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Posts posted by (PSN)dingdong743

  1. 7 hours ago, RistN said:

    I don't know if you understand what Vault missions are.

    Search youtube or web on Vault run guides.They might seem complicated to a new player but they are very simple.


    Nvm I got lua moon puzzles mixed up with vault runs. Btw I did do like 20+ vault runs and I made a decent amount of plat by selling the corrupted mods in bundles along with drift mods.

  2. 31 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    Don't forget to take a gander at the Trading Post here on the forums and the WTB section of the 3rd party trading sites.  You can always focus on farming up those parts, contact the players and make a sale. 

    Yeah, I have valkyr prime systems and neuroptics, so I'm gonna try and get her chassis and bp because it goes for a decent price.

  3. 3 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    Prime parts, mod sets, pet imprints, Sculptures, etc.

    Just keeping an eye on trade chat and seeing what comes up the most is a good way to get an idea of what's in demand and how much it goes for.  After that, just hit up the wiki for drop locations.

    Never thought of that tbh. Thanks!

  4. 22 hours ago, ashrah said:

    best way to earn plat fast to sell life strike...10p each u can get them a lot on pluto dark sector that mod everyone need

    I'm looking for a decent weapon for Heiracon, because I don't have any heat mods so I'm trying to get Ignis but I don't think I'm that high a level.

  5. 22 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

    You should look into getting into a clan (so you have access to the dojo), and list a bunch of stuff on warframe.market.

    It's how I make my platinum - especially if you can sortie as I sell all of my veiled Rivens and they've been averaging about 30P each.

    Yeah I'm in a clan, and I have rivens but there's this rubico riven I don't need. How much does a veiled melee go for? Beause warframe.market doesn't have very accurate prices compared to in game.

  6. 4 hours ago, RistN said:

    For a guy that hasn't played this game for a long time I have only one thing to recommend:Do Vault missions.There you have a chance to get mods like :Blind rage,Fleeting expertise,Narrow Minded,Transistent fortitude,Overextended.These mods are important for all builds and every player needs one of each.Their price is steady ,around 30p each,maybe 40p top.That is not much but not that bad either and the best part is that they sell quick.If you do a lot of Vault missions you could have like 5 of these corrupted mods and maybe even more depending on your luck.Their drop chance is low but not impossible low.150p-200p daily is not that bad for a new player.

    That sounds good but I find those missions really annoying because of how you have to do various puzzles and avoid lasers. But I guess you have to start off somewhere.

  7. 22 hours ago, (PS4)Chris_Robet said:

    Sell prime parts. That's the easiest way. When baro comes with rare prime mods hold onto them for a few months then sell them. You could also try your hand at the riven system.

    Yeah ,I bought the primed flow but I might buy a couple more so I can sell them.

  8. Ok so I've been playing warframe for about a month and a week ish and its fair to say I've invested a lot of time into the game. I've completed the war within and I haven't spent any money on the game but I need a source of plat that's an easy seller. It's not that I can't spend money (I did the amazon free trial and got my soma and frost :) ) but I just don't want to. I want to have an authentic feeling to the game. I do the sorties and I farm prime parts and just the other day i farmed a Tigris prime set and sold it for 30p. So, my question is: How do I make easy plat?

    Edit: I'm mr8 as of now

    UPDATE: I've made a decent bit of plat and I got a Vauban prime set for 55p. I also have a total of 52 tradeable plat as I'm writing this and I've built Saryn prime and I'm stocking up on her parts so when she gets vaulted I'll be able to sell them. Trying to get my hands on a Lenz or an Opticor riven which is highly unlikely to happen because I'm just gonna use veiled rifle riven mods. Made a good method of getting plat, so thanks guys :)


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