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Posts posted by (XBOX)Spartan117qz

  1. Modular primary weapons are going to happen, like it or not. But a way I've thought of to lessen the powet creep and metashift would be one simple thing.


    Make the system the construction of custom bow class weapons (including crossbows like the Attica and Nagantaka). Upper Limbs, Lower Limbs, Grips and Strings making the different parts in their construction, culminating in some more variety in the bows. (all of them feel the same, minus the Rakta Cernos, Cernos Prime and Lenz... not including the 3 crossbows). 

    The two limbs would effect the damage type of the arrow, and higher tiers could have innate multishot added like a shotgun blast of arrows.

    Your Grips would be your basic ideas of mild effects on recoil, and fire rate, as well as reload speed. Though, there would be 3 crossbow grips that would have the t1, t2 and t3. In order, those would be Vectis Prime style where there is a single arrow on the thing, but it has a really fast reload and good damage. Then you'd have the automatic fire mode, which would be your basic DPS style. Now for the t3. You'd have the single fire capability of the Nagantaka, but to balance out the someone smaller DPS, you'd have the secondary fire, that would purge every arrow left in your magazine in one big shotgun spread of arrows. Regular Bow Grips could have similar effects, or maybe changes of firing modes to consume more ammo to fire more arrows. 

    Your string affects your fire rate and projectile spees, and base damage slightly, but not enough for most players to worry about.

    Not much else I can think of for this idea, but I would like to hear some feedback on the concepts.

  2. We all know about the old events like Gatecrash, Ambulace Reborn, Pacifism Defect. All of them had rewards that are extremely necessary for a lot of setups, and yet you cannot get the shock mods (reliably) from anyone other than Baro. You can't get the Ignis Wraith from anyone other than the handfull of clans that hit max rank and weren't disbanded. Supra Vandal is also a baro Exclusive. 


    So my proposal is this. "Simaris wishes to expand his knowledge of creatures and beasts that only existed for short periods of time. The Machine Mind, Animo. In examining the texts and records of conflicts the tenno have fought, he sees the historical significance of some of these events and wishes to examine them more closely. Enter the Sanctuary, modified heavily to recreate the events listed in the tenno archive, and give Simaris the data he wants."

    Essentially, make some of the old events available for people to do. Possibly have a means of getting the rewards from them in some way. (A currency obtained from Simaris that isn't his normal standing, mayhaps).

    It could be a cyclical thing where you change the active event once a week or every other week or so. The idea of "Something should always be going on" should be in the forefront of your minds.

  3. On 3/7/2018 at 7:27 AM, (PS4)Ghost--00-- said:

    And i mean massive like gaurnteed lvl 150 kills

    And that's pushing the damage levels on something for around MR4-MR6. Higher damager variants and/or grenade augments to increase the dablage could fix your damage needs.

  4. 3 hours ago, (PS4)Ghost--00-- said:

    Interesting, i thought you were going to say make it a secondary weapon like throwing knives, just instead throw 1 gernade that does massive amounts if damage. Down side is that thats all it has as ammo so youd have to pick up more pistol ammo to be able to use 1 again. 


    Still though, gernades in warframe wouldnt be bad. Id definitely pick it up.

    I think that a space ninja would be able to carry more than one at a time, even if they are fairly large in size. Does 4 sound a little more realistic? And uses sniper ammo pickups as a means of limitingthe amount of 'nades you'll get without mutations.

  5. The implementation of the classic pineapple, brought to space ninja tech levels being avoided, has baffled my brain. Enemies can throw their small explosive devices, why can't tenno rip them off the bodies of their enemies, and blow up Billy the butcher with a Lancer's grenade.

    My idea for it would involve something similar to melee weapons, as grenades would have an augment slot, as melee weapons have a stance slot. But, this augment does not add stat variations and/or syndicate procs. What it adds is an effect to the type of grenade. For example, a Phosphorus Packets augment would blind enemies within 30 meters of the detonation (not bypassing walls, and range is random number for the moment), and forces a powerful fire proc within 5 meters (possible melting armor). Or Shredder Shrapnel throwing out a wave of shrapnel putting on forced slash procs, and each piece of shrapnel having innate 1 meter of punchthrough.

    The weapon would go in the secondary slot. The "magazine" would be similar to things like the Spira or Pox, wherein it isn't a box of ammo, but a pouch or mag rail with the 'nades attached to it or in it.

    Stats wise, mr would sit around 5 or 6. Deal 300 innate blast damage, have a forced puncture withing 7 meters of un-augmented detonation, and forced impact if hit directly with the thrown grenade.

    Firerate would have no effect on how fast you can throw the 'nades, and instead would effect the fuse time. Fuse time only ticks down after the grenade hits a surface, so a max firerate won't blow up in your hand. The grenades would have a .87 grenades per second, the delay being between throwing, not the windup to throw (no super slow arms like -fire rate rivens on Pox).

    Crit chance at base, un-augmented would be 5% with a 1.8× multiplier, and status would be 20%. 

    Anything I missed or any ideas on build requirements would be nice to see. I'm a little surprised something this simple hasn't been implemented yet (shush, Vauban).

  6. 11 hours ago, (Xbox One)Demon Intellect said:

    It's a thing called balance. Just because you aren't OP godmode doesn't mean it needs to be changed.

    The matter of the issue is not being OP Godmode, it's consistency. Being able to maintain your buff, and not having it run out, so you don't get melted by that Corrupted Heavy Gunner is the idea.

    That is my issue, and one of the points that needs a looking at, in the context of a Chroma Rework.

    If enemy scaling isn't going to get a rework, then the ability to survivethe scale breaking is needed. Having the "F*** you, and all of your damage" frames like Valkyr, Limbo and Rhino have all the survivability they need, and the ability to keep it consistent. 

    So let's run a hypothetical situation. These frames are running Mot for 30 minutes.

    Valkyr takes damage, rage/hunter adrenaline gives her energy, she goes into hysteria, she's back at full health and is avle to drop out of hysteria with a panic button amount of energy left. This goes for the 30 minutes with a little bit of faffing and fenagling, but if gets done due to Valkyr's innately high armor saving her arse from stupidly high damage.

    Limbo pops into the rift... that's it. Maybe Stasis and Cataclysm. Easy peasy, 30 minuts squeasy.

    Rhino Iron skins, then kills everything with his wet noodle of a skana before his invincibility gets destroyed... only to be built back up by the stronger enemies. Goes for 30 minutes with a rinse and repeat, no problem... ignoring Nullies removing Iron skin.

    Ice Chroma pops his buffs, and has 60-70 seconds of higher armor from Elemental ward, and Vex Armor starts out easy enough to maintain. But, as it goes longer and longer, and enemies start dealing stupid amounts of damage, his ability to get Scorn up, before he gets melted gets harder and harder. Eventually it can't keep up, and enemies start one, two and three shotting him at the 25 minute mark.

    My point is, it's difficult to maintain his buffs, and the survivability from those buffs is almost neccesary to get them back. He's a great tank, for a minute or so at a time, then he goes to being about as tanky as Excal.

  7. On 1/24/2018 at 10:53 AM, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

     But still... Ten meters? :/

    Yes, 10 meters. While I get that it won't be sharing across the map, it'll still be more than "I'm within slapping range and you still don't feel my cold buff". It'd be a bit more... pleasant, but not be near broken, if you've got, say, a Valkyr or Inaros in your squad. Essentially making a more sharable buff, without sacrificing a much needed mod slot.


    On 1/24/2018 at 11:18 AM, (Xbox One)Demon Intellect said:

    Eh his vex armor should stay as it is. That is literally the only reall reason that it isn't beyond OP is because you have to rebuild your damage increase.

    Yes, you have to rebuild your damage and armor buff. Did you know that without that buff, you'll be one-shot by level 95-ish enemies in the void? I know, because I've lost so many missions in the void because of that lost buff. Hell, diminishing returns, or a loss of some small % off the top of the buff when recasting would be better than losing all that armor. But, a refresh would be better in the hand, than having to hunt down the *@##$ boys in the level to pepper you with lead marshmallows to get your bhuff back, kinda sucks.

  8. I think that Vex Armor, rather than being a toggle, should be refreshable. Casting again will reset the timer, but keep the buff. 

    Elemental Ward should not be tied to affinity range, but instead should have it's shared buff range tripled. So with a maxed narrow minded, you can still share the buff across 10 or so meters. Tying it to affinity range would make Everlasting Ward nearly useless in most cases. 

    Effigy shouldn't become another sentinel. That would be kinda dumb, and might cut into a future frame. Instead, I think it should be able to take the current Vex Armor, and Elemental Ward buffs, as well as taking whatever element you had when casting it, should Spectral Scream be changed to an elemental cyclng ability. As a minor change, I think the Effigy should also have the minor change of having Rage ot Hunter Adrenaline give you energy back for a reduced value to Chroma's "Skin" taking damage. Making keeping it up a little more viable, as energy cost is @(*()$ high, and the roar taking aggro would be a safer way of getting energy back, rather than the reduced armor you get from using effigy, and still needing the health->energy mods to keep energy up to use the thing.

  9. I recieved the message from Darvo about the offer, tried opening my Xbone's browser, and the app kept crashing and refusing to boot up. I've already claimed it on twitch, when the offer showed up there. 

    Are there issues with the Prime with Prime going through on other console players accounts that you are working on, or did I glitch myself by claiming it "early", before the offer technically went live?.

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