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Posts posted by Urabask

  1. Just now, Pent_ said:

    Yes, lets discount an argument because you don't personally like those games. At least those games do what is advertised, and what they do they do exceptionally well. Grinding is not an issue with Warframe, it's how unfun and repetitive the grinding gets. Even builds come down to a few subsets of the same thing. You can edit them just a bit to fit a different paradigm, but it doesn't change much. Warframe's enemies are cookie cutter reskins and slight changes on what we already have. Our melee system is a joke of just pressing E a bunch of times.

    No, I'm discounting your argument because you could apply all of the problems you have with Warframe to the games that you listed off.  You just make excuses for them because you like them but you complain about them in Warframe because you've got some sort of personal problem with how DE treated you or someone you know.

    2 minutes ago, Pent_ said:

    By the way, Path of Exile is an incredibly good hack and slash ARPG. Redoing content on harder difficulties as a staple of the genre. Warframe? It's an amalgamation of a bunch of different things. It's a Jack of All Trades, Ace of None kind of game, and they've had plenty of time to polish it but they don't. Instead they double down. Raids don't work? F*** it, lets add an open world map, those are popular now right? Archwing still not popular? Well instead of incentivising and fixing the missions revolving around them, lets just slap it in our open world without any real thought and only halfway.

    Translation: I have no problem with bad game design if they slap a label on it.

    9 minutes ago, Pent_ said:

    And don't even get me started on the moderation system they have in place. Oh you said g-word? Banned. We won't tell you we banned you for it, and we won't tell you for how long. We won't even put the rules of our chatrooms in an easily accessible place. Oh you traded someone your Maiming Strike for 700p and that person had got it from a third party reseller? Well now you're banned until you can get a hold of support or pay to balance out your account. Yeah that's a real good system. It's automated, it's clunky, and it's bullS#&$.

    And there's the personal problems.  

  2. 23 minutes ago, Pent_ said:

    Path of Exile


    i.e.  A game based on re-grinding the same lazy shallow content over and over again.  It's almost like you don't apply the same standards to other games.

    23 minutes ago, Pent_ said:

    Runescape even has a grind for membership status now


    26 minutes ago, Pent_ said:

    League of Legends new paymodel

    Oh Christ.

    You have to be trolling at this point.

  3. 15 hours ago, Pent_ said:

    I disagree in them being the best F2P game. They have one of the better pay models, but their game is so unpolished, and they handle a ton of things so poorly. I supported them a long time ago but more and more they keep causing me to lose faith.

    Maybe if they actually focus on polishing what's already there instead of adding empty and shallow content I'd change my tune. Hell, even redoing their awful autoban system would be a step in the right direction, or not being so standoffish when met with criticism about how they handle issues with players, or hell, holding certain partnered content creators to some kind of standard instead of letting them insult, hurt, and attack other members of the community and shoving it all under the rug.

    Come on DE. The way you handle some things is very player and customer hostile and just rude.

    What F2P games are you putting on a pedestal above Warframe with your lazy critique here?  

  4. 3 hours ago, toxicitzi said:

    and that's a serious problem with the game's economy. The structure there is, the devs removed the access we previously had to these items and like a product that has no more production from the main firm, you end up with scalpers everywhere.

    In fact, why is it that I've only ever heard of Warframe having its entire economy built off of scalpers?

    Yes it is. I've played other MMOs too and about the vast majority of their events were boosts to rates, or fashion clothing that had no inherent advantages, or any inherent advantages greater than the in game loot people sought. This is a peculiar one, where in almost all its events, items similar to higher tiers in other MMOs are broken up into event exclusive, or scarcity from no longer being attainable and I'm talking about higher grades of items/upgrades here, the same ones you'd get in other MMOs from the latter in game content.

    It's not scalping though.  Making a profit based on scarcity is a fundamental part of all mmo economies. You can complete any activity in the game without the items you're complaining about.  All they really represent is a time and resource sink for endgame players.

  5. 19 hours ago, STHong said:

    but what should i do ? atleas i tyried this way.................  any helps?

    The point is that simply logging in at some cyber cafes can get your account banned.  The best thing to do is just wait on support to answer your ticket.  They probably have a backlog from over the holiday so it might take longer than usual.

  6. Aside from the event timing the only real problem I had with it was having to scour the map to find the acolyte if it wasn't spawning somewhere along the objective/extraction route.  Having him do the equivalent of hiding in a broom closet on the opposite side of the map really makes no sense.

  7. 16 hours ago, Pizzarugi said:

    Third, JV, LoR and extermination isn't all there is to the game. Excavation is a thing, survival is a thing, interception and defense is a thing, and guess what, there's spin2win players there too. And just because there's missions that doesn't revolve around extermination doesn't mean you can't speed through the area and slaughter everything on the way to the objective. But yeah, let's just focus on extermination and bosses with invulnerability phases I guess.

    This is pretty much the entire objective of upgrading anything in this game.  If your goal is to prevent this then you're just asking for masochistic nerfs that only results in everyone having to take more time to do something for the same rewards we were getting before.  Unless DE drastically increases rewards there isn't much point in asking for these kinds of nerfs.

    7 minutes ago, random__noob said:

    If nerfed to the ground, there would be a wave of high end players just uninstalling this. Which is probably fine for DE anyway. There is no money you can gain from people that can trade for 1000+ platinum in a day's worth of trading some old stuff they have lying around.

    There is money in essentially removing large amounts of plat from the economy. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, toxicitzi said:

    the problem with anyone defending this is, these are rewards people will want. If people didn't want the rewards, there wouldn't be price gauging going on in trading for them. Not to mention, there's an objective value in their use and any event thing in any other game, is mostly purely cosmetic, or something that can easily be replaceable by something else, this isn't the case here.


    in short, F*** the these mods, the way they're implemented and especially the Prime vault. You guys find me one MMO in which players won't want to get items, or better said, upgrades to their builds. I don't think you can.

    The prime vault and these mods represent one of the few ways that you can get plat relatively easily to buy slots and potatoes.  If we were all reliant on selling prime sets for 40P a piece it would take forever to get anything without spending.  Everyone complains about Maiming Strike and Argon scope, but Mania dropped Weeping wounds left and right.  And he was available after the holiday.  If anything he represented the use of time during the event since he drops an uncommon mod that'll be worth ~70+ plat after the event.

  9. 1 hour ago, (Xbox One)XGN DrFeelGood said:

    1. Riven inflation has gone through the roof and underwhelmed the reason why there are Rivens. If a said number of people have the Riven in the newer weapons it gets marketed towards players who would have 80 USD of platinum on hand. Last week some of them were at the price of 500 premium currency. If a person wanted the small difference the Disposition has, then more alternative builds would be recommended or placed on YouTube to stave off the predator pricing 

    500 plat won't even get you an unrolled trash riven for some weapons on PC.  You're looking at 4,000+ for a really good roll.

    1 hour ago, (Xbox One)XGN DrFeelGood said:

    2. False scarcity creates a impracical situation. Wheather it be a Riven that has several dozen unveiled as that type or items from different mods and primes it is certain there is many; but the Holidays have not been to blame for parts missing from the trade chat market. The Akbolto Prime receivers, for example, As one of many parts are there now; but a number of people will watch a person repost several times to give them a price of 3x or 10x the original, which is a mistake on the other party. The effort to hold back players from the item they can trade for is taken far in some cases as the seller who will look for items and turn around with parts they have to run up the price. Not only does it make an above average among of competition in the trade chat; but players can't use corosponding items to the said items, such as a Akbolto Riven to a Akbolto Prime that has no people who are selling the receiver.

    Akbolto receivers are relatively scarce though. It's a rare drop from a new Axi relic and you need two of them to craft the weapon.

    1 hour ago, (Xbox One)XGN DrFeelGood said:

    4. The hostlity for a few dollars work of premium currency is not effective to the trade chat. With several posts to inflate the price of some items it has set up a bad environment; before the buyers try to work a deal. This overwhelming prescense of hostile players caused the trade chat to work slower and prevent suppliers from getting to their buyers. Trades are mild; but it does not send a good message to veteran and new players when the chat is spammed by the wrong crowd. It is unfortunate when the convience is replaced by the hostile crowd.

    Most of trade chat is people trying to scam people out of their items with lowball prices.  e.g. The acolyte event just ended on PC and people are still trying to buy Maiming Strike for 200 plat when it never really dropped much below 450 and everyone knows it'll spike to 800+ soon.

  10. 2 hours ago, pvtpokeymon said:

    Yeah I'm sorry but after 137 attempts and not one maiming, this event has produced enough anger from me that I'm probably not gunna play for another 6 months anyway, and I'd rather die than have another player benefit 56 dollars of platinum out of me to get it.

    Solution: Wait a few months, sell the Bladed Rounds and Weeping Wounds you got from grinding then use that plat to buy your meme strike.

  11. 19 hours ago, DreamsmithJane said:

    Gee, it's almost like recent memory shows us three very similar "casually kill everything" weapons getting nerfed, because DE actually doesn't approve of that kind of gameplay.

    All you're describing is the nerf/buff cycle every game in this genre has.  That doesn't really change that the game always ends up coming full circle and we all just end up wasting forma/credits/endo/plat because of threads like this. 

  12. 2 hours ago, kuciol said:

    Thousands of player have more time than usual to play this time of the year, millions of people dont celebrate Christmas. Did that cross your mind? What makes you feel that you are more important than me? They couldnt choose better time to host that event for me. And dont start saying "most players" because you have 0 statistics to back up that claim, and just by looking at how much lively the region chat became i can say its the opposite. Life is not fair, never will be, just accept that. 

     : |

    NA/EU regions are populated almost entirely with players that live in areas where the vast majority of the population celebrates Christmas as a secular or religious holiday.  In the US it's something like 90% of the population.  It's arguable how many people had more or less free time during the holiday but I don't know who you're kidding if you really think Christmas eve was the best time for Violence to pop up.

  13. 42 minutes ago, DreamsmithJane said:

    The difference between the two sides of this is that one side actively disrupts the gameplay of the other, while the other just wants the opportunity to actually do something without somebody undermining the core design of the game and all of its nuance by mashing three buttons. You are defending mashing three buttons in place of gameplay, and you have the gall to call this thread "brainless"?

      90% of the game can just be run with Ember/Saryn/Equinox/Banshee sitting in one spot wiping the map and that IS intended.  The idea viable endgame melee somehow breaks the game is ridiculous.  It's just an extension of the same type of gameplay that is encouraged right from the beginning.  The problem here is more that there is always a vocal minority that wants games like this to be more difficult and they believe that if their pet issues are solved the game will become the best thing since sliced bread.  I hate to break it to you but Warframe will continue to have casual gameplay as a core element.  Maiming strike builds represents the kind of gameplay that this game has and always will encourage so it's kind of puzzling that people believe it needs a nerf.

    42 minutes ago, DreamsmithJane said:

    Frankly, the whole world would do better with fewer people who don't want to try at all, and cheat or cheese every chance they get.

    Yeah, because clearly using a mod that hasn't been changed since it was released twenty months ago is some sort of exploit.  

  14. 14 minutes ago, (PS4)xxVINxx said:

    Maybe I'm not being clear. I'm talking about the people that start the elevator even tho their teammates are mere seconds behind them. 

    They push the button so that it closes on their teammates faces! Lol

     Was in a sortie run where a guy was stuck for a solid five minutes because everyone in the elevator kept pushing the button when he tried to drag it back down to him.  Totally worth it.

    • Like 2
  15. 6 minutes ago, Unagi604 said:

    So the complaint is not about formas, but about not having the resources to craft a forma?

    I don't know how to say this nicely so I will go as neutral as possible. Based on this information, I have a pessimistic outlook for the newer player base of Warframe.

    Probably moreso the crafting time since forma is more of a time gate than anything else.


    2 hours ago, SparedCookie said:

    You are correct, thought I would argue it would only make it slightly faster to complete a set, as the speed increase would only come from finding a squad faster. That is my main intention - to make finding a squad easier and faster. The system rolls the same relic four times already, it's just that finding 3 other people willing to do that same relic tends to be hard at times. In new system it'd roll four times aswell, except, as you said, from same relic. That does not, in my opinion, affect the market because you would still need radiant to join a radshare squad and you would still need radiant version of specific relic that drops specific item you want (same as now). So if I want a Helios Cerbrum I still need to get Lith H1 and still need to (for the best effect) refine it to radiant.

    Most players don't do radshares so it would have a much more significant impact on the supply of items than you're implying.

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