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Posts posted by Wiegraf

  1. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)zero1872001 said:

    To the ones complaining of lag. Especially the PC folks..
    This is why.. I say peoples impatience is nuts..

    Okay, Imma goto a Relay that just opened with Baro, where EVERYONE else will be. Baro is gonna be here til Sunday, Do people really need to be the first to check his stuff? To get the new items? If your PC isnt a Bomb. Take and wait a few hours before checking Baro, instead of being impatient.

    Pretty sure it's someone DDOS'ing WF to hell; Baro came around many times before and it never lagged to this point that I can't even return to my liset. Right now, if you go into a relay :

    • You'll be by yourself since the lag prevents the game from loading people in; my instances had only me and Baro Ki'teer in it along with the NPCs;
    • You won't be able to return to your liset since trying to leave the relay, either through the menu or walking to your ship, will just reload the relay instance;
    • Getting constant "Network not responding" messages.

    Considering there's likely less players at home during this time of the year means that there's also less players online, I'm pretty sure it's not a matter of impatience but someone purposefully screwing up with the servers.

    Heck, same thing happened not even a week ago.

  2. Free market at its best : if you think the price is too high, it is because someone else might actually be willing to buy it instead. Sure, the price can get ridiculous... but if everyone charges the same price, it becomes the standard. And then, people hesitate to charge less knowing they can get away with that 750p if they wait a bit more... or run out of patience and lower the price a tad, like 700p, just to try and undersell others.

    And once the rarity comes down and those pricy mods lose value, then you get to the point people sell them for what amounts to crumbs. Legendary Cores used to be an incredily rare type of mod simply because it was limited... now that it is part of the Sorties, it went down in price a LOT.

  3. The logical way to go with a rework would be taking base damage mods like Pressure Point, Serration and the like and either do away with them or integrate them into the weapon's rank. Kind of like a rank 0 weapon dealing 100% of its total damage and a rank 30 dealing 200%.

    Then, when it comes to elemental mods, that instead of adding damage based on the weapon's base damage (like how it currently adds, for example 90% fire, meaning your weapon deals 100% base + 90% Fire), it would work by converting a percentage of the base damage into that element (instead, a Fire mod at 20% means your weapon becomes 80% base + 20% Fire). This would make using elemental weaknesses much more appealing, like if an infested enemy is 300% weak to fire, then you're actually dealing 140% damage instead of 100% along with a status proc chance... and if you're taking on an enemy with a resistance (like 50% resist) then the damage goes down to 90%.

    Multishot is another problem to deal with which is rather touchy... as it stand, it nearly doubles the damage for Rifle class weapons with a maxed Barrel Diffusion and much more with secondaries. I'd guess either they'd be reduced in efficiency from their high up values to something much lower... like maybe 25-30% max for rifles, 40-50% for secondaries or another system entirely for multishot.


    There's definitively is a rather large gap in power for low ranked modded weapons VS high ranked ones, an exponential one in fact. I won't lie though : I kind of like that we can achieve ridiculous amounts of damage with some weapons (ex : Soma Prime) when they're well modded... but I'm also quite aware of how much it must suuuck for a low ranked player whenever a high ranked players steps in their mission and wreck everything in their path while they can barely scratch them. Heck, we deliberately under power our gear with our newer members so they get a chance to shoot a few enemies instead of us vets just one-shotting most things that don't happen to have a little bit of armor.

    I can't claim to have solutions (those above are just speculations and ideas I thought up on the spot) but I kind of feel that if there's a rebalance of damage, it should bank more on strengths and weaknesses than merely stacking more and more damage to just blow away enemies. Damage 2.0 brought a good thing in the form of elements, combined elements and those status procs; Damage 3.0 could work with that and turn the exponential grow in damage output into something a bit more linear.

    So that messing with damage is more interesting and planned out than just stacking numbers as high as you can. So that the difference between the weapon of a low ranked player and a high ranked one is that the high ranked one can be more effective against specific enemies or faction while the low ranked player can still have a fighting chance.

  4. I'm guessing maybe Nidus was the first prototype weapon made to fight back the sentient; using the infestation to create a weapon or war that walked, thought and fought on its own. But then, the Infestation grew an overall sentience and decided maybe the Orokin wasn't worth fighting for and decided to go "open brunch" on the rest of every living thing.

    So from there, I'm guessing the Orokin decided to not make another 'Warframe' without technological components and full sentience and instead considered their newly found Tenno as able to puppeteer the Warframes instead.

    That's just speculations however.

    11 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    as far as anyone should be concerned, these were the first Warframes.
    unless it's more retcon. there's lots of retcon in this Universe.

    It has been retconned : darkSector and Warframe do share the same universe but Hayden Tenno and the event of that game had no impact on the current state of affairs that Warframe is in. At best, the 'prototype' skin and Nyx's skin are indirect references and easter eggs towards darkSector.

  5. Given how much dissonance there is between regular research costs and this one, I wouldn't disregard that possibility. I hope it's not the case and it is just one of the devs that decided to give a moral lesson or somesuch about cooperation (and failed spectacularly by not being in touch with the reality of clans).

    However, by this point, two outcomes might happen :

    1. DE actually patches the mutagen sample cost for the research, lowering it down to something more inline with regular researches versus the unboosted rarity of the ressource and refunds the clans who already have the research done with the difference in amount in mutagen samples back into the clan vault.
    2. DE doesn't move on the requirements of that research with the (morally valid) point that it would be unfair towards the clans who DID farm the required mutagen samples. However, that would mean future researches might be victim of such high ressource requirements for the sake of selling more ressource and ressource chance boosters.

    And true, selling boosters is definitively a goal given a company does wish to make profit as best as they can... but there's a difference when using a booster is an option and when it is a requirement.


  6. 26 minutes ago, ishiatonpeople said:

    If the game isn't p2w then why is there such a huge amount of hate toward those who decide to at least financially support DE by buying what they're willing to trade in exchange for money?


    As a new player who is MR 6 and has unlocked every planet currently visible on my map except for Edna due to a possible Lephantis bug that wont give me any credit for defeating it, I seriously don't see why playtime has to be a right of passage to play certain frames.  I'm seeing a lot of hate directed toward players like me who decided to take advantage of better trade deals such as the prime ones offered by DE vs the standard plat/mod combinations.

    I heard there's no such thing as p2w in this game, so why the hate against those who have a low MR and run around with a different Warframe then the original starter warframes?

    If low MR players running around with prime frames are raising the blood pressure of some players, then I could imagine the amount of heart attacks those players will have if an MR 1 player decides to run around with bright colored Nidus and a Javlok.


    Don't worry about it; probably someone having a bad day and needing to rant out. I bet whoever said that probably thinks he's pro or something for being near max rank.

    Problem is, MR doesn't show how good you are, only that you maxed out more gear than others. I still run into high MR players who seem clueless using anything else than Rhino which surprises me a lot. By then, you'd expect them to at least know how to efficiently use their powers but don't.

    And besides, an MR 6 player might have stayed MR 6 for a while without ranking up and be a better player overall. I'll take first hand experience of a player in a mission over just an arbitrary 'rank' that mechanically does little while in a mission up to a considerable threshold (I wouldn't bring a MR 0-4 to ODD for example, unless they've shown before they really can handle pressure in missions just as high level)

  7. 2 hours ago, -BM-Leonhart said:


    Ash is marked even now as my most used frame, although I rarely used it in the last half of year because spamming BS as the only effective way it play it disgusted me. But I started to use it more since the changes.

    I use Bladestorm a lot less than I should with Ash, simply because it doesn't cross my mind that I could spam it. I actually have more use of all three other abilities, especially with the Shuriken augment.

    1 to strip down armor from heavy units then shoot them down or use it to deal damage while reloading.

    2 to safely raise a fallen ally or get out of a crowd of enemies.

    3 to quickly move about a large area and/or catch up to allies (to raise them even) if not to chain into finishers.

    The only moment I use Bladestorm is either if I need a bunch of enemies dead quick. Else, bullets, agility and melee does the job just fine.

  8. The fallacy, past the fact that DE believes every clan has a 100% active player base, is that they also believe those clans are only populated with players whom either have the skills or the gear and mods to run those missions in the first place. We had 2 new players in the last two weeks in our clan, capping our capacity back at 10/10 and I wouldn't take a MR 2 and a MR 4 out on the Orokin Derelict before they've gotten some good mods ranked up and gotten a decent set of weapons.

    Now, by itself, that represents 20% of my clan's playerbase : that's not accounting one of them having been off for quite some time, others that are on and off for a few minutes for the login reward and such. That leaves approximately 4 players who I can definitively consider active AND able to run a Orokin Derelict mission convenably and that means they'd each need to farm 1250 Mutagen Samples each to cover for the research.

    Take that in perspective, DE, before you got and make outlandish claims through generalisation.

  9. I'm thinking whoever set the ressource requirements for the Hema is out of his element and isn't actually aware of the availability of Mutagen Samples.

    I've been playing since closed beta and helped fund research of my clan, along with about 30-40% of its players, both when it was a Ghost Clan, for the time it was a Shadow clan before we retrograded to Ghost so we wouldn't be funding 3 times the price for a research only a handful of the members actually would fund.

    I currently have 260 Mutagen Samples in my inventory; and I probably, at most, ever had about 800-900 MS total after 1282 hours of time in missions. Not even accounting that but also that the research requirement for the Hema in Mutagen Samples is actually over 10 times the ressource cost of ALL prior researches combined should be telling that there's definitively something not right with those numbers.

    So no, it is not a weapon you can get "after a few runs in OD" unless you are insanely lucky with your drops, using a ressource drop booster AND a ressource drop chance booster. But yeah, the weapon surely must be worth the effort, what with healing you and such.

    Lemme just grab my Telos Boltor or Telos Akbolto... see if I can't achieve a similar effect from something that doesn't require players to sink in a valuable, RARE ressource into it to make and actually earned simply by representing a faction. Kind of puts in perspective how overvalued the Hema is when even a new player who just picked up a syndicate could get their hands on that weapon even before they could ever DREAM of having the required ressources for the Hema.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Vance.Stubbs said:

    People thought the same with Sibear cryotic requirements...

    Except that cryotic is a ressource you can gather, with 4 clan members, on a 1500-2000 run rather easily, meaning you get 6000-8000 per run for your research.

    Mutagen Masses are rare drops that come in 1 or 2 at a time. That doesn't compare in any way.

    Will belive me when they refund me my 2.5k Mutagen Samples, til then I salt

    I hope they will.

  11. Best solution to keep your lead once you have it and you don't want the enemy team to score? Guard your bank/goal. Third to last mission, the one with a special condition, I just scored 5 points then defended the goal for 2 minutes.

    But yeah, there was like 2 Index matches too many to my taste as by the last one, I just wanted to be done with it.

  12. Probably a bug as far as Mutagen Mass goes... like a decimal place forgotten or something. I'd think the real amount of Mutagen Mass might've been intended to be 50-100x less than this.

    5000 for a Ghost clan is an impossibility unless the players have been playing near non-stop since day 1.

  13. 10 minutes ago, RyuGold said:

    This is all kinda stupid (and I hope the weapon is worth the troubles, but I highly doubt it)

    The new mission is basically mobile defense meets interception, wich btw, they're the most boring missions in the entire game imo.

    Now, not only we have to wait 'til the stupid rotation C, but the rotation C isn't even a guaranteed drop (got vital sense. That's a spit in the face if you ask me). Also the spawn in there is the worst I've seen

    I'd rather farm Equinox sets TWO TIMES rather than doing this bs (and I'm not exaggerating one bit)... DE, you really need to stop those RNG grinding ideas: we're really getting done with it

    Problem is, they have to give incentive for people to go out of their way to buy the Warframe with plat. Want it without the RNG bother? Plat... else grind the required mission.

    Though I agree that the parts not being guaranteed at Rotation C is a bit BS; almost all Warframes that come from bosses are guaranteed a part, one of the three you need and often two of them with one being elusive. Sure, this one isn't from a boss... it feels more like trying to get a Prime Warframe from when before Prime gear dropped from the void. Heck, it feels more like when bosses only had a chance to drop parts when killed and you could miss the pickup entirely.

  14. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Mofojokers said:

    It will never work even for us that love PVP. We just play other games for it like Titanfall 2 , Battlefield and Doom.

    Warframe is just a great horde mode with a good story to it. PVP in Warframe can't work (yet) because of the way :

    warframes movements / Third person fast pace / Melee attacks / proper servers / no set loadouts relying on these pvp mods is not correct.

    A fast Pace PVP needs to be like this :


    I think you mean Quake or its equivalent arena shooters; the new Doom's PvP is horrible, passable at best (but still better than Conclave, except for Lunaro but that's more a sport).

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