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Posts posted by Excalibur_Prime

  1. Quests:


    Howl of the kubrow can be perma-bugged if you decide to buy an egg instead of finding one after already starting the quest. The quest does not progress, and dialogue is repeated upon being returned back to the ship. Quest hint also displays: /Lotus/Language/G1Quests/KubrowQuestHint4.

    >This. I'm not sure if this hinders the Kubrow's ability to mature into an adult or not, but the repeated dialog is getting quite annoying.

  2. I thought I'd take a moment to, now, here me out, /not/ complain about the game and its bugs (although this is useful in some cases) and thank you, Digital Extremes, for this incredible and unique game that you have been, and still are putting hard work into every day and night. You can't say you haven't frequently been working overtime for us :P. 

    I have been playing Warframe for 821 hours and still find myself coming back for more and more because of the brilliant content you guys are making for us. Usually I'm not one for repetitive games, but this game, this work of art, I would be bored out of my mind without. The Developers connect with us, the Warframe community, like no other gaming company has (in my opinion) with live streaming, keeping us up to date on what you're working on for us and even playing with us in every Prime Time episode. 

    So basically, Thank you for your dedication to this game and to us, and keep up the brilliant work! :D

    P.S: I lied about not saying anything about bugs, but I saw the reputation system poke its head up at the bottom of my screen while there was a host migration, from memory. I look forward to it in the future ;D

    P.S.S: Merch store totally needs little Tenno figurines! <3

  3. I've just qualified for the mastery 13 test and as soon as I started it I had some severe lag. Due to this lag I was not able to kill all the enemies in time before the floor disappeared from below me. 

    But Zanuka, your graphics card is probably crap!

    Far from it; it's a GTX 770m. 

    Change the mastery 13 test please to something where a person doesn't need a 4000 dollar machine just to not lag on it.

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