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Posts posted by Kaffeebohnson

  1. I agree with all your points. The disability to leave the plains at any time is the worst offender.

    Also, a way to lose aggro by running away. So far it seems once enemies are on your tail, they never let up no matter what.

    More distinct landmarks and different biomes (like a shore area, mountains, forests etc.) 

  2. If this is the only way currently, it's ridiculous!

    Kinda baffled they didn't overhaul their party system for PoE... solo extraction really needs to be patched in as soon as possible.

    The last time we managed to get everyone to go back to the gate (tedious in its own right), the game bugged out and I fell through the world because the town didn't load. 

    Cetus and the plains really should have been the same instance without the tedious buggy loading corridor in between, with quest NPCs sprinkled around the map. And you should be able to call for your landing craft at all times, kinda like the chopper in Metal Gear Solid V. 

  3. Sometimes I simply want to fish, but once I alert a squad of enemies, all hell breaks loose. There doesn't seem to be a system in place that makes them lose interest after you are some distance away – or at least it seems way too wide. The enemies (especially the flying ones) follow me until the end of the earth. It is really really annoying.

    Please reduce enemy aggro a bit.

  4. Just played it today. The second dream starts weak but ends strong. I have to say I had no idea what was going on story-wise. Kinda bummed I was already spoiled on the whole 



    thing. But it was still pretty sweet.

    Neptune is kicking my butt though. I think I need to up my mod game. I feel like I need to be like twice as powerful as I am right now to stand a chance there!

  5. I also seem to have this bug.

    My dog is matured, but I can't equip him due to the missing collar. The quest is still stuck at "incubate and mature a kubrow".

    (I am playing on PC)

  6. Yeah, not a fan of the hoops you have to jump through to get to your archwing. 

    It feels weird that you have to reforge a new archwing, even though you once did a lengthy quest to build one.
    You didn't need to build a whole new archwing and charges for underwater use, why is the atmospheric one any different?

    imo the archwing is a core traversal mechanic of the game, and it would tie the different modes (on-foot missions and space/underwater missions) together beautifully. Making it a consumable seems weird.

  7. 2 hours ago, Scylax said:

    No, just remove it. Having to continually farm resources to access basic features of the game is ridiculous. Imagine having to craft AW charges every time you did a space AW mission.

    I agree completely. You don't have to buy gas for cars in GTA for a reason. 

    The Archwing should be a core movement feature and not a consumable imo.

  8. Tracing that line with a thumbstick is like drawing on an Etch-A-Sketch with your feet.

    It is almost impossible to control, and it seems that mainly up/down left/right directions are registered, leading to a very jaggy line. Do you plan to implement some kind of smoothing or assist functions for controllers? Maybe change the minigame outright?

  9. Klingt eigentlich nach was ich suche! — Ich will dir nix vormachen, der Grund warum ich mich jetzt das erste mal mit dem Thema Clan beschäftige ist, weil ich einen Archwing Blueprint für Eidolon erforschen will XD – aber sicherlich ist so ein Clan ja auch noch für anderes gut! Kannst du mir sicher bei Gelegenheit näher erklären.

    Ich spiele zur Zeit fast täglich nach der Arbeit, bin MR6, hab gerade mit "The War Within" angefangen, und bin 31. 


  10. After seeing a video of the old circle of planets, I just want to share some love for the current map screen! 

    It is super clear to navigate, and promotes a sense of place as well as discovery. Whoever (re-)designed it, did good.

    I also dig the serif font for planet names - it evokes old maps. (Probably inspired by Destiny, but hey, their map screen looks beautiful as well so why not!)

    I hope the mod screen will someday see a redesign as well, iteration is really good ;)

  11. I play Warframe with a controller, and I realized I miss out on the cool 3D effect of the mods (seriously how do they do it? Layers? It seems almost embossed!) – I would love to be able to tilt them a bit with the right stick.

    Totally optional and useless, but it seems reasonably simple to implement and would just be cool.

    Oh and while you are at it, the whole mod UI isn't really comfortable to navigate with a controller. So much tapping around to reach the right cards and slots... I am sure there are more intuitive ways do control it.  ;)

  12. I learned that you have to launch the game in Big Picture Mode to enable native controller support. When I start the game, it features really nice XBox Buttons:


    But if you activate the Steam Overlay just once (for example to use the chat window, the super clunky virtual keyboard gets displayed), the buttons change into hideous Steam Controller Icons:


    Once this happened, you have to restart the game to restore the XBox Buttons. The Steam Icons, aside from looking hideous, are really hard to use - for example L3 and R3 (the sticks) are nearly indistinguishable.


    - Please enable native controller support in the game without the need for Big Picture Mode.

    - If that's not possible, please have the game retain the XBox Buttons and not change to the Steam Controller Icons at any point.

    - Please work out a solution to use a controller, but use the keyboard to chat. Right now, you have to press Start -> LT -> X -> type your message -> press B until back in the game. 

    - While you're at it, also add a PS4 Button option. Some other games let you choose in the options. It is a great feature.

  13. Heute habe ich gelernt: Man hat 8 Waffen Slots. (Mein starter Plat habe ich für einen Umhang verprasst, hey don't judge, wusste ja nichts von Waffen Slots! ;)

    Wie viele Waffen Slots habt ihr so? Kommt ihr mit den 8 aus und verkauft einfach alte Waffen? Streube mich da etwas vor, vielleicht brauch ich die ja noch, aber für jede neue Waffe nen knappen Euro zu zahlen nur um sie lagern zu können ist auch nicht sooo hot...

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