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Posts posted by PsionicSt0rm

  1. Well, they didn't say it WONT be on the PC, it might pull a GTA and release it later after porting and optimisation. Though i will probably balance which ever has me hooked the most.


    Edit: What would be awesome is if both had a larger open world setting but that's another discussion entirely.

  2. *Looks at Penta, which loses damage if you substitute Infected Clip or Stormbringer with the event mods*


    Thats not true, unless you are talking about weapons which have a high status chance, but no elemental damage, in which case, your "kinda" right. 

    Yeah I mean weapons that are worth having status mods on. I understand where the "kinda" comes from but it is still more difficult to mod something for status when the 2 great status mods are currently unobtainable bar trade.

  3. I completely agree on the Founder's items and Closed Beta exclusives but, someday, I'd really like to see all of the events put together into some sort of campaign mode. Not only just for the rewards but, just to be able to replay the events themselves :+)


    This would not only be fun to replay but it would give players (veterans and newcomers alike) a chance to pick up these awesome items. I totally get why people who were present for the events and earned their rewards on the first go around might be a mite touchy about the subject though. Personally, I am only missing  four weapons from the aresenal: the 2 Closed Beta Vandals, the Snipetron Vandal and the Strun Wraith. I have everything else. And, I would not mind at all if other players, new or veteran, got the chance to acquire an 'exclusive' weapon I own as long as they are willing to put in the same effort everyone else did when the event in question was live.


    Which ever side of the debate you are on, I think we all must realize that "Exclusivity" is part of DE's business model, and that cannot be disregarded because: It Works! I can tell you, after taking like a 6 week break and missing the Wraith and the Snipe Vand, I sure as Hek keep an eye on the forums and what's happening in general Warframe land.


    In the end though, it just seems like a waste to not recycle the events in some matter because development time went into them. And they are freekin fun! So put me down in the "let's recycle events/rewards" column.


    Perhaps a temporal rift could open every 3 months or so that would allow a player to enter "Campaign Mode" and go through the events? Maybe it would require a clan room to be built? Might even add to player retention. Maybe offer chance at reward items but player must buy own slot for it...etc


    While it's impossible to please everyone, I'm sure there is some common ground to be found here somewhere...

    This is what I'm hoping DE might do, have some sort of campaign mode separate but dependant on the p2p experience with just roaming around and exploring just like the SEA PSO2 port.

  4. I think the reason people want the "recent" event mods is because of how they are almost imperative for making ANY status weapon meaning that, essentially, the non eventers are unable to access certain parts of weapon customization. In terms of overall exclusivity, i think things that people PAYED for should definitely remain exclusive but as for event exclusive... maybe some sort of compromise? Have them available for short "weekend" events to do some sort of difficult challenge. Maybe these "weekend" events could come round once every 6 months or more?

  5. As soon as Sega releases the damned thing in North America, I'll get back to you on that.

    Well... there was an English release in the SEA region but it is currently in CBT... and 3 major updates behind.

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