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Posts posted by bones7056

  1. Ok i know DE has said tons of times they will never give an option to change the gender of a frame. Which to me is bs.


    they said they will never give a voice or take the helm for the face of a frame so players can see them selfs in the frame. in a manor of speaking. 


    Thats just bs. that half each way. i cannot see myself in a female frame. im guessing some women could say the same about male frames. 


    At the same time i rather not be able to identify it with myself at all and see them as a character with helm off and voice. 



    now if i could change the gender then that would make perfect sense. or the vis versa 


    Any real reason is not one way instead of the other? (real reasons besides DE says so and "beta"


    (now this is all going of things DE said they will never do but ever since that lama is coming out, their "never" statements arnt really never anymore. and if you dont know what i mean i director you to the dozens of threads people had posted over the year about a sentinal that walked and/or ground sentinal and DE said many times it would never happen.

  2. We never had X.1 ~ X.9 to start the next big update


    We can get U13 anytime after 12.5, in fact, most updates occurred around X.6 if I recall right


    Anyway, melee 2.0 didnt seem to be ready yet based on livestream, maybe one more week

    you recal wrong x.8 is very common x.9 very rare also rare for x.7

  3. i only have one hope for this live stream.DE tells us something besides whats coming "soon" the last 2 dev streams now have done nothing but show a few pieces of art say they are working hard and keep talking about things in progress. this live stream will mark 6 weeks now if they dont change the pattern. 


    Now i know most of you jump right to the thought of melee 2.0 but this isnt even about that. Just about everything they show or talk about is just "soon" all of the end tier things in game are being worked on less then Melee 2.0 and as of the last time they had to comment about that, the earliest is the middle of april. (they will probably talk about that once again today) but they can talk about all these amazing things they want but almost 2 months and nothing new? there had to be about 6 or 7 huge ideas they talked about last dev stream and the one they seemed to be putting the most work into is melee 2.0.


    Also im talking about since the regular 4 were there. there was the one dev stream about the HUD and even then the bonus dev stream did the same as the rest. 


    honestly i used to play this game a lot and would always find something to do because i had hope in DE but not lately. havnt played since the operation. invasions used to but they are a joke now. daily login bonuses dont even get me on lol. i come on once every Wednesday just to see if they did anything interesting yet. either way ill be playing my one mision every two weeks today after the Dev stream.


    Hopefully there's more talk besides "soon" things. 

  4. you realize once we hype something up its always nerf'ed afterwards right


    can we just....not talk...


    *half serious post*

    wow such a game. it wants our feed back but the second we all agree we love something they ruin it? first positive post i have to say to DE in over a month and this is the first response i get? oh and people agree! officially lost all hope for this game 

  5. So with the ciscro mods and the with he new up coming mods when the current operation ends, you now have the potential to just blast the hell out of it. put both toxi mods and both regular mods on the weapon and watch it destroy. now most people would say that would take to many slots because they would have a better build and thats where i say ah ha! the synapse. no regular damage mod. its also a crit build weapon so if you put hammer shot both of those stats would be insane. just sharing my excited for this to be over :P for the best yes one on the mods cant be used but still this thing will be awesome 

  6. it's almost like they want veteran to leave the game. Honestly if I wanted to &!$$ us off I would do exactly the same thing.


    Veterans complain about RNG? = let's add more... (tons of prime in the void... still credit cache and Orokin cells, Morphics...)

    Veterans complain about old weapons that needs some buffs? = let's create new overpowered weapons!

    Veterans complain about frost abilities being useless except the globe? = let's nerf it to the ground! Yeah!

    Veterans complain about endgame, grind and lack of rewards? = let's add the most boring game type so far "invasion", make it super repetitive and nerf the rewards!!!


    I'm so SAD when I see the number of people in my clan connected after an update... it's super low...

    i feel the same way


    could you please be a bit more specific regarding bugs? I always see people complaining about the myriad bugs in the game but for me, in the 7 or so months I've been playing, the worst I've encountered is either lag, disconnected from the host, and the occasional fall through the floor. While annoying, these bugs can be found in almost every game out there, especially online ones. Not to mention they tend to fluctuate in frequency from user to user.


    but If by bugs, you mean balancing issues then I can't really comment because that's a whole other mess I don't feel like discussing.

    the most recent one i personally wanted to report and on doing so already saw 3 threads started about the same thing was the life support one. you hit a pod and you just may not be able to stop until you die and then res. 

  7. I am not waving it of the bed but the fact of the matter is that this game is in development it is not yet done with new content comes new or old bugs this is all a product of the game being in Beta, however this is not an excuse for bugs not getting fixed.

    thank you for the clarification. i have to say i agree with this. yes updates bring bugs but its getting out of hand with no end in sight (currently) 


    When i think about the recent updates since U12 only one word comes to mind: Arbitrary.


    Most stuff they did just does not make sense. The Clan Tech, the stats on new weapons, changes to Invasion, loot tables etc. etc. etc.


    I'm curious about what the next few weeks will bring.

    you and me both

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