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  1. Eximus changes aren`t challanging at all. Its just stupid change. They should have added new elite units that are really really tough and will hunt you down every like 5-10 mins of mission. I would love to fight some big lich like boys that scale with your mission and have good rewards for taking them down. I would love to see enemy that have mechanics that you need to respect in order to take it down. Eximus units arent threat to your warframe, only things that they are threating to is deffense objectives, excavators or kuva excavators. Its just so frustrating when you can`t stun or stop fire eximus from destroying kuva excovator with his firequake ability, only thing that you can do is one shot them. And no, you cant "just strip their overguard" overguard is literally 90% of their hp, if you have any dot effect on your weapon they will die second after their overguard is stripped. I would need to really focus not to kill not overguarded Eximus XD. Its frustrating that cc frames like Limbo dont have any place where they are better then Saryn, Revenant, Dante or any other tank/nuke frame, or where they are needed for anything. CC frames are redundant. Do you get me now?
  2. tell me how saryn is cc frame. Ye sure you can play cc frames in sp but if you do this you are only making things harder for yourself without any reason. You dont need to give me guides for anything I can easly handle any content in this game. Overguard for me isn`t a problem, it`s bad game design.
  3. no, they changed it in this patch. Silently, they didnt brought it up anywhere. it does make it easier, still no reason to do it when you can just play Revenant or any nuke frame. Protective Sling is another reason why CC is redundant, I must agree with you on this part.
  4. Zephyr's Turbulence doesnt stop eximus ablities from hitting objectives. Breach Surge doesnt blind Eximus units, Magnetize doesnt stop Eximus abilites. Why do you bring fracturing Crush armor strip into this discusion? Its not about striping armor. I hit lvl cap literally every day, and I do it most often on Mag. It doesnt change the fact that Eximus Overguard is bad game design. MAYBE consder reading and understanding what other person said. They do" no they don`t go to simulacrum.
  5. yes first Eximus rework was added 2 years ago and now they silenly buffed overguards, removing rest cc capabilites. Read then write, please.
  6. She used to be. She isn`t anymore. Nyx chaos doesnt work on Eximus units read the post then coment, please. If you dont belive me go to simulacrum and test it out. Nyx doesnt need a rework, Nyx needs overguard changes revert. And yes I dont just think that game "would be rather boring if every warframe were like Saryn" I KNOW THAT. There should be diffrent jobs for every frame. CC frames dont have place in the game anymore, READ CHECK THEN WRITE AGAIN, PLEASE. No playing crowd control even in entire squad doesnt have sense anymore, how you cant get it by now. There is no more reason to do anything other than nuking map. BTW one question how are you planing to stop eximus attacks with Zephyr 3 or Mag bubble? You know that these spells dont work on Eximus right? CUZ YOU CANT STUN THEM ANYMORE XD
  7. where did i say that game is too hard? And please awsear question, where is in your option place in the game where cc is best way of dealing with anything? No it`s not fair. If Saryn and Octavia can still nuke map tell me reason why Nyx can stun it. Please kindly read thread title. Picking any cc frame in almost any mission is making your life harder for no reason.
  8. I dont think that Eximus changes are good in any way. In my opinion they should have just added new enemies with unique abilities and specific things that you need to do in order to take them down if they wanted to avoid "mindless farms". Just give us big necramech like boys that have their unique attacks, vurablity spots or timers (and no acolytes arent elite enemies, they are pathetic joke).
  9. ya you can see that their desing philosophy changed, we got a MAGE who has 1 cc and his survability revolves about BEING A MAGE TANK. And the fun part is that he doesnt need to mod for durability at all he goes full ablity strenght build and his Overguard values are just ridiculous.
  10. there is no tenstion and no anxiet also there is no reason to play anything besides nuke or tank frames if there is please tell why, were and when. "I'll just say there is literally no mechanic in this game that can't be countered with the right tools." Only "tool" that matters now is damage, damage and damage, little bit of survability and guess what damage. Why would you use Hildryn when green shards and Revenant exist? Just to make things harder for yourself kekw.
  11. you can deal damage with abilites to them XD so ye you wont stop seeing it. btw there is option called "SOLO" if you didnt noticed.
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