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Posts posted by Soulgazer

  1. Depends.  Lower level missions, you want balance (I go for duration, less work).  However, on the high tier void missions, your globe will get broken very quickly, so you gut duration for range and efficiency.  You basically put up a new globe every 4-8 seconds.

  2. Invulnerability makes no sense anytime.  The Grinner shouldn't have anything capable of noselling Tenno tech.  Vor at least has the excuse of the Key.  Hek?  No such excuse, just some sort of super armor.


    Plus, it removes character agency.  You have to defend until the boss stupidly reveals his weakspot.

  3. Shields don't respond well to cold:


    Cold damage has a bonus against shields

    The cold of a Hard Vacuum damages shields

    Lack of life support (Hence vacuum cold) Damages shields

    Excessive Ice, halves shields


    Infested survival is a separate issue. Spores damage everything. Life support contain a counter agent.


    Physics check time!


    Vacuum is cold in the sense that it has little to no thermal energy, but its not cold in the rate at which it drains heat from objects.  If you were to be ejected into space, you would not freeze due to space being cold (you might due the low pressure causing water on the surface of your body to evaporate though).  The primary means of heat movement, and the quickest, are convection and convention.  Both require matter to accomplish.  In space, heat can only be moved around by radiation, which is relatively slow.  Due to this, a hard vacuum isn't cold in terms of removing heat from objects.

  4. Because he is not a religious controlling liar. How do you know he is the lesser evil? We have no clue what either of them is planning. We can guess, but nothing more.

    I don't like neither of them, but I really hate nef more because of his attitude. I couldn't care less for the guns, as I know neither of them.


    Nef isn't planning anything, he can't, he isn't getting the data from this.


    Alad, on the other hand, is.  As for lesser evil, you have corpus moneymaking conman vs





  5. Let me get this straight, last time Nef was one behind it was 25 rare cores vs 50k credits. Now that nef is one ahead it's 50k vs 75k. If that's fair to you then you need glasses and a mental evaluation. 


    The second time Nef was one behind it was 50k vs 75k.  The first time he was behind it was 100k vs Sald's 20 blue cores.

  6. Even the merc murderhobo outlook is justified by the fact that the Sentients are returning.  The Tenno defeated them before, but that was at the height of the Orokin empire.  The Tenno are nowhere near as strong as they were, and they need to regain that power at any cost.  The Corpus, Grineer, even the Infestation, are just nuisances and obstacles compared to the true ancient nemesis of the Tenno.

  7. Nuu, don't touch my Frost.  He's been hurt badly enough by DE.  I don't want him to end up like Ember.

  8. ...It's as if no one realizes they can get both weapons eventually.

    Support a televangelist con man, or offer a sick man (in more ways than one) the chance of redemption?

    Yeah, real tough choice.


    You mean the sick man who tortures Tenno for fun and profit?  Mhmm.




  9. The Karak Wraith can get as good as it wants, its never going to surpass the Soma Prime.  Neither weapon is going to be up there, so go with the one you think is more fun.  I prefer energy weapons to assault rifles funwise, so that's my choice.


    Lorewise, the salad captures and tortures Tenno.  And may be a pawn for the infestation.  And wants powerful data on Tyl's regenerative technology.   I can't know what he really wants to do with it.   Nef, though?  I can understand pure spite pretty damn well.

  10. If someone else kills an enemy, how is that affinity spread among my stuff?  If a team member kills with a weapon, is it 50% my weapon and 50% my warframe?  How about with a power?  Wiki wasn't clear on this.  Thanks.


    Edit: Also, as a Mesa, what is the point of Draco?  If you are killing with your power, won't your weapons not level up?

  11. And this is why I'm glad that most random shmucks in the Warframe community are not the developers. Too much "NAH MAN NEVER NERF ANYTHING" horseS#&$.

    I can't wait for DE to put out something really busted that completely invalidates other frames so that all you A******s can learn.


    I'm glad that most random shmucks in the Warframe community are not the developers, but for the opposite reason.

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