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Posts posted by GoatPimp

  1. 42 minutes ago, GoatPimp said:

    I have entered 5 relays, no waves. it says there's still time and it's not 100/100

    Another symptom: I have tried to do scarlet, then I decided to do sortie, after the sortie someone invited me to their dojo, the game said im in flottila and I cant join someone who is not in my flottila, then I tried to go to my dojo and the enter dojo button was missing


  2. Dude I totally agree. The inconsistency is ridiculous with the Wolf. It's kind of okay if they resist every ability, but making usable abilities a guessing game is ridiculous. On boss design? The exploiter tipped me over. You barely have to use abilities or weapons, you just swing stuff at the target like a monkey. 

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  3. Everything a bit more grey than it used to be, yes I turned off film grain. I checked other settings, it's the same minimalistic settings as it was on the weekend.

    I played on low settings, because I didn't want to heat the laptop more than necessary. Anyway, until now had cpu time 20 ms and 50 fps in orbiter, now it hovers around 22 cpu time and frames drop to 40... In game in normal missions, it's way worse, it's unplayable sometimes. The cpu time jumps to 50 and fps drops to 10.... and I'm not even hosting. My laptop isn't the newest, but it was perfectly fine until now.

    I play on a HP ENVY 17 Leap Motion SE NB, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4702MQ CPU @ 2.20GH, 8 gig, and an nvidia gt 750m

    Btw not fan of the energy color blending, just make them not blend

  4. 90% of these bugs happen in a 10 minute survival too. 

    I remember, they broke path finding, when they added the switch 'optimizations', when that switch porting company 'reviewed' their code. First week all the extermination missions were broken. Sometimes you still have to run around in the last room to get enough spawn. Around this time I noticed enemies in the walls and lots of empty rooms. 

    Also one visual bug, that really annoys me, I remember when it started, it was after Fortuna launch. Distant (70+ meters) enemies have low frame rate. 

    I think when you do optimizations for your game to cram it on a lesser hardware, you shouldn't sacrifice the quality on your existing product. 

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