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Posts posted by Netsuki

  1. he'll look good in black and gold, but not white, but I doubt that'll happen, and if it did, I think it'll be for weapons only, not warframes 

    but it's all mynki's choice, I just hope he doesn't repeat what he did with the mag prime helm XD (no offense) 

    Rhino, Frost, and Ember prime are all by default black and gold, and you can dye the armor anyway so no problem.


    Nova cant have prime variant, she was desined after orokin was killed so prime makes no sense.

    I think this was answered in a thread somewhere that, while she's new, she can still have a prime version. I don't remember all of the details, so I'm also wondering how they'll do a "prime" version of her.

  2. I'll be honest... when I saw "King" I thought of the Tekken King and not the snake... still pretty cool though! I like the abilities you've got there. Though if I had to say, Mass Hypnosis is kind of similar to Savage Silence for Banshee, and the lack of finisher prompts makes a little sad :<

  3. I'm a little surprised she doesn't have a move similar to Ripline :o Oh! It'd be neat if you could use Pounce while wall running :D


    As for an ult, maybe summon spiderlings that either act as timed summons like Nekros' Shadows, or as bombs that latch onto enemies that do damage overtime before exploding into mini-snares :D Either she just drops an "egg" on the ground, or uses an enemy that is caught by weave to "birth" the spiderlings?


    Speaking of Snare, I really like this blood-staunching bandage idea for teammates :D but I'd also like it if it can halt status ailments like bleeding, puncture, etc. and also mark enemies like sonar does? Just to up that spider nest like feel :D


    As for weave... maybe add DoT that strengthens overtime?


    All in all, I'm all for a spiderframe :D


    Besides, its tactically advantageous to use your enemy's weapons, they'll hear the gun going off and think its one of theirs. I haven't thrown out the idea of the tenno salvaging Grineer weapons, its still very much on the table.


    I read somewhere that this might be ill-advised because they might booby trap a gun or the gun itself is different in function than "Hero A" is commonly accustomed to. Not sure though, just putting this out here as info I found.

  5. Nice art. ^.^






    Well where do you expect the power cable to connect? The butt?


    And this Moa is adorable... It almost makes me sad now that I sent 2 of them to die for me during a mission

  6. I chose to characterize mine as cheerful, and maybe even a little sweet especially where my Kubrows are involved... until the mission starts.


    I picture my Valkyr as being a mix of madness born from her repressed grief and the torture she went through, and absolute rage when Hysteria is activated; like lots of maniacal giggling and howls of "Come then!" or "Run quickly! I'll still catch you!"

  7. Truth be told your choice of warframe DOES affect your Archwings performance, albeit as standard stats and not abilities.


    here's the reddit link for reference: http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/2kfqxt/what_modsstats_get_carried_over_to_your_archwing/?sort=new


    Simply put, if your warframe's base speed is fast, then your archwing will be fast. If your warframe has a lot of health, then your archwing will have lots of health. The archwing is more supportive gear that allows them to fight in space rather than a separate entity entirely. I think it's fine this way as it allows them to design and create a variety of archwings :)

  8. Why not both? Why not Orokin engineered hamsters? Why not a mini warframe/vor sitting on your shoulder?


    Truth be told... while I like the idea, too much of a good thing turns bad :/ Let's stick to the armors, syndanas, and noggles for now ya?

  9. Back to the OP's idea that we're just tools of the Lotus, there's also an open possibility that Lotus could have truly orchastrated the rebellion of the Tenno on their Orokin masters. It could have been through sympathy that the Tenno were treated nothing more than attack dogs by the Orokin, and the Lotus' sympathy was aided by the fact that the Tenno had developed their own culture. Lotus could have also had an agenda gainst the then-current Orokin government.


    If we take the "Lotus is an AI" as true, then it would also make sense that she masks what she looks like (no pun intended). If she really is a Cephalon, then it's possible that she crafted an image to present to the Tenno so she doesn't appear like a talking cube.


    And to address that threat by Hek, it's also possible that thanks to this masking, the leaders of the enemies of the tenno could also be fooled into thinking she's a live person, when in fact she could be a massive computer network. So many possiblities, after all :D

  10. The Liset is bigger on the inside (Void Tech). The Vitruvian hatch likely has a double purpose of providing a secure method to transition across the spatially inconsistent threshold and acting as an airlock. If you're doing a Rescue, it can be assumed the captive gets inside first and then it just swings back to let you in.

    In addition, Tenno appear to teleport aboard Orokin Derelicts and Void Towers, so that's another possibility (though it might be quite difficult to do, hence why they prefer to extract by alternative means).

    It could also be possible that another Tenno/Syndicate rescue ship is there to pick up the hostage and grabs them after you evac.

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