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Posts posted by Kselia

  1. On 3/4/2023 at 5:59 PM, Dante said:

    Happens when you spam the Interact button. A 'feature' from a recent update (Interact button now dismounts you from the boss).

    THANK YOU! I was so confused why the fight just didnt work anymore. I indeed had the habit of mashing X when jumping towards it, to hit that split second of interact range before it dashes away. Disallowing mashing makes the fight slightly harder, but not in a way that feels meaningful, so... there should maybe be a short cooldown after mounting before the dismount context option is enabled? Or make dismount a Hold X interaction, like with the tentacle thingies that get you out of the iso vaults. Since usually you do not want to dismount the Ropololyst.

    • TYPE: In-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: After getting the cache from the Ice mine and destroying 4/4 Security nodes on Mammon's Prospect, just like I did probably a dozen times before, instead of opening up the big Corpus vessel so I could progress to the Orphix stage, all mission markers and objectives just dissappeared (see first screenshot), however, no mission end screen appeared nor was the Navigation console unlocked (also see first screenshot). However, after some searching around I decided to abort and try again, but when I hit Return to Dojo in the ESC menu, I got a mission end screen (see second screen shot) and yes, I was allowed to keep the rewards, I checked for the Nautilus Cerebrum in my Inventory afterwards.
    • VISUAL: lqmp9US.jpggpdv77X.jpg
    • REPRODUCTION: No idea. I don't think I did anything special.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: After clearing the space objective(s) (Destroy 4 Security Nodes) the mission should progress to the next stage (Enter the BIG SHIP).
    • OBSERVED RESULT: After clearing the in-space objective(s) all mission markers and objectives disappeared, however, upon Return to Dojo, the mission was counted as successfully finished wrt rewards.
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: Just this once so far
    • TYPE: In-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: After leaving the Corpus vessel with the Orphix', this orange orb thingy was all that was there to see. It's texture kinda flimmered. Complete loss of functionality, except chat. No ESC menu, no abilities, no movement. /unstuck moved me (and my friend) a tiny bit according to minimap, but did not fix the issue. Visuals and loss of control was the same for my friend. When I closed the game (Alt+F4, since no ESC menu) he got a host migration and could finish the mission normally (ie return to Railjack, the only thing that missing to get the rewards >.>).
    • VISUAL: sqqtvii.jpg
    • REPRODUCTION: Happend just this once so far, right after hitting EXIT in the enemy vessel with the Orphixes in an Orphix mission. When entering I had the Railjack parked very close to the entrance, maybe we got stuck in there?
    • EXPECTED RESULT: After hitting EXIT the Tenno should return to space in their Archwings.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: After hitting EXIT the Tenno got stuck with a part of an orange orb(?) filling most of their screen and a total loss of functionality, except chat
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: Just this once so far, but for all players in the squad.
    • TYPE: In-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: After repairing an electrical hazard on my Railjack, the UI was still fizzling (see screenshots) and when I tried to open the tactical menu it told me to repair the electronics first to use, but there was nothing to repair (Full minimap of RJ visible in 1st screenshot). Fizzled UI persisted during the 'recalibrate/overheat reactor' stage (2nd screenshot) and even after successfully finishing the mission and returning home to my dry dock (3rd and 4th screenshot).
    • VISUAL: Screenshots taken with F6, no idea if uploading to imgur preserves meta data. But it seems there is no way to upload them to the forum directly.qxMpSCd.jpguSwviDZ.jpguYpdGia.jpgaQVzbSd.jpg
    • REPRODUCTION: No idea. Happend only once, [E: Managed to get this again, same Volatile mission, also after 29.10.3] after repairing the electronics they were still broken. I repaired then "by hand" ie using the Omni and not with remote repair (obviously, since remote repair requires the tactical menu which is disabled during electrical hazards.).
    • EXPECTED RESULT: Reairing electrical hazards should remove the effect of electrical hazards.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Repairing an electrical hazard removed the sparking cables were one can repair them, but not all the other detrimental effects of the hazard (fizzed UI + disabled tactical menu)
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: Happend just this once twice so far.
    • Like 1
  2. Not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but here goes:

    • TYPE: In-Game, Volatile Missions
    • DESCRIPTION: In the on-bard phase, where you have to recalibrate the reactor, the overheating will randomly start after spending some time on the vessel. If you rush straight to the reactor room, you can push the button to start the process (as expected), but if you take your time to explore the map first it will start on its own, regardless where you are. The first time this happend I was already inthe reactor room, so it was fine, The second time, I was far away and hadnt found the room yet. It didnt help that until the first pipe gets marked there are no waypoints at all (and the initial waypoint to the reactor room is removed) and that the pipe waypoints only show up at the pipes location on the minimap and HUD, but do not show you the doors you need to take to get to them (unlike for example exit wayppoints). The reactor quickly overheated and 15s I was greeted by the Mission Failed screen. Which is a shame since I had done 3 POIs and a ton of steath kills in that mission already :(
    • VISUAL: -
    • REPRODUCTION: Run around the on the vessel with the reactor in a Volatile mission w/o triggering the overheating process manually.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: The Overheating stage in Volatile missions should only start if the button is pressed (or when at least one Tenno is close to the reactor)
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Overheating started randomly on its after spending some time on the vessel and I had no way to figure out how to get the reactor, so the ship blew up and the mission failed.
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: So far the happened everytime I didnt rush to the reactor room.
  3. When i'm on Cetus and try to change the Arsenal mode to Archwing this happens:


    The framerate, time and RAM in the lower left corner keep running, chat still works and the mouse still moves, but the rest of the UI is frozen. Also the background changes to black (duh). ESC etc do not work, only way to get the game back to normal is ALT+F4 and restart.

  4. Even worse, this also happens when the Divata autotargets a Corpus turrent (so far only noticed this with non active ones) or an enemy who is/moves behind cover. The charge into the turrent or obstacle will instantly kill you. This makes it nearly impossible to use her Razorwing inside Corpus ships, as there is always some turrent in autotargeting range.

  5. It was almost funny. Just finished a hosted alert - Pluto extermination - and the red fail effect flashed by after about 10 seconds with black screen - cursor only. Then lotus started going trough all her messages and her text appeared in the upper left corner - could only see the last 2 lines tho.

    Then black screen.

    Then Couldn't update account information and disconnect to Sol map.

    After log off, I've got the same issue.

    sums up pretty well what happens for a host, if anyone of DE is reading this and might need a scenario describtion :)

  6. Heyo,

    stumbled upon your tool just now and love it :D

    Just one thing that always bugged me when i calculated WF-weapong dps myself, also seems to be ignored by the tool:

    If you use a semi-auto weapon you may have a high firerate (like akbolto with basefirerate of 10shots/s) and high dmg per bullet so the site correctly calculates the possible max dps with that weapon, but you would need to click ten times per second or even faster if using the default mod setups. I tryed that and got up to 6clicks/sec when clicking normally fast (and about 9c/s when raping my mouse :P ) - so the real dps for me with semi-auto weapons would be a lot lower then calculated using the max. firerate.

    In case im not missing any way to max out my click/firespeed with semi-auto weapons, it would be nice to have the opportunity to set ones max clickspeed somewhere on the site and then have it calculate the dps for semi-aito weapons using the max c/s as cap for the firerate.

    Nothing really importend, just in case you get bored :D

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