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Posts posted by TyrantAres

  1. How did a topic about weapon and mods get to blaming DE? If it was not for DE, there would be no Warframe, thread, or weapons to even argue about. Also I saw someone else earlier say the Dark Dagger was a noob weapon, even though it only drops from alerts, so, you know, is kinda hard to obtain. Another one was Duel Cleavers, you realize those things are really string right? Slap some crit on them and add Berserker, damn, you are unstoppable. Grinlok can also deal massive damage if modded right, definitely not a noob gun, as a rank 17 I use it often. The issue with this thread is you are questioning the value of weapons in a game where the value of weapons are based purely on how the players who wield them use them. Steve addressed this in one of the livestreams by the way. 

  2. Grinlok is fun to use, making it a crit might be exciting. The Acrid mod, Acrid is amazing. No question, sh. Maybe you can't use it but my Skana Prime would love that mod. So not all of them are useless, and as a rank 17, there is nothing more amusing then taking a crappy weapon and making it good through polarizing it. I understand your points, but this is all your opinion, and opinions are subjective. 

  3. The irony is killing me. You start a flame thread throwing around expletives and Doge is immature?

    Who is the one here kicking up a fuss over a few pixels that have no bearing on game play?

    You fed the troll!!! NOOOOOOOOO






    So did I, but don't worry about him, just let Natural Selection take its course.

  4. Um, I kinda got the founders because of items such as this, I paid to get stuff. I mean, have some empathy here, how would you feel as a founder? (Also the sigil is silly, you can't have two and need the syndicate one, so yeah, not wearing mine anyway)




    Grineer didn't speak grineer back then. GG.

    Hey, leave my mother out of this

  5. I would like to point something out, people are saying that mag, frost and ember all need buffs for stats. Ember is the only one of these three whose stats did not improve from what I know. Mag Prime has a damage boost that is evident in pull and Frost has efficiency when you put a potato on him. Even Excalibur Prime had, I don't know if he still does, an increased shield recharge rate. Could these be improved? Sure. But they do exist.

  6.    Wow, heh, I accidentally submitted that random argument to see how people would respond, I meant to add on to it before it was published but apparently I can not create paragraphs well. Tab caused me to submit it.

        Anyway, to make me feel special? Or maybe you don't want him buffed because you can't have him. I hope that is not the reason. If you were to pay for something you can not get any other way, wouldn't YOU want it to be better? I mean that is why you got it. (I got him because I wanted access to the Design Council, him and the Skana Prime were a bonus.). As a note here for those who wish to hate me now, good, and also, I am mainly just playing devils advocate. Also Cozzi21, no one has given me an argument as why the unique frame should not be buffed.

  7.    Okay I have an idea, because he is unique and already in the need of a buff, only Excalibur Prime should get the extra two. I understand that I chose to pay the extreme sum of cash to get him, but he should be bad ace, and better. After all, he was the first Warframe.

       I understand that those who did not have the chance to obtain him or the cash, whatever their excuse may be, might get mad, but welcome to beta! This is how a beta game works, limited time items that you had to be there in order to have. (Vandals, Wraiths, a variety of mods and cosmetics such as helmets with stats and the Prime Access gear, as well as gear). When a Loki/Frost/Mag/Ember/Rhino/Nyx prime joins a squad, people are: "Meh, I could get that whenever." When Excalibur Prime joins, people are generally like "Oh dang you are a walking wallet, nice Excal Prime! Wish I had that!" and I respond: "He fails to meet a normal Warframes standards, and is no where near the level of Prime. You would be better using a different Prime."

       I would enjoy using my limited edition frame and being better than anything else, as he should be. You think this is unfair? Sorry, welcome to beta. If Warframe was a complete game, I could understand an argument against this, however, I am interested to see how you all respond. I am aware Excalibur is getting a buff, and I have no idea what the plans are for Excalibur Prime, but something major should be done, something that makes him stand out. Maybe this is not it, but I would take no buffs on him just for two more slots.   



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