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Posts posted by (XBOX)weedyodaa

  1. 35 minutes ago, Himenoinu said:
    • We can't do anything, except either leaving the group or getting even more numb and careless towards the game.

    That's just silly, to leave because someone's earning multiple kills with a weapon. If they don't like it, that's their own issue that they got to get frustrated over someone ear

    35 minutes ago, Himenoinu said:
    •  There's plenty wrong with it, both from a game-play point of view as well as from a physics one.

    No, not at all. There is nothing wrong it it, it was made to function how the mod was made, yet you insist to bring a change to the mod, although it's merely doing as it functions. And they could just find somewhere else to get kills.

    35 minutes ago, Himenoinu said:
    •  Nope, it's because of many other legitimate reasons.

    Give a few, based off of legitimate reasons.

    35 minutes ago, Himenoinu said:
    •  Yes to all - efficiency, cheesiness, laziness

    Yet you have the audacity to say how people should play their game? Let the players play how they want, we don't need people whining about them just crouching and using their weapon. And there's plenty of other things that are just as cheesy, why pick on this one?

    35 minutes ago, Himenoinu said:
    •  It should matter at all times if there's more than 1 player in the team and the other 3 don't enjoy spectating the mission (don't bullnyerk in the "free rewards" because they ain't free, nor are they rewards)

    This can easily be solved by you either playing with friends, running solo, or recruiting other people in recruit chat. I, personally, don't mind other people earning more kills, it get's annoying, sure, but I just move on. I don't see anything wrong with it. 

    35 minutes ago, Himenoinu said:
    1.  It goes both ways. Out of a group of 4, if you're the only one using and enjoying the fidget spinner - you, my lord, are the one not letting other players play how they want 😉 Could go solo though, to spin and cheese your way through all this exciting, fun content of... pointlessly killing zounds of various enemies that - for the most part - don't want to have to deal with the tennos.

    You practically make no point in this. You just said you can go solo or with a different group, so I don't really see the point in this. When I run my atterax + meme strike build, I go solo so I don't get whined at for "Using a cheese build," but oh well.

    35 minutes ago, Himenoinu said:

     You can spin the matter on its head as much as you like, but in the end, both sides are right, yet none of them give a flying fart about the other players' desires or playstyles. To the point where I'm kinda wondering why are all of you playing multiplayer games when you definitely go out of your way to act as if it's a single player experience...

    In the end, players just wanna play their own way. Sure, may not be the best of ways, but their playstyle shouldn't effect another to the point of where they get mad about it. It seems more toxicity, rather than it being an actual issue that people don't get their fair share of kills. Plus, as I've mentioned before, there's always an option of choosing a different part of the map on the tileset to get kills at, letting them run their own show if the player desires. 

  2. Ooooor we could do nothing about it because there's nothing wrong with it, and only reason why people don't like it is based off of opinion, and it's effecient, yet people think it's cheesy because it's a lazy way of getting kills when it really shouldn't matter because it's getting kills none-the-less. 

    Let the players play how they want, my lord. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, (XB1)Red X278 said:

    Why is all my stuff red? It was green for Xbox one but changed, what’s going on?

    Might have got a new update for your console.

  4. Just now, Wyrmius_Prime said:

    Imagine having actually great and cool melee combos like in a bunch of hack and slash games and other online multiplayer games. Instead of that, people here spam 2 buttons one after another and call that gameplay. That's boring cancer at the most.

    And who do you think you are, to tell someone whether that thing is considered fun or not? Sure the weapon might not be the "coolest" thing around, but it gets the job done, and you get it done very well. One thing I don't understand is why others get mad at other people for using Maiming strike just because they think it's cheesy. You could always spend more of your own time focusing on your own game, rather than someone elses.


    Plus, is there any other god-tier combos for end-game you can think of?

  5. Just now, Wyrmius_Prime said:

    If you cannot run endless without spin attacks, you're bad at the game. That's all.

    I said "And let's take away another good combo for end-game material," for a reason. Meaning that there are other tactics I use. 

    And what's so bad with spin2win? 

  6. Just now, EndermanBeast said:

    Banned for banning me for banning you for banning me for banning you for banning me for someone else who requested to not be banned yet, although I banned you for banning the person who requested not to banned, therefore you can't ban me for banning you about banning a person who told me not to ban them as you are now banned.

    Banned for blocking my ban, although I counter your anti-banner, and I insist to ban you anyways for banning someone else for requesting not to banned, so I hereby claim all rights to ban you. Boom.

    11 minutes ago, EndermanBeast said:

    Banned for not being patient enough to let me respond.

    Banned for assuming I wasn't patient enough.

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