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Posts posted by Cidolfus

  1. 1 minute ago, MagPrime said:

    Alright, good for you. You wanna know why I asked for a link at the time?

    I was sitting in a restaurant waiting for my food. So if you know of a way to sign into warframe from a cell phone, I'm more than happy to give it a try.

    And yes, I am aware they had no way of knowing that, but that's true for anyone they, you, or I, respond to.  We have no idea what's going on on the other side of the screen, so maybe we shouldn't get upset when people ask for links to verify information.

    Lol whatever dude, "Good for you" that kinda is antagonizing, but I'm not gonna fall for it. Anyways, you coulda just said "I'm not at home I'll take a look then". Instead you demanded he use his time instead. Really it just sounded like you used the ol' "I'm gonna demand proof that I know is buried in tons of old archives" routine. If he went searching for it, he'd have to waste a bunch of time and energy trying to prove an easy point. If he didn't, then that'd give you a way out of the argument by disregarding it. It's a really obvious ploy people do to try to win arguments over the internet and he fell for it. Whatevs, this isn't my hill to die on. Just thought I'd point out my observation since everyone ganged up on him. He shouldn't have went in this thread anyway, it's a complaint thread. Just looking through the 3 pages shows those that like Archwing either got ignored or yelled at. So before I get ignored or yelled at I'm gonna vamoose. Ya'll have fun.

  2. 1 hour ago, MagPrime said:

    So...You just like to post stuff and expect people to believe you.  Got it. 


    I took soul's suggestion and went in. He/she/it's right, the controls are better than they were. I knew that already cuz I've done a few archwing alerts recently, but I went ahead and took a min to check. It's floaty but well we're in space lol. It's ALOT better though, so ya'll kinda *@##$ed at him for no reason. But that's what the forums are for I guess. It's why I rarely post.

  3. Just now, DrLickWeiner said:

    I think this is turning into a circle jerk of warbros. I'm out. Wish people understood when someone say it finishes at x it meant it finish at x. not at their own convenience.

    Agreed; I'll do the same. They're just going to whine and cry and say DE's out to get them again even though EVERY CLAN had to adhere to the same rules. Nothing to see here.


  4. 2 minutes ago, hurlawhirl said:

    DE never specified when scores will be tallied. It was ambiguous. Previous events always tallied later.

    Sorry for being competitive in an event that fosters cooperation and competition?

    No one said you can't be competitive, but guess what? Competitions have rules. This one stated clearly what the end of the event was. You cannot refute it no matter how much your eyes well up with tears.


    You got second place. Enjoy your silver medal. Next time, be more punctual like the people who beat you.

  5. Just now, Trvldl said:

    Hello, can you tell why you had the need to respond with useless insult and zero contribution? Are our complaints not valid?

    No they're not valid. At all. You're complaining about a time limit that DE specifically stated was there. You're making a big deal over nothing, like you always do. Typical Warbros bull. Happens every competitive event.

  6. 58 minutes ago, g4yb4ll said:

    my tactic is retire him to the fodder section, done

    - the ult is becoming too much of a chores, most frame now resort to skill 1 & 2 & 3, the 4 are waste of energy and often fall short


    2 hours ago, Xekrin said:


    Nice guide, unfortunately it may prove to difficult for ash users who are accustomed to sleeping through missions and getting highest kill counts.  That aside, I hope others find it useful.


  7. 7 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

    No, it is 2-3 seconds. It can feel like an eternity. please read what i said. Seriously?

    I read what you said, don't start being an arse okay? And it's not 2-3 seconds I just went into the game unmodded and did a bladestorm to a group in the simulacrum. 1 second at most.

    whatevs doesn't matter, people exaggerating stuff as always to try and get their point across. i'm outta here

  8. 31 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

    I am not exaggerating at all. I'm saying exactly what happens. 2 seconds in warframe can feel like an eternity, this isnt a turn based role playing game. This is a shooter. Ask people if 2 seconds of invulnerability in a shooter is a long time. Wukong's defy invulnerability lasts less than one second in conclave, if that adds any perspective.

    So you're saying it FEELS 2-3 seconds?? Then it's not actually 2-3 seconds, so...

  9. 4 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

    The animations are actually more like 2-3 seconds unmodified. But you can increase them with attack speed to become sub 1 second. Yes people are annoyed that when they shoot an enemy they dont do damage. I dont think its hilarious, i think its justified. It's like when a trinity keeps pool of lifing mobs so that it's just that much harder to get what you're trying to get done. It's counter-intuitive to a co-op game. You are also not taking into account his clones are also on these enemies, so more often then not, even if you try to switch, theres another ash there, performing another attack, making another enemy invulnerable. It can be a real problem, many people can attest to this, especially when you have a slow attack speed ash bladestorming a room.

    Having your damage invalidated by another player never feels good.

    what 2-3 seconds no way is it that long at all and it only targets one enemy at a time so unless you're targetting the same enemy at the same exact time is the only time it should a problem. Yeahneeds fixing but come on you're exaggerating.

  10. Just now, WolfayHD said:

    Lmao i found this glitch last week. Ship looks like 10 times bigger than it actually is 

    If you fall quickly press esc + s + ENTER

    This takes you to navigation

    Yeah there are definitely more rooms in the liset than we currently know of. Recently people have noticed odd Infested noises coming from the right closed door way when leaving the Operator room. Intriguing stuff.

  11. Was doing the Infested Invasion on Tharsis for dat Fieldron. I thought at first this might be some random rare bug, but this happened twice in a row - one in a public run and one solo.


    As you can see in the picture, the terminal is turned a weird way. When you give the datamass to it, nothing happens and the mission is basically dead in the water.

  12. 3 minutes ago, COZZY91 said:

    Not their fault? Its THEIR server, everything is on them. Is it the church's fault? no. Is it the government's fault? no. THEY are on control of it. thats like saying "I shanked a puppy" and saying its not your fault cause the FBI made you do it.


    Chill out. Whether it's an equipment problem or otherwise, stuff happens. Some of the most highly advanced technology can break down at the drop of a hat. This is just a game. I'm sure they're doing their best to bring it back up. Be patient.

  13. 1 minute ago, Ronin074 said:

    I urge developer to rethink the lance system and make it much more accessible as was the rest of the game so far for those like me who cannot afford to pay a lot.   Even more seeing 40 plat go wasted to replace a lance is not funny at all.


    They mentioned making it so that you're able to remove a lens intact, but that was way back in December and we've heard nothing else about it.

  14. Just now, Etan-gK said:

    I'm stating ways to beat it, I never said that that's the definite, be all/end all way to beat a bursa. I lure them into corners then blow them into submission with well placed tonkor shots,

    So, Again. Strongest weapon in the game to defeat them. K. Gotcha.


    That's it folks, nothing to see here.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Etan-gK said:

    liset air support overrides security, tonkor two shots bursas, valkyr has invincibility: try these things out on bursas before angrily lashing out, thanks

    So you're telling everyone here that you need to use an invincibility frame, the arguably strongest weapon in the game, and they must bring the default liset's air support to every single Corpus mission in order to defeat One Enemy.



  16. Just now, Firefly0037 said:

    He's the only one here who's providing legitimate claims and is basically telling you guys how to get rid of the problem.  It seems more like your ego is a bit hurt that you may just not be correct in this thread.

    Legitimate claims? Where? So far all he's done is yell at everyone who disagrees with them, call them "half of a brain", and then argue that he's right while everyone else is wrong.

    There's no "ego" here. I'm not even worried about myself. I'm more worried about the new players that have to deal with it. Read all my posts and the vast majority of them talk about new players.

  17. 1 minute ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    remember when Manics were a challenge? Remember when you had to stop, look, listen and prepare yourself to dispatch it....forums cried nerf and now i barely notice them anymore. I dont mind DE tweaking bursas, but please dont cry until DE makes them into a non-issue. 

    I totally agree. I WANT them to be a challenge and not nerfed to the ground. They did the same with the flying poisonous infested. They were a little overpowered, people complained, then DE just ruined them.

    I hope they can find a good balance. I love the challenge, but it shouldn't be to the point where they can make a mission impossible for some players.

    1 minute ago, Etan-gK said:

    considering half the thread is people whining about how bursas are op and broken because they don't conform to your press 4 to win/blow through missions while being nigh unkillable playstyle

    and the other half is the adapt or die, learn from past experiences crowd

    also, you don't exactly have that authority to decide who loses what, or where

    just saying


    Who said they want Bursas to conform to "press 4 to win"? Seems all you're doing is reading what you want to read. And yeah - insulting people doesn't help you at all. You're officially not worth speaking to anymore.

    Next time, learn some tact and realize other people's opinions matter.

  18. 1 minute ago, Etan-gK said:

    thank god, somebody else with more than half a brain

    Wow, yeah insult everyone who disagrees with you. Good job, you lost all credibility.


    4 minutes ago, Silvus-Sol said:

    You only get decimated if you try to take them on like they are a typical cannon fodder unit. If you use even the most basic tactics and sense, you can kill them easily enough. The problem is that nobody wants to try, they can't be arsed to do anything different or face any kind of legitimate challenge. Anything that slows down the "zip through in 4 minutes while obliterating everything" playstyle is broken, and any enemy that might actually be able to kill the player is OP. Adapt and think, or keep losing and crying. It's your choice.

    Read my latest post. I didn't treat them like cannon fodder, and again you have to remember there are more than just veterans out there having to fight these things.

  19. Just now, Etan-gK said:

    I've had no problems killing them; you know why? because I don't blow through missions believing myself unkillable, I sometime run high level mssions solo with no mods, just to create challenge, I learned a long time ago where cameras are and how to avoid being seen, I take out groups of enemies from a distance and deactivate alarms as soon as they go off. adapt or die, learn from your mistakes.

    Don't you dare sit there and assume I "blow throw missions thinking I'm unkillable".

    I absolutely love playing defensively and like a ninja. I dodge, jump, wallrun, backflip, bullet jump, parkour, and so on when I play solo. I specifically use high damage/low ROF weapons in solo runs just to add more risk v. reward. So when I came up against a Bursa, what did I do? I did all of those things. I know its weak point, and I attacked it. But I wasn't expecting my forma'd Vaykor Hek to take 5 shots to kill the thing, while it's spamming knockdowns, tethering me to itself, shooting missiles that can barely be dodged without hiding behind an obstacle. And by the time I was able to kill it, TWO MORE SPAWNED and thus it became impossible, because while I was trying to kill one, the other would spam me.


    Look around you dude. 95% of the people here are stating the same exact thing. Bursas need to be fixed. End of story.

  20. 2 minutes ago, Etan-gK said:

    play the missions with friends, play a pub mission, the game was meant for co op anyway

    Yeah and even a group of new players will be destroyed by these Bursas.

    They can spam knockdown aoes.

    Their missiles are one-hit kills for most warframes.

    They can tether players that get too close to them.

    They continuously spawn.

    They also continuously spawn more enemies, making Exterminate insanely more difficult than it used to be.


    DE has always stated that this is a coop game, but they've also catered to solo players. Introducing an enemy that can absolutely decimate veteran players with high level, highly forma'd, highly modded gear at level 30 is broken. That's all there is to it. Try to refute it all you like, it's broken.

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