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Posts posted by Dojutrek

  1. On 2019-11-22 at 4:49 PM, Judqment8 said:

    Another update and another week and no changes to Vauban. You gave us hope and promises 3 weeks ago for more tweaks to Vauban, but nothing has happened since then.

    This was on 26.0.4 patch notes which was 3 weeks ago. How much deeper you have to dive in to make some tweaks for this rework? Heck, even Garuda got buffs in the latest patch. Sure DE got lots on their hands, but I sincerely hope I don't have to wait for months to see some improvements to Vauban's messy kit. Or maybe I'm just too hopeful for my own good, better check back in few years to see if this rework is getting reworked at all...

    As somebody who's been here and with Vauban since Update 7.11, don't hold your breath. I have a sneaking suspicion with all the silence that this is the swan song for Vauban, considering this is the first major update and rework he's had in the past...*counts* SIX YEARS!

    But enough bile, back to the grind mines for obedient Tenno.

  2. 3 hours ago, Colyeses said:

    Would it be possible to use sequencing? Press 2 to access minelayer, then press 1 for thether, 2 for flechettes, etc.? That would make the ability control slightly better, I think.

    So, like a second set of skills? You activate Minelayer and for a Duration, your 1 through 4 keys only activate Minelayer abilities?

    Or are we talking like Starcraft, where pressing 'C' selects your Command Center and then hitting 'S' builds an SCV (In this case it'd be 2 then 1 through 4, sort of like a sub-menu)?

  3. On 2019-11-19 at 6:30 AM, Colyeses said:

    For Vauban, I have the following notes.

    Tesla Nervos - They suffer from some usability issues. They're highly aggressive and as rollers, they have something of a tendency to get stuck. It's easy to lose track of them, which makes the ability lack a bit of feedback. Tesla Bank is an incredibly powerful augment however, and it retains value at all ranks.

    As a suggestion for improving the Nervos, I would recommend diversifying the AI. There are four nervos, so why not run four different AIs on them?

    One that is aggressive, and will autonomously seek out new enemies to target, in disregard of how far away they might be.

    One that is defensive, and will latch onto the first enemy to attack Vauban.

    One that is supportive, and will only latch onto enemies within X meters of Vauban, and will detach if Vauban moves too far away.

    And one with a standard AI.

    -Snipped the rest-

    This would be AWESOME.

    Alternatively, it could be like Khora's Venari with each AI being Distinct. First though, Cut down Minelayer to a Twin Ability, similar to Bastille/Vortex. Overdriver and Flechette, Press for an Ally buff and hold for an Enemy Debuff. No Change over like the one from Bastille to Vortex, just one or the other.

    Then for Nervos, Make the A.I. a Distinct part of his kit, with a swap function and include some Minelayer bits that were removed into each A.I,. Control A.I. would be like the Tether to drag enemies around (Same Limitations, 2 Per Nervos and No Power Strength Scaling). Defensive A.I. would latch on to Vauban/Allies and rapidly heal shields or add shield gating, maximum is One per ally/Vauban and the rest would be passive around Vauban until the latched one is used. Then an Attack A.I. for the Regular Nervos effect which would be the only one to benefit from Tesla Bank.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Acquire_Manatees said:


    I think this shows how out of control the Power Creep is in Warframe. The worst part is, DE doesn't stop. It's a constant churn of content, eventually even Wisp will be underpowered and overshadowed like Vauban is right now. It has gotten to the point where they can't Focus (HA!) on bringing old content forward in a way where it functions and is sustainable. Instead of bringing their all, they release reworks like this and it's disappointing.


    But that's not here nor there, I'm on a tangent and back to the topic on hand. Sustaining Vauban in combat is just bad, Hard CC isn't working for him anymore. Maybe a more utilitarian Minelayer kit would be better focused around long, drawn out combat. Sort of like a Battlefield "TRAUMA KIT" for rapid response in Emergencies. Sustaining himself and his teammates, not just defensively through Control abilities like Bastille.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Hekkatos said:

    like his own version of Octavia's Resonator. but more modular. I'm down for that.

    Yeah, that was literally 5 minutes. It's not an easy change, take it from a programmer, but it'd give him a bit more versatility and still retain the same 4 limit on his Minelayer.


    It'd be even more interesting if they made him a true tower defense frame, throwing down glowing tesla spires (TOWER OF POWER style) that zap enemies and link together to form walls. I had a whole write up on it, but it never got any traction. A lot of good ideas go unnoticed and unused on these forums, but that's the nature of Warframe.

    • Like 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, Colyeses said:

    I think the only thing Vauban needs right now is to have the vector pad replaced with a hard defensive option so he loses his squishiness. I haven't played him much yet, but he seems very solid outside of his durability. Great control, and Photon Blast is a pretty impressive way to destroy your targets!

    To be honest, the problem with Vector pad might as well be the same concept behind the printing of bad Magic: The Gathering Cards. Some find value in it, most don't. It's there to show that most other abilities are better than it. Easier to bump the stats and pray it fixes his issues than it is to shoehorn another ability in the mix.

    Personally, I'd rather they'd remove it and just have Minelayer as a 3-cycle ability rather than a 4-cycle. Less Clutter.

    EDIT: Hell, I think if they ever make an Augment for Minelayer it should flip the abilities at hand. Defensive abilities become Offensive ones and vice versa. A Shield would be a nice change to say, Flechette orb which is currently an offensive ability (Thinking like a spiked barricade). Tether could return the old Tesla Link/Trip Laser combo dealing damage and a scaling Bleed Proc for all foes passing through. Finally, Overdriver could Debuff enemies with a smoke grenade styled attack which would blind and disorient them for a set duration.

    • Like 1
  7. So, I'm back again, that one Vauban Main, still giving feedback. Not like anyone listens anyway.

    Vauban...Oh Vauban...So I've tested him even more since last posting and he's just too squishy to even survive high- or mid-level content without the need of a Focus School (Vazarin) to stay alive. Even with a Vitality Mod and Adaptation, it's quite dubious to live without relying heavily on the abilities he has. Given the fact that modding him is an utter hell, it throws some added difficulty to fit the proper mods in to live.

    Overall, I think he needs a global Stat buff. More Health on his Base and Prime form (Base: 100 -> 125, Prime: 100 -> 150) and some more Armor (50 -> 100, 100 -> 150). At least something to give him some more cushion to survive outside of his abilities, which personally I cannot stand the animations for but that's personal preference.

    EDIT: Also, after looking over the Patch notes for the past changes to Vauban (Here), he's never received a bump to his stats outside of that disappointing Armor buff in Update 11.2. DE Please Fix.

  8. 9 hours ago, Hekkatos said:

    you guys are playing it way too safe with Vauban.

    as a follow up to people wanting him to have his own sentinel (ala Venari).

    Playing it safe is an understatement.

    As to everyone saying we need Vauban Sentinel...why have a sentinel when you have Balls? Maybe Minelayer should affect Tesla Nervos, overriding or imparting the particular effects on Minelayer to the Nervos. Have them Follow Vauban and use their effects as they pass foes, like:

    • Tether would actually pull enemies along like being drawn and dismembered by horses. It already has a Slash Proc...
    • Flechette would like the Sentinel Sniper Rifle, dealing high damage to the target and imparting a Puncture Proc on hit.
    • Vector Pad would speed up the Balls so they can keep up. In addition to doing the default Nervos effect.
    • Overdriver could impart a small area buff or Attach to allies like it does now, but it'd follow around each ally (Since there are 4 Nervos)

    And this is just me brainstorming for 5 minutes on the concept. I wonder what DE will do with it.

    • Like 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, MrFrog9 said:

    They could have just as easily sped up the throwing animation. Or barring that simply reduced the charge time rather than eliminating it completely.

    This is a backwards solution. Instead of letting players adapt to how PS works they just adjusted the mechanics very far backwards to the players' skill level immediately, compromising Vauban's characterisation and eliminating some of the sense of mastery involved with learning to play him. It's Gauss all over again.

    Also sorry I blew up. This is exactly what I was afraid would happen and I overreacted.

    Dude, I get you. I'm just as frustrated.

    They could of done an Inverse duration with Photon Strike. More Duration, longer fire time. Less Duration, Shorter Fire time. That way both sides are happy. The problem is his modding, with him needing nearly all stats in the green to get the job done. Maybe have Inverted modding to be a design choice by the player, with Duration being his main stat and Power being a Secondary. Range and Efficiency could be considered dump stats depending on the player.

    For example, his 1 could focus around Concentration of Charge with Duration being a focus. More Duration, less overall damage per tick. Less Duration, more concentrated damage on tick. His 2 could be modified off of Power. 3 Duration and the inverse. 4 Both.

    It doesn't help that his throwing animations and speeds are premium jank right now.

  10. 3 minutes ago, MrFrog9 said:

    Oh for #*!%'s sake

    Was making Photon Strike literally instant really necessary? It was fine before. It was cool before. Now it's literally just a generic grenade.

    Anytime something genuinely fun or interesting gets added to the game it gets watered down because the community would rather complain than cope.

    I think it was to counter the throw speed limiter they put in place, because we can't have Lightning quick balls soaring through the air.

  11. Vauban (Hot Fix U26.0.4)

    Tesla Nervos

    The quicker cast is nice, but the installed AI is still dumb as a rock. Sometimes just sits there sulking, other times has issues connecting with potential loved ones, and even more times lags behind Vauban. Maybe giving the balls sentience was a bad idea...


    Photon Strike

    It Prematurely detonates in Air before landing when thrown longer distances. I guess it now has an Air Burst? Maybe if it detonates in Air, it could have more range applied? Neat if that's the intention. Otherwise, DE Please Fix.

    • Like 1
  12. As a Vauban Main, I can sum this rework down to two words..."Ruined Potential". I dunno what happened here, but clearly this rework is poor.

    First off, you guys NERFED THE THROWING VELOCITY. WHY?! Everything comes out exceptionally slower now, prompting the use of Natural Talent. However, even that doesn't fix the abysmal throw velocity on every ability. It's like you took that one thing that made Vauban somewhat useful and threw it in the bin. Now I run faster than my grenades deploy, so I can't preemptively throw them ahead of me to close off areas. I wouldn't be surprised if the ability to One-handed cast was also taken away because "Reasons".

    Two, Animations are too long. Some animations are way too long, like the Airborne casting animation. It's like he goes into a self-imposed bullet time every single airborne cast, long enough so you can hover. Cool, it adds flavor, but the flavor comes at a cost of usability in a hectic environment. Again, use of Natural Talent is required.

    Three, Modding is absolute hell now. So, he needs Duration and Range for most of his important abilities. Plus some Power Strength and Efficiency to keep abilities useful and easily accessible. Not to mention Survival mods, like Vitality or Absorption. Now he has a Mandatory Natural Talent need as well to keep his Animation speed up. So I ask...HOW am I going to fit all this in under the modding system? Dedicate him to one or two stats, not everything. Make things scale off of those stats.



    1. Tesla Nervos (Taser Balls are fun)

    Interesting ability, but fundamentally flawed. I had fun for the first few minutes of using the ability, it has great damage potential with the Augment, but The AI in control of the things are ROCK STUPID. When all four of the suckers go for a SINGULAR target and then take several seconds to even have the idea to jump the poor sod, it makes me question who decided to give the AI on these things a pass. Give them a max cap on targets of two per target or give Vauban the ability to mark targets, and fix it so they attach instantly upon reaching their designated target or have it so Vauban can hit a target and have it attach instantly.

    2. Minelayer (AKA, why do we need 4 garbage abilities?)

    Short Answer: Trash.

    Longer Answer: I give this ability a 1.5 out of 4, nice effort but not terribly useful.

    • Tether Coil: Needs to be affected by Power Strength to increase the enemies affected. Otherwise, Good and somewhat useful.
    • Overdrive: Cool, nice damage booster. Should be like a short duration mine, throw on ground, instantly detonates, spreads the buff around a small radius.
    • Flechette Mine: About as useful as a wet fart. Have it be an instant detonation debuff with a proximity detonation, giving a puncture proc to everything in an area (like the old Shred mine).
    • Vector Pad: Throw it in the bin. It's a bad ability. Who signed off on this?

    (Question, do we need four abilities on Minelayer? Can we have 3 or 2 good abilities instead?)

    3. Photon Strike (Useless, and here's why...)

    It would of been good, BUT THEY NERFED THE THROWING VELOCITY and on top of that it has a high wind-up time to fire. So throwing it as any preemptive strike is pointless because a frame moves faster than it deploys. Fix the Throwing Velocity and we'd be golden.

    4. Bastille/Vortex (Old Reliable)

    This ability was quite good. No problems here, exactly like the old Vauban with some new flavor thrown in. No qualms here.

    Overall, this rework was poor. Absolutely poor. But I knew this would happen since nobody can make a clear distinction of what Vauban should be. Not even DE.

  13. I have to agree with the addition with the "Contribute All" button in the Dojo Rooms, since decorations can overlap on top of one another and they're not always easy to get to. It could be tied to the Room Control Panel with a confirmation, so it's not accidentally clicked and resources lost by overzealous players. 

  14. After playing Hildryn for a bit, I can say that she's interesting. Not great, but interesting.

    Her Passive is possibly probably the best Shield passive I've seen so far. Coupled with the Synergy from Guardian and Taxon's Molecular Conversion Precept makes it quite effective. However, I would like to know the breakpoints on the shield gating, if any. 

    Balefire is a bit underwhelming, I expected a Secondary fire with it. Not saying the charge mechanic is bad, but it needs to be modded for which takes up space in a build. Not to mention, there's a lack of information regarding the Charge functionality, like does it increase range? damage? what exactly do you get from a full charge? is there anything to additional to gain from a full charge? Questions that need answers, I guess. If I were to change it, I'd reduce the Charge time by a bit.

    Finally, Aegis Storm is...confusing. It has Decent CC, which is a plus, but why does it turn off or become less effective if I go higher than a certain point? and why can't I descend with the Archwing controls? Going up is fine with the Archwing controls, but down is not allowed? I think there was some oversight during implementation, since one Moa stomp or Enemy Ground slam sends you flying up with no way to return to a normal height where the power is effective without deactivating Aegis Storm entirely. Additionally, when I'm over a pit I just fall slowly into it even when attempting to fly out of it by holding Spacebar. Rather poor implementation here...

    Overall, I'm liking Hildryn, but some of her powers are baffling in their implementation.

    EDIT: I've tried other keys when dealing with the flight controls, no go on any of them. So it's something that was either omitted or just broken.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Synpai said:

    I wasn't saying "continue cause it's broken," just saying that it's the loop the game is in now, factually

    I get you, but that's all the more reason to have lines that shouldn't be crossed. However, we don't know the lines DE has in place, which is annoying to say the least.


    8 minutes ago, (PS4)Mr_ClapClap said:

     I have a Dream, once day the Focus school can save with the loadout did u use .....its make it greater if u eidolon hunt / play diffrence like Zenurik / Naramon / Uneiru whatever. Every time to set a loadout and change the school really grind my gears....


    Greetz Clapy

    Actually, I made a mention of this in another thread in General: 

    Sadly, it got buried in the pile of garbage posts about the daily login system and no good discussion was made.


    Exactly like 90% of my posts about reworking Vauban...

  16. 1 minute ago, Synpai said:

    I agree, but then you have unfair eidolon mechanics basically just a loop of "broken, so make this broken" as per usual.

    As you already know, I'm in the "Anti-Ramp" camp when it comes to "Broken" things. So, having an ability that's already intrinsically overpowered with hard rules set in place to keep it from growing more would be best. A good example is the Void Invulnerability state, because what if it also cleansed you of all Statuses as well? or gave a hard damage buff? That would just be absurd, so a line in the sand (This far, no further!) would be appropriate.

  17. 2 minutes ago, Synpai said:

    Waybounds have been untouched, but mastery passives (adding a passive from each complete school) are technically way-bounds.

    Well that's good to hear, I think the Way-Bound system should stay so hearing that it does for your system is kind of relieving in a way.

    2 minutes ago, Synpai said:

    Yeah as I mentioned before the whole invulnerability during void mods is still a big "?????" 

    Why not just have it at that? Invulnerability is already overpowered, besides it's broken when considering you can revive during it. Giving you endless revives for free as long as somebody is in range.

    3 minutes ago, Synpai said:

    At the end of the day it was just made to lessen the vazarin feel of all or nothing when trying to hit allies with void dash without going full Zenurik bubble (just grazing the bubble for a full buff) for everything ya know? Some food I've been chewing on for a while may be sufficient to just note that the buffs power diminishes over time, but it's more or less the same regardless of how you slice it.

    I think it might be best to fold that into another form of interaction, as I stated before Wall Latching isn't present. What about that? Or how about make it a conditional state depending on whether or not void mode is even on (Risk vs Reward)? You could even fold it into the Amp, like an Amp buff that can be directed at players (i.e. Smite Infusion). There are many ways to apply interaction, it's just a matter of what works best for the situation at hand.

  18. 9 minutes ago, zNightWolfz said:

    ifs not the game being lazy at all its the player  why hide and nuke when u can be in the middle of it all and nuke the game doesnt make lazy players the player themselves make themselves lazy

    I think that's the point of this thread, to curtail those players who hide and nuke due to the lack of Line-of-sight said abilities. Truthfully, I think it's on both ends here, the game allows nuking without LoS so the players pick-up on that and exploit it to the point of absurdity. If anything were to be done, it would have to be by the Developers and if they did do that much of the player base would revolt due to that fact.

  19. I'm just going to reply to the initial post since I really want to post my thoughts on this and I'm still reading through (13 Pages, Impressive), but I think much has already been said on the topic. So I'm just going to be parroting what is basically been covered. 

    Yes, I fully agree that there needs to be some Line-of-Sight or Range limiters on Nuker abilities. These abilities are made for Trash clearing or Spacing (with Knockdown/Stagger Effects) and most have visual cues to how they function (i.e. Miasma is emitted from Saryn). Granted, hardier targets are going to take some gunfire, but if you're able to chunk 75% of the life bar anyway then there's little to no point to use anything else at in my view. Of course, there will be a few abilities will get around LoS (Equinox's Maim and Nova's Molecular Prime for instance), but overall these abilities should take some thought in how they're applied to a situation, rather than "Fire-and-Forget". 

  20. As I'm reading this, I feel like the more I read the more I feel like there's a bit too much. I think some simplification would go a long way to understanding and improving the idea, less individual ability powers and more general power I guess is what I'm getting at. However I'm just going to be clear, there's some serious ramp involved with this idea, but that was the goal and I can't fault you for that. 

    Void Spiral for instance has four different states alone, it muddies the waters of what's being presented and actually harms the overall work you've put into this. I'm just gonna put this out there, there will be those players who will forgo even trying to understand these portions and if they forgo it in the writing they'll probably do the same if it were added. As I said, simplifying the concept here is absolutely important just for clarity.

    Not to mention, I feel like the whole addition of buffs/debuffs on just having Void mode on (Void Duration) is a large case for non-interaction since it's basically fire-and-forget in most cases and ultimately broken in others (Unairu WTF! Calm down, that's too much D polarity for even me to handle). However, there's a ton of that in-game already so I can't say that DE isn't doing the same thing. I think it would be best if some of that was folded into the Channeling (Hyper-Transference), since in just the current state of the idea it's basically padding with a lot of the core abilities being the way they are and it just doesn't stand out even though it is a decent idea for interactivity.

    However, that's not to say it's all gloom and doom from me, I REALLY like the idea of adding Wisps to the other trees and the idea of Void Comet is brilliant. I cannot express how much I like the Void Comet idea, just the movement options alone are awesome and a core part the warframe experience. Also, adding incentives to completing a tree through the Mastery/Respec system is interesting and somewhat better than "Way-bounding". Speaking of which, is there "Way-bounding" in this? Also, No Wall Latch Variant for Operators?

    This is just an initial overview from me, but I'll keep reading and make some more detailed points later on. 

  21. 6 hours ago, (PS4)aiptekfanboy said:

    Cc redundant ? Lol Please.

    How about you stop running Mercury and instead try two hour kuva farming where the enemy hit so hard that cc is esential to mission complete .


    5 hours ago, (XB1)MAKEthemSUPPER said:

    Did this for the first time last night.


    Cc is a very important aspect of the game.

    I did it as well, but you sort of have to once you hit Level 400+ enemies. However, it comes too late to be worth it and no normal player is going to spend 2 hours in a mission, unless they're dedicated to the game like us. Personally, the levels should be re-balanced for level 200, like after 100 it ramps heavily into the 600's in terms of stats. DE already stated that they don't want that type of content, so why make us play 2 hours to get there? Bring the brick walls faster to further reduce the incentives for long play.


    That's just my viewpoint though but then again, I'm derailing the topic. 


    Back on topic, I wonder how revives would work with Unariu's Void Shadow/Void Chrysalis if this change was implemented? If Void mode is Cancelled while reviving, then how would other methods of applying invisibility function? Would it just cancel those as well?

  22. As much as I hate to say it, I have to agree with the concept of putting in a limiter. Having some sort of cool down on death would be fine, but how often do we come out of Void mode in a mission to die? However, I can see it slowing down Eidolon hunting considerably though. Maybe a 5 second or 10 second cool down on entry would be more prudent maybe?

    7 hours ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

    Edit: Come to think of it i'd like to add that the new and upcoming Elite alerts are supposed to be harder by giving us only one life, but with rezing being such a given i see a problem in that context, too.

    From what I understand Resurrecting is infinite as long as there's somebody to resurrect you, even so I can already see an uptick in the amount of Vazarin users for Elite Alerts. That alone makes me happy.


    4 hours ago, Ventura_Highway said:

    Eidolons though, I'm pretty sure some of those attacks, especially the ground arm-smashes would be damn near undodgeable without void mode.

    Actually, they have some janky hit boxing in places, but I've noticed that bullet jumping at the right time directly upward can dodge them. That's not to say that it works every time, but it does get around the issue a bit.

  23. The design of Vauban has always been favorable to the "Trap & Sap" Formula, building the concept of deploying defensive and offensive options onto the battlefield to better assist the team movement and survivability. This redesign is a guideline to my own views on Vauban, how to improve his kit and better fit him into the role of a Combat Engineer and Fortification Master which his namesake implies.

    This design allows for the base stats of Vauban to be retained. The primary focus of this rework will be to retool is first two abilities in a quick manner with the reuse of assets and designs from other comparable Warframes/Weapons.

    Provided that the first two abilities go over well, I will include a retooling for his 3 and 4.


    Passive (Reinforce) : 25% more Damage Enemies under Shock/Radiation/Magnetic and Incapacitate Effects from abilities (i.e. Bastille)

    The current design of his Passive is okay, but limited in the current form. The inclusion of the "Shock/Radiation/Magnetic" allows for better use of Vauban's kit, since Radiation, Shock, and Magnetic Procs are common among his abilities. This would also allow for stacking, giving him an upward maximum of 100% more damage from his abilities alone.. 


    Ability 1: Tesla Tower (TOWER OF POWER!)

    The Tesla Tower is a direct update to the Tesla formula. Like with the current Tesla he throws spherical ball at the targeted area, but instead the ball is a signal beacon which calls down a Tesla Tower from the Liset. This Tesla Tower is similar in looks as the Ferrox Spear, but creates a cascading electrical field in non-expandable radius around the base of the tower. This field applies a Shock Proc (can be charged to increase the chance) to all enemies running through the field. The Tesla Tower has no duration either, but to compensate for this only a limited number can be deployed (Up to 3) at any given time and recasting the skill beyond the select number will remove the first tower in the chain.

    The Tower may seem barebones, but with the application of "Tower Linking" via the Augment "Tesla Link" it becomes considerably more advanced. With each Tesla Tower linked within a pre-set radius (not changeable via mods), the Towers base effects are amplified with a maximum capacity (Say 3 for now). Not only increasing the damage output of the base tower, but all successive towers in the chain. This linking with "Tesla Link" would allow the Tesla Towers to become Slash/Electro Fences creating a centralized fortification for those enemies that get through the front lines.

    Additionally, both with the Augment and without, the Towers will be able to be picked up and moved, similar to the Shield that Volt Deploys to the battlefield. Thus creating a dynamic and player-driven experience.



    Alternatively, it could also just blast R&B music from the band Tower of Power : 



    [Diagrams are soon to follow for those interested]


    Ability 2: Nullifying Burst (BASE FORM! NULL! VOID! *Guitar Riff*)

    His second ability is called "Nullifying Burst", replacing the old Minelayer ability but also folding concepts of it into workable sub-variants. Nullifying Burst on its own doesn't do any damage, but instead deflects and nullifies all projectiles within an expanding radius, similar to Nova's Molecular Prime or Mag's Polarize. This pulse provides a direct survival aspect to Vauban, but synergizes well with Bastille which covers the Melee side of the spectrum.

    This is still a One-handed ability, but instead of Vauban throwing a ball he instead just activates it from his hand. This is to give him a centralized ability rather than a thrown one, since he desperately needs something centered on him for survival.


    Sub-variant - Concuss & Shred (DUAL FORM! CONCUSS! SHRED! *Jazzy Beat*)

    The of Nullifying Burst allows for the retooling of the ability through selection, similar to the current Minelayer but with only three selections instead of four. These selections are designed to quickly change the way we interact with the surroundings, provide spacing, and create holes in hordes of enemies.

    The Concuss mode will deactivate the base Nullifying Burst and replace it with a quick pulse of Radiation which staggers and irradiates foes within Line-of-Sight. 

    The Shred mode will also deactivate the base Nullifying Burst into a Localized Blast that Shreds enemy armor and applies a Knockdown. This Localized Blast is centered on Vauban and is meant to directly give Vauban a quick spacing/clearing tool when surrounded.


    These are just my hopes for Vauban, but just to be clear about the reason I don't want a turret or drones on Vauban is that I find them a cop-out for people who don’t know what to do with him when there are plenty of design ideas that could be implemented that retain his character. The design above is a way to make up for what Vauban lacks in defenses, but also expand the concept of Player Agency with the frames deployed objects.

    What do you folks think? Better? Worse? Give some Feedback, Please.

    Thanks for your time.

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