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Posts posted by Cobaltor_252

  1. Ever since a recent update the glass parts of Gara's helmet, which are supposed to disappear when Splinter Storm is activated, stay on her helmet when the ability is active as shown here:



    Another thing to note is the little dangly bits on Gara's Zamariu helmet do properly break away when Splinter Storm is active, but those parts of her helmet don't inherit your chosen energy colour:


  2. Right now I wouldn't even worry about forma until you have the means to craft them and start using them, which is way down the line considering where you are in the star chart.

    Right now I'd suggest just working on leveling up your current weapons, and maybe picking up some of the other MK-1 weapons from the market, such as the MK-1 Strun, MK-1 Braton, MK-1 Furis and so on, just to try out different weapon types and get yourself some more mastery points.

    Once you hit MR2 I'd suggest picking up the blueprint for the Boltor, a assault rifle that shoots needles, and crafting that.  It served my well when I first ran through the star chart.

    And once you hit MR4 you should get the blueprint for the Hek, a shotgun, and craft that.  If you like the gun, it has the power to carry you through the majority of the star chart if you mod it right.  The weapon itself is a staple of early-game guides on Youtube, and for good reason.

    Hope this helps, I'm on PC as well, so you can shoot me a friend request if you need any additional help.

  3. 43 minutes ago, Artekkor said:

    Here's my Excalibur:

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    This is basically my "Jack of all trades" build.
    If i'll feel like going melee berzerk i can just replace Redirection with either Streamline or Vigor for bonus health so that enemies wouldn't be able to oneshot me as fast.


    And here's Exalted Blade:

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    This is all that Exalted Blade could ever need. Crit and status stats do not justify investing into them so i just go for raw power instead.
    Spoiled Strike increases Melee Damage at the cost of Attack Speed, but negative is countered by Fury. However, that's just my personal preference.
    You can replace  Spoiled Strike with +90% Heat  Damage mod, whatever its' name is. The DPS difference is next  to none (~5%), its just a matter of "do i hit faster or harder".

    Drifting Contact is the only mod that can increase combo duration that can be put  on Exalted Blade. Let me explain:
    Combo Counter is a system which gives your melee attacks bonus damage the higher your  hit-combo is. The  more often you hit enemies, the more damage you will deal.
    However, by default combo counter only lives 3 seconds before reseting which is frankly makes it useless.
    Drifting Contact  provides +10 combo duration seconds for 13 seconds  before melee combo counter resets to 0, which makes it easier to keep and maintain the combo  for a LOT of bonus damage. I mean double, triple and even more.

    The choice of Corrosion + Cold elemental damage is also a jack of all trades elemental combo. Universally good against everything.


    Redirection is a waste of a slot on any and all frames that aren't Hildryn, since there are many ways to get health back, shields don't benefit from armor's damage reduction, and there are many damage types that will just straight up bypass shields and damage your health directly.  Additionally, Redirection actively works against your build since you have Rage equipped.  The more time it takes for enemies to start damaging your health the less energy you'll have overall, and with life strike equipped it's easy for you to get that health back.

    I'd also suggest replacing Rage with Hunter Adrenaline since it's just a better version of rage and only costs 2 more capacity.

    To comment on your opinion on Chromatic blade, from a purely number-based standpoint, Chromatic blade is the best mod for Excalibur, and is what makes him actually do damage to enemies that are level 60+.  Paired with condition overload you basically get free damage, and can kill most starchart-level enemies in 1 swipe.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Carlio said:

    DE said Chroma made Eidolons hunting to easy so they are changing him to be in line "all other damage calculations in the game". So that means he was doing too much damage to Eidolons. If Chroma was not used to hunt eidolons they would have let it alone for atleast until his Prime came out or a even a couple more years.

    My mistake, I must have missed that bit. But the change was still bound to happen since it was originally an oversight.  I guess him doing to much damage to Eidolons woke DE up to that thing they forgot to change.

  5. I find it hard to understand how people keep calling Chroma's fix a "nerf", it's almost like they didn't even read the Dev Workshop. It was an oversight with his damage calculations that they were reluctant for whatever reason to fix, and now they're fixing it.  DE isn't nerfing him because he does too much damage, they're changing him to be in line with literally all other damage calculations in the game and bring him back to what was intended.

    As for Ember, like the Banshee augment change, it was warranted. She was boring to play and made missions with her on your team boring as well. I only played Ember when I wanted to trivialize missions, when I didn't want to play the game, or at least have to try.  The only reason people are upset is because none of her other abilities are as good as WoF, and it has been stated that DE is taking a look at her other abilities, so hopefully she becomes something more than an afk farming frame for early-game missions. 

  6. Basically reposting what I've posted onto the reddit, hoping this gets some attention:

    There seems to be some texture issues with the new Hydroid Tennogen skin when Prime Parts are turned on.

    On the chest, arms, legs, and shoulder fin things, there are spots of black which I assume is some sort of missing texture. I know other Tennogen skins have this sort of issue with prime parts but this skin doesn' change Hyrdoid's model, so I was surprised to see this.





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