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Posts posted by Urabask

  1. 31 minutes ago, Husla said:

    Warframe itself is full of bugs, PoE is full of bugs. Nothing can be bugfree. Even if the game mode has little audience, it has an active audience who do them everyday. Image raids having its own set of team fixing problems like conclave. I personally never raided until last year. When I did it once, I did it everyday for several months straight. It was mainly with my clan, we would always mess around but it was fun. I doubt I'll ever get that experience from other aspects of them game.

    We've read that thread many times. With DE, it took them well over 3 years to bring back DS and even then it looks bland. I suggest you stop trying to be a whiteknight. Removal of any part of this game is beyond silly.

    This difference is people are actually playing PoE.  Somewhere between 1-3% of the player population plays raids at all on a daily basis.  Asking DE to throw resources (ie time and thus money) at content that has pretty much no returns is ridiculous.

  2. 4 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    Riven Transmutation is just a trap for fools. It is basically a system that takes in endo (4 junk rivens) and gives you back less endo (1 junk riven). Rivens would be end game if we had content to use them in that did not require us to wait in endless for enemy level to ramp up.

    If you're worried about wasting endo you can get from junk rivens you a.) don't know how to farm endo and b.) aren't really at end game.

  3. 2 hours ago, Zephyr_TheMLGPro said:

    Idk i ran 7 bounties today, got 5 L1 relics(Loki systems one).

    Its all RNG gods, maybe you haven't sacrificed something to them recently.

    Because the Axi relics have a 40%+ drop rate on the last stage of the bounty.  I don't know why they didn't do that on all of the bounties : |

  4. 9 minutes ago, Saturmorn_Carvilli said:

    No, the problem was the players that went Public and then proceeded to just do one segment.  Or worse, just wait at the door for the rest of the squad to do before leaving.  Way too many host migrations and 'asterisk' moves.  If players did that on Solo not disturbing others we would probably still have our relatively easy vaulted relics farming.  At least through the weekend when DE would see there were way too many relics generated.

    What they really needed to do is just reward a relic for completing a bounty.  They also needed bounties specifically for farming relics.  Trying to shoehorn the unvaulted relics into normal bounties is always going to cause problems.  Edit: oops double post.

  5. 10 hours ago, FireSegment said:

    The more valuable the visit are, the more you punish players that can't log in and get the stuff in that time window

    Actually the more valuable the visits are the higher the supply of those items entering the market is.  So even if you can't get them while Baro is available buying them with plat will be cheaper.  Even without taking that into consideration having more players with access to primed mods is better for the game because it means they don't have to get carried through sorties/eidolons.

  6. 1 hour ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    Assuming you want anything at all to do with trade channel, which they do not.

    You don't have to use trade chat.  Just use WFM, post an ember chassis etc., get in your dojo and talk to a few people.  I posted four ember chassis this morning and got eight people offering to buy them within one minute.  If you can't even bothered to put in that much time you're going to end up having to pay actual cash for all your slots/potatoes/etc.

  7. 32 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    I agree that Consoles should get what PC gets as soon as the stuff gets through cert.

    Again, maybe some people appreciate these more than you do?

    I mean, none of the rewards are objectively trash; I know several players who would rather pay the ducat/credit price of Scorch than deal with trading.

    Like I said, I'd support measures against excessive proportions of repeats, but I don't see any point in making Baro weekly or enforcing "new stuff" quotas.

    I could understand normally, but with the unvaulting you've got common/uncommon drops that are in such high demand that would mean you would at most need ~5 minutes to get the plat needed to buy those mods.

  8. 28 minutes ago, Tellakey said:

    Well, there's bound to be trash every once in a while. 

    Don't forget that Baro is not there for only one person. Everybody will always have something they need from Baro and that means that collectors like you and I who already have most items will find Baro's usual stock useless. Little by little DE introduces new rarities. Patience is key.

    Eh.  His current stock goes beyond just being bad; he's ripping players off.  150k credits + 300 ducats is 3-6x as expensive as buying those mods from trade chat.

  9. 1 minute ago, xBelgabor said:

    At least those that aren't super rare drops.

    It's especially annoying since he's on Pluto so it isn't even a nice thing for new players to get mods they might have trouble getting at their progression level.

    The prices are too high for new players anyways. And that's not even getting into 300 ducats being somewhere around 30 plat worth of prime parts for mods that sell for 5-10.

  10. On 2/6/2018 at 5:06 PM, (PS4)Talyx82 said:

    The real question is how does this affect the ability to advance MR if items are more limited? I've found myself in a tough spot of being locked out of anything in my MR due to crafting materials I did not yet have access to, and thus making it difficult to advance my MR. Primarily an issue when not part of a big active clan where others can carry you and ferry you which should not be a requirement. Then, once hitting MR 10, it seems like you practically need to craft every possible item in the dojo and get every blueprint out there including primes to make it to new MRs anyway. Are they going to lessen the affinity curve for gaining MR?

    Also, MR advancement encourages people to play things they do not enjoy playing. While the idea of expanding your horizons is noble and dandy, it also forces players to have experiences they will not enjoy because it is opposed to their play style, which is not what a game is about.


    You can hit MR 14 getting all the easy star chart frames/easy quest frames and the market blueprint weapons.  If you get some sentinels/archwings/archwing weapons/prime items/invasion weapons it'll go even faster.  You shouldn't even need to touch the dojo although there are plenty of clans that'll give you an  invite and not expect much out of you.  IMO the real problem is that they locked a lot of the best weapons at higher MR so you're going to end up slogging through the star chart waiting to get to MR 10-12.  If anything the resources it takes to upgrade some of the mandatory weapon mods and the gap in effectiveness caused by not having some primed mods is more of a problem than MR.

    57 minutes ago, (PS4)atpbx said:

    I am a day one PS4 player and MR...... 21 i think, simply becuase there are weapons i cant even be bothered to build and strap to my character and go sit in Hydron for 20 minutes just to rank up and melt.

    Yeah, my brother was MR 18 for the longest time because of this.  I started playing October and hit MR 22 just because I'm more willing to sit in hydron/grind out mutagen masses.


  11. 6 hours ago, kambinks said:

    It'll die down. Its just that people are capitalizing on Loki parts being expensive and want to rush selling before things gets normal. Additionally the ones that have to have the newest things as soon as possible but after the dust settles i think its a good way to add more actually good rewards on the bounties. Considering you can complete one as fast as a defense run or 5 minutes survivor its workable imo. 

    Though I think the Lith Meso and Neo relics have very harsh drop rates but I guess its necessary so people don't burn out through content too fast.

    Pretty sure they didn't adjust the lith/meso/neo drop rates because they just shoehorned unvaulted relics into current bounties without thinking much about it.

  12. 5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Bieltan said:

    Whilst playing today, the bulk of my relics dropped on the final stage of the bounty. I dont think a single one dropped at the start. Anyone else notice this?

    Technically this shouldn't be possible unless they randomly decided to rollback the changes to bounties.  Did Xbox One even get the bounty changes in their latest update?

  13. 34 minutes ago, jd2fs said:

    The probability for axi relic dropping is much better than for the lith. It does not make any sense when the non-POE Axi relics are harder to get than the Lith.

    Because the bounty tables are weighted based on the rewards they want players getting from them.  They probably felt there was a need for players to be able to easily get axi relics/cetus wisps/breath of the eidolon.  The other bounties just seem to fill out their drop tables with resources that are annoying to farm so you get something out of them while you're farming Gara.  Then they shoehorned the unvaulting into bounties without much thought and it doesn't work as well for the neo/lith/meso relics since they seemed to have assumed we already have a ton from Hydron/Helene/Akkad/etc.

  14. 5 minutes ago, PrivateRiem said:

    That's a very, very bad suggestion, as every crypto miners are trying to get rid of their cards, and used GPUs running 24/7 at 100% for months on end won't last long after you buy them, if the fan doesn't die first.

    Additionally, I have strong doubts that any of those GPUs can actually run the game better than anything people are already using. 2Gb of Vram isn't nearly enough for modern gaming, Warframe included.

    Not really, just use r/hardwareswap or something.  I'm not suggesting people jump on ebay and buy a random card.

  15. 29 minutes ago, PrivateRiem said:

    Have any of you fools looked at GPU prices recently? Telling people to stop being poor and buy new hardware is absurd when nothing is in stock and when it is, it's 2-3x the price.

    You can find a used 1060/970 for ~$200-250. That's really about all you need for Warframe.

    27 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    Where has anyone said "stop being poor"?

    What's being said is that there are cheaper alternatives and suggestions to actually go looking for them, over making posts that whine or bash.  

    Also, please tell me again about how GPU's are outlandishly expensive.


    lol.  That's an OEM card.  You could just settle and get a used 670 for $50 lol.

  16. 40 minutes ago, LabMan95 said:

    Rivens are supposed to, according to DE, "breathe life into less used weapons". That's why you see insane stats on weapons like the lato and machete, and much more tame stats on weapons like the soma and tigris. It was never meant to buff the popular weapons, since (at least a vast majority of the playerbase follows, myself included) the popular, most used weapons are typically the best.

    All weapons having a 3 dot disposition is a VERY bad idea. The "meta" weapons would never stop being used because their riven has the same stats as something weak, like the cronus (for example)

    Usage is still a bad and frankly lazy gauge for deciding disposition.  It's basically like DE admitting they can't be bothered to actual do the work required to make a weapon useful and that they'd rather just throw **** at the wall to see what sticks.

  17. 1 hour ago, Kiwinille said:

    That's completely fine and up to you. I find it funny you mention Equinox to replace Ember though, after talking about power scaling on enemies which Equinox requires to recast for a nuke because base damage ticks (which are limited per target, not infinite until the enemy dies) fall off on really early levels with low slash base damage. The only reason Equinox works in farming focus/exp missions is because enemies don't scale high enough and because Rhino's buff, which makes her initial slash ticks stronger enough to kill said lower level enemies before they scale.

    You do get the reason why I brought up equinox is because you toggle maim on and off, right?  When you toggle it off any damage on the maim counter gets dealt to enemies and generally speaking if you kill a few enemies you can work it high enough to wipe the whole map. It's like adding two more steps to do what ember/banshee were already doing and we're going to pretend that it matters that you have to wait a bit and press four a couple more times.

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