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Posts posted by deastr

  1. I fell down on my second attempt. After respawned I saw weird behaviour on enemies, like they were attacking each other or something and going all around the place I'm not sure. And I couldn't complete the test after killing 16 enemies. After the last platform dissapeared I fell down, the screen turned white and stayed like that. I had to ALT+F4. After I relogged I saw that I've passed the test and I'm MR 13 now.


  2. 13 hours ago, Xzorn said:


    We mean his 1st ability will recover 25% of the energy used to cast it per enemy that's hit by it.

    So if you hit 4 enemies you're fully refunded. For every enemy beyond 4, you get back extra energy. One good Virulence can fill your energy pool from 0.

    I see. This changes everything :o

    How about the following build then: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Nidus/t_30_2200444020_2-4-10-4-7-5-6-3-5-12-0-10-14-2-5-19-5-10-46-6-5-411-1-10-615-9-5-779-8-5_12-8-411-8-14-9-6-11-2-6-19-7-46-6-4-9-779-14-615-9_0/en/1-0-51/

  3. 1 hour ago, Xzorn said:

    Nidus' weapons support his abilities most the time they're not for actually dealing damage.

    You shouldn't really need Efficiency on him, esp if you run Rage, Zenurik, ect. His first ability refunds Energy and can easily gain extra energy which makes Primed Flow a valuable option to keep a bigger pool to play with over Efficiency. If you plan to spam his 2 often then I guess Streamline could be of some use but you really don't need Efficiency at all once you get use to how he plays.

    I'm building Ignis Wraith with a status build to use in tandem with Growing Power but other than that I want to use mostly his abilities aka caster mode.

    1 hour ago, Tithus said:

    Nope, you actually want neggative efficiency for more enegy refund on target hit with his #1.

    For the Rage? Is this better for restoring energy for ability spam?

  4. 2 hours ago, Ethan158 said:

    Stacks man, stacks.

    Do you mean having more power means quicker kills and quicker stacks or something else?

    2 hours ago, Xzorn said:

    He uses status weapons to allow his Virulence to deal damage to armored targets

    Do you mean by ripping off the armor with status procs?

    Growing Power doubles as both an increase in damage through Virulence / Maggot Explosions and Extra healing per second provided by his Ravenous nest

    Does having more Power Strength increase healing from abilities?

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