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Posts posted by Laughter

  1. Huh... hmmm...

    God i hate that stupid look of anime characters. Seriously,

    At least we aren't stuck with a floating basketball for our companion. :3

    Anyways, the mag's had a decent amount of variation to their designs, and were an excellent way for players to increase their stats in that game. They wouldn't go out and kill everything in sight, but they could help you wipe out a room in a dungeon if you were getting messed up enough (iirc they charged up their AoE special when their owner took damage, so if things were going poor for you then you could basically wipe out a room with the little guy, but it took a decent number of hits so you could only use it a few times in a crawl.)

    Wonder if we could get ones that fire a bolt that staggers an enemy on a decent repeat rate, or one that drops a volt shield in front of your reticule if you take more than 50-75% of your shields in ranged damage. Possibly if you lose your shields to ranged damage, or just a proc on shield loss period. Should give you a hand if you're facing something ranged like a gunner or a boss.

  2. See! It's already begun!

    I'm operating under the assumption they do not want a player to require ammo packs to down a boss. As with the new artifact system coming, credits may not be as easy to come by as when we could just dump our poor mods for easy profits.

  3. If they switch it around and have a longer trip to the boss with a short exit it will mean that players will eat up a lot of ammo on the way to the boss. And it has been clearly shown in the boards that a lot of people have a problem with buying and even using ammo boxes so if the change does happen there will be an endless slew of silly posts about how the ammo drops arent enough.

    So if DE does in fact do this they have to stick to their guns.

    Depends how much ammo is found in the level then. They could easily bump up the ammo drops, or just leave them as they are because if they're trying to attrition us (by making us leave) then just make us save ammo on the way to the boss. Same effect, just makes us walk less after the boss kill. ~.^

    As for the game not giving a player their items they found in a match during their time spent: The game allows players to drop in to a mission at any point, So someone leaving just means someone else gets to ride along. (which won't be an issue if they happen to have the boss at the end ~.^)

  4. I'm not necessarily completely for taking stuff away, I just feel there needs to be something in place to either punish the people who just keep constantly doing so (rushing the stage, beating the boss, leaving everyone to fend for themselves) or to protect against people who get unfairly disconnected.

    From what I understand, if the host disconnects, the entire squad does. Based on my observation with my friend, it would seem that only abandoning the mission grants you the rewards, whereas disconnecting for any reason does NOT give you what you've picked up. I think a lot of issues stem from the lack of host migration.

    I'm almost willing to bet that these are probably things that were taken into consideration for update 7 though, so I personally won't really have an issue.

    Ah, then yes, hopefully that is fixed with update seven. Also if you just make the players go a longer distance to the boss, and let them leave pretty much after, this wouldn't be much of an issue (Sort of makes me think: how would players like to have to go in to a wow dungeon, kill everything on the way there, kill the boss, and instead of having to just walk all the way back out again, actually have to clear all the enemies on the way to the exit again. They added those instant leave shortcuts for a reason ~.^) Possibly you could treat the boss loot as a '?' mission system, just give it to you when you end the mission.

  5. Everyone seems to want one that flies around looting for them. I wonder if DE would actually do that from a design perspective.

    I can see it removing a significant "treasure hunt" aspect of the game in some peoples minds but well. I've played way too many MMOs/RPGs/games with dropped loot over too many years and I just want the stuff I get as drops ported into my inventory as fast as possible!

    What do you guys think? Does it remove much having the 'mod/rubedo hunt' aspect removed by a pet (that you presumably have to sacrifice something else for)

    I think it comes down to if you play with random people, then you're possibly not always being told about loot drops via 'G', so you're missing out of items and having a pet to gather this for you removes the loss of income.

    Personally I'd like a defensive pet, or something that is aerial denial around my person (so it can be 'offensive', just as long as it's 'defensive' in the sense my nearby self is being 'defended'.) Also because it would rinse those little ball buggers off of me and keep them a null threat.

  6. Nope. You get all of the loot that you've picked up after you abort the mission. It's been like that for a while, and it's pretty rediculous at times.

    You are right though, there definitely SHOULD BE a system in place to prevent that.

    EDIT- You would think the system it has now would be the cater to those who inconveniently disconnect or crash at times (due to poor connections or computers), but I had a friend who blacked out, and when his power came too, he had absolutely nothing from the mission. It seems the actual system in place just hurts the people it was put in to protect.

    Odd, should have that looked at so it keeps the stuff for him. I'm not for anything that will take something you found away, if you were -there- and you -found it-, then you were active. Killing the boss to get his loot is the better part of the mission, and if people are finding a problem with players leaving after a boss kill then the problem to solve is -reduce time spent after fighting the boss-, just take that useless door on the other side of the boss room and make that lead down a short hall to the extraction.

    In other words: you can either punish everyone by making the loot disappear when you leave early for any reason; or you can just remove the reason players are avoiding something (in this case the worthless run back through the level after you just killed the boss.) If you want to make that [the run back after the boss] the challenge, as evident by the bullet sponge bosses, maybe change your design around them [the bosses] to be more of an active threat and less a force of attrition, and allow players to quickly leave the mission after finally dispatching them.

    Thus players won't be quitting right after they face the perceived main threat, and players won't feel unduly punished if something comes up after they finally find that last part of the warframe they've been wanting, or a blackout occurs. Even if someone only helps you through 1/4th the mission, they should keep what they found during that period, because they did spend their time and they -were- there, but were unable to be present the entire duration. That doesn't mean you suddenly were forced back to the start, had to redo the entire mission, and had all of your prior loot taken away also. It just means you have less help on the remainder, but had an easier time than had you gone in solo from the start, and are -hopefully- higher in resources (energy, hp, ammo) than had you been there solo.

    Edit: typo.

  7. Could make pull a two step move. First you select the target, then you use the button again on the ground somewhere, the unit is pulled to that location. Two presses one unit right where you want it (what faster way to get your friend into cover!)

  8. Perhaps you should look into making them appear [ninja] moreso by way of setting or action instead of blatant tack ons. Perhaps a bit more stealth capability, with the ships having more than a single direction through the ship. Give the enemies hardened positions and let us work out how to avoid, or how to crack the area.

  9. I've had the host migration occur, so it could just be that the players that are in the mission are not capable of being hosts? Something to look into as to why it isn't migrating.

    As for the system recording aborts: no one cares, people drop in during missions in this game anyways, so as long as it migrates like it is supposed to the abort counter is just another worthless number. (Oh my god, did you see that guy's average cipher time? We don't want him in our clan! C'mon now.)

    Edit: I'm also glad this game let's you keep what you've found, because losing your connection or a random crash after you find something you've been after a while and losing it is an event that I think none of us would wish upon anyone. (Okay, most anyone ~.^)

  10. Can anyone tell me what the cost is to rush a warframes 3 day construction? Also, does each part also cost 30 plat to rush the 12 hr construction timer? Just some info that I was wondering about, trying to consider if I should buy a cheaper one outright, or bother to nab all the blueprints, materials, and then construct it, if the savings was enough. (Thanks!)

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