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Posts posted by Black-Foxx

  1. It's clear that you can't see what's in front of you, so I'll just leave. No point in trying to help those who don't want it.



    If your criticisms were constructive then it would make sense, you have not checked out power revamp I am sure and your ideas are one sided I at least listen to suggestions and try to make use of them if they make sense, however to just completely change the character so that she has more high damage powers makes no sense.


    Trinity her claims to fame were link and blessing, now it's just mostly blessing

    Loki his claim to fame as well as Ash is high damage when cloaked and Loki can stay cloaked for most of a mission.

    Ember is overheat and world on fire....making it so people can't even get close to you epic....but useless almost in late game.

    Frost claim to fame is snow globe and thats pretty much it, ranged can't touch you outside the bubble.

    Nekros until recently people thought of him as just a farming character, however because of some of use the stuck with him and used desecrate and army of shadows well people have more respect for him

    Mag has pull and crush moves are always great but like many others she is still soft as baby S#&$.

    Nyx on of the best crowd controls in the game, but that imo is her only real power, I still like psychic bolts though.

    Rhino he is a beast most people only use his Iron Skin, I use Rhino stomp as well cause it is the S#&$.

    Saryn she is by far one of the hardest people to kill and does good AoE damage with Venom and Shuts enemies down with miasma

    Vauban great at crowd control, Bastille used to be the junk, still good but now Vortex is easier to cast and still does decent damage.  But not immune to that long range enemy.

    Excalibur regardless of what people say he is well balanced and his slash dash and radial javelin are excellent moves in my book.


    Now there are a few that I didn't list because I don't use them or don't play them enough to judge their abilities.  However if you notice from playing these Frames very few of them do you actually use all their powers, and the ones that you do....you still don't use them that often.  So yes mine when you say she would die because she doesn't have a move that you can continually spam to do damage is not a valid reason as to why she would die.  The only frames that I continually have to spam their moves are Ember, Loki, and maybe Vauban because if you don't they will die.  Trinity because keeping the squad immune from damage for almost 30 seconds is beast.  So for the most part, relying on your weapons is what frames do, and for those of us that are soft and have issues with survivability we have sentinels.  So even though you might feel in your opinion that she would die a quick and horrible death, the way I see she is able to keep her team alive and that is what she is here for, not to do high amounts of damage.  Each frame has a role to play and I know what hers would be...I dunno about you but when I solo I only use Loki, Rhino, and Trinity, sometimes Ash.  I have pretty much all the frames except Nova and Volt, but not every frame is built to solo on Pluto.  The majority of the frames are good until you get into the 60s some even sooner because they are meant to be played with a team.  Sure you can use Shade which is an excellent sentinel, but Shade can't keep their Snuggle Soft asses alive all the time.

  2. You say the cone that stuns is comparable to a punch that damages (and possibly kills) and stuns? No, it isn't. Cosmic light only staggers with a chance of fleeing, Terrify guarantees that they will flee. Due to her becoming a pillar of light in Solar Flare, I'd assume she can't move, but with Desecrate you can move freely. Nekros can control a small army that can act as both a wall and as an assault team, Lumina does little to no damage without her weapons. So no, you can't say her survivability is even close to Nekros.

    Ok so you say that an ability that while it does kill the lowbies only knocks down real threats is better than a crowd control....ok sure.  And you are saying that a flee is better than a Stun, debuff, and reduced accuracy effect that can be placed...I dunno being able to crowd control people before they get all up in your face seems like a win win to me, but I guess some people like the enemies up close and personal.  Yeah with desecrate you can move freely but if you have no bodies you have no heals, plus it's a 60% chance you will even get a heal.......I think mine guarantees a heal and energy regen, plus I can't die when I use mine, wonder if nekros can die when using his??  So yes it's not even close to Nekros, actually better.

  3. I don't understand why you're getting so worked up over some criticism to a CONCEPT...

    We're trying to tell you that this concept would not fare well in a fight. You're just getting butt-hurt over somebody disagreeing with your idea and trying to help you develop it. So bye. Have fun with your CONCEPT...

    Not getting worked up, don't understand how one could say things that she would die too easy without pointing out how....I even compared her to Nekros for you so that you could simplify what area it is that she would be weak in and cause her to die and then responses didn't even make sense. 

  4. In solo, she would die with the first few enemies she sees.

    In team, she would have to depend ENTIRELY on her team to protect her. That's not their objective.

    In team, protecting her would distract from the main objective of the mission.

    1. solo - That is the stupidest thing that you have said so far.  Really the first few enemies she sees she will die......lol before Auras when you forma'd a frame you started off with no slots available which means you could not equip any powers what so ever.  Which means frames had to depend on their weapons and their ability not to be an idiot to survive.  


    2. Yes because she has crowd control she Has to depend on her team to protect her.

     - Also anybody that has any sense when playing MMORPG's know that it is important to protect the person in charge of healing and crowd control (at least the good ones anyway)


    3. That doesn't even warrant a response cause it makes no sense.


    RADIAL DISARM and any charge weapon with loki is amazing and concerning Trins crowd control while using one and 2 enemies are lifted into the air which is CC in my opinion


    there is no everyone else in solo!

    Lol, Radial Disarm is a joke and is only OP again Infested.  Can't disagree with his charge weapon it is pretty good.   Crowd control means controlling the crowd, not controlling one person (i.e. if ten people are coming and you stop one out of the ten.....Not crowd control....stopping half that group.....Crowd control.  I am not sure if you know how to play Trinity but you are describing her wrong.


    To your second statement, my bad missed the solo part. 


    You must only play Loki cause you seem to lack knowledge of what a frame needs to survive on solo.   Now Granted the only Four frames that I have that I run in Solo are Trinity, Loki, Rhino, Saryn and sometimes Ash.  That is because everyone else, I guess since I have them for a high damage output die if I encounter too many enemies. 

  5. There's your reason. This frame relies WAY too much on the weapons. Can't count melee, as most of them suck. That's 2 weapons that are being depended on. Didn't grab a strong secondary? That's 1 weapon being depended on. Run out of ammo? You're screwed.

    This is actually laughable because when playing this game I tend to run out of Energy long before I run out of ammo.  If you do not know how to balance the two then obviously you are playing your Frames wrong.  Weapons are a strong factor in this game...run out of energy with your frames and then you'll see.

  6. Now though I love the Zephyr art I still think my wind frame has wind powers that are unique to what everyone thinks of as Wind Frame Powers.  I noticed that everyone has some sort of whirlwind or hurricane or tornado that does immense damage.  Now though that was the first thing I thought about as an ultimate power I wanted to veer away from what everyone else thought but still stay true to winds theme.  Though I do love Zephyr design, I really enjoy seeing what other wind frame powers people are coming up with that do not follow the stereotype.

  7. So I was thinking of revamping his fourth power to be more like an AOE, I was thinking maybe he would do an animation kind of like Nekros Army of Shadows and it would raise an impenetrable wall of sand around him that falls down and spreads out covering all enemies.  It would still have the same abilities however


    Covers enemies with sand, enemies covered in sand are unable to move or attack.   Enemies become like a pillar of sand which can be used as a wall.

     - Sand destroys enemy shields which do not regenerate

     - Deals 120 / 160 / 230 / 300 Damage per second for 4 seconds. (deals double damage against MoA, Osprey and rollers, can be increased by both Power Strength and Power Duration)

     - Range of 15 / 18 / 22 / 25 in-game meters. (can not be increased by Power Range) **however not sure if I would need to change range since it's an AoE.

  8. well... Love it.

    -Actual support frame that make you want to stick together, as group.[3rd skill]

    -debuff skills, which we don't have a lot in game...


    EDIT: i tried to imagine this frame stat wise in game...

    its your idea, so i don't want to walk all over it with heavy boots...

    but i would make his shields 110 base, while health should be drastically low [60?]

    Hes a tech, he does rely on technology. thus shields are his main line of defense.

    about speed, he should be slower than loki and ash, but faster than ember is right now.,.


    You might want to edit original post and put these powers you revamped in there:)

    Good Job.

    Yeah I think this he might be the only Concept frame that I thought up that I didn't put his stats down cause I wasn't sure what I wanted them to be.  I am always open to suggestions and yours sound good but I am not sure that I would set his health that low and if it was he would have to start with higher shields and armor rating.

  9. I personally follow the theory that the Warframes are human bodies augmented with Technocyte-based skinsuits (like Hayden Tenno was in darkSector) and the Tenno proper are the player presence in the form of AIs that can upload themselves to different Warframes and control them, or just humans controlling the Warframes remotely from another location.


    That's more or less my explanation for why all the promotional materials refer to the Warframes as individuals yet seem to address the "Tenno" being briefed about it as if it were a separate entity.

    You are probably right, I haven't looked into the lore too much.  I am merely an outsider looking in, but if that was the case why would the tenno be in a cryo sleep, where would the player be?

  10. Nekros, gonna go for Frost Prime when I get money to get some WF slots though.

    Now I play Nekros as well, love the frame.  Fun as hell to play with but his only CC ability is terrify and I hardly ever use that.  Maybe it's just the style at which I play Nekros but he is a frame I am not trying to solo anything with past lvl 50, maybe it's the way I have him set up but yeah his survivability drops past 40.  So do I think that she would survive just as long as my Nekros, Definitely.  Do I think she can last as long as my Loki, not at all.....Loki is not that much of a support frame anyway.  Mine is usually in stealth the majority of any mission I do.  So yeah some frames last longer than others because that is what they are made to do.  Some need a squad to make them highly efficient.  I think of her as no different than if I was to play with my Nekros, sure Soul Punch is awesome and it has best name ever, but where you are stopping one person in front of you, I am stopping everyone directly in front of me.  Terrify is awesome, but that is the same as my Cosmic light, only mine is better.  Desecrate awesome skill, saved my &#! plenty of times, however Solar Flare, doesn't have to kill anyone to heal myself and I am immune to damage while I am healing and restoring energy, which is guaranteed, not a probability like Desecrate.  Now Shadows of the dead, that is where we are set apart, a small army that can do some damage is always great which is the only reason that I have been thinking that I should have Angels Light might also be able to heal Team mate with lowest health.  So as far as I see it, she has the same survivability that Nekros has.  Trinity is a different story because the only other tenno that have that same survivability as her is Rhino and Loki.  Some might say Frost as well but his Snow Globe isn't mobile like the other two's ability.  Nyx and Ash would be in the next tier as far as survivability.  So do I think that she would be able to last as long as half of the current Frames, my answer would be yes. 


    the reason that Loki and Trinity are usefull is because they have a variety of CC, oh crap abilities and damage caused by the result of thier abilities all of which are still viable in late game.eg. galatine crit loki build and trinity blessing soma build


    Uh huh, well my Loki does not have the crit build with galatine, but what variety of cc does loki have in late game?  Trinity I use her as well probably more than any other frame but I do not use soma what are her variety of cc in late game.  I though the only cc ability she has is absolutely none, maybe link but that isn't really considered crowd control.  So your response seems a little off, relying on one ability is not a variety of "oh crap abilities and cc".  That is unless your frames have powers that mine do not. 


    It would die too quickly. That's where it lacks ability to solo.

    Still have not given me a viable reason as to why she would die too quickly.  I mean is she gonna walk in the room and they are gonna be like, lets avoid everyone else and go straight for her?? 


    Daidaiiro - Yes I thought of that and was initially going to put some sort of reflection in with her powers but thought that with the current build if I added it to any power it would be ridiculously OP.

  12. This is just a suggestion but, concerning the static nature of this warframe, you could make it so that the totem follows the warframe similar to that of a sentinel? or to expand on this, set a radius around the warframe and the totem could move around this area until an enemy is in "sight"  (can be hit by your totem's skills), OR you could have the totem pole teleport to the warframes destination when prompted, maybe have another command or replace one of the existing ones?




    1)Sentinel-ish pattern of movement

       1a)Set a radius of possible movement (Until an enemy is within range)


    2)Teleport to Warframe upon command (could be an additional skill or replace one)

    That would actually make more sense but still would be a little out of place.  I dunno people are coming up with some good ideas though as to how to make this work.

  13. No, I mean you need to do damage to the enemies surrounding you. Otherwise you're hiding behind a wall or locker the entire time.

    That is exactly why I have weapons to do my damage for me.  How many support frames rely on their powers for offense other than Vauban and in some cases Trinity but not as much as before I am sure.  Support frames are supposed to be the unseen heroes, we aren't supposed to be leading the pack taking all the damage that's what defense frames are for.  With any MMORPG the ones that are doing the support, if they play their role correctly they let defense and offense go in first to get the aggro.  The job of support is to support the team not get highest dps or anything like that.  With that being said yes I understand that she still needs to protect herself, hopefully with the aid of her weapons and her temporary stuns and debuffs, any player should be able to survive with her.


    On a side note what frame do you currently play now?

  14. another nice name would be "Lux" since you're calibrating light in lux :D

    Yes I thought about that and Candela but Lumina seems to fit for me.


    Never said she would have to do massive damage. What I'm saying is that stunning an enemy isn't efficient when trying to survive. A support frame would have to be able to backup or heal their team when in a fight, meaning she would have to be able to keep herself alive. More damage would be dealt to her than she could heal. She would die quickly.

    So what you are saying is that I need to do damage to bring more attention to myself while trying to heal my squad, I would think that a debuff that also staggers enemies around it would be enough to allow me to support my team.   I mean I am already invincible when healing so not sure how she would die.

  15. i think the controled robots should receive damage over time from the nanobots too, till they died, since it would be unnatural behaviour going against their coding creating damage in the robot

    Good idea, but how much damage, like a vampire effect, but it doesn't stop when your health is at 1hp

  16. An Asphyxation power would be tricky at best- If it sucked the air out of one room, what would happen if the door was opened? And what about the colony tilesets? You can't exactly dissipate all the oxygen in an entire atmosphere. All in all it would be a very situational power, and not very practical at all. Like you said, robots don't need to breathe.


    well, could still use an ability like this, it's kind of like running around the room and giving everyone a severe kidney punch


    Ability 4 (Vacuum)  - Anemos sucks the air out of nearby enemies (ineffective against MOA, Rollers or anything that doesn't use air.)

     - Deals 120 / 160 / 230 / 300 Damage per second for 4 seconds. This is increased by both Power Strength and Power Duration

     - Range of 15 / 18 / 22 / 25 in-game meters. This is increased by Power Range

     - Targets that are not killed by the initial damage are stunned for 4 seconds and suffer a 35% debuff to accuracy (this is not affected by power duration or power strength)

    ** ability bypasses shields


    this is an ability from my Wind Frame but I still love this one.

  17. 1. I said I liked Soothing Light, don't know why you're defending it.

    2. When I used Loki, I did use Radial Disarm and I'm not the only one that did/does.

    3. Your personal play styles of Loki and Trinity aren't the only ones that matter.

    yes you did, but you did say that Soothing lights power is contradictory so I was explaining how it works so that it did not sounds contradictory, besides I changed it a bit so would be a little better.   I never said my playing styles were the only way nor did I hint that they were in any way the right or wrong way to use them. 


    I just do not understand why she would not have survivability

    1. 4th power makes her immune to damage and restores health

    2. 3rd power is a debuff/stun

    3  1st power is a stun


    her powers are set up to be a support frame essentially, so when using her one would have to use different tactics other than running in all Leeroy like.  True enough she doesn't have any light based attack that do massive damage, but she does have ones that are defensive enough that as a ninja she should have no problem surviving.

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