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Posts posted by AcewingX

  1. Everyone!


    If you encounter Stalker often and dislike that he picks on you (and are in the West Coast Region), please add me to your friendslist!


    I will (most likely) be available from the evening to early morning and will be more than honored/grateful to help you out in your time of need!


    IGN - AcewingX


    PS - Stalker invites only :c!

  2. I prefer the fix with rifle mods: buff ALL OF THEM.


    They always stated that they wanted a holy trinity going on where each department would be of equal strength/utility to one another; and the guns to powers ratio has reached somewhat of an equilibrium, however, swords are woefully behind the times.


    A lot of melee weapons that are based around normal attacks have a HUGE diminishing value compared to charge focused ones, especially in the long-run, and that's due to more than just an abysmally unbalanced Killing Blow to Pressure Point damage ratio; it also has a lot to do with the melee mods in general being under-whelming or lacking the variety and sustaining power that guns have. 


    I mean melee weapons require a BIG risk by requiring you to close range (for the most part), yet it's gimped to where only charge attacks are worth the exposure to more danger than compared to power/gun use.

  3. Unfortunately, Javelin has become useless to me due to the fact that it no longer provides invulnerability, which means it's a big liability if anything survives in close proximity of where you used it.  This can be especially dangerous when dealing with ancients or rapid laser fire from opposing forces.


    The animation for Radial Jav is far too long without the invulnerability, and due to the randomness of how the javelins target enemies 360 degrees around you: you could be dead within the next few seconds, or severely maimed.


    I don't understand why they removed the invuln frames from Radial Jav, without tweaking the ult itself to work around it; as it stands now, there's just too much of a potential liability to utilize what used to be an emergency CC with high damage potential, now it's just a nuke that can get you killed.  I would of preferred the dev's change how the javelins work, actually; the new trailer does well in showing how the jav's should work, without making you the center of attention to any left-overs. 


    PS - remove the extra few seconds of animation after utilizing radial jav, it's now a liability that plainly says to every living hostile around you: SILVER PLATTER SPECIAL, RIGHT HERE!.

  4. Back when Heat Sword wasn't a chump of a side-grade to Cronus? 


    When privileged individuals ran 100%+ power strength on Ash? 


    When range on Crush/Avalanche/Rhino Stomp/Overload would reach even behind the spawn doors in defense missions when standing in the center of the map?


    Do you remember?  Peppridge farm does.

  5. I discussed this issue (in-game) during the last month of CB, and said that DE did not have to address this concern at the moment, due to them not having enough variety in terms of frame/weapons, but it would be an issue that will be a controversial topic that will only grow in size as the game grows. 


    Unfortunately, DE seems to be procrastinating, and at this point in time; when we have 14 frames and a plethora of weapons available to us this very moment: 2 starting frame slots and 8 weapon slots are immediately going to set flags for any newcomer who sees and compares what they can "potentially" keep vs the vast amount of items out there, and most if not every one of them will see this as being a forced incentive to pay platinum just to even have a reasonably BASIC load-out, while testing newer frame/weapons to see if they would like them and buy said slots because they WANT TO.


    Not to mention that the first frame slot is automatically occupied by your starting frame: 1 of 14 DIVERSE units who are each unique in their own individual way.  Players are going to want to explore and delve into what suits them, but that 2 slot cap + the required effort/time to get one of the other 13 frames = hesitation and deterrence from testing out what may ultimately not be what they want to play as and would = wasted time/effort, because now they have to DELETE 3 days worth or more of time, just to make space for another frame, which may or may not be what they're into.  


    This concern is only going to escalate and grow proportionately equal to the amount of content DE continues to pour into the game, and I hope they are able address it sooner rather than later, because the issue is NOT about cheap-skates who want-it-all-for-free; rather, it's about being able to feel out the game and be able to see if it's what you like, which includes being able to test and re-use older built frames to compare/contrast.  The current slot availability is pure constriction on a player from the get-go, and anyone with common sense will quickly realize that the game has a pay-wall that limits you from a majority of the content, unless you either buy plat or flush what you spent time/effort crafting, in order to test new things to see if you like it.  You CANNOT even keep a basic load-out of what you like and "try" the newer frame/weapons, without having that constrictor tighten up around your neck and suffocating you UNTIL YOU BUY MORE SLOTS.


    Having that discount as a potential login reward was also a very bad move and adds more shoddiness to the situation.  I'm just saddened by the fact that people are defending what even DE admitted was an issue that needed to be addressed and fixed accordingly, but I suppose white knights will be white knights.

  6. It takes me about 1,250 normal mods (mostly the same polarity + some randoms), just to get a rank 0 serration to rank 7 + another 600 fusion cores (Common 3's mostly + some Uncommon 5's + a few rare 5's) to max it out entirely.


    Now the drop rate on common 3's and (arguably) uncommon 5's aren't too bad, but they aren't great either.  You can easily amass within a month or so; the required mods to do this, but keep in mind that this is basically 3 to 6 weeks of grindage within defense/mobile defense on a daily basis, just to max out 1 mod.  Can you imagine if DE were to go as far as rank 10 rare mods?  Not to mention they already stated they had a batch of "legendary"-esque type mods already done, but not implemented yet. 


    I much prefer them adding more variety + dual stat mods, rather than just giving an unlimited cap to most mods, which easily creates a loop-hole where the player focuses too heavily into one aspect of mods, but disregards what others have to offer due to "optimization", which I'd imagine would make DE's job harder, since they'd have to make new mods that are better than the ones you spent 1-3+ months of focused grindage to level up, and that opens up another wound to players who would have to recoup those fusion cores to invest into said new/better mods with the same unlimited cap, and it just becomes a messy endeavor in the end (imo).

  7. Or maybe properly differentiate between Kunai/Despair, since one takes some actual effort to acquire and costs more mats.


    Despair, unfortunately has a lot more draw-backs vs the cost of acquisition/resource required, while anyone can build a Kunai, which always deals the maximum amount of damage vs any target.  That +10 damage over Kunai isn't worth the -50% damage vs light infested or even general light/medium units from what I've seen.

  8. If anything, this all started from how Banshee acquisition (without purchasing) was done.  And don't let anyone tell you otherwise, because you know, YOU KNOW, how long that took to farm, before being subsequently bumped down to a lower drop table. 

  9. Think of it this way: even if you'd gotten the systems, that still leaves the chassis/helmet.  It's the same with Banshee (before they dropped her to the uncommon pool); you'd really never be any closer, even if you had two parts, since RNG played a big role.  You had to really buy into that gamblers mentality and grind your arse off + pray to get all three parts; not to mention the fact that there were specific places where certain parts dropped more frequently as compared to just randomly parading around the solar system.


    Although, I suppose with this frame: you can't do anything at all to even attempt to condition yourself into "hoping" that you can get it, because now it's entirely RNG based.


    The only real positive I can leave you with is: Glaive is in the same boat and it has appeared 4 times by now, so maybe that "eventually" might be sooner than you expect?  Atleast you aren't in a position to "DO" anything, which means you won't have to end up wasting 20 hours a day droning away, with the mind-set of "IT'LL APPEAR NEXT WAVE, I KNOW IT WILL!".

  10. What...

    Are they saying we need 50 Members to start a Dojo?


    "Dojo is starting around 50 members and spawning multiple instances beyond the first. The number is being worked on."

    Max amount of players in a single instance, ie; the dojo area.

  11. Player retention in the long term are split between two things:


    50% through its content

    50% through its social interactions.


    Hence why this has such an mmo-esque feel to it, because a large part of sustaining a game within a genre like this (like any MMORPG) is not only through the games mechanic/features, but also the environment itself.  This isn't a single player game, it's an entire world that exists where many people connect in from many outlets, and a HUGE factor in keeping players around is how well their social interaction features function and how much effort has been put into allowing people to connect with one another or through those they already have a connection with.


    Hence why clans are a very big/pivotal feature for this game, because those who seek to go the lone wolf route will always be in the minority and in a way: I kind of like it that way, because this is an online massive multi-player experience, not something to use as a tool to box yourself in; like many consoles games are focus/built upon. 


    Rather, the social aspect is what many people should look forward too, because it makes the game more interesting and engaging, this is also why PVP is so popular; it demands player interaction (albeit in a competitive manner), and allows alternative reasons to group up and interact with people outside of the PVE aspect of things.  So yes, there will be more content for players who enjoy playing by themselves, but the majority of it will definitely revolve around the clan and social sphere of things.


    No offense, but honestly, is anyone truly that insecure about themselves that they'd have to cut themselves off, even in an MMO?  Not to say there wouldn't be any good reasons with how the majority of the public is like, but I would hope/advise anyone who hasn't tried atleast making one alias of sorts or tried to converse with someone; to try it out and see how it goes. 


    Personally, soloing should be a self-asserted challenge type of thing, not as the only means to "enjoy" the game, and as stated earlier: 50% of the actual product itself comes from the social aspect of things and there is no MMO-esque type of game to date that would focus only on the single-player aspect, because it would never work.


    We take Orokin Technology very seriously.

















    (And I'm too much of a scrub to be able to re-do what the subs say and put crudly pasted helmets over everyone :c)


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