfortunately probably just a case of needing your Operator to be stronger. Mind you this quest is completely able to be done with a basic Operator, but it seems that it is a massive headache when done in that way. It's a sort of double-edged sword for DE, they introduced the quest way after massive reworks of the Operator system so they wanted it to feel like the work we put into our Tenno meant something but also from a new(er) player point of view the quest can't be gated behind mandatory Operator upgrades so they had to make it available. 

    I think the result was much too high of a difficulty ramp for underpowered players, but that's sadly what we've got. As for fighting Umbra, movement is absolutely key. Be dodging, dashing, running, and jumping to get away from any and all of his attacks and just very slowly wear down his defenses...that's all you can really do.

  19. With the changes coming to melee, we actually don't know how good the melee mods will be, however they have said all mods will retain functionality while being adjusted for the new system. With that in mind, I'd say it's still safe to go for Blood Rush, Body Count, and Weeping Wounds just in case. Meme strike is lame, good on you for steering clear (though it may see a neat change with the melee rework?).

    Other than melee, Argon Scope is a really cool mod...niche, but really cool for what it does and Bladed Rounds can be fun. For secondaries Hydraulic Crosshairs (same as Argon Scope) is probably the best mod, with Sharpened Bullets being the equivalent of Bladed Rounds. I don't find the shotgun ones to be overly impressive but you'll probably get a ton of the common and uncommon ones anyway. So really the BIG one to go for is Argon Scope.

  20. 21 minutes ago, Locus-Glacies said:

    I recently got a Tiberon riven with +107.5% status chance, +63.2% fire rate, and +114.8% status duration. I was wondering how good these stats are and whether or not I should try rerolling for something better, and if so, what stats should I be aiming for. Any info is greatly appreciated.

    Given the Tiberon's already high status on full auto where status will most matter, status chance as underwhelming. And as Omega pointed out, status duration is just overall a meh stat and fire rate on the Tiberon has diminished effect since it actually hurts one of the fire modes. 

    I'd say, for me anyway, an ideal Tiberon riven would be Crit Chance/Crit Damage, Multishot, or pure Damage. Any combination of those with either no negative or something like negative flight speed or infested damage. 

  21. 2 hours ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

    To demoralize them. Its a horrific insult to strip a person of their name and refer to them as something like a number or a series. Seeing Ballas' personality, I wouldn't put that past him.

    Exactly this, if anybody in Warframe lore is going to reduce a person to their designation and refuse them the basic dignity of their given name it's definitely Ballas. Freaky long armed son of a....

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