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Posts posted by Chazman80

  1. They removed the Plant Spawns because people were checking the first room, then exiting if there were no rares. Rinse/repeat.


    A welcomed change. Just play the event people, no cheating!

    How is it cheating? Some of us don't feel like grinding for a super super rare plant for 15 days. 

  2. Some things are design oversights, like the way that heavy impact or Ember's overheat were working as intended but ended up being pretty OP.



    Your lato does 6-24k crits? And your skana? Crazy.

    Fact of the matter is the Synapse needed a nudge back from OP-Land but it got thrown out the window. It needs to be good since it's pretty situational and expensive with a high mastery requirement.

    How does an overpowered weapon hurt your game play experience at all? explain your logic? If you don't like an overpowered weapon don't use it. But no, if you think something is overpowered it needs a nerf. Everyone has to be punished because you feel something is overpowered. This is the type of game were overpowered really means nothing. Me and my buddy worked hard becoming Gods, spent a lot of money and a lot of hours and resources to get to the point we were at in this game and with one nasty update they destroyed that.  


    And how did me using my overpowered synapse hurt your individual gameplay exactly? 

  3. They didn't fix anything, they ruined the synapse. I played a long time to obtain overpowered weapons and with one horrible update they destroyed clan weapons. People need to start being a little more critical of DE instead of being drones.  This was an update that didn't need to happen period.

  4. I'm still appearing offline to my friend and he can't join my game when I invite him. When he tries to join it tells him failed to join session. Is there someone I need to contact about this issue? Also, anyone else still having this issue?

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