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Posts posted by -----.__.G.O.D.__.-----

  1. its all about how you look at it. Vectis is a tenno weapon. Vulkar is grineer weapon which = wraith. Snipertron is corpus = vandal. Vectis is tenno = prime logic.


    its all about how you look at it. Vectis is a tenno weapon. Vulkar is grineer weapon which = wraith. Snipertron is corpus = vandal. Vectis is tenno = prime logic.

    You might be right about it, also other guy said that earlier

  2. Yes thank you for your post. Warframe please add this gun. Because this is provably the uesless gun, low dps and and crow controll. At least come out with a prime, that buffs it

    Np, warframe needs to know that sniper in this game is, like you said "useless". Giving it a buff that gives it more crit chance, chance damage and more damage will be magnificent. If is not to far add a puncture into it since sniper bullet are powerful.

  3. I really don't want an ugly, gold, strictly better version of my favorite gun.

    i wonder how many people use your "favorite gun", and how good it is right now? Everything else got buffed except it if i were you, i would support this topic to convince DE to add one. For example; I have a 7 Formaed vectis, it's good but a paris prime with 1 forma destroys its damage

  4. Well, there was the Snipetron Vandal. Vandal being the Corpus equivalent to the Tenno's Prime designation.

    If there were to be a Prime sniper, it would be the Vectis, considering it is a Tenno weapon.

    On the contrary, I am hoping for an Orokin weapon (only prime) that you can farm out, the vandal is just like wraith, those are give away, it does not count as a prime

  5. There's prime shotgun, bow, pistol, rifle, and melee prime weapons, but where is sniper prime? To be honest, bow does not count as a sniper, Bow =/= sniper... I'm sure a Vectis prime would be lovely, and would bring smile to sniper loving people's face.

  6. First of call this is not telling DE what to do. It is simply giving them advice. but i know MOST people in this game will appreciate this. Im talking about the one that have been here and played this game for such a long time. got tired of current faction and maps

  7. Another self gratifying thread... >____________________>


    too bad everyone is hating on them or they may have been able to feel good about themselves/

    Hater hate because they are "Envy" I don't mind it's all part of life. I already know this is going to happen, when we started doing this, you don't need to let me know. There are more people pro'er than us i don't care, it just makes me want to get better

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